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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1986)
Monday, October 20, 1986/The Battalion/Page 7 World and Nation Minister says resignation ould break up Cabinet I CEBU CITY, Philippines (AP) — jrDefense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile isaid Sunday the Cabinet will break I up if'President Corazon Aquino asks jt him to resign over his opposition to 1 her peace policy toward communist I rebels. ■ The 62-year-old minister, who held the same post under ousted resident Ferdinand E. Marcos, ;ave the warning during a radio talk ihow. He said other Cabinet mem- icrs have asked him to step down or j stop publicly criticizing the peace iolicy. Asked if he would resign, Enrile aid he would “think about it when be time comes.” “The government is a coalition vernment,” Enrile said. “And I ink if they ask for the resignation any member of the coalition, well. that means the Cabinet will have to be dissolved.” It was not clear if Enrile envi sioned Aquino as having to step down in the event of a Cabinet break-up. He recently said that by dissolving Marcos’ constitution, she revoked her legal basis for authority. Enrile apparently sees Aquino as holding power solely because of an alliance between him and other lead ers of the revolt that forced Marcos into exile in February. Enrile’s statements marked the latest stage in a growing rift between him and Aquino over strategy for ending the 17-year-old insurgency by the communist New People’s Army. Aquino has vowed to pursue all avenues to a negotiated settlement with the communists, but to crack down if talks fail. Enrile says the communists, are not bargaining in good faith, and has called for tough military action. Commentators believe the rift could set off a government crisis be cause of Enrile’s support among some military officers. Government and rebel negotia tors met Saturday for the first time since the Sept. 29 arrest of commu nist leader Rodolfo Salas. Presidential executive secretary Joker Arroyo said the two sides dis cussed cease-fire proposals and rebel demands for immunity from arrest during negotiations, but with the communist rebels in August. The talks were suspended after the Na tional Democratic Front, a commu nist-dominated umbrella group rep resenting the rebels, accused the military of arresting Salas to sab otage negotiations. OP files >9,000 pages >f reports WASHINGTON (AP) — The National Republican Senatorial Committee says it wants to show it has nothing to hide. It has turned over 59,000 pages of financial disclosure documents in the larg est filing the Federal Election Commission has ever received. The party committee, an arm of the GOP whose goal is to help elect Republican senators, turned in 12 cartons of paper to meet last week’s disclosure deadline for fi nancial reports by candidates and ampaign committees. "It’s 17 feet, five inches tall,” ommittee spokesman David iJarsavage said of the report, thich amounts to nearly one- ifth the total volume of docu- tents filed with the Senate Public ecords office in all (if last year. The reason for the size of this uarter’s report was the GOP nmmittee’s increased solicitation f what are known as “earmarked ontributions.” Earmarking involves money iven to the committee to be assed on to a specific Senate Can- idate. The committee encouraged armarking in a highly successful lass mailing that went out to ontributors Sept. 2. The report of the Democratic enatorial Campaign Committee, hich files on a monthly rather item quarterly basis, will fit “in less than one box” when it is filed londay, said spokeswoman Di ne Dewhurst. Patients leave U.S. for non-approved drug treatments NEW YORK (AP) — The first drug proved effective for a common psychiatric disease called obsessive- compulsive disorder is being ob tained illegally in Canada by hun dreds of Americans because it is not available here, a government re searcher says. “There’s a tremendous black mar ket in this drug,” Dr. Thomas Insel of the National Institute of Mental Health said Saturday at the annual meeting of the Phobia Society of America. “This is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in the United States,” Insel said. “There’s been no medical treatment for it until now.” He said surveys have found that 2.5 percent of the population, or about 5 million Americans, suffer from the disorder. The drug, clomipramine, also called chlorimipramine, is in a cat egory of drugs called tricyclic anti depressants. It is available as an anti depressant with the trade name Anafranil in Canada and Mexico, Inselsaid. But in the United States it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration because its manufacturer has not yet supplied adequate evidence for its safety and effectiveness, Insel said. I Its manufacturer, Ciba Pharma ceutical Co. of Summit, N.J., a divi sion of the Ciba-Geigy Corp., has be gun trials of the drug at 20 research centers across the country with the hope of seeking approval by luly 1988, Insel said. Studies by Insel and others have shown that clomipramine can pro duce a 50 percent improvement in the symptoms of the majority of pa tients who receive it. For about 20 percent of patients, the drug is effectively a cure, Insel said. Some patients who took the drug for six months five years ago are still healthy, he said. For about 10 percent of the vic tims of the disease, the drug has no effect. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by recurrent impulses that are senseless and unpleasant — obsessions — and by repetitive be havior performed according to cer tain rules — compulsions. For example, it can take the form of excessive handwashing to the point of causing skin disease, or ex cessive checking of locks on windows and doors. Insel said he receives two or three calls a week from people who have obtained the drug in Canada and are looking for another source of it. Customs inspectors at the Ca nadian border have recently in creased efforts to confiscate the drug, in accordance with FDA regu lations, and have begun opening mail from pharmacies known to sup ply it, Insel said. \fghan leader seeks to establish independent path’from Moscow KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — fghan leader Najibullah, now in his th month as head of a Moscow- backed government, says reconcilia- 1 tion with Moslem guerrillas is his ain goal and that he envisions po- ical parties in the future. Najibullah, 40, also indicated that he is not trying to impose a Soviet system on Afghanistan, but seeks an independent path. He spoke during a 2'/a-hour meet ing late Saturday with Western re- terters who were invited to Afghan- jtan to witness the withdrawal of six Soviet regiments, or between 5,000 to 8,000 soldiers. \ According to Western estimates, ^Jbout 118,000 Soviet troops have been stationed in Afghanistan since 1979 to help the government fight the nationwide Moslem uprising. Najibullah said his People’s Dem ocratic Party of Afghanistan is will ing to accept rival political parties and a style of government markedly different from that of Moscow to end the fighting. He said a reconciliation meeting with the guerrillas was expected to take place “in the next few days.” He declined to elaborate, saying nego tiations were too sensitive to discuss in public. Najibullah also said Afghanistan was not developing according to a Soviet blueprint, and listed some of the differences between the two countries. When asked about socialism’s pro motion of atheism, he said, “Islam is the religion of the absolute majority of our people.” About 99 percent of Afghani stan’s more than 17 million people are Moslems, said Najibullah, noting he has followed Islam all his life. He also said 99 percent of the country’s farmland is privately owned and public markets operate on the private enterprise system. Najibullah laughed when asked to comment on views held widely in the West that he was installed by the Kremlin. He said neither his party nor his people would stand for an appointed leader. Najibullah became general secre tary of Afghanistan’s communist party in May. 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