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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1986)
Page 12/The Battalion/Tuesday, September 2, 1986 Drivers opposed to speed limit change NEW YORK (AP) — A major ity of Americans frequently drive faster than 55 mph on highways, but most oppose changing the na tionwide speed limit, according to a Media General-Associated Press poll. Eighty-five percent of the 1,365 adults in the nationwide telephone poll said they had ex ceeded the federally-mandated 55 mph speed limit, and 56 per cent of them said they did so at least half of the time, according to the poll. Nevertheless, 54 percent of the respondents opposed changing the 55 mph speed limit, which was mandated by Gongress in 1974 and is facing increasing op position. Forty-four percent said the limit should be increased, 1 percent said it should be de creased, and 1 percent wasn’t sure. Not surprisingly, slower driv ers were more likely than faster drivers to oppose changing the highway speed limit. Eight in 10 of those who rarely exceeded 55 mph opposed a change, while the speeders were evenly split on the issue. In the West, where long, empty stretches of highway seem endless at 55 mph, a 56 percent majority favored increasing the speed limit. Only 35 percent of Eastern ers, 39 percent of Midwesterners and 47 percent of Southerners fa vored an increase. The 55 mph speed limit was imposed as a fuel conservation measure following the Middle East oil embargo. But with sup plies plentiful and prices low, there has been an increased ef fort to have it repealed. Earlier this month, President Reagan endorsed “in principle” the repeal of the nation’s 55 mph speed limit to allow states to set their own speed laws. Supporters of the speed limit cite safety reasons for keeping the speed limit at 55 mph. Respondents in the Media General-Associated Press poll in cluded a random, scientific sam pling of 1,365 adults across the country June 20-28. Crash (continued from page 1) International Airport’s worst air di saster. Sixteen houses burned, 10 of them destroyed by flames and/or falling wreckage. Fire Battalion Ghief Gordon Pear son said damage was estimated at S2.7 million. A sheriff’s spokesman said 10 residents, five firefighters and a deputy received minor inju ries. Greg Golvett of the coroner’s of fice said at a command post in Cerri tos, 20 miles southeast of Los An geles, “There’s no confirmed (dead) on the ground. It’s just too much of a mess . . . We’re talking bits and pieces of everything.” Los Angeles County Sheriff Sher man Block, on his First tour of the scene Monday, said, “It’s complete devastation. Until you see it, it’s hard to visualize what the level of destruc tion was.” Michael Riddle, a coroner’s senior investigator, said, “Two or three weeks down the road, we’ll probably have a judge declare some of these (missing) people dead, whether we prove them dead or not. Our biggest hassle will be to find out how many people were in the houses and sepa rate the ones who were home from the passengers.” Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board recov ered the jetliner’s cockpit voice re corder, N FSB spokesman Ira Fur man said. The voice recorder will be tested in Washington, “and if it's func tioning they’ll assemble a team to lis ten to it,” Furman said. The flight data recorder was re covered Monday in the rubble of a house that was destroyed, said Capt. Gam Oversby of the Los Angeles County Sherif f's Departments. Lauber said he understood that when the crash occurred, the jet was in the Los Angeles airport’s Termi nal Control Area, or TCA, at an el evation of 6,000 to 7,000 feet. He said no aircraft is supposed to enter the area without specific dead f rom approach controllers The NTSB was Irving iolq “whether the small plane was TCA," Lauber said, addingtta m\ understanding they werem touch with anyone” to obtainilt| quired permission. ITOR'y n ere 6 hilt' of The Federal Aviation Adm® tion said earlier the smallermfi living under visual flight rufe was not under direct radio conn ^ |. jS ( ve.i/ ._£e in Mavor Tom Bradley said terrible tragedy will, 1 trust,pn a thorough examination by tw eral government of how future aii collisions can be prevented. Victims (continued from page 1) termine the citizenship of two other passengers listed as traveling with Americans. Aeromexico’s chief spokesman, Enrique Gutierrez, said seven teams of Mexican technicians and inspec tors went to Washington and Los Angeles to assist the National Trans portation Safety Board and Federal Aviation Administration in the in vestigation. One team was to help identify vic tims’ remains, which were being sent to the University of Southern Cali fornia, Gutierrez said. Once identi fied, the bodies of Mexican victims will be returned home, lie said. The head of Aeromexico’s na tional employees’ union, in a statement carried bv the Excelsior national news wire, said investigators must determine if California flight controllers treated the Aeromexico plane with the same care “that the government of Mexico (guarantees) to planes of whatever nationality." Reyes, however, said there was in- sullicient information vet to assign blame. ed offs neiv fu expiriit> er in a c how th Effected 1 he n. ■ jjn< hunch ,oi: siana, faion Co the United States of this fouititli that r; for hohhv' living." Reves said telephone interview. pf depre Ig an oil There is a new phenomenon in “It can be verv riskv because; jpi'TOs is in that area (Southern Calif' was pi such tremendous congestion,, add to that these men who lib; Ij^ 1 ^ iat a out and 11 v their planes, and the jif in / t ’ rne ten do not have full knowlrt; »<: becaii' the i uies of the air lanes,”hesai Welcome Back AGGIES No\ slu from the merchants of pDSTOAKMAU. /' itf. School pniintj Kt ftwim hd Stud 0 jKLSS _kr«,te o. | Htf dtJUi Hr f uu* h Vf- 1 130 Quality Stores: Dillards, Sears, Bealls, Service Merchandise, JC Penney, Wyatts, Foleys Monday - Saturday 10-9 Sunday 12:30-5:30 Gourmet Food C[i Unccs Bl lAjHiurwy - Keyboard Center Alvarez Value Pack Guitar and Accessories reg. $240 00 Sale $199 00 <|;qqq 00 Fender Electric Guitars From ^ Sale Prices on electric and acoustic effects and accessories! 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