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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1987)
SPRING BR€RK SP6CIRL $ [” Discount off _3 Cut Blouudri^ offer good with Theresa, Undo, Kqy Connie ht OrheR Eclipsl 696-8700 Next to College Station Winn Dixie Attention Sophomores! TAU KAPPA A Junior Honor society Wants You Manadatory Information Sessions: Tuesday, March 3, 8:30pm Rudder 601 thursday, March 5, 8:30pm Rudder 601 Eligibility: • Minimum GPA 3.25 • Minimum of 60 hours completed by May’87 (last 15 at A&M) Any questions call ^ Greg Bonnen 260-7806 John Apple White 260-2264 990 HAMBURGERS 14 lb. 100% Beef Chimney Hill 846-8954 SPRING ELECTIONS Student Government Yell Leaders Graduate Student Council RHA OCA Class of ’88 Class of ’89 Class of ’90 Filing Dates: Monday, March 2 - Thursday, March 5 214 Pavilion 9:00am-5:00pm Information Meeting Monday, March 2 410 Rudder 8:30 p.m. G TUX it i SITU DENT (DVERNMENT (AS A A. M UNIVERSITY MSC CAFETERIA MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER-TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY WEEKDAY SPECIALS $ 018 O PLUS TAX MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY EVENING THURSDAY EVENING FRIDAY EVENING SALISBURY STEAK Mushroom Gravy, Whipped Potatoes, Choice of Vegetable, Roll or Cornbread, Butter MEXICAN FIESTA Two Cheese Enchiladas with Chili, Rice, Beans, Tostados CHICKEN FRIED STEAK Served with Cream Gravy, Whipped Potatoes, Choice of Vegetable, Roll or Cornbread, Butter ITALIAN DINNER Spaghetti, Meatballs, Sauce, Parmesan Cheese, tossed Salad, Hot Garlic Bread FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY Tartar Sauce, Coleslaw, Hush Puppies, Choice of Vegetable WEEKEND SPECIAL $ 089 £rn PLUS TAX SATURDAY NOON & FRIED CHICKEN EVENING Mashed Potatoes with Country Gravy, Choice of Vegetable, Roll or Cornbread, Butter SUNDAY NOON & ROAST TURKEY DINNER EVENING Served with Cornbread Dressing, Cranberry Sauce, Giblet Gravy, Choice of Vegetable, Roll or Cornbread, Butter TEA OR COFFEE INCLUDED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE ON SPECIALS EVENING SPECIALS AVAILABLE 4:00 PM TO 7:00 PM DAILY MSC CAFETERIA OPEN 11:00 AM-1:30 PM AND 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM DAILY First” Page 127The Battalion/Thursday, February 26, 1987 Scientists find link between genetics and mental illness NEW YORK (AP) — A study of manic-depressive disease in three generations of a family has shown for the first time that defective genes can cause psychiatric disorders, and scientists say the finding could help them understand a wide range of mental illness. “It’s an extremely important opening into molecular genetics and molecular biology for the major mental disorders,” said Dr. Darrel Regier of the National Institute of Mental Health. The work should spur studies that lead to better understanding of such illnesses as schizophrenia and anxi ety disorders, he said. Previous studies had suggested that genetics could contribute to psy chiatric disorders. But the new find ing is the first demonstration of a ge netic defect in a mental disease that shows no anatomical abnormalities in the brain, he said. Alzheimer’s disease, for which ge netic links were recently reported, does include brain abnormalities. The study traced the defective gene through three generations of an Old Order Amish family and de termined that it lies within a narrow portion of the chromosome scientists have designated No. 11. Members of the family who inher ited the gene had an 85-percent chance of suffering manic-depres sion or related conditions during their lifetimes, said study co-author David Housman of the Massachu setts Institute of Technology. While the work will not produce better treatments for the disease im mediately, it opens the door to fur ther research toward that goal, Housman said. Manic-depressive illness, also called bipolar disorder, is estimated to afflict 2 million people in the United States at some time in their lives. Generally it involves severe de pression plus episodes of mania, which can include racing thoughts, restlessness and delusions of gran deur, or of hypomania, a less intense form of mania. Symptoms can be largely controlled with drugs. Nobody knows what fraction of victims get the disease from the gene identified in the Amish study. But even if it is only a tenth of United States cases, “you’re talking about 200,000 to a quarter-million people,” said Dr. Herbert Pardes, director of the New York State Psychiatric Insti tute. The Amish study is Reported in today’s issue of the British journal Nature. The same issue contains two stud ies showing that the gene was not as sociated with manic-depressive ill ness in two non-Amish populations. But a researcher for one of those studies said the Amish study is still important. If the Amish gene can be isolated and its role in the disease clarified, it will “give us a very im portant clue into how manic-depres sive illness can be induced,” said El liot Gershon of the national mental health institute. Contact Lenses Only Quality Name Brands (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocurw 00 -STD. DAILY WEAR SOFT LENSES 1 FREE SPARE PR .with purchase ol Istpr.atiej.trw $99. 00 $99. 00 -STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOR LENSES -STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES OFFER ENDS MARCH 31, 1987 AND APPLIES TO STD. DAILY 1 CLEAR STOCK LENSES ONLY Call 696-3754 For Appointment Eye exam and care kit not included CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., P.C. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY 707 South Texas Ave., Suite 101D College Station, Texas 77840 1 block South of Texas & University Hear tomorrow’s music... TODAY \ TAMU Composer’s Spotlight OR I GINAl MUSIC BY AGGIESI FEBRUARY 26 T * 8:00 PM Legislators oppose Reagan's proposed Customs budget cuts WASHINGTON (AP) — Cuts in the U.S. Customs Service budget proposed by the Reagan administra tion make a mockery of the nation’s war on drugs, cripple morale and must be rejected, lawmakers said Wednesday. At a Senate Finance Committee hearing on Reagan’s budget propo sal for the agency attended by Cus toms Commissioner William von Raab, lawmakers called for expan sion rather than reduction in the Customs’ budget. “Given the broad array of duties as defined in the Customs Service’s mission, we are once again faced with a devastating budget request from the administration,” said Rep. Ron Coleman, D-El Paso, who testi fied before the committee. The president’s $1 billion budget proposal calls for a cut of 1,485 Cus toms employees in fiscal 1987 — for a $21.6-million savings — and rescis sion of $39 million in funds already allocated by Congress. For fiscal 1988, the proposal calls for 513 additional employee cuts, re ducing the Customs staff to 13,039. If implemented, such cuts would lengthen already long lines at many border crossings, tying up commer cial traffic and hurting the econ omies of both the United States and Mexico, said Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, D- Texas, chairman of the Finance Committee. Rep. Albert Bustamente, D-San Antonio, who also testified, said, “It bears repeating that Mexico is this country’s third-largest trading part ner, and that the value and volume of its exports continues to grow.” Similar cuts have been proposed by the administration for the past six years, and have been denied, at least in part, by Congress. For the past several years Con gress has increased the agency’s bud- get- “It’s like watching the same movie year after year when we view the ad ministration’s budget request for Customs,” said Sen. John C. Dan- forth, D-Mo., a member of the Sen ate Finance Committee. Danforth joined Bentsen and oth ers on the committee in calling for an end to proposals that would slice deeply into the agency’s budget, par- ticulary in light of last year’s admin istration cry for an increased war against drugs. Von Raab said that the adminis tration is seeking the cuts to comply with the Gramm-Rudman deficit re duction law and that as an arm of government it is Customs’ responsi bility to shoulder a portion of the cuts. Court: Death of fetus not grounds for suit AUSTIN (AP) — The Texas Su preme Court said Wednesday a woman who sued her employer for the death of her unborn child can’t collect damages, but dissenting jus tices called the ruling archaic. “The court has unbelievably res urrected the old common law maxim that it is more profitable for the defendant to kill than to in jure,” said Justice William Kilgarlin in his dissenting opinion. “A dead fetus is now worth noth ing, but one injured and later born alive may sue,” he said. Kimberly Witty, 25, sued Ameri can General Capital Distributors, Inc., for $3 million after tripping over an office outlet and falling while she was 4V2 months pregnant. Witty was a receptionist for the firm at the time of the 1983 fall. During a trial at a Harris County district court, Witty’s physician tes tified the fetus was alive after the fall, but nine days later was re moved from its mother’s womb be cause it had died. The mother asked for $ 1 million for the child’s injuries, $1 million for the loss of her baby’s compan ionship, $500,000 for emotional trauma she suffered and $500,000 in property damages for the loss of her fetus. A state district court in Harris County ruled against Witty, saying she could not collect the damages because the fetus was not born al- reversed part of the decision, ruling that Witty could sue for the death of her child and her mental suffer ing. The appeals court denied her the $1 million for injuries to the fetus. American General appealed the ruling to the Texas Supreme Court. In writing the Supreme Court’s majority opinion, Ted Robertson said the Legislature did not include unborn fetuses when writing the wrongful death act, so Witty was not entitled to any damages. Kilgarlin, joined by Chief Justice John Hill and Justice C.L. Ray, chastised the majority for that rea soning and said the justices were shirking their responsibility to in terpret the law. “Apparently, we can no longer interpret a statute unless there is legislative history” showing who should be covered, Kilgarlin said. The ruling also said Witty could not collect additional personal in jury damages because she already was collecting workers compensa tion. Kilgarlin said the ruling, issued by the state’s highest court, puts Texas in a minority. “Currently, 35 states and the Dis trict of Columbia allow wrongful death actions to be brought on be half of stillborn, viable fetuses,” Kil garlin said. “Only eight states do not yet allow this type of recovery.” ive. 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When you make przza this good, one just isn't enough. “ When Is Your Rental READ IT IN 1)1 The Battalion Get into circulation! Let classified section displo) your rental services,.' it’s a fast, efficient way to do business 1 February 26, 1987