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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1989)
i iday, September 22,1989 The Battalion Page 5 \(RRD by sports Ei GOOD EV'E./VltfG. lOMIGHT STATION WRPP... ...VSlMG OUR ALIEN SFACE. SHIP INTER- DI/AEHSIOHAL POWER TKAtfSPMTTE-K... T ...AHP OUR SIGNAL RAY BEAM 6LW, WE WILL WOW BE JO\N\NG TEP KOPPEL OW T Scott McCullar © 1989 T~ TAMU SURF CLUB A A/D BOY IS WE 60/VG TO BE TICKEP/ 3-Man Volleyball Tournament men’s/women’s Swimsuit Contest Sponsored by: o 0 '* Volleyball Prizes: 1st-$100 Cash 2nd-$50 Cash Limited to 1 st 24 Teams Sign-up in MSC Lobby through Friday 12-4 p.m. DATE: Sat. Sept 23 MORE INFO: Andy 693-2178 Tehren 696-2407 Steve 847-3595 Swimsuit Prizes: Women’s 1st 14K Gold ATM Pendant and Chain ($120 value) Men’s 1st-Semester membership at Gold’s Gym FREE SIGN UP anytime up until Contest at 5 p.m. TIME: Volleyball-11:30 a.m. Swimsuit-5:00 p.m. PLACE: SNEAKERS SPORTS BAR 504 Harvey Rd m to a> 0) c c LU CO =#= CO ® o §■ h- O CL flathew matorsii Adventures In Cartooning erryUa ationsi 3 dou:r nsel Pai Dnal« nter. 1:301; Sneals lejoinf; ntil2p.r it Cent? by Don Atkinson Jr. SPADE PHILLIPS, PI. by PiEi PlOuidUb/i DucK.X CAWT T4KE it WvrMoRE; the weird CASES THE We/KD CLIENT'S. THE NEW WEIRD OWF; Help me (•x>D...X'M... 6OIM6T0 Jamaica SPADE, IN THESE THooBlED Times , where children I I ARE HunbRV, Goop MErt I I ARE MURDERED, AND OppRK6 ,0 M STill thrives, DoesrHE || QualityoF Yoor profession RE /ALLY M-imr? HoW7 OK,OK.CAN THE I 6oilt TRiP. WHflTS THE NEXT C4SE?J THE CASE of J66YI ZAWBoLA's NfuRPERED ood Bank faces major shortages; heritable donations fall to a low AUSTIN (AP) — The Capital ocl t rea Food Bank’s warehouse Dse to empty as it’s ever been, and e director says corporate takeovers and a resulting reduction in char- ble donations — are to blame. :o us‘B“The crisis is that this seems to be tholdaBtrend without an ending,” food d j ;bank executive director Judy Carter 'gfUflid. “There doesn’t seem to be a time when it’s going to get better.” ■ Food bank employees say the ifi(si| shortages — blamed on an unprece- percf dented reduction in donations on a I perciptional level — could not have toialf^me at a worse time, s '®BThe percentage of Travis County Residents living in poverty has in- eased from 14.1 percent in 1980 to 19.7 percent in 1989. In addition, the number of social service agencies receiving supplies from the food bank has increased from 110 last year to 128. The Central Texas agencies pay the food bank a handling charge of 10 cents per pound for food and cleaning supplies, then distribute the items to their clients. The problem facing food banks across the nation is that corporate food donations to the Second Har vest — a Chicago-based national net work that allocates food to 200 food banks — have been hurt by mergers, buyouts and drought. Takeovers hurt because a cor poration may go into debt to buy an other company, then institute penny-saving measures such as sell ing surplus food to salvage opera tions instead of making donations to food banks, Carter said. Carter said Second Harvest offi cials also must cultivate new exec utives when a company is purchased. “We have to start all over convincing them that it is good for the company as well as the community to donate.” The Capital Area Food Bank, which distributed 3.1 million pounds of food in 1988, receives 42 percent of its donated food from Second Harvest, Carter said. As of the end of August, Second Harvest ship ments to the local food bank were jiown 39 percent, she said. SUPERCUTS The Nation’s #1 Hair Styling Salon Now open in Culpepper Plaza! t Supercut - $8 • Students & Professors with I.D.-$7 • Children 13 and under-$6 Introductory Offer for Texas A&M Students & Faculty Bennigan’s Texas Ave. Supercuts $2.00 Off Safeway Harvey Rd. A Regular $8.00 Supercut with this coupon Expires Oct. 13, 1989 Mon.-Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-8 Sun. 10-6 CALL 696-1155 1519 S. Texas (Between Bennigans and Cowhop Junction) - Culpepper Plaza MSC CfiMfiC MONDAY 25 th PLAY DAY *89 5:30-??? SPENCE PARK TUESDAY 26 th MED, VET, LAW SCHOOL LECTURE 224 MSC 7-8:30 WEDNESDAY 27™ GENERAL MEETING 8:30-9:30 301 RUDDER THURSDAY 28™ BIG BROTHER/SISTER LITTLE BRO/SIS BASH 5:30 FLYING TOMATO FRIDAY 29 TH FAJITA COOKOUT HENSEL PARK $3.50/PLATE 5:30-7 SERVING TIME presented by the msc COMMITTEE FOR THE AWARENESS OF MEXICAN-AMER1CAN CULTURE for more information call 845-1515 AWARENESS WEEK Grandys Or* CM"' Country Fried Steak Dinner Includes a country fried steak with cream gravy mashed potatoes ’n gravy choice of vegetable and two made-from-scratch butter- yeast rolls Two Complete Country Fried Steak Dinners Only 49 PLUS TAX LIMITED TIME OFFER! $ 3 Grandys 1002 E. Harvey College Station BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Country fried steak dinner. Two complete country fried steak dinners only $3.49 plus tax. College Station 1002 E. Harvey Limit 3 offers per coupon for a maximum of 6 country fried steak dinners. Offer good thru September 28. 1989. Not valid with any other specials. Grgfldys