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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1987)
^Jif 5 ^l»<ju ^ilf^ Page 8/^rhe Battalion/ T hursday^ December 10, 1987 *V* Battalion Classifieds > <^JtA ^ <4J^* ^JL^t c^Lg> - ■ 1 -- -- World and Nation « FOR RENT mmmrnmmmmmmmmm Looking for a quiet place to live? Townshire Manor Apts. 401 Lake-Bryan 822-7178 or 268-8620 Professionally managed by On-Line Property Managers. All Wrapped Up & Ready To MoVe-In! I At Stonewood Village we have studio loft apts | I with your choice of 1 of2 bdrms and 1 or 2 baths. , 1 We have a pool, courtyards, 24 hr. maint., on- I I site security mgmt. & we’re on the shuttle route I [ 693-0077 1903 Dartmouth Professionally managed by ASM Property Mgmt. 691-3777 Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4tfn ■mmSs rwn^itrsiiga?^ • NOTICE $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 HEADACHES We would like to treat your tension headache with Tyle nol or Advil and pay you $40. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-6236 23t10/2 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 WANTED: Individuals with fre quent aches & pains (arthritis, burcitis, joint pain, headaches, long term sports injuries) who reg ularly take over-the-counter pain medication to participate in an at home study. $40 incentive for those chosen to participate. Please call: Pauli Research International 776-6236 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 • PERSONALS AFFORD COLORADO! $25/nite for two Ten cozy log cabins / kitchens / fireplaces. Gameroom / fireplace, HBO, pool table, sauna. Great fishing, cross country ski. Downhill Winter Park/Silver Creek. MOUNTAIN LAKES LODGE Brochures/reservations: Grand Lake, Co. 1 -3d3-627-8448 Owned by Denver College Professor. 54t11/13 • TRAVEL Spring Break '88 trips available now! Your choice: South Padre Island; North Padre/Mustang Island; Gal veston Island, Texas. Daytona Beach; Fort Walton Beach; Miami Beach; Orlando/Disney World, Florida. Hilton Head. South Carolina oV sking at Steamboat. Colorado. All the most wanted destinations at discount prices. Call toll free for complete Sunchase Tours Sev enth Annual Spring Break Bash color brochure and reservations today. 1-800-321-5911 63U2/11 LAST CALL FOR SKIERS: Additional space added on Sunchase ToursvSixth Annual Collegiate Winter Ski Breaks to Steamboat, Vail, Breckenridge or Winter Park from only $154 including five or seven nights lodging, lifts, picnics, parties and races. Over 4,000 participating so farl Call toll free for full color bro chure and reservations 1-800-321-5911 TODAY! 68tl/20 • FOR SALE FRATERNITIES FOR SALE 2 FOURPLEXES Large yard, extremely close to TAMU. Call 846-1253 ask for Jim 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. A/C & Heat. Wall to Wall carpet. 512 & 515 Northgate / First St. 409-825-2761. No Pets. 140tfn Walk to A&M (Northgate) 2 Br/1 Bath, $250-285./mo. Call 776-2300, wkends 1-279-2967. 67U/21 Treehouse Village furnished 1-1. Sublease $465./mo. Call 845-7773 or 693-5102. 69tl2/ll 2 Bdrm, I Bath large windows & tall trees. $410./mo. Normandy Square Apts, in Northgate. 764-7314. 69tfn 3-2 Duplex for rent. 693-4335. Carport, washer/dryer connection. Call anytime. 69tl2/l 1 Sublease Efficiency Apartment. All bills paid except electricity. Call 764-1633. 69tT2/l 1 2-1 VS apt. Co >• ppertree $375./mo. Unfurnished. Free cable. Call Patti696-5408. 69tl2/ll One bedroom, quiet, wooded, convemeiv area. Half month (tee. 846-6473 evenings. 65H2/4 re-leasing 3 !> BA Duplex near Hilton. 846 171/776-6856 63t/indef. Rooms for Rent. Cali Mrs. Thomas 696-1072.63t/12/l 1 Luxury 4-ptex Apartments. Available for Dec. or Jan. move in. Call WYNDHAM 846-4384. $330./mo. 68tl2/l 1 Sublease Treehouse Village Apt. Skip the waiting list. $275. No hookup deposits. 696-4392. 7D12/10 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath house for rent. Newly remodeled, very close to TAMU. Large fenced yard, lots of parking, quiet neighborhood, near park. Prefer faculty or grad uate student, but will consider undergraduate. $535. Bruce 822-7122, 7pm to 11pm. 7U1/18 • SERVICES ESSAYS & REPORTS 16^78 to choose from—all subjects .Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD flliii 800-351-0222 MaAMBTOtW lit Calif. (213) 477-8226 Or, rush $2.00 to: ftssoys & Reports -11322 Idal*-'*sv4. #?06-SN. Los A.igeles, CA 90025 Cuj’e'.' research ai. 'v available—ail levels • GARAGE SALE •3/2. $27,900 with special financing. •Needs repair. Sold "As-ls" •Hardwood floors. Huge potential. Small price. C/UNM Call John Clark v 268-7629 B-CS Realty Across from Hilton 54111/13 ’87 Toyota SR-5 4x4, mud tires, long bed, $2500. nego tiable. 693-6753. 71tl2/ll MUST SELL! New apt. size washer/dryer. CHEAP! Graduating 846-5967. 67tl2/10 Honda Aero 125 Scooter. Asking $600. Call Andy at 693-7683. 67tl2/10 COMPUTER’S ETC. 693-7599. LOWEST PRICES EVER! EBM-PC/XT COMPATIBLES: 640KB-RAM, 2-360KB DRIVES. TURBO, KEYBOARD, MON ITOR: $599. PC/AT SYSTEMS: $899. Itfn Aggie Throw Quilts. Taking Limited Orders For Christmas Delivery. $43.95. 779-3550, 696-2038. 62tl2/10 • WANTED ii Stanford University Professor and wife. Happily mar ried for many years. Anxious to adopt newborn infant. Personal meeting welcome. Lawful and proper preg nancy related expenses paid. Couple approved by Cali fornia adoption authorities in advance of placement. State supervised adoption procedures. Please call col- lectTerri and Michael Fayer (415) 328-8723. 68tl2/l 1 Cotton Tickets Wanted 4 together or 2-2 will add extra $30. for your time & effort & reimburse phone call. (713)645-0923 Art or Pam. 70tl2/ll • HELP WANTED Entreprenural Horticulture Student We need a research document relating to the Horticultural/Agri cultural market with a chemical twist.- A minimum requirement is a graduate degree. Please submit resume to: John Shannon J.R.M. 110 W. Streetsboro Hudson, Ohio 44236 7H1/18 OPPORTUNITY for MARRIED STUDENT Manage & maintain mobile home park & rent houses Housing & Salary negotiable For info, call 693-2339 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING. M/F Summer & Carer Opportunities (Will Train). Excellent pay plus world travel. Hawaii, Ba hamas, Caribbean, etc. CALL NOW: 206-736-0775 Ext. 466H i9tfn C Programmer, full-time. Assembler, expert systmes, and knowledge of Naval Warfare helpful. 1805 Briar Oaks, Suite B, Bryan. Tx 77802. 62t 12/10 Now hiring cashiers part-time mornings & afternoons. Farm Patch Produce Market. Call and ask for Lisa. 779-7209, 66tl2/ll Regular Part-Time: Need dependable persons to work 3-4 hours daily, late afternoons in dispatching office. Figure transport trailer loadings for food manufactur ing plant. Contact Mr. Ronn Weatherford 778-6600. 67U2/10 Graduate students needed for notetaking for spring se mester. Must type 6c be dependable. Excellent oppor tunity for T.A.’s. Please call 846-2255 or come by 112 Nagle for interview. 67tl2/ll Babysitters Needed Jan. 4 1:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Week days. Infant and two children after school, nonsmoker- ,reliable transportation 690-0146. Leave message.67tl2/ll wmmmmm TYPING, EDITING, WRITING. Articles, papers, newsletters. Words Worth. 690-1553. 69tl/21 feSATILE WORD PROCESSING - BEST PRICES, -rkEE CORRECTIONS. RESUMES, THESES, PA PERS, GRAPHICS, EQUATIONS, ETC. LASER QUALITY. 696-2052. 163tfn Looking For Guy Who Returned Lost ECON203 Note book With Turtle. 764-9738. 68tl2/ll ANGIE - HAPPY ANNIVERSAY. YOU ARE THE WILDEST. I LOVE YOU - KEETC HSTA. 70t 12/9 • LOST AND F^CIND Lost 8mm pearl earring between Health Center & U.P.D Sentimental Value. REWARD! 696-1960, 845- 5221. 69t 12/11 Multi Family Garage Sale. Sunday noon-4pm. Married Student Apts, across from Skaggs. Houselhold items, food. . 7U12/11 • MISCELLANEOUS Cute black cat needs a home. Call 693-0165 after 5pm. 70t 12/10 Iran: Jets bomb troops, depot; Iraq claims air force hit refinery NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Iran said its warplanes bombed troop concentrations and a munitions de pot Wednesday near Basra and Iraq said its air force destroyed a sugar refinery in western Iran. The Iranian raids on Abu al-Kha- sib, near the border eight miles east of Iraq’s southern provincial capital. TYPING: Accurate, 95 WPM, Reliable. Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 71tl2/10 Experienced librarian will do librarv research for you. Call 272-3348. 67tl2/10 TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING. FAST, REA SONABLE, QUICK TURNAROUND AVAILABLE. 693-1598. 51tl2/l 1 came one day alter Parliament speaker Hashemi Rafsanjani said Iran was ready for another major ground offensive. Iran usually attacks in winter,' when wet weather favors its lightly armed forces and hampers the supe rior Iraqi armor. An Iranian drive across the border last January, one of several in the 7-year-old war, stalled six miles from Basra. In the Gulf of Oman a tanker that had been burning since Iranian speedboats attacked it Sunday ex ploded and began sinking. Two U.S.-flagged Kuwaiti tankers and a chartered refueling vessel en tered the Persian Gulf for the trip north to the sheikdom. It was the 20th such convoy since the U.S. Navy began escorting 11 reflagged Kuwaiti tankers last summer to pro tect them from Iranian attack. A dispatch from Iran’s official Is lamic Republic News Agency claimed the raids east of Basra in flicted substantial casualties. U.S.-Soviet arms treaty fails to address ‘real’ cause of tensions, expert says By George Gedda Associated Press writer WASHINGTON (AP) —- The nu clear arms treaty signed by President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev is a milestone in super power relations but does nothing to address what some experts see as a more fundamental cause of U.S.-So viet tensions. “The arms . i race is the Analysis symptom and political rivalry is the disease,” says William H. Luers, a Soviet af fairs expert and former foreign service officer. In a recent article, Luers noted that of all the crises the United States and the Soviet Union have faced since World War II — both small and large — only one has direedy in volved a controversy over nuclear weapons. That was the Cuban mis sile crisis. All the others have involved at tempts by one side or the other to expand its influence or to prevent the other from doing so, a pattern that continues to this day. While Gorbachev has been ex horting Americans to strive toward an improvement in relations, several administration analysts expressed Soviets express happiness about signing of arms treaty MOSCOW (AP) — Soviets shed tears of joy and looked hopefully to a visit by President Reagan next year as they spoke words of goodwill Wednesday following the signing of the nuclear arms treaty by the two superpowers. “There hasn’t been any other president who has gone so far to meet us,” said a 55-year-old man from Rostov in southern Russia who identified himself only as Nikolai. “We, two great powers, will trade and live in friendship and peace,” he told the Associated Press as he waited for a train in Moscow’s Kiev railroad station. At the Cheremushkinsky Farmers Market in the southern part of the capital, other people interviewed at random also spoke warmly of the United States. Tatyana Loginovskikh, who was selling apples at the market, burst into tears when she recalled hearing a radio report about the signing of the treaty by Reagan and Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party. “I had grandiose impressions,” the 32-year-old mother of two said. “My children will be happy and they will live in peace.” Asked about Reagan’s speeches that were broadcast live Tuesday, Alexandra Rumantsev said: “They were all right, as I understand him.” ic po tion of Afghanistan, this week’s sum mit will produce any headway in the range of conflicts in which Washing ton and Moscow have a stake. Former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger has warned that it would be a mistake to assume that a mere personality change in the Kremlin would reverse more than 400 years of what he regards as a pattern of Russian expansionism. Secretary of State George P. Shultz said last week that the Soviets are trying to make a “monkey” out of the United Nations by not going along with a proposed global arms embargo against Iran. An administration official, in sisting on anonymity, said Wednes day he has been warning his col leagues every day about the possibility that Gorbachev’s peace of fensive could lull Americans into lowering their guard. For a man who built a political ca reer largely on his outspoken anti communism, Reagan genuinely has seemed to enjoy Gorbachev’s com pany during the summit. On Tues day, Reagan spoke about the possi bility of a shift from confrontation to cooperation with the Soviets. But Luers believes that Soviet- American relations depend on far more than their ability to work out arms control agreements. “Ultimately,” he says, “controlling competition in the Third World will depend on the degree to which the Soviet Union reduces its commit ment to support violent revolution, national liberation movements, radi cal client states and communist par ties that advocate violent change. “The summit meeting should of fer the world hope that this real agenda now will be faced directly.” Searchers find gun in debris of jet; FBI examines record CAYUCOS, Calif. (AP) — Search ers found a gun Wednesday in the wreckage of a jetliner, and FBI offi cials said flight recordings showed someone entered the cockpit with out authorization just before the crash that killed all 43 people aboard. Hampered by fog and wet ground, 40 searchers going through jet debris and body parts strewn over the 15-acre site found the gun around 11 a.m. in two or three inches of mud, FBI agent in charge Richard Bretzing said. “We have located a weapon,” Bretzing told reporters during a news conference at the site where Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 crashed Monday on a flight from Los Angeles to San Francisco. News reports have said that David A. Burke, fired last month by USAir, the owner of PSA, may have carried a .44 magnum handgun aboard the plane seeking revenge against for mer boss Ray Thomson. Both were among the victims of the crash. “There was evidence there was unauthorized entrance into the cockpit,” said Bretzing, who refused to discuss Burke or give any details about the weapon. Bretzing wouldn’t say* if gunfire could be heard on the tape, and he said the weapon was being examined for fingerprints. Patricia Goldman, who is heading the National Transportation Safety Board investigation, said the airlin er’s flight data recorder also was found Wednesday and it was being taken to Washington for examina tion. Haiti's junta will elect new council PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Haiti’s military-domi nated junta will choose a new Electoral Council on Friday and plans to hold new elections on Jan. 17, state-run television re ported Wednesday evening. The government’s move came after three of the nation’s four top opposition politicians issued a joint declaration vowing to boy cott any new elections organized by the interim government. A fourth top candidate also was ex pected to join the boycott. U.S. journalist’s captivity reaches 1,000 days BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — To day marks 1,000 days in captivity for American journalist Terry An derson, the longest-held of the for eign hostages in Lebanon. Anderson, chief Middle East cor respondent for the Associated Press, was kidnapped March 16, 1985 and is among eight Americans missing in Lebanon. He was last heard from Oct. 3, 1986, in a videotape released by his captors, Islamic Jihad, or Islamic Holy War, a Shiite Moslem faction believed loyal to Iran’s Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. A police spokesman said, “We have no information on Anderson or any of the 21 foreigners missing in Lebanon.” pi^ga 4fut DELIVERY AGGIE SURVIVAL KIT Let Pizza Hut Help you survive those final weeks of school! We Deliver $4.99 j Any medium cheese pizza for only $4.99 Extra toppings 850 Offer good from Nov. 30 -Dec. 18 II DEFENSIVE DRIVING TICKET DISMISSAL. IN SURANCE DISCOUNT. CLASSES EVERY WEEK!! 693-1322. 24tl2/16 • ROOMMATE WANTED Room in house near campus, male, non-smoker $170. no biUs. 696-3884. 71:12/11 Need males to share a 3 bdrm, 2 Bath house in C.S. Shuttle bus, w/d & more. Call J.R. 775-0400. 71tl2/l 1 Male/Female roommate needed. 2 Bedroom/2 Bath house $800/semester or $200/month. Spring semester Call: 846-6363. . 71U/18 Searching for a new roomate 3-2 House $125. a month 823-0340 after 5p.m. 63t/12/ll Roommate Wanted. 2 bedroom, 1V& bath. $165./mo. Phone 696-1312 after 1pm. 66tl2/ll Male 4-2 house, Bryan $132.50./mo. + Vs utilities. 823- 0384 ask for Darrin. 70tl2/ll FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 1-1 apart- ment for spring. January rent paid. 696-3861 Missy. 70t 12/11 FIRST AID $6.99 Limited Delivery Area. NO COUPON REQUIRED. Pi 'Hut. tcmKEraa Offer Good Nov. 30th - Dec. 18th Call Battalion Classified Any large cheese pizza for only $6.99 Extra toppings 950 Offer good from Nov. 30-Dec. 18 845-2611