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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1987)
Page 8/The Battalion/Thursday, February 19,1987 Battalion Classifieds Defense department finds ^^^sioicsioie^^jiesic^^^^^^^oioioic^ po evidence for polygraphs ♦ NOTICE FREE State Law Allows a Student To Exempt Either Political Science 206 or 207 By Examination Exemption Examinations Will Be Given At 5:30 PM April 13, June 8, and July 14, 1987 Registration and Information Room 002, Bolton Hall 845-3127 101t2/23 FREE KITTEN. HAS ALL SHOTS 4:00. 696-1766. 10U2/19 # FOR SALE Prayer to The Holy Spirit Oh Holy Spirit, thou who art all knowing, who brightens every path that I may reach my ideal, thou who giveth me the divine gift of forgiving and forgetting wrongs done unto me and who in every instant of my life art with me, I'd like in this short di alogue to affirm my gratitudefor all your blessings and re-affirm once again that I never want to part from thee though the illusion of material things abound. My desire is to be with thee and all my loved ones in perpetual grace. Thank you for your mercy on me and mine. (Person should pray 3 con secutive days without revealing petition. Within three days grace will be attained regardless of how difficult the petition may be.) Publish this prayer, once grace attained. Grateful for Grace attained, L.R 101t2/19 AG’S I NEED YOUR HELP! Moving and must sell some per sonal belongings. 26” men’s 10- speed bicycle, very good condition -$50.; nice 40 watt component ste reo, dubbing, 12-band eq., stand, etc. - $300., o.b.o.; assorted beer lights - incand., flor., neon, lights and clocks $15. - $25.; 13” color t.v., less than 6 months old - $125. (great condition). I need the money. Call Larry at 696-0778. In and out all day, if no answer please try again. ^ Cheap auto parts, used. Pic-A-Part Inc. '78 and older. 3505 Old Kurten Road. 93ufn '82 Kawasaki CSR 305. Great commuter value, nice condition. $480. 764-7017, 776-6494. 100t2/24 Escort radar detector for sale. $125. 268-0372 anytime. Marc. 100t2/24 Can you buy Jeeps, Car’s, 4x4’s seized in drug raids for under $100.? Call for facts today. 602-837-3401 ext. S- 942. 10112/19 1969 Gibson Classical Guitar. $275. 2x15 Sunn Bass cabinet with ) ) eavey Head, $350. 260-2050. 101t2/25 INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. Apple He Computer, monitor, mouse, printer, lots of software. $900. 764-2911. Scott. 10H2/25 G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 46tn/26 ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! IBM-PC/XT COM PATIBLE: TWO 360KB DRIVES, 640KB-RAM, £/4.77MHZ TURBO, PHOENIX BIOS. KEYBOARD, MONITOR, SOFTWARE: $699. COMPUTERS ETC. 693-7599. CHICAGO (AP) — A two-year study by the Department of Defense so far has found no evidence that lie detectors would be useful in screen ing employees in sensitive positions, says a congressional report due to be released shortly. The Department of Defense, which was authorized to screen 7,000 people during the last two years as part of the Counterintelli gence-Scope Polygraph Test Pro gram, has screened 3,993 people and has not collected the informa tion needed to know whether the tests were accurate, said Denise Dougherty of the Congressional Of fice of Technology Assessment, which prepared the report. Dougherty said Wednesday at the annual meeting of the American As sociation for the Advancement of Science that the report was done not only to determine the effectiveness of screening of defense personnel but also to find out whether lie de tector screening might have any va lue in private industry. “It’s obvious that those questions have not been answered by the De fense Department,” Dougherty said. Of the 3,993 people screened so far, 13 were judged to have been de ceiving the lie detector examiners and 3,966 were said not to be decep tive in their responses to questions. A decision could not be reached in Glenn Flood, a spokesman for the Department of Defense, said he had not seen the report and could not comment on it. He said the failure to test 7,000 subjects during the first two years of the study was caused by a shortage of examiners. Nevertheless, Flood said, “we are committed to the pro gram.” Officials say Jewish activist pardoned WANTED Artist. Earn $200. by sketching drawings for research study on children. PLEASE CALL Bonnie, 846-7146 or Lisa, 846-7626. I00t2/20 TRAVEL eight cases, and six people refused the test, Dougherty said. The problem is, however, that there has been no follow-up to de termine whether the test results were accurate. “The crux of it is we don’t know whether those 3,966 people (judged honest) were telling the truth,” she said. GENEVA (AP) — Soviet au thorities have signed an uncondi tional pardon for imprisoned Jewish activist Josef Begun, a So viet official said Wednesday. Samuel Zivs, head of the Soviet Anti-Zionist Committee and Vice President of the Soviet-American Friendship Association, said So viet President Andrei Gromyko or one of his deputies signed the pardon Tuesday night. Georgy Arbatov, head of the Soviet Union’s U.S.A.-Canada In stitute, said in a televised inter view last weekend that Begun, 55, already had been freed. But on Tuesday, Soviet For eign Ministry spokesman Gen nady Gerasimov said authorities would “most likely” free Begun. Begun’s family has said offi cials at Chistopol Prison, about 500 miles east of Moscow, told them Begun still was imprisoned there. ADOPTION NOTICE: Happily married physician and nurse hoping to adopt infant and share love, fun, and secure future in our family. Yours is a difficult de cision, let us help ease your burden thru peace of mind. Call Lori and Sherman collect anytime (201)654-9561. 10U3/4 Florida (Ft. Lauderdale) Spring Break. Share gas and driving. 775-4513, 779-0365. 99t2/23 • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY s. Defensive Driving, Ticket Dismissal, You'll Have Funlll 693-1322. Dates, Times, 91t5/8 . Europe, Amer., Austrialia, Asia. All fields. $9<H).-$2(HK>./nio. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC, I’.O. Box 52-Tx4. Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. 95t3/6 Cheap toys provide new voice, hearing SERVICES WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 98t3/13 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING. Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers, Dissertations. Diana, 764-2772. 99t3/2 TYPING BY WANDA. Any kind, any length. Rea sonable rates. 690-1113. 95t2/24 Expert Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. Error Free. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 86t3/13 Figure Drafting/Illustrations. Theses, etc. Seven years experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. 778-8564. 97t2/20 Computer Programs, Consulting Hardware, Repairs, More...Please call COMPU-HELP, 846-2766. 93t3/6 Versatile Word Processing. Term Papers, Reports, Thesis, Resumes, Dissertations, Graphics. LASERW RITER QUALITY. Best Prices. Call 696-2052. 83t5/8 The Costume Connection Partygrams. Fun for any oc casion. Singers needed. 778-0303. 97t2/20 The Battalion 845-2611 Spring Break Hurry! Limited space available at these number one collegiate beach and ski destinations. South Padre Island, Daytona Beach, Steamboat Springs, Miami Beach/ Fort Lauderdale, Mustang Is land/ Port Aransas, Galveston Island and Fort Walton Beach. Call Sunchase Tours Central Spring Break Toll Free Hot Line Today for information and reservations 1 -800-321-5911! 83t2/20 • FOR RENT HELP! Tenants Needed! 2Y2 blocks from campus 1 & 2 Bdrm efficiencies Cheap Rent! 260-9637 WISE >, MOVE Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 NEW YORK (AP) — If the Nobel Prize for medicine could be given to a toy company, Nasta Industries would be a shoo-in. Twice in the past year, this small manufacturer of cheap electronics for children has produced toys with noteworthy applications — giving voice to those who could not speak and aiding the hearing impaired. “We were as surprised as any body” by the serious uses to which the toys were put, said Scott Spiegel, Nasta’s director of sales. It all started when an Omaha, Neb., man discovered that with the aid of a Transformers Voice Synthe sizer — a $ 10 item that makes a child sound like a robot — he could speak after his cancerous larynx was re moved. Then an 80-year-old Tulsa, Okla., woman found another use for the Super Amplifier, an $8 toy that al lows children to don headsets and, with a gun-like receiver, amplify sounds 20 feet away. Totsy Carlson discovered that in some circum stances the toy worked better than her hearing aid. “She’s hearing things she hasn’t heard in years,” said Sue Bolding, Carlson’s daughter. “There are so many things she has missed.” Spiegel said it’s too soon to say whether sales of the Super Amplifier were affected by news of its medical application. But he said a half a mil lion Transformers Voice Synthesiz ers have been sold, and numerous hospitals have asked Nasta for dona tions of the robot-like toys. World Briefs Dead fish, birds line banks of refuge Large 2 bdrm., 2 bath near A&M, shuttle, w/d, call 846- 5735 days or 846-1633 evenings ask for Paul. 92tfn Large one bedroom, furnished apartment. Close to campus. 846-3050. Hurry only one left! $225. plus util ity plan. 84tfn Preleasing Now! 2 &: 3 bdrm duplexes near the Hilton 846-2471.776-6856. 83tufn RENO, Nev. (AP) — Federal workers Wednesday picked up some of the 1,500 birds and 3 mil lion fish that died at a wildlife ref uge when the water became a ‘chemical sink,” according to one scientist. The fish probably were victims of the increasing salinity of their evaporating lake and of natural and manmade poisons, said Dick Navarre, a fish biologist with the Fish and Wildlife Service in Reno. ‘The only thing the place has ever gotten is man’s leftovers,” said Ron Anglin, manager of the Stillwater National Wildlife Ref uge 60 miles east of Reno. A key problem, he said, is the location at the end of the Carson River, where miners dumped mercury, arsenic and other min ing byproducts a century ago and where agricultural pesticides and fertilizer are dumped today. The problem started just be fore Christmas with the deaths of 500,000 fish. It escalated earlier this month when 3 million scav enger fish lined the 30-mile shore of the Carson Sink. m HELP WANTED THERE’S A JOB FOR YOU IN SUMMER CAMP The American Camping Association (NY) will make your application avail, to over 300 camps in the Northeast. Exciting opportunities for college stu dents and professionals. Positions av ail.: all land and water sports, arts & crafts, drama, music, dance, tripping, nature, R.N.’s, M.D.’s, Aides, kitchen, maintenance. COLLEGE CREDIT AVAILABLE. CALL OR WRITE FOR APPLICATION. AMERICAN CAMP ING ASSOCIATION, 43 W. 23 St., Dept (AM), New York, N.Y. 10010, 212-645-6620. 00.0, Experts: Rheumatic fever still a threat BOSTON (AP) — A recent rheumatic fever outbreak of nearly epidemic size shows this once-common illness is still a health threat in the United States, researchers say. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Colorado mountain resort em ployer, in Estes Park, is seek ing applicant’s for: Retail Sales, Food Service and Mis cellaneous jobs. Openings from May thru September. For information write: National Park Village North, c/o Mark Schifferns, 740 Oxford Lane, Fort Collins’, Co. 80525 10 ot2/2o graduate education in Virology THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT HOUSTON GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES The program in Virology leads to a M S. or Ph D. degree in the Biomedical Sciences, with specialization in virology. Introductory courses are followed by a combination of research tutorials and advanced courses, leading to a research dissertation. Financial assistance is provided. For information return the form below to: WANTED: Students with high g.p.a. and common sense. Law firm wants student with high g.p.a. and common sense to do various tasks in afternoons. Work includes running errands, interviewing witnesses and some research. Call 823-1012. 10U2/25 Female roommate needed. Have your own room, bills paid. Furnished. $1257mo. 846-1413. 97tfn E.J. Shillitoe, Ph.D. Director, Graduate Program P.0 Box 20068 Houston. TX 77225 or call (713) 792-4105 Please send me information about the Graduate Program in Virology NAME STREET CITY TELEPHONE (_ While the disease remains a major worldwide problem, it has nearly disappeared in the United States since World War II. How ever, a series of regional out bursts hints that the disease could return. Physicians should take strep throat infections more seriously, experts say. Strains of the strepto coccal bacteria that cause sore throats also may cause rheumatic fever, which can damage the heart valves. Rheumatic fever is tradition ally a disease of overcrowding and poverty. With improving liv ing conditions and the devel opment of antibiotics, the disease ceased to be a major concern in the United States. Market at standoff after busy session NEW YORK (AP) — Buyers and profit-takers slugged it out to a virtual standoff Wednesday in a busy and volatile session in the stock market. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, up about points 18 in the early going and down about 18 at midsession, closed with a .14 gain at a new closing high of 2,237.63. Volume on the New York Stock Exchange came to 218.21 million shares, up from Tuesday and the largest total in nearly two weeks. Analysts said stocks were buf feted Wednesday by computer- program activity and crosswinds of catch-up buying and selling to cash in on the market’s recent gams. Japan rebuked for economic inaction TOKYO (AP) — The chief au thor of a 1986 report calling for a “historic transformation” of Ja pan’s economy chastised his countrymen Wednesday for doing too little to meet those goals. He also blamed the U. S. bud get deficit for trade imbalances. “I hope the United States takes measures ... to reduce the fiscal deficit,” Haruo Maekawa, former governor of the Bank of Japan, said in an interview with the Asso ciated Press. Maekawa headed a 17-member government advisory group that submitted a report to Prime Min ister Yasuhiro Nakasone last April calling for a shift from ex port orientation to greater inter nal consumption in the Japanese economy. In the Tradition of Fish Camp The Student Y Association Presents TRANSFER CAMP (A new orientation experience for transfer students) August 23-27, 1987 (during Camp D) Applications for: Assistant Directors and Chairpersons Available at the Student Activities Office 2nd Floor - Pavillion Due February 26th For More Info Call: Dave Mendoza- 26O-70K Student Activities- 845-26'i GAAP Thmirsclay & Friday, April lGtli&17tli Committee Meeting February 24 7:00 p,m, Blocker room 163 sponsored by the Accounting Society Thursday 50< Corona 8-10 a« 509 University 268-0486 r'