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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1987)
Thursday, February 19,1987/The Battalion/Page 7 leet: ISOS: i; Landis admits he broke law when filming Twilight Zone' LOS ANGELES (AP) — Direc- or John Landis, defending him- elf in the “Twilight Zone” movie et deaths of actor Vic Morrow nd two children, testified Vednesday he knowingly broke the law by hiring the youths with- iut permits. The bearded, bespectacled di- ■ctor, telling his story publicly for the first time, also said no one arned him the scene in which a ashing helicopter killed the ildren and Morrow was dan gerous. Did anyone suggest using dummies or puppets because of danger to the children?” defense attorney James Neal asked in the hushed, packed courtroom. I “No,” said Landis, who, along with four associates, is charged with involuntary manslaughter. I Landis claimed a suggestion to hot use the children was made only to avoid having them work af ter dark in violation of the labor code. I He said he did not apply for permits for the children because of the state law. 1 The testimony came as Landis described a meeting with asso- pates in which they talked of us ing children in a scene to be filmed after dark and about the restriction on using children late at night. 1 “Our state of mind was (that) this didn’t meet our needs,” Landis said. H “What was your decision?” Neal asked. I “We decided to break the law,” he said. “We decided wrongly to violate the labor code.” ittalk wM; World and Nation Weinberger: Information secretly given to Iran, Iraq WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi dent Reagan refused to answer ques tions Wednesday about the Iran- Contra scandal, while Defense Sec retary Caspar Weinberger said the administration secretly had pro vided intelligence information to both sides in the Iran-Iraq war. Reagan maintained his 2 1 /2-month silence while Robert Gates was un dergoing a second, tough day of questioning at his Senate confirma tion hearing to take over as CIA di rector. Elsewhere in Congress, the Demo- cratic-controlled Senate Foreign Re lations Committee voted narrowly to cut off further aid to the Contra re bels fighting the Nicaraguan govern ment. Reagan seemed in no mood to field questions on the controversy when reporters were permitted into the Oval Office before his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir. “I’m not going to take any ques tions on that situation” until after a presidential commission files its re port on the Iran-Contra affair on Feb. 26, Reagan said. Reagan consistently has defended his decision to sell arms to the Irani ans, and said he knew nothing of the apparent diversion of profits to the Contras until Attorney General Ed win Meese III unearthed evidence of it last November. For his part, Shamir left the White House and later travelled to the Ca- E itol, where he agreed to meet riefly with Sen. Daniel Inouye, D- Hawaii and Rep. Lee Hamilton, D- Ind., chairmen of the two congres sional committees investigating the controversy. Israelis played a major role in fa cilitating tne sale of weapons to the Iranians, according to previous in vestigations, but their role in funnel ling funds to the Contras is less clear. Weinberger, testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, defended his decision not to notify Congress about the transfer of arms to Iran. He said he had no obligation to do so because the only role the Pentagon played in the transfer was to provide the weapons to the CIA. Several members of Congress have charged that by withholding word of the secret sale from the House and Senate for more thaii 10 months, the Reagan administration violated the law requiring timely no tification of covert activity. Shiite, Druse gunmen still battling for control of Moslem west Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Druse gunmen hurling grenades stormed the Commodore Hotel and drove out Shiite militiamen Wednesday in one of the fiercest fights of a four- day battle for control of Moslem west Beirut. Both sides ignored threats by Syria to send in troops with shoot-to- kill orders unless Shiite and leftist gunmen stop their struggle for dom ination of the city’s Moslem sector. Police said at least 25 fighters were killed and 80 wounded in street battles around the Commodore and the American University of Beirut just off Hamra, the Moslem sector’s main commercial street. That raised the toll since Sunday to at least 65 killed and 280 wounded. Some of the fiercest combat swirled around the Commodore and the annex that houses offices of the Associated Press, CBS and NBC tele vision, and the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Qabas. The fight for west Beirut pits the Shiite militia Amal, led by Nabih Berri, against an alliance of Walid Jumblatt’s Druse fighters and gun men of the Moscow-oriented Leb anese Communist Party. They are nominal allies in nearly 12 years of civil war with Lebanese Christians, but periodically turn on each other in west Beirut territorial disputes. Wednesday’s fighting broke a cease-fire arranged by Syria that was called at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday but did not take hold until midnight. People had just emerged from basements and bomb shelters in the morning to assess the damage when the new battle began. Police said Druse also besieged the Amal-held government television station in the Tallet Khayyat district and were trying to push toward the airport, which is adjacent to Shiite slums on Beirut’s southern outskirts. erformance "Is our Business' We believe in Performance: In Your Car or Truck For any Repair-Import or Domestic Bryan Drive Train call us 268-AUTO STUDY BREAK ■■ - - ■■■ tsm Expires 3-5-87 B-TH-2-5 Buy any size Original Round Pizza at Regular Price, Get Identical Pizza FREE! TWO PIZZAS *10 71 plus tax Large Size Pizzas with Cheese & 2 Items Price varies depending on size and number of toppings ordered. Valid with coupon at participating Little Caesars. Carry Out Only. Extra Items and extra cheese avail able at additional cost. Valid with coupon at participating Little Cae sars. One coupon per customer. Carry Out Only Expires 3-5-87 B-TH-2-5 ©little CbearaPbza ■ ■■ ■■ VALUABLE COUPON WM MM I With all the studying you have, you’re entitled to a break. At Little Caesars® you always get two pizzas, but you pay for only one. When you make pizza this good, one just isn't enough. 7 ' College Station Winn Dixie Shopping Center 696-0191 Bryan E. 29th & Briarcrest 776-7171 SUNDAY RIBEYE SPECIAL th bake potato 4k EZ 50 lad & tea + tax just show your A&M Student I.D. Happy Hour 4-7 (CKariq’s Restaurant Lounge , 2005 Texas Ave. S. Across From The Water Tower FREEDOM OF SPEECH 'llT FACT OR FICTION? McCarthyism in the 80’s featuring Constitutional Scholar and Humorist John Henry Faulk February 26 7:30 p.m. MSC 201 Admission $1.00 Dance Arts Society will host a Modern Dance Workshop with Tana Kent an independent modern choreographer from Austin Saturday, February 21, $7 Sunday, February 22, $6 ($10 for the weekend) Room 268 Read (East Kyle) For workshop schedule call: Ginger 260-0510 Kathy 696-6257 New Class Schedule for the Spring Semester: Monday - 7:30 Aerobics, 8:30 Beg. Jazz, 9:30 Int./Adv. Jazz Tuesday - 8:30 Aerobics Wednesday - 7:30 Aerobics, 8:30 Beg. Ballet, 9:30 Int./Adv. Ballet Thursday - 7:30 Beg. Modern, 8:30 Int. Adv. Modern Semester Dues $25 Everyone Welcome! For information: Ginger 260-0510 Leslie 260-7282 Invest in \burself: Develop your Success Potential, and Enjoy the Rewards of Better Grades, Richer Relationships, and a Fuller, Happier Life. " TM: The Proven Success Technique “B y contacting the least excited state of con sciousness, the Unified Field of all the laws of nature, one gains the ability to accomplish anything—to think and act spontaneously free from mistakes. ” Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Transcendental Meditation Program S uccess—it’s a wonderful experience! You feel so great when you get a top grade, excel in sports, impress your friends, or gain the respect of your boss. It’s natural to want success in every area of our lives, but somehow it doesn’t always work out. If there was a way you could enjoy success all the time—in everything—wouldn’t you like to give it a try? The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique is the most powerful technology ever developed for gaining success in all areas of life—and you can learn more about it at an introductory lecture this week. By investing only 15-20 minutes twice a day with TM, you can begin to enjoy more success in every area of your life. By experiencing the unified field of all the laws of nature through the TM technique you can start to develop your full creative genius. Find out more by attending the free introductory lecture. ^Experiencing the unified field through the TM technique really gives me more support of nature, /tr soon as I began TM, everything became easier, and my grade point average went up a whole point!” Sam Boothby Ph.D. Candidate, Education Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. SUCCESS: Achieving Goals Naturally T ranscendental Meditation (TM) has been repeatedly proven to be the most effective technique for developing your own “Success Potential.” Over 350 psychological, physiological, and sociological studies on the many practical benefits of TM have been conducted over the last 15 years at Harvard, Yale, UCLA, and at dozens of research labs around the world. Here are just a few of the benefits of practicing TM: • Students’ grades go up. • Anxiety is reduced. • Memory improves. • Intelligence increases. • Job performance and satisfaction grow. • Relationships improve. • Happiness grows. Learn More About TM You ’re invited to a free, introductory presentation for students that will cover these practical benefits: More effective mental performance • Success without stress Better relationships World peace “TM is the single most important part of being a peak performer. It gives you the ability to excel in an environment of stress, to make rapid decisions based on rapid changes, and to do so functioning very well.” Christopher Hegarty, President Hegarty and Associates, San Francisco Your time as a student is a time to invest in yourself—to develop a foundation for gaining and enjoying success in your future career. There is no better time than now to invest in yourself— and enjoy the rewards for the rest of your life. WORLD PEACE: Success for Everyone “TM is the best antidote to stress that I know of. When individuals are free from stress they behave more harmoniously. Pm convinced that if people practiced TM, world peace would be a reality. ” Kurleigh D. King Director, Institute for World leadership I n the introductory lecture you’ll learn how TM benefits the individual, society, and the world in a dramatic way. You’ll hear how dozens of research studies show that the experience of the unified field through the group practice of TM and its advanced aspects gener ates a powerful effect of coherence—on those practicing the technique, and on the environment. This (“Super Radiance Effect”) has been shown to reduce international conflict, improve the world’s economy, reduce crime, and improve the quality of life. TM and its many benefits may sound too good to be true, but over a million Americans have found that TM does bring them more success. You owe it to yourself to find out more about this proven, powerful technology for gaining success in your own life. The lecture is free; you’re welcome to bring your questions—and your friends. The short time you spend learning about TM may be the best investment of your life. Success—it begins inside yourself, and it grows into every area of your life. TM is the key to developing success—for yourself, for society, and for the world. ON SALE AT YOUR BOOKSTORE OR AT THE FREE LECTURE Best-selling introduction to the TM program: 312 pages, 257 illustrations, 59 scientific charts, lucid question-and- answer format Transcendental Meditation ~^"^ werfui -L ▼ JH. JL Personal Success Trance rule nta I Meditation is a service mark of the World Plan Executive Council —United States, a non-profit educational organization. FREE LECTURE Thursday, Feb. 19 Harrington Hall 7:00 pm Rm 200