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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1990)
Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HEALTHY MALES WANTED AS SEMEN DONORS Help infertile couples confidentaility ensured. Ethnic diversity desirable, ages 18 to 35, excel lent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101,776-4453 EARN EXTRA $$CASH$$ Giving plasma is safe, easy to do and very rewarding. You can donate be tween classes or make donating a fund raiser for your student organization. WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER Call 846-8855 12214/30 Students-need a fall job? Earn $400 to $800 pr/mth. as a route carrier for the Houston Chronicle. Job requires working early morning hrs. and a gas allowance is provided. If in terested call James at 693-7815 or Ju lian at 693-2323 for an appt. Houston Chronicle 1219/21 WANTED Cash for washers and dryers working or not, will pick up 776-0229. 6tl0/22 August graduate needs 2-4 tickets for the NTSU game 696-7326. 13t9/21 FOR RENT COTTON VILLAGE APTS Ltd. Snook, TX 1 bdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248 Rental Assistance Available Call 846-8878or 774-0773 after 5pm Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible 60ttfn NEED EXTRA INCOME FOR 1990? Earn $500- $1000 weekly stuffing envelopes. For details - Rush $1.00 with SASE to: OIH Group, 7121 Laural Hill, Or lando, EL. 32818. 13t9/27 Looking for experienced salesman and car stereo in staller. Call 779-0065. 13t9/25 Fraternity & Sorority Members Earn Extra Money. Na tional Party Favor Company Looking For Sales Asso ciates. High Commissions, Work Your Own Hours. 1- 800-444-6484 13t9/25 Two bedroom furnished apartment. North side of campus. $215. 696-2038. 8tl0/09 One bedroom apartment on shuttle pool, W/D connec tions, unique floorplan, close to campus. Wyndham Management. 846-4384. 196ttfn FEMALE ROOMMATE(S) MATURE, RESPONSI BLE, NEAT FOR 3bd, 1 HtBth HOUSE, 1 '/Aiks. FROM TAMU, AVAILABLE NOW DEBBIE 764- 8792. 9t9/19 Room and board provided for work with high school boys, For information call Allen Academy 776-0731 or 7776-1690. 13t9/25 Looking for experienced window tinter with refer ences. Call 779-0065. 13t9/25 A'l EENTION: Excellent income for home assembly work. 504-646-1700. DeptP777. 13t9/24 Houston Chronicle needs two carriers to share the Northside men’s dormitory route. Carriers would work alternate weeks and earn $130 per/wk. Early morning hours. Call Julian 693-2323. 1119/21 Dependable people needed for Houston Post routes $2004800 per mnth 846-1253, 846-2911. 194t9/28 Hiring all positions. Apply in person. 3-C Barbeque 1727 South Texas. 184ttfn 2B-1B Apt., two blocks from A&M, No Pets, 210 + bills, 696-7266. 6t9/18 Ibd/lbath Duplex $235/mo. Grad student preferred. See at 408B Ash, C.S. after 5pm M-Th. 12t9/24 SERVICES RESEARCH HFORMATION Largest Library of Information In U. S. - all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD 800-861 -0222 In Calif. (213) 477-8226 Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-A, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Mr. Gatti’s Pizza is NOW HIRING! Need in store and delivery workers. Day and night shifts available, call 268-8888. 4t9/20 Coach’s m itched lot llrv; an Soccer Club, youth ages 6 thru 10. C all Rob in Donn icily 589-2379. I0t9/21 IN 1 F.U.IG ■ KNCK JOBS: CIA, US CUS 1 OMS, HE A, etc. now hit ing Gi til ( 1 )80: 5-687-6000 Ext. K-9531. 18 U9/19 LASER SAVER Toner cartridge recharging for Laser Printers Free pick up and delivery 100% guarantee, 24 hr turn around. 696-3472 11110/12 AFTERNOON NANNY FOR TEN YEAR OLD GIRL. MONDAY - FRIDAY. 3:45-5:45. $40/WEEK PLUS $10/MONTH GAS. MUST PROVIDE REFER ENCES. CALL D. BROOKS 845-5435 (DAY) OR 696- 8049 (EVE). 1119/21 INced tele-marketing persons. Experience preferred, wot required. Call Al\ 696-7697. 10t9/20 TRAVEL f } A l JANUARY SEMESTER BREAK UJHkA STEAM B O ? T JANUARY 2-12 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS ' BRECKENRI JANUARY 2-9 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS VAIL/BEAVER CRF*=K JANUARY 2-12 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS "'—f,. ^47] 9th ANNUAL COLLEGIATE WINTER SKI BREAKS TOLL FREE INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 LOST AND FOUND Found calculator on second floor Harrington Educa tion Center on night of September 11th. Call Colin at 847-1318 to identify. 1119/21 REAL ESTATE Offlce/RScD warehouse space 4900 sq.ft, with parking, 3 blocks from campus. Great buy for A&M start-up or spin-out. 846-3711. ' 10t9/20 Resume’s 13 years experience, general typing, call 774- 4769, Penny Borrego, 9am to 4pm. 194t9/26 COLLEGE TUITION RESOURCES: 6-25 Financial Aid Sources or fee refunded. Send Name, Address to Resources, P.O. Box 819081, Suite 462, Dallas, TX 75381. 10t9/27 WORD PROCESSING: PROFESSIONAL, PRECISE, SPEEDY - LASAR/LETTER QUALITY. LISA 846- 8130. 19U9/25 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. 10tl0/31 Dr. Lynn Tutoring Biological Sciences, Genetics, Test Preparation. 846-2672, 822-9146. 192t9/28 SERVICES SCOLLEGE MONEY Private Scholarships! You receive a minimum of 8 sources or your money refunded. Guaranteed! COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS LOCATORS, PO Box 1881, Joplin, MO 64802-1881. 1 -800-879-7485. 191ttfn Professional Word Processing Laser printing for Resumes, Reports, Letters and Envelopes. Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 166ttfn Professional typing, word proc essing, resume writing and editing services are available at Notes-n-Quotes, call 846-2255. Graduate student will do tutoring or word processing for English 103 or 104. Reasonable Rates. 693-0967. 13t9/27 REGISTERED DAYCARE - 15 years experience close to TAMU reasonably priced call: 846-5818. 13t9/21 SPECIAL NOTICE A RHODES AT OXFORD A Rhodes Scholarship is a glitter ing prize which allows you to at tend Oxford Univeristy. Candidates are usually seniors with a G PA of 3.75 -F . Information from J.F. Reading, Room 505, Phsyics Engineering. Deadline, September 30,1990. 19619/28 NOTICE PRIVATE PILOT GROUND SCHOOL Need to pass your written exam? Tues. & Thurs. Nights (other classes available) Classes Start soon. Guar anteed to pass! Call for details Aviation Flight Center 846-5636 gtg/i 9 1 RY ENERGY-V! Increase energy and alertness! Ex citing new herbal combination, 24HR mes sage.....(713)298-5332. Have pen ready. Iltl0/12 FOR SALE Double bed with springs, frame and headboard $ 50.00. IBM Pro-Printer 11XL $600.00, 693-1426, 764-7107. 10t9/20 •89 NINJA 600R YOSHIMURA PIPE, 7.800 MILES, WHT/BLK $2250 764-7247. 13t9/25 New’ FOSSIL Brand Watches. Prices starting at $40.00, call 846-1363. 12t9/24 Seven roll-away beds, $40.00 each. Golf clubs, stereo, typewriter, calculator, 3x5 table, snow skis. Call Gay 776-0400. 194ttfn Battalion Classified 845-0569 Spaciallxlng in BundUd Systsms For Your BusinaM 1501 FM 2818 SUITE 310 (409) 696-2967 The Computer Solution STUDENT SPECIAL! 286-12MHz 20Meg HD NLQ Printer IXK*C 1225 00 STUDENT SPECIAL! Valid thru Oct. I w/I.D. Page 8 The Battalion Wednesday, September 19,1990 What’s Up Continued from page 7 METHODIST STUDENT CENTER: will have an informal worship service at 7 p.m. in the Methodist Student Center/Wesley Foundation. Call Max at 846-4701 for more information. PI SIGMA EPSILON: will have a general business meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 159 Blocker. Call Colin at 847-2024 for more information. Rrst pledge meeting at 6:30 p.m. in 156 Blocker. New members welcome. Call Jennifer at 764- 2914 for more information. MILITARY STUDIES INSTITUTE: Maj. Mark Clodfelter of the U.S. Air Force Academy will speak about “The Limits of Air Power” at 8:30 p.m. in 601 Rud der. Free and open to all. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP: will have worship service at 7 p.m. in the All Faiths Chapel. Call Chris at 847-7000 for more information. YOUNG CONSERVATIVES OF TEXAS: will have speaker Richard Smith, state Senate candidate, at 7:15 p.m. in 230 MSC. Call Chris at 764-9455 or Andy at 823-5072 for more information. PHI BETA LAMBDA: will have an active meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Blocker. Check bulletin board for room number. Call Brett at 823-6614 for more information. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ACCOUNTANTS: will discuss conference; visit by Mobil Oil at 8:30 p.m. in 302 Rudder. Call Nesa at 847-8410 for more information. LIBERAL ARTS STUDENT COUNCIL: will have a general meeting at 7 p.m. in 401 Rudder. Call Dean at 845-5165 for more information. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: will have a general discussion from noon to 1:30 p.m. Call the Center for Drug Prevention and Education at 845-0280 for more information. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: will have a general discussion at 8:30 p.m. Call the Center for Drug Prevention and Education at 845-0280 for more information. TAMU GEOGRAPHY CLUB: will meet at 6 p.m. in 707 O&M Building. Call Bryan at 847-1772 for more information. Thursday INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Mini-olympics informational meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 404 Rudder. Call Lis Galindo at 823-6616 for more informa tion. Filling out applications to participate in International Music Festival from 5 to 6 p.m. in West Bizzell Hall basement, the “cave.” Call Leon or Suzanne at 845-1825 or 845-7919 for more information. BAHAI CLUB: will have an informal discussion at 7 p.m. in 140 MSC. ECONOMICS SOCIETY: will have an undergraduate mixer/dinner at 7 p.m. at Tom’s BBQ. Call Andrew at 696-1285 for more information. AGGIES FOR RICK PERRY: will meet at 6 p.m. in 127 Kleberg. Call Leanne at 589- 2321 for more information. RETAILING SOCIETY: will be planning a field trip to Macy’s (new members wel come) at 7 p.m. in 624 Blocker. Call Julie at 696-7033 for more information. SAILING CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m. in 402 Rudder. Call Tim at 823-0090 for more information. BRAZOS VALLEY ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER ASSO CIATION: will have its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. in 104 Bryan High School. Dr. Jan Hughes will be speaking on “Home and School Collaboration: The Parent’s Role.” Call Scott or Casey at 268-0872 for more information. ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: will have general discussion from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Call the Center for Drug Prevention and Education at 845-0280 for more information. ELECTION COMMISSION STUDENT GOVERNMENT: Filing for elections of Class of ’94 Council and Student Senate positions through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in 214 Pavilion. Call Sarah at 845-3051 for more information. HISPANIC BUSINESS STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will have general meeting with speaker from Anderson Consultants at 7 p.m. in Blocker. Call Salvador Lara at 696-8962 for more information. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS: will have general meeting and vice president elections at 7 p.m. in 301 Rudder. S.W.A.P.: will have discussion on civil liberties and the drug war at 8:30 p.m. in 026 MSC. TAMU ROADRUNNERS: will have weekly run at 6 p.m. at G. Rollie White. Everyone is welcome. Call Ron at 693-8071 for more information. THE SOCIETY OF MEXICAN-AMERICAN ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS: will have guest speaker from NASA to discuss professionalism and recruiting at 7 p.m. in 102 Zachry. Call Albert at 696-5923 for more information. ACCOUNTING SOCIETY: will have Ranch Bash with Arthur Andersen and Co. at the ranch in Snook. Call Jennifer at 823-1200 for more information. BETA ALPHA PSI: will have a party with Arthur Andersen and Co. in Snook at 7:30 p.m. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will have a get-together for all those who have made Aggie Awakening at 6:15 p.m. in St. Mary’s Student Center. Call 846-5717 for more information. ASIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION: will have an important meeting for peo ple to sign up for mini-olympics from 7:15 to 8 p.m. in 230 MSC. Call Irene at 693-4196 if your are unable to attend. DPMA: ICDP: Shell Oil at 7 p.m. in the Former Student Center. FORT WORTH HOMETOWN CLUB: will have an organizational meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. in 230 MSC. RTNDA: will have officer elections and plans for 1990-91 at 7 p.m. in 003 Reed McDonald. Call Kristi at 846-6486 for more information. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: will have general discussion at 8:30 p.m. Call Center for Drug Prevention and Education at 845-0280 for more information. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: will have general discussion from noon to 1:15 p.m. Call Center for Drug Prevention and Education at 845-0280 for more informa tion. /ferns for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We publish the name and phone number of the contact only if you ask us to do so. What’s Up is a Battal ion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first- come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have ques tions, call the newsroom at 845-3316. PRE-LAW SOCIETY Meeting Wed., Sept 19 7:00 p.m. Rudder 601 University of Texas PRE-LAW SOCIETY School of Law For info: Joycelyn Ray 693-2842 Diversity In People Challenging Opportunities Entry level opportunities available for graduating seniors in the refining and petrochemical industries: ChE ME Lyondell, a Fortune 500 company located in Houston, Tx is a major producer of ethylene, propylene, gasoline, and other refined products. Representatives will be on campus: Oct. 5 For Conducting Interviews Contact Your Placement Center For Scheduling An Equal Oppourtunity Employer Our commitment for 18 years has been understanding, compassion, and the highest degree of professionalism in health care. A ASHA K. HAJI, MD KARIM I. HAJI, MD, FACS • Gynecological check-ups, Pap smears and cancer screenings. • Adolescent counseling • Immunizations and flu vaccinations • School physicals •Pediatric care 2703 Osier Blvd. Bryan, Tx 77802 The Batta SF Wednesc (409) 776-7513 Office (409) 776-7631 Home (409) 822-3434 Ans. Svc. M-F 8 am-5 pm Patients Seen By Appointments & Walk-ins COME SEE US FOR FAMILY CARE WE ACCEPT ALL PRIVATE INSURANCE! Member of PCA Alliance Health Plan and Medicare Accepted Ovei colk to ck DougU Pils Overkill standard ir Every tir Houston oi gridiron ag talent, the i is filled wit! The Cor winner Am their “juggi year agains overall rea record excl rea/teams i year — loss Arkansas. This yea again. In their I UNLV Ret halftime 31 It would the second quarterbac where reds freshmen fc Klingler. But nooc entire secoi what — stai Enter A/ Slocum, wt capable of s numbers. After tai rushed for half againsi Louisiana a at hand, Sk bench for t ball game. The seco been the pe Lewis to ru chances for Lewis to< Slocum saic for his fello gained valu “My resp entire team program, : our best int young guys and keep hi Kudos to staying awa syndrome a scholarship experience Jazz Up Your Year with the /_ BEVELIERS / Sing <S Swing! Perform with us! Wanted <£ Needed: -Alto -Tenor -Rhythm Guitar -Bass Guitar For more information call: 845-5974 ASAP! DATE : TIME ; ATTENTION: BUSINESS STUDENTS YOU ARE INVITED TO MEET WITH TOP BUSINESS EXECUTIVES TO DISCUSS CAREER OPPORTUNITIES F M A THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ASSN. PRESENTS THE CORPORATE ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, September 21 Session 1: 2:00 PM to 2:50 PM Session 2: 3:00 PM to 3:50 PM PLACE ; Blocker Building - Rooms noted below Business Attire Please HOW ; pj C k one session from 2:00 to 2:50 Attend another session from 3:00 to 3:50 Reception Afterward in Blocker 453 First City : TCB Bank One ••"Cy Manufacturers Hanover/ New York NCNB • j • •' Goldman Sacha tII . .set : vv-v w ; : 'V . mitt,ate.r; £' Lyondell Chemical Sterling Chemical Mobil Oil Houston Industries McLane Food Service Invesim en t. .Analy.aUi Merril Lynch Smith Barney Gerald Ray Assoc. i Blocker 114 Blocker 120 Blocker 156 Blocker 155 1986 Ninja 600, with helmet and Cover, New rear tire, $2600 firm 847-5684. 10t9/20