Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1986)
Page 6/The Battalion/Monday, October 20, 1986 attalion Classifieds ‘The wildest show behind bars Texas Prison Rodeo celebrates 55th year SP€Cmi NOTIC€ S€flVlC€S Free: Bouvier des Flandres, Great guard dog. Very af- lectionate. Call Catherine, leave message 696-4316. 36t 10/22 NOTIC6 A&M Winter Ski Weeks to Steamboat, \ ail or Keystone with Five or seven nights deluxe lodging, lift tickets, mountain picnic, parties, ski race, more, from S142.! ilurrv, call Sunchase Tours for more information toll free 1-800-321-5911 TODAY! 21t 10/24 Patranella's Resale Furniture K- Ftc. Bed’s, dinettes, touc hes, odd chairs, frame pictures & draperies. 1411 San Jacinto. 822-4716 or 822-0226. 25tl0/tfn DEFENSIVE DRIVING, TICKET DISMISSAL, YOU’LL LOVE OUR FUN CLASS! 693-1322.35tl2/17 With Mary Kay Try Before You Buy So you never buy the wrong product or shade again. For a complimentary facial, call for an appointment. Inde pendent Beauty Consultant, M. Cyn thia Leigh 696-4200. ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 tset “Convict cowboys” from around the state come to the “Walls” Unit of the Texas Depart ment of Corrections in October to get a chance — if only for eight seconds — to be ro deo heroes. Cowboys in the prison rodeo aren’t going hi Every Sunday in October people pour into Huntsville to watch the inmates perform at the TDC’s Texas Prison Rodeo. A carnival atmosphere fills the streets near the prison unit, which is nestled in the heart of Huntsville. into the arena for big prize money. It’s also unlikely they’ll end up endorsing jeans and boots for western-wear companies. These guys are taking a chance on having a bull or bronc kick them in the head, with their only reward a few extra dollars in their meal ac- FOR R€NT LIVE ON 73 ACRES IN WELLBORN 2 BR-1 BA-Duplex cottages. 1 mile from Wellborn stores - 6 min utes from campus. Stables, riding paths, flowing creeks and stocked fishing ponds. All electric-central air & heat. (Refrigerator & stove included) washer & dryer hook ups. A spotless-clean country en vironment with on-site manage ment. $225/month. We pay the water and collect the garbage at your door! Call Now! Stuart or Kathy Howard 690-0336. 33t10/21 I’ROITSSORS KXAM MCKS lor Kngim-iiinn. C.liom- isii\. C.;il< ulii*. I’!l\si( s ;n I'nivet sitv Hookstotc JC l.ou- (xh's. :ihi/i Concessionaires sell souvenirs and food while a small inmate band plays country music for visitors as they wait for the arena gates to open. People stroll down the rodeo midway lead ing to the arena, hardly conscious of the prison guards perched on platforms and in towers with riot guns. counts. This year’s rodeo has 83 inmate partici pants, 43 cowboys and 40 “redshirts.” The cowboys take turns displaying their skills in traditional events such as bareback bronc, saddle bronc and wild-bull riding. The “redshirts” are convicts who compete in teams of four in their events. Dressed in bright red shirts and white pants, the red shirts compete in wild-cow milking, calf rac ing and the “hard money” competition. 1MM\(. BY WANDA. Am kind. ;inv Ic’iiKtli. Rc;i- soualilr iaim. li'.M)-1 11:1. .10tl()/23 WORD I'ROCKSSINC.: IWna'tions. ilicses. t m lipis. iojxmis. if i m papfiv ii-sumcs. 764-6614. Expert T’vping. Word Processing, Resumes. From SI .33 pei page. PF.RFHC I PRINT, 822-1430. 16tl 1/26 Piano lessons in your home. Experienced teacher, rea sonable rates; must be near campus. Call Lisa 846- 7626. 35t 10/23 LUflNT€D INJURY STUDY DOLL HOUSE FOR RENT VIEW OF COUNTRY CLUB LAKE! Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. The inmates and guards didn’t seem to worry Sunday’s crowd of more than 18,000 — they came to see a good show and that’s exac tly what they got. The Texas Prison Rodeo is in its 55th year and though attendance is sparse enough that officials have said this may be the rodeo’s last year, for now it’s still the “wildest show behind bars.” That’s because determined convicts from 27 different TDC prison units try out for the rodeo. They come from all walks of life and their prison terms range from three years to life. As the rodeo’s theme song says, “they’re payin’ their dues and they have nothing to lo se.” “Hard money” may be an understatement. All 40 redshirts are lined up on one end of the arena. On the other end, in the middle chute, is the meanest Brahma hull in the rodeo. Tied between its horns is a cash prize of as much as a $1,000. The redshirt who’s brave enough —or greedy enough — to grab the pouch wins the cash. r CEBU ( . lefense \ aid Sund pifPresi him to res er peace rebels. The 6i idd the Resident rave the w how. He lets have; stop pu bli jolicy. Asked i aid he wc he time co ‘The gt (overnmei hink if thi (fany met The rodeo also features country music per formances. This year, Ricky Skaggs, Willie Nelson, Reba McEntire and George Jones have appeared. The Judds will close out this year’s rodeo with their performance October 26. Rodeo tickets are available at ticket outlets or from the TDC. 2 BR-1 BA-Formal living and din ing room with French doors. Cen tral air & heat - fireplace with car ved mantle. Ceiling fans, mini blinds, hardwood floors, white picket fence. Heavily wooded 7/8 acre lot. One block from country club lake & Texan Restaurant. Lots of extras including stairway to large upstairs room - super study area! $400/month. Stuart or Kathy Howard 690-0336. 33t10/21 G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 Need female roommate f $ 112.50/mo. 822-3091. ROOMMATES NEEDED ALL BILLS PAID 693-6716 1-bdrm furnished apartment. Wish to sublet ASAP. $30()/month (neg.). Call 846-0515 Ask about # 1 102. 36t 10/24 Sublet Large one bedroom apartment. Pools, hottub. Covered parking. Cheap utilities. 696-7613. 32t 10/20 1 & 2 Bdrm. Furnished Apts. North Gate C.S. 1st street. A/C. no pets. (1) 825-2761. 189tfn for sni€ Extended Special: Cotton Vil lage Apts., Snook, TX. 1 Bdrm, $150. 2 Bdrm, $175. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. 1985 Honda Spree -- Lo Basket $400. 1-588-1460. Mileage — Storage Area — 36t 10/24 1981 Yamaha 650 Special II. $700 runs well. Great for campus. 693-2584 mornings/evcings. 36t 10/24 LOOK! A FREE PROGRAM, NO PURCHASE RE QUIRED! IBM. COMPATIBLES FROM $595. COMPUTERS, ETC. 693-7599. 34U0/22 Beautiful his&hers wedding bands. 14K never worn - negotiable. Rob 696-2183; Andrea 696-9647. 32tl0/20 PRO PARTS. 3521 S. T< Mill llei s. $9.95. Header I lull\ ( ai bin etoi s. .as. Bi n an. 846-6666. Turbo $49.95. Wheels. Fites, and 29i 10/29 White laquer Scandinavian bunkbed set $300, two matching white desks $200, two matching three- drawer chests $200, total set $600. 1-279-250735t 10/24 LOST AND FOUND $100 reward for trombone lost near east Kyle during T ech game. No questions asked. Todd 846-7443. 35t 10/30 LOST—5 !/i in. computer diskette labeled ‘The GMAT Course Master Disk.’ Call Bill 845-4714. 34H0/22 ROOMMATE UURNTED Single mom looking for mature female roommate to live in mv home. 779-3963. 822-4108. 32t 10/20 HELP LURNTED Dnycare Workers part-time and substitutes. Apply at 3404 C'.avitt. Brvan. 3-5 p in. M-K. No phone tails please. 36t 10/24 -lop I’.o- Uoik at . - i |opi:'.0o- |00'_> da\ ot 2Kt 10 21 HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS List $16,040 - $59,230/vr. Now Hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9531. 34tl2/I6 EnilniNUistu’. responsible pet son needed as l ull lime 01 - ihndoniu assistant. T raining available lot motivated pet son. Please call 776-8689 ()c tober 13- 17 li oinS-3. 30i 10/20 Reporter-photographer needed for THE PRESS part to full-time hours. Must have writing and photography experience, own transportation, be able to work some evenings, weekends. Darkroom, paste-up knowledge desirable. Send resumes, storv-photo clips to THE PRESS, 2606 T exas Ave., Brvan 77802 or call 823- 0088. 33t 10/21 Phone help - no sales. Aggressive. Good phone voice. $4.00 - $5.00/hour. 764-9528. 35t 10/20 SERVICES 1 YPLNG: Accurate, Fast. Reliable. Word Processing. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 36t 10/21 o matter what you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. SOS WORD PROCESSING. Bold face, Greek symbols, Underlining, Equations, Boxes, Lines, and Tables for your every need. Speed and Quality with our Word- perfect software and Letter Perfect printer. Chimney Hill Business Park, 268-2777. 10tl0/23 Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 Traditions Council Sponsors SWITCH OFF for the kickoff litical arti< Najibulh he is not t Ladies choice Weekend Oct. 25th TEXAS A&M vs. Rice Boutineers are on sale in the MSC all wee system o indepem He sp< ing late porters v Ban to v Soviet re to 8,000 Accor tbout 1 al een sta LADIES SHOW THEM HOW ITS DONE! BEAT THE HELL OUTA RICE GO r i: x FO CLE • Dental • Evenin < Comply /STUDENT VERNMENT I UNIVERSITY