Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1986)
Friday, September 19, 1986/The Battalion/Page 7 . __.. students c * vi ^help harvest hcrop :t fishery >ni the military or ivorld. vs that the reason statement could isiness-oriented attin agan Administrate vs that most peoplt and society todasiij schools at e inefficitj of that is a mvth,'| »avs. "We (educator;; p'ood job when it to; n to it.” local school prince [ree with Bennett's i Ogden, principal of lien tare School, s nary purpose as pn educational leaders (military leadens lei ship skills but nc . . . and there's no ( for experiences Johnson, the pno ett Elementary Sd link it's easier forar learn certain asp ess world than(itis: sman to learn thin; ition PALACIOS (AP) — Several Texas A&M graduate students were up to their knees in muck as they slowly pulled a sveighted net along a nar row ditch. A balding man dressed in a Mexican wedding shirt, slacks, watched the progress intently from the bank of the 33-acre pond, now drained dry except for the water- filled ditch being dredged by the stu dents. Silvery mullet leaped over the proceeding net, but that was OK. When the men reached the end of the section they were dredging, the net was pulled up to reveal the prizes: five redfish averaging over two pounds. It was a day of hectic activity on this normally quiet tract of land west of Palacios as landowners, investors, A&M students and others gathered to harvest this much sought-after fish. The 2,000 acres of land owned by a trio of Houston businessmen is host to the only private redfish grow-out operation in the country, said Dr. Jack Castle Sr., one partner in the venture. Castle talked enthusiastically of the project — a joint venture be tween himself, partners Leslie Ap- pelt and Don Culwell and the A&M aqua-culture department — as he supervised the harvesting operations recently. “Two years ago this started as a plaything rather than a business,” said Castle, who originally leased the Palacios land as a duck-hunting site. “From that point (the early redfish experiments) we were surprised as to what we were capable of doing . . . the growth of the fish was phenome nal.” Marine Extension Agent Willie Younger connected the investors with the extension service’s aqua-cul ture knowledge, as well as with the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife, which supplied fry to stock the ponds; A&M; and the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, which aided in pond designs. “Texas A&M provides the man power and records the data. We pay salaries for the individual (managing the farm),” as well as the cost of building the ponds and feeding the fish, Castle said. Though he declined to pinpoint the investment in the project, Castle did allow that overall costs over the two years have exceeded one-half million dollars. Construction of a new 100-acre pond has been de layed, said Castle, because of ex penses incurred to comply with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit rules. Despite the current “in-the- red” status of the venture, Castle said the whole point of it is even tually to make money. And the experimental nature of the pro ject means that others can benefit from the mistakes of the Palacios- based enterprise, he said. GARDEN GOLF Indoor at Manor East Mall 500 oft one 18 hole round per customer per visit « B jKgjres 9r21/86 I OLLEGE LOANS - 100 Million dol- ar$ available for (guaranteed student oans). No interest while student in idtlege or vocational school. $25,000 imum. Loans are made by Occi- tal Life Insurance Co. To find out }e about the Career Assistance please call 1-409-846-7886. 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Catherine Stein fashion wood in earrings, necklaces and ban gles. RED COBRA JEWELRY 50% Off Reg. 10-35. Tiger print jewelry in pins, necklaces, and earrings. ROUND-THE-CLOCK HOSIERY 20% Off Reg. 3-7.50. Choose from entire stock, including fashion colors and textures. JUNIOR SWEATS 19.99 Reg. 25-30. Choose from long and short sleeve crewneck tops, banded bottoms in a variety of colors. ESPRIT SEPARATES 25% Off Reg. 28-45. Choose from graphic knit separates or fun dresswear. YOUNG MEN’S T-SHIRTS MEN’S SLACKS MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS MEN’S SPORT SHIRTS 7.99 Special. O.P. and Hobie printed T’s in 100% cotton. 9.99 Reg. 25-45. Choose from designer labels for casual and dress, sizes 30-38. 9.99 Special. Choose from assorted colors and styles in these short sleeve dress shirts. 14.99 Reg. 20-37.60. These 100% cotton and poly-cotton blends available in solids and stripes. MEN’S SLACKS MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS MEN’S SUNGLASSES BOY’S JEANS 14.99 taeg. 18-25. 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These Haitian pillows in cot ton/polyester available in assorted patterns. shop Dillard's monday thru Saturday 10-9, Sunday 12:30-5:30; post oak mall, college station