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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1986)
Page 8/The Battalion/Tuesday, November 18, 1986 Battalion Classifieds • notice $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Wanted Males 18-45, Nonsmokers with mild asthma, chronic cough, or shortness of breath to participate in a 30 hour research study. $200. incentive for those chosen to participate. Call 776-0411 or 776-6236 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Coming In December!!! WHAT THE LADIES OF THE 80’s HAVE WAITED FOR * THE 1987* * COWBOY’S BUNS CALENDAR “13 full color 8X10’s (suitable for framing) showing 13 pairs-of jeans filled with 13 fabulous pairs of cowboy's buns" Ayres Images is making a special pre-publication offer. Order your 1987 Cowboy’sbuns cal endar now, for the low price of $6.00 postage paid. Your order will be shipped by December 15, 1986. This special price is offered for a limited time only. Your order must be postmarked by November 20, 1986. So don’t delay....order now and share the year with 13 real life cow boys. This could be the beginning of an annual affair. Send a $6.00 check or money order to: Ayres Images P.O. Box218334 Houston, Tx. 77218 LAST CHANCE!! Limited space remains on TAMU Winter Ski Weeks to Steamboat, Vail, or Keystone with five or seven nights deluxe lodging, lift tickets, moutain picnic, parties, ski race and more from only $142.! HURRY, call Sunchase Tours toll free for full details 1 T 800-321-5911 TODAY! 46tll/21 ♦ LOST AND FOUND DEFENSIVE DRIVING, TICKET DISMISSAL, YOU'LL LOVE OUR FUN CLASS! 693-1322.35t 12/17 • WANTED Patients with “acute diarrhea” (less than 48 hours duration) needed to evaluate potential over-the-counter medication for diarrhea. Volunteers will be paid for time and cooper ation. G & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 .... • SERVICES INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 ^ ABEL SERVICES Top Quality Word Processing 3832-B S. Texas, Bryan (Next door to Dan’s Kwik Kopy) 846-ABEL Bring this ad for discount! ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset Ediling/l’roofreading. Dissertations, theses, all longer manuscripts. L.L. Carlisle - f>9(5-3657. 39tll/26 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614. 49tl2/5 Good-looking upperclassman to escort an unattached female to t.u. game. Call Teresa 260-0650. 56tl 1/18 TYPING. No Job Too Small. Answering/Wake Ur Service (409) 823-7723 44t 12/S * FOR RENT mmmmmmmmmmm TYPING/WORD PROCESSING - Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Papers - Dissertations. Call Diana - 764- 2772. 53tl 1/25 2nd Semester Special! 2 Bdrm. apt $245./mo. Available Now & Dec. 15 Casa Blanca Apts. 846-1413 VERSATILE WORD PROCESSING. Fast, Accurate, Inexpensive, LaserWriter Quality. Call 696-2052. 47tl2/4 TYPING BY WANDA. Am kind, any length. Rea sonable rates. 600-1 l 13. :>2t I 1/24 STLDF.NT TYPING - 20 YEARS experience. Fast, accurate, reasonable, guaranteed. 693-8537. 41112/17 Expert Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. Prom $1.35 per page. PERFECT PRINT, 822-1430. 16tl 1/26 Gold & Silver chains- closeout; All prices, wholesale. Lars 764-6619 evenings. 56tll/21 TYPING: Accurate, 95WPM, Reliable Word Proc essor. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 56tl 1/18 ♦ FOR SALE 2nd Semester Private Room - Dorm Plan 2 Persons Per Apt. All Bills Paid / Furnished $170./Per Month Per Person Casa Blanca 4110 College Main/846-1413 close to campus-quiet-convienient SPECIAL! Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm.: $150. / 2 Bdrm.: $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. MOBILE HOME, 14x70. New; carpeting, good condi tion, $5,500. negotiable, 776-8149. 54tfl/26 Marshall 5010 amp. 30 British watts, 12" Celestion, has halls, perfect condition, $250. 696-0594. 54tl 1/19 Takaininc 12 string acoustic/electric guitar EF-385, like new. $300. 696-0594, must hear to appreciate. 54t 11/19 For Sale: 1982 Foul EXP. Stereo, good condition, four speed. 46.000 miles. Asking $1650. 776-8755 55t I 1/20 Mustang Convertible. 72. blue with white top. Best of fer. 846-7857. 55t 1 1/20 LOOK! A FREE PROGRAM. NO PURCHASE RE QUIRED! l.B.M. COMPATIBLES FROM $599. COMPUTERS. ETC. 693-7599. 55t 1 1/20 1971 Maverick FOR SALE. Needs work. $395. 260- 2708, Beverly Coleman. 53tll/18 SUZUKI GS750I. 9000M1 $750. 693-2698. 696-3337. 30t I I /20 • HELP WANTED Preleasing for Spring. Near Hilton. 2/3 bedroom du plexes. 846-2471 or693-1627. 50tl2/17 Furnished home, Southwood Valley. Rooms $225. plus bills, nice. 693-0939. 46t 11/26 Condo - fireplace. 2bdrin.. 2 bath, private, backyard, w/d conn., clng. fan. 696-9262 aftet 5 p in. 52t l 1/24 House - Nice, large 3 bedroom, fenced yard. Near cam pus. off Texas. $450. 696-6657. 54i 1 1/19 * CHILDCARE THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Has immediate openings for route carriers. Carrier positions require working early morning hours delivering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allowance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. 38tufn Infant care person needed full or part time starting late November. Call 846-3765, 7-9 p.m. weeknights. 53tl 1/25 Local dental center needing licensed dental hygenist. Foi information call Dr. Lawson. 696-9578. 51tl 1/21 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS List $ 16.040 - $59,230/yr. Now Hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9531. 34H2/16 ♦ LOST AND FOCIND LOST navy blue jacket BILL—BLASS—BRAND Wednesday Oct. 29, Karl 690-1497, 845-9733.56tl 1/21 Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 U.S. prison camps to be re-evaluated by Supreme Court WASHINGTON (AP) — The Su preme Court, 42 years after it con doned the government’s mass deten tion of Japanese-Americans in World War II prison camps, said Monday it will re-examine that epi sode in American history. The court agreed to study a Rea gan administration attempt to kill a lawsuit stemming from the govern ment’s taking 120,000 U.S. citizens and resident aliens from their homes and placing them in the camps. Japanese-Americans said they were disappointed, but not sur prised, by the court’s action. A federal appeals court had said the government must defend itself at trial against claims for compensa tion of property losses suffered by those interned. The losses are esti mated in the billions of dollars. In other matters Monday, the court: • Limited the rights of employees to win paid leaves of absence for spe cial religious holidays by ruling 8-1 in a Connecticut case that employers need not accommodate all of a work er’s religious demands. The court said granting an em ployee unpaid leave for religious holidays generally is adequate unless paid leave is provided for all pur poses except absences for religious observances. • Refused to allow the display of an illuminated cross above the St. Charles, Ill., firehouse during the Christmas season. The justices let stand a ruling that the display is an impermissible government endorse ment of Christianity. • Agreed in a Pennsylvania case to consider making it more difficult for women to win paternity lawsuits against the men they say fathered their children. The internment case has its roots in the wake of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. The federal government forcibly removed from their homes citizens and resident aliens living in California and parts of Arizona, Oregon and Washing ton. Some spent as long as four years in the camps. Gramm to introduce law to help employers verify workers’ I.D.s Missing 11-11-86, adult female, smoke gray, long haired cat. Vacinity Dartmouth & SWPkwy. Sandy, 696-6001. 57t 11/20 Lost Nov. 11 gold add-a-bead necklace with heart charm. Reward! Has sentimental value. 846-7132. 55U 1/20 WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Phil Gramm said Monday he would introduce legislation to help employ ers avoid hiring illegal aliens in or der to protect businesses from being punished unfairly under the new immigration reform law. Gramm said he planned an amendment to the law calling for creation of a telephone system to veyify the validity of new “tam perproof' Social Security cards. The system would serve as insur ance for employers who will face criminal and civil penalties for hir ing illegal aliens as of May 1 under the immigration bill signed by Presi dent Reagan on Nov. 6, said Gramm, R-Texas. “As of now we really have no ef fective means to try to help employ ers who are trying to comply with the law and not hire illegal aliens,” Gramm said in a news conference. “We have no effective measure to enable people to identify themselves. And I am deeply concerned that un less something is done quickly, that ... we’re going to have a lot of em ployers who are going to be in viola tion of the law,” Gramm said. Gramm unveiled his solutions in the form of an amendment called the Immigration Fairness In Reform Amendment Number One, which laid out four specific provisions he said are aimed at making the law more practical. The first provision would estab lish a telephone system an employer could use to verify the legal status of any worker he was considering hir ing, “just as the authenticity of a credit card can be. verified at a retail store,” Gramm said. Gramm gave no indication of how much it would cost to create such a computer verification system, but said the Social Security Administra tion is currently working out details. Employers would be charged $1.50 to $2 per call when using the system, Gramm said. Secondly, Gramm’s proposal would require the Social Security Administration to create a new tam perproof card within a year in an ef fort to eliminate counterfeit cards. “The amendment requires that this card be made available at cost to any person who either applies for a new card” or has an old one, Gramm said. “According to the Social Secu rity Administration, this card cannot be counterfeited.” He displayed a sample card printed on blue paper similar to that used to make currency, but with raised lettering. The cost of making such a card is $12, but could drop to as little as $1 if it became widely used, Gramm said. Rumor-based trading decreasing after case NEW YORK (AP) — The Ivan Boesky insider-trading case will re duce stock trading based on take over rumors but is unlikely to dampen takeover activity in general, merger specialists predicted Mon day. Some Wall Streeters said takeover speculation, which had been accele rating before Boesky’s case was dis closed Friday, immediately dropped off along with overall trading vol ume when investors returned to the market Monday. Boesky, who agreed to pay a re cord $100 million penalty to settle Hostage (Continued from page 1) 14, 1985, after 18 months in captivity. Jenco, 50, also held 18 months, was freed last July 26. Jacobsen, 54, held 17 months, was freed Nov. 2. Two other Americans held with them, Terry Anderson, chief Middle East correspondent of The Associated Press, and Thomas Sutherland, a university administrator, are still' being held. The former hostages who met with Waite said they hoped they were not exchanged for arms and had to believe Reagan’s as surances that there was no deal. Weir said he would be “deeply disturbed” if he found “that my release had been contingent on what might appear to be a fur ther escalation of the conflict be tween Iran and Iraq.” government charges that he en gaged in illegal insider trading, was the most successful and famous of Wall Street’s risk arbitragers, or pro fessional takeover speculators. Many arbitragers spend huge sums investing in stocks involved in takeover situations that have been publicly disclosed. They generally hope to buy the shares for less than what the acquirer ultimately pays for the stock when the merger is com pleted. Some arbitragers, however, also invest in stocks that are only ru mored to be takeover targets. And that often fuels heavy trading in the stocks before any public announce ment of a takeover bid is made. There is nothing illegal about that, provided the arbitrager does not trade on the basis of confidential information not yet made available to the general public — which Boesky was charged with doing. Yet Boesky’s downfall will make all arbitragers and other profes sional investors wary of heeding un confirmed speculation and investing on the basis of rumors, hunches or legitimate information lest they give even the appearance of using im properly obtained inside data, merger experts said. Robert S. Pirie, president of Rothschild Inc., an investment firm that specializes in advising clients on takeover strategies, predicted, “There will be, at least for some time period, a significant falling off in the rumor mill.” Arbitragers and others “are going to think twice about calling everyone in America trying to find out whether it (a rumor) is true,” he said. Kenneth Bialkin, a takeover attor ney at the law firm Willkie, Farr & Gallagher, said: “There is undoubt edly going to be that fear because you don’t know if the one you talk to is a tainted source. And the sources will be much more careful about what they say and to whom.” International Student AssociatitT - General Meeting - Will Be Selecting International = Week Chairman 7:00 pm Wed., Nov. 19 Rudder Tower Rm 701 /STUDENT GOVERNMENT TEXAS AA.M UNIVERSITY Get ii^voiiiU Student Government Awareness^ ver Survey I - We need your input - £51 Rudder Fountain Tues., Nov. 19 and Wed., Nov. 20 9am-3pfr|ei - take the time to show you care - y ★ sponsored by Public Relations Committee Touch Down at the Hyatt in Austin 4-3-: Aggie fans pick a winner after year with the HyaKik Regency Austin. Were right downtown. On the life river. Just minutes from the stadium and Sixtli|8|, Street. 5 / N ’ So touch down for an unforgettable football weeke with your friends at the Hyatt Regency Austin. Spe ?-Alc cial Thanksgiving package available including holi^w day bullet. For more information and reservations call 1-800-228-9000 or 512-477-1234. Hyatt Regencyj©Austin « ON TOWN LAKE The TRADITION Get Your ORIGINAL HORN BUSTERS SWEATSHIRTS Shirts Will be on Sale Monday Thru Friday From 9 to4 at The MSC. Listen for the “HORNBUSTERS” song on local radio station 1 Sponsored by: The Society for Entrepreneurship and New Ventures N 693-1937 696-8731 Bring in this AD FOR $1 otf Purchase. Limit one coupon per shirt. Expires 11 -24-86. _Tilton Sundance The Other E-Clj Hair Des!| and Tanning Sj invites you to J “Hair Fashions to review new tr