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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1987)
Page 6/The Battalion/Thursday, April 23, 1987 IN TIME FOR SPRING l^QcjucJjQ HAS MOVED TO CULPEPPER PLAZA WITH A LIQUIDATION SALE OF SCHRADER DRESSES, FORMALS, SHOES 611 CULPEPPER PLAZA S. TEXAS AVE. C.S. (FORMERLY BRIDE & FORMAL) —The Other Ecli|: $35 a month unlimited tanning (every other day) next to C.S. Winn Dixie 696-8700 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ! Single 1 unily Housing from $30-$200,000 ( ondoi I'niunt On Shuttle Bus, Close to Campus ! Income Producing Property * Raw Land STANFORD STANFORD "The First Name in Real Estate' REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Someone is Always Available 76-033 T MMM First Presbyterian Church MOO Carter Creek Parkway, Bryan 823-8073 Dr. Robert Leslie, Pastor Rev. John McGarey, Associate Pastor SUNDAY: Worship at 8:30AM & ll.'OOAM Church School at 9:30AM College Class at S^yo-AM I Bus from TAMU Krueger/Dunn 9:10AM Northgate 9:15AMI Jr. and Sr. High Youth Meeting at 5:00 p.m. Nursery: All Events Free Summer Shuttle RESORT ATMOSPHERE Now Preleasing for Summer/Fall/Spring Huge 2 Bdrm/2 Full Baths 3 Bdrm/2 Full Baths Pool • Hot Tub • Basketball Court On Site Manager + Security 24 Hour Maintenance Fa s kwav Circle ty . 401 S. W. Farkway 696-6909 MSC CAFETERIA MF MOO Vi S CENTER-TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY WEEKDAY SPECIALS 18 PLUS TAX 3 MONDAY EVENING SALISBURY STEAK Mushroom Gravy, Whipped Potatoes, Choice of Vegetable, Roll or Cornbread, Butter -TUESDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY EVENING MEXICAN FIESTA ese Enchiladas with Chili, Rice, Beans, Tostados CHICKEN FRIED STEAK Served with Cream Gravy, Whipped Potatoes, Choice of Vepfttable, Roll or Cornbread, Butter THURSDAY EVENING ITALIAN DINNER V, ?; i etti, Meatballs, Sauce, Parmesan Cheese, tossed Salad, Hot Garlic Bread FRIDAY EVENING FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY 7 as far Sauce, Coleslaw, Hush Puppies, Choice of Vegetable WEEKEND SPECIAL 89 PLUS TAX SATURDAY NOON A FRIED CHICKEN i u Potatoes with Country Gravy, Choice of Vegetable, Roil or Cornbread, Butter SUNDAY NOON & EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cornbread Dressing, Cranberry Sauce, Giblet Gravy, <;hoice of Vegetable, Roll or Cornbread, Butter i ! / !! ' ; MV AT NO EXTRA CHARGE ON SPECIALS EVENING SPECIAL S AVAILABLE 4:00 PM TO 7:00 PM DAILY AM 1.30 PM AND 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM DAILY ww Quality First’ What’s up Thursday PHILOSOPHY COLLOQUIUM: Hugh T. McCann will speak on “Causation, Intentionality and Rationality” at 3:30 p.m. in 302 Rudder. SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS: will meet at 6 p.m. in 105D Zachry. WOMEN IN COMMUNICATIONS INC.: will meet at noon in 015 Reed McDonald. ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: will meet at 6 p.m. Call 845-5826 for location. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: will meet at 12:15 p.m. Call 845-5826 for location. MEXICAN-AMERICAN DEMOCRATS: will meet at 7 p.m. in 410 Rudder. DEPARTMENT OF STUDENT AFFAIRS: will present a “Health to Wellness” fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Rudder Exhibit Hall. SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL MANAGERS, APPRAIS ERS AND CONSULTANTS: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 113 Kleberg. ATARI USERS GROUP: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 102 Tea gue. WATER SKI CLUB: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 402 Rudder. STUDY ABROAD OFFICE: will present information on studying at Sterling University in Scotland at 9:30 a.m. in 251 Bizzell West. STUDENT ACTIVITIES: will conduct a student organiza tions’ officer workshop beginning with registration at 6:30 p.m. in 601 Rudder. Friday INTERVARISTY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Lorie Goetz will speak on “Discipleship” at 7 p.m. in 301 Rudder. LATTER DAY SAINT STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Dr. James Matis will speak on “A Glimpse of China” at noon at the LDS Institute at 100 E. Dexter. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY: will meet for a peanut-but ter fellowship at 11:30 a.m. at Rudder Fountain and for Bi ble study at 6:30 p.m. at A&M Presbyterian Church. CHI ALPHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: will meet at 7 p.m. in 156 Blocker. CHESS CLUB: will sponsor a one-round USCF-rated tourna ment at 7 p.m. in 308 Rudder. TAMU BADMINTON CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m. in 351 G. Rollie White STUDY ABROAD OFFICE: will present information on Ful- bright grants for graduate research and study abroad at 11 a.m. in 251 Bizzell West. DEPARTMENT OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES: deadline for student organizations to apply for office/cubicle/cabinet space on the second floor of the Pavilion is Friday in 208 Pavilion. HONORS STUDENTS: students enrolled in honors courses who plan to attend the May 2 picnic at Hensel Park must sign up by April 27 at 845-1957. CLASS OF ’88: applications for class council chairman posi tions are available through Wednesday in 216 MSC. BATTALION STAFF: applications for fall and summer staff positions are available in 'The Battalion office through Fri day. STUDENT ACTIVITIES: deadline for recognized student organizations to submit dates to the 1987 Summer Cal endar is April 30. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three working days be fore desired publication date. Spring picnic concert to be offered to B-CS by Brazos symphony By Karl Pallmeyer Music Critic One of the best ways to spend a spring evening is to pack a picnic basket, grab a jug of wine and a blan ket, find a date and go to an outdoor concert. You’ll get a chance to do just that Friday night when the Bra zos Valley Symphony Orchestra pre sents “Picnic with the Pops, a Con cert in the Sousa Tradition” on the lawn of the Brazos Center. The concert is a benefit sponsored by the Friends Association of the Symphony Orchestra to help fund the 1988 concert. Festivities begin around 6 p.m. and will feature the Bryan High School Jazz Band, the Pete Rodri- ques Jazz Band, the A&M Consol idated High School Jazz Band and raffles before the BVSO takes the stage at 8 p.m. During intermission, an auction will be held and the win ner will get a chance to conduct the orchestra during John Philip Sousa’s “The Stars and Stripes Forever.” Guests can take lawn chairs, blan kets, pillows, picnic lunches, beer and wine. Snacks, soft drinks and beer will be sold at the concert. The BVSO, under the direction of conductor Franz Anton Krager, will take the stage at 8 p.m., and will perform the music of Sousa, Dimitri Shostakovich, Leroy Anderson, Fe lix Alexandre Guilmant, George Frederick Handel, Peter Ilycich Tchaikovsky and others. Featured soloist include Larry Campbell on euphonium during Guilmant’s “Morceau Symphoni- que,” John McSpadden on cornet during the salute to Leroy Ander son, and Krager on marimba during Dinicu and Heifetz’s “Hora Stacca to.” The evening’s finale will be Tchai kovsky’s “1812 Overture,” complete with 57 bells, two cannons and a five- minute fireworks display. Tickets for “Picnic with the Pops, a Concert in the Sousa Tradition” are available at the Gift Gallery at Ardan’s Crossing, the Christmas Store on Harvey Road and at the gate. Prices are $10 for adults, $8 for students and senior citizens, and $5 for children 1 2 and under. Democratic 'truth squad will follow Clements' tour // AUSTIN (AP) — Gov. Bill Clem ents said Wednesday he is pleased Democratic lawmakers are planning their own tour of the state because it will give them the chance to find out what taxpayers really think. “The more they’re around, the better I like it, because the truth will prevail,” Clements said. The Republican governor launched a 17-city tour Monday to seek public support for his two-year budget proposal that would limit tax increases to $2.9 billion. Clements says the increase would produce a $36.9 billion budget for 1988-89, and he says that is enough. • Books • Gifts • Supplies Hours: M-F 7:45-6 Sat 9-5 845-8681 bookstore Am We Delivei 268-8888 Contact Lenses Only Quality Name Brands (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocire| $79. 00 -STD. DAILY WEAR SOFT LENSES *$99 O^-STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOFLENSi ^Cy^- - ^ S p ARE pR ONLY $20 with purchase of ISpiUtskI 00 -STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES SPECIAL ENDS MAY 29, 1987 AND APPLIES TO CLEAR: DARD EXTENDED WEAR STOCK LENSES ONLY It’s Sigma nual 1 Satun Pavili Fite I ment t an op< Fite Ni ternity ing: S Alpha Kappa Ion, Pi Omeg; | Theta Saus I teams |Corps Eacl [five p [ weight Prel | p.m. F Saturd and fn night. Tick Call 696-3754 For Appointment * Eye exam and care kit not Included CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., P.C. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY 707 South Texas Ave., Suite 101D College Station, Texas 77840 1 block South of Texas & University r Texas Sigma Phi Epsilon lary M Brgesf he Unh ind res presents the 11th Annual of bird jiiary mr lepartm ■downier &M’s p FIGHT NIGHT Fri. 4/24 & Sat. 4/2S For info call Don Sausti 693-8303 ■ The r we i Thursday 8-10 pm New U I'd inert yo obstr |ust hur fgthis y< [The n< h Hires : Texas paipus t< ptead oi ftion, m Pent con i rates i Teas $1 hrown |lda Sha oo pease to )r Colies "We h; 1 the Iasi peases,” Shaw ■ But “big spenders” in the Legis lature want to raise taxes further to fund expanded government, Clem ents said. In response. Sen. Hugh Parmer, D-Fort Worth, and other Demo cratic legislators announced plans for a traveling “truth squad” to fol low Clements around Texas and ex plain what they say would be cuts in services that would come with the governor’s budget. “We feel it incumbent on us to go around and follow the governor as he continues to misstate the true fi nancial situation in Texas and to put the record straight and tell the peo ple the truth,” Parmer said. ar ne of fionth t jrice. Fiv ^says, ' not ir Many Fhave t . elect |haw say; 913A HARVEY® 693-1 Friday & Saturday Call for Pre-Fight Night Special , Debbie (antatior f&h dern the : pntatior r'm apa