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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1989)
Battalion Classifieds mrnmmmnmmtrn r anced Micro Devices AMD is a billion-dollar, high tech nology semiconductor company that refuses to stand still. We're committing our resources, flexibili ty, and vision to the submicron technologies of the future. After twenty years in high tech, we've never been more successful or experienced more growth—in Texas and California—than right now. BRILLIANT OPPORTUNITIES To find out more about how to put your talents into action at AMD, sign up in your Placement Office to meet with an AMD representative and be sure to ask for your free “Warm Weather Survival Kit.” Or send your resume to: University Recruiting, Advanced Micro Devices, MS-556, 5204 E. Ben White Blvd., Austin, Texas 78741. For further details, call TOLL FREE (800) 531-5202, Ext. 5448 (Texas) or (800) 538-8450, Ext. 88491 (California). An equal opportunity employer. We’re looking for graduates with BS, MS or PhD degrees for the following opportunities: On Campus Interviews October 2nd and 3rd Design Engineering Product Engineering Applications Engineering Process Engineering Technical Sales/Marketing Cl Advanced Micro Devices The Houston Chronicle is currently taking applications for route carrier positions. Gas allowance provided with routes earning $400.-$700. per month. If interested, call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693- 2323. 09t09/29 THE GREENERY Landscape Maintenance Team member Full-time or Part-time Interview Mon-Thurs from Sam - 9am 823-7551 1512 Cavitt, Bryan ALTERATIONS The Needle Ladies & Men’s clothing close to campus#300 Amherst 764-9608 lOMfn for: Waitress-Snack Bar-Playroom, E. cy L 09/: Cutting horse opperation part- quired. 846-8547 after 6pm. time. Experienced re- 09t09/26 New Aggie owned Pizza Roni Hiring drivers. Check This Ags. $3.35 per. Hr. Plus 20VS per. mi. Paid daily. Flexible Hours. 2314 Texas Ave. S. 764-7664. 14t09/26 Cash register clerk needed. Bookkeeping. Part-time evenings & weekends. Smetana Grocery. Hwy 21 W. by side < riverside campus. 14t09/25 rnmmmmmmm mm i |/Vic Donalds NOW HIRING Good benefits, good pay, flexible hours. Work for no. 1! Apply today at: 801 Univ. Dr. C.S., TX. 2420 Texas Ave. C.S., TX. or 825 Villa Maria Rd. Bryan, TX. See Manager for details. EARN $500. TO $1,000 Or MORE WEEKLY STUFFING ENVE LOPES AT HOME NO EXPERIENCE FOR FREE INFORMATION SEND SELF AD DRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE TO: NATIONAL P.O. BOX 130: WAYNE, Ml 48184. 11ttfn So. Cal. Athletic Models is looking for a few good men the week of Oct. 8. For appt., call today! (818)799-7129. Leave name, addr., tele, no., & phys. descr. 14109/22 EDITOR, NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, FOR UNDERGROUND NEWSPAPER ATTACKING REAL ISSUES C.A. POST BOX 2793 COLLEGE STATION 77840. 13t09/25 * FOR SALE MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES •Growing Aggie Owned Co. •Rapid Advancement •Excellent Training •Part-time to Full-time Sales or Business Background preferred Send resumes to: P.O. Box 9732, College Station, TX. 77840 16109/27 CRUISESHIPS NOW HIRING for spring, Christmas and next summer breaks. Many positions. Call 1-805-682-7555 EXT. S-1026. oettfn REPOSSESSED VA & HUD HOMES available from government from $1. without credit check. You repair. Also tax delinquent foreclosures Call 1-805-682-7555 EXT H-1445 for repo list your area. 06ttfn SEIZED CARS, trucks, 4 wheelers, TV’s, stereos fur niture. Computers by DEA, FBI, IRS and US custons. Available your area now. Call 1-805-682-7555 EXT. C-1201. AGGIE RING with .IK diamond. Rose. Men’s size 10. Si80. 696-6476. 16t09/28 SNAKE: 7ft. Burmese Python with aquarium. $250./neg. Great dorm pet. 764-9185. 16tl0/02 Soloflex! fully stocked, great deal. Hurry 1 Call John 696-4015! 14t09/26 $$ HUNDREDS WEEKLY $$ (P/T) Completing MIP Refund Policies U.S. GOVERNMENT PROGRAM. CALL 1-800-869-1759 24 HOUR RE CORDED MESSAGE. Please Have Pen Ready, 14t11/06 SUCCESS Take hold of your future! Operate your own business with al most no money down and even less time to commit. Call King Publishing Co. for FREE de tails. 1 -800-877-6995 i2t09/29 Yamaha Jog 1987 Rebuilt Engine. Runs Like New. $450. 14t09/22 SENIOR BOOTS, like new, never shined, size 8-B, $300,693-6526. 12tl0/13 1984 Delta 88, V-8, good tires, cruise control, AM-FM stereo: 847-2115. 12t09/22 Cutlass Supreme Brougham ‘86, loaded. Good condi tion. $6,400./774-7626. 12t09/29 WE BUY-sell good used furniture. Three drawer desk, 30x45, $25. Bargain Place. Across from Chicken Oil. 846-2429. 184t08/31 Scooter ’87 Riva Razz. Excellent Condition. Helmet Basket Cover 846-6155. 13t09/25 Tandy 1000 EX, Color Monitor, Dot-Matrix Printer, Brand New. $700. 589-3222. 15t09/27 EARN $500 TO $1000 WEEKLY STUFFING ENVE- 'V LOPES AT HOME NO EXPERIENCE. FOR FREE INFORMATION SEND SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE TO: P.O. BOX 85658 WEST- ►“LAND, MICH 48185. 12ttfn NOTICE * NOTICE * SIS PROTECT YOURSELF against burglary and intruders with a home & apartment security system No installation necessary. Call for free demonstration. 846-0144. Sales opportunities available. • TRAVEL .iyi!i MMiyy® PLANTATION OAKS THANKSGIVING & WINTER BREAK CRESTED NOVEMBER 22-26 * 4 NIGHTS' STEAMS JANUARY 2-12 * 5 OR 6 NIGH BRECKEN JANUARY 2-7 * 5 NIGHTS WINTER JANUARY 2-7 * 5 NIGHTS VAIL/BEAVER JANUARY 5-12 * 5 OR 7 NIGH 8th ANNUAL COLLEGIATE WINTER SKI BREAKS TOLL FREE INFORMATION ft RESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 DORM PLAN A// the extras of Apartment Living at Dorm Room Prices * Furnished * All Bills Paid * 2 pools. Hot Tub * Volleyball, Tennis and Basketball Courts * Great Location (Across from Post Oak Mall) $950 Maximum Rate for Fall Reduced Rate with 2 or 3 occupancy Plantation Oaks Apartments 1501 Harvey Road Across from Post Oak Mall 693-1011 iililWKIEUAliEOaS iliil iili VISA OR MASTERCARD! Even if bankrupt or bad credit! We Guarantee you a card or dou ble your money back. Call 1 -805-682-7555 EXT. M-1054. Chimney Hill Bowling Center accepting applications . -- - - - -- . 701 University Dr. • SERVICES EMILIO’S PIZZA Drivers earn $5.-$8. per hour. Flexi ble schedule 268-8268. 14t09/27 Handyman. 20 + hrs./wk. Experience necessary. Tools & transportation a must. 823-5469. 09t09/26 SKIN INFECTION STUDY G & S Studies, Inc. is participating in a study on acute skin infection. If you have one of the following conditions call G & S Studies. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. * infected blisters * infected cuts * infected boils * infected scrapes * infected insect bites (“road rash”) G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 76 _>N THE DOUBLE Protessional Wford Processing, ~ ish laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. i 181tfn Typing: Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Word Perfect, Spellcheck. Letter Quality Printing. Janie 776-0595. 12t09/22 Typing: Accurate, Prompt, Professional. 15 Years Ex perience. Symbols. Near Campus. 696-5401. 06t09/29 shouldn’t fiving style. New carpet in selected units. $100. off 1 months rent. 6 Unique Floorplans from $225. Ail Bills Paid (except electricity) No Utility Deposit 2 Pools* Volleyball Court • Hot Tub • Basketball Courts • Lighted Tennis Courts •Across From Post Oak Mall PROFESSIONAL WORD processing by experienced typist. Carla, 690-0305. 190t09/22 TYPING 7 DAYS PER WEEK. WORD PROCESSOR. FAST/ACCURATE. 776-4013. 07tl2/01 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. ~ all 27 Call 272-3348. FOR RENT OverBooked Crowded! Private Bedroom Dorm Plan $200./mo. All bills paid-furnished. 3914 Old College Rd. 846-9196 Mature Student couple to manage apt. complex near Texas A&M campus. Apt. plus salary. Bring resume to 3914 Old College Rd. Bryan, TX. Between 12 & 6 p.m. 15t09/27 PLANTATION OAES Apartments 693-1110 1BatM/31 Mon.-Frl. 8-6 Sat 10-5 Sun 1-5 STRETCH Your Dollars! WATCH FOR BARGAINS IN THE BATTALION!! HOME FOR RENT-SPRING SEMESTER. 3 BED ROOMS, LARGE STUDY AND KITCHEN, OLDER HOME, STAINED GLASS WINDOWS, ANTIQUE BATHTUB, FENCED-IN YARD, AND A POOCH NAMED AUGIE’. IDEAL FOR VISITING FAC ULTY OR MATURE GRADUATE STUDENTS. 845- 7108 or 846-4324. I5t09/27 TAKE MY DEPOSIT if you take my apt.l 2/2, w/d conn., shutde, on-site mgr., more! $329. 846-3028. !3t09/22 * ROOMMATE WANTED Mature Quiet Student seeks furnished room Wednes day Nights, sometimes also Thursdays. Non-Smoker. Prefer if a Meal included. Orlando (713)772-2200. 12t09/22 ♦ LOST AND FOUND LOST ON THE A&M CAMPUS A GOLD BEE SHAPED PEN ABOUT 1 INCH LONG. PLEASE CALL 696-5984. REWARD. 13t09/25 THINGS TO DO 1. Go by the bookstore 2. Go by English Annex and pick up ’88 A^gieland Cotton Village Apts. Snook, TX. 1 Bdrm. $200., 2 Bdrm. $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 ^^^^^afterTjjDrrv 147ttfn CASA BLANCA APARTMENTS: 2 bdrm, furn. & un- furn. units. SPECIAL PRIVATE BEDROOM DORM PLAN. 4110 College Main. 846-1413, 846-9196. 180ttfn Did you forget to pick up your 1988 (Fall ’87/Spring ’88) Aggie- land? You can still pick your copy up. Come by the English Annex, Monday thru Friday, 8:30-4:30, and bring your I.D. apart ments from $225/mo. APARTMENT LIVING CEN TER, 3914 Old College Road, 846-9196, open 10-6. 180ttfn The 1989 Aggieland (Fall ’88/Sprlng 89) will be available in October. Look for further announcements in the Battalion. STUDENTS! WORK AT HOME PART-TIME, ' EARN UP TO $375. A DAY!! PEOPLE CALL YOL TO ORDER OUR DIRECTORIES. 1-800-869-8890. %» 16t09/28 To Music Director and Pianist needed at C.S. church. Call r* : ‘693-7021 or 696-3987. 16t 10/02 ’< Part-time afternoons & Sat. Apply at Pilger’s Tire & ^•vAuto Center. 400 E. University Dr. 12t09/22 - ^Computer Access is now hiring a receptionist. If you ■ are free to work from 9-6 Tues., & Thurs. Please apply at 110 Lincoln Ave. IZtT" Computer Access is now hiring two Sales Assistant. If roi you’re interested in working for a growing company and or free to work from 9am-1pm or 1 pm-6pm ~ ‘t09/26 Please apply at 819 S. Texas Ave. IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS? * • Employment Authorization • Naturalization • Relative Petitions • Deportation Proceedings • Labor Certifications • VISA Processing • 3rd & 6th Preference Petitions • Legalization Appeals • Temporary Work Permits • Employer Sanctions • Intracompany Transferees THE LAW OFFICES OF WELLINGTON SMITH, P.C. 702 Colorado Mailing Address: Suite 102 P.O. Box 177 Austin, Texas 78701 Austin, Texas 78767 (512)476-7163 Board Certified Immigration and Nationality Law Texas Board of Legal Specialization Page 6 The Bail Treasurers give Mattox R thumbs up AUSTIN (AP) — More that county treasurers support Aft- General Jim Mattox’s as-yetul nounced bid for the Democrat^ bernatorial nomination, his I paign said Thursday. The 105 treasurers formed 1 MATTOX — Government OfM for Mattox — in what a statemei.1 sued by Mattox called “a surpj twist in the 1990 governor’s race f tween him and state Treasurer I Richards. “Public officials examine a cm date’s record — not his other:, r in deciding whom to support | veston County Treasurer Ric. 1 Kirkpatrick, spokesman for I group and past president of I Country Treasurers Associate:■ Texas, said. “I’m really pleased to have treasurers on our team,” ft said. “We’re now suited up, we’re ready to run onto thei'l We’ll be out there ready to ruc j campaign at full strength withrl next two weeks.” Monte Williams, press secrc: for Richards, had no immi comment except to suggest a tween GO MATTOX and a i I newspaper report that Mattox j solicited political support fi] county treasurers by noting a opinion that could reduce ers was pending. Major GOP candidates forgoif nor include Dallas lawyer Tomh Railroad Commission Chain* Kent Hance, former Secretan State Jack Rains and West Te businessman Clayton Williams. John Odam, a Houston Dec crat, said his bid to succeed Mat as attorney general has been dorsed by district and county at neys. tetd nee! lin! Archaeologists prepare to dig in Capitol lam AUSTIN (AP) — Urban arck logists are hoping to uncover Texas political history with sin and a backhoe on the north la« the Capitol. “It’s almost like a detective j* putting together one clue at a Randall Moir, head of the teac archaeologists searching for ani in the path of the Capitol's up ing expansion,said. “This has been a major pt area for Texas for years,” said director of the archaelogy rest program at SMU. “So a lot of N< lord bug tats: we could Find might help us k Bowl understand political historyasu The digging started lastweel lest. will take about six months prelude to a $ 149 million Capiti storation and expansion thatisl ing in the spring. V he ti Pr Fo Tl The 17 trenches opened by.Hi team, officials said, in effecti resent the initial dirt work for| project. “Before we dig the newbasenl we have to determine whethertf is anything historically signific: the site,” said Capitol architect 1 McCree. Tl ore ore Da omi iupe Tl (rou Rc dth ian) jDoor flike I Bank failure ties record of 113 in’88 DALLAS (AP) — With day’s announcement of the! 113th bank closing this year, If tied last year’s record on a scorsf of failure that experts say mays but won’t end for several years. “We believe that 1990 is y show a slight increase in thenui of independently chartered that fail,” Texas Banking Co® sioner Kenneth Littlefield said; “we will continue to have bant] ures for two more years that an j result of past lending decisions “The worst is behind f| banks,” Houston-based analySj PaineWebber Inc. Sandy Flai said. “We have seen the peaks as the absolute numbers are] cerned.” Nationally, the numbers remain about the same next Alan Whitney, a spokesman f Federal Deposit Insurance Co" Washington, D.C.,said. The failures will continue, 11 ney said, “even though theecae in Texas and other parts ol Southwest has begun to st somewhat because changes i banking industry always lagfr months to 24 months. On Thursday, Littlefield down Rose Capital Bank in “Asset quality problems aflj suiting losses are primarilv uted to the area’s poor ecos condition which worked ^ management’s efforts to in) and collect problem loans." F field said.