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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1985)
Apimmi nis lor u ni Im.iu-d in Snook. IfXiis. ( cntral Irmi ail. < at })c*l. I iH'dmoin Mai l ai S200 pri monih. ‘2 Ik'iIi ooms stal l S‘2-4S pci monih .X. - S 200 deposit. Call S *r,-SK7N dm ini> lhe <la\ . ( all I O07-7 12 I ni^hls. N”>i20 Spend Spring break at South Padre condo on beach. Accomodates 6. $200 deposit. Call Gail 845-5340. 696- “307. • 95t6 l oin j»li*\ Apts. \v\vIs retnodek'd S250.00 per month. Tuo hedi oom. one hath. W7I) connei lions. (ionvenient loi anipus. 77.7-1 790 8 p.m.. 779-0992 (i p.m. v 73t30 upcoming talent contest. Come by 44 10 lege NiiBnlO DOMESTIC SERVICES 693-1954 Part-Time Team Cleaning. Flexible Hours. $3.85/Hour plus Mileage. Must have phone and transportation. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-Colorado Mountain Re sort Employer is seeking male and female appli cants for: Retail Sales. Food Service And other re tail oriented jobs. Mid May thru Mid September located in Estes Park, Colo. For further intormation write: National Park Village North Mark Schifferns 740 Oxford Lane Fort Collins, CO 80525 97t5 3USBOYS needed. Ap ply in person PELICAN’S WHARF, 2500 Texas Avenue S., C.S. Equal Opportunity Employer. 9317 CHUISESHIPS HIRING! $16-$30.000! Carribcan, Hawaii, World. Calk for Guide, Directory, Newsletter. 1-(916) 944-4444 xTexas A&M cruise. 78t24 AIRLINES HIRING! $14-$39,000! Stewardesses, Res- ervationist! Worldwide! Call for guide. Directory, Newsletter. 1-(916) 944-4444 ext. TexasA&Mair. 78t24 Earn $8-$24 or more per hour. Highest Commissions paid for selling the new Jaycee Restaurant Sampler Book. No Skills needed—Book Sell Itself. Work own hours! Call Paul 823-1518. 96t5 OVERSEAS JOBS..Summer, yr. round. Europe, S. Amer., Australia, Asia. All fields. $900-2000 mo. Sight seeing. Free info. Write IJC, PO Bx 52-TX-4 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. 90t 11 Part-time hands man needed. Experience necessary. Must have own 11 anspoitation and tools. Call Beal Realiv 823-5409. ^ 94t9 SPECIAL NOTICE Spring Break Hurry! South Padre and Steamboat are sold out - but there’s still a little space left at Daytona Beach starting at $78, Mustanglsland/Port Aransas for $119 and Corpus Christi at $79. Don’t wait any longer - call sun- chase tours today toll free 1-800-321-5911 or contact your local campus representative or travel agency, hurry! 95t6 ROOMMATE WANTED Female roommate. Own bedroom, $160 VS utilities. Shuttle route, 693-4058. 98t5 WANTED $60 $60 $60 $60 SORE THROAT STUDY 150 participants needed with sore throats, to participate in a questionaire study $60 incen tive. Call 776-0411. $60 $60 $60 $60 Wanted: 10 overweight people to lose weight and/or make money. Call 693-2635. 96t5 Wanted: Used 1983 or 1984 Honda Aero 80 motos- cooter. Write 2308 Zinnia Court, Killeen, TX. 76542. 95t5 SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 91 tin L 1 !/ftlMJ:L^rYr**»trr-.-.f . -i/t..■ Planning a Party? D..J. Party Service has just the music, and this semester try our Friday Special just $125. For hooking information leel free to call DAVID KIFX 846-1838. • 76t39 Professional quality typing. Term papers, Theses, Busi- ' ilyn, 693-7515. ness needs. Call Marilyn, 693-751' SERVICES; Alterations and custom sewing. Dennis Ambrose 846-9625. References upon request. 309A Koch. 9U20 Cavline-lnformatiou. referrals, peer-counseling. Mon- dav-Fridav. 5:30-10:30. 775-1797. 8U32 Tvping. word processing, resumes. Lowest prii highest quality in town. PERFECT PRINT, 822-1430. Prolessional I \ ping. I weint teals experience. Labs diesis, lei in papers, equations, eu . 693-8537 WORD PROCESSING all kinds. By appointment only. Call 775-6178 anvtinie. 82t20 Oif campus it ping sort ho. I usi at t to ale reasonable ex perienced. Hintcnicnl. C all Riibin 260-6878. 83l20 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion procedures and referrals — Free pregnancy testing. Houston, Texas (713)271-0121. 80t69 TYPING-WORD PROCESSING Fast and Dependable Personalized Service We understand form and style. Beginning our sixth year. AUTOMATED CLERICAL SERVICES 110 Lincoln, C.S. 693-1070 96t31 FOR SALE Epsoh FX100 printer. $675. New. Call 845-8650 ask for Geyata (Gay’-yah-tah). 95t5 1MPALA 68,327 PARTS: motor, traits, etc. $150.00 in terior $100.00, $300.00 takes all 846-7146. 96tl0 1NYADS. BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. o matter what you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. t he Aggie Blood Drive, sponsored by APO, OPA and Student Government wilt be held through Thursday, Blood donation loca tions will be at the Pavilion, l(j a.m.-.H p.m'.. Commons, 10 a.m.-S p.m. and mobiles at Sbisa and Rudder Fountain 10 a.m.-O p.m. Ev eryone is urged to donate. Women’s club offers CPR courses Two courses in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPRl will be held by the Women's Club a< 1200 Carter Creek Parkway in Bryan this month. The morning course will Ik- given today and Tuesday from 9 a.un-noon. The evening course will be given on I uesday and Thursday from 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Certification from the American Hear! Association and the Red Cross will be given upon successful completion. T he cost is 50 cents for the instruction booklet. To regis ter, call ihe American Heart office at 775-1970. Events planned for women’s week m Aggie Women’s Association and Women in Communit ation are sponsoring A3cM Women’s Week. Events today include a brown bag lunch and seminar with Aggie professional women at noon in 20b MSC. Lvnn Noble will sneak at 7:.'9) p.m. in 001 Rudder. Wednesday a style snow will be held at noon in the MSC Lounge and a reception will liegin at 5 p.m. in Rudder Exhibit Hall. Dr. Sara Alpern will speak and entertainment will he provided by the Women’s Chorus. The public is invited to attend all events which are free of charge. For more information, call jo at 845-1IT5. offers scholarships nee scholarships are now available for undergraduate health science majors of high academic achievement . Application forms are available at the Scholarship Office in the Pavilion, the Biology Advis* 01 BSBW and from the Dean of Science in 318 t 10UI— ... IP— m 1 Deadline for application is March 1, 1985. BSBW. Dive club forming In College Station nzos Valley Divei * a new dive club in Brazos county, is meet- ’ i mg Wednesday at 7:SO p m. in the College Station Community Cen- • ^ ^TAMU Scuba Club is inviting all of its members i s to come meet the members of this organization ter, room 106, and interested i China, U.S. trade builds relations: SCONA speaker ALL: The Battalion 845-2611 By JAY BLINDERMAN Reporter Trade relations provide an oppor tunity for the United States to ex pand business and build a strong and lasting relationship with China, an executive with Hughes Tool Co. said Friday morning during SCONA. Calvin Sholtess, executive vice president of Hughes Tool Co., said that relationship, however, must be built with patience and relations must be expanded to their full po tential. “If you consider trade in China a big, ripe plum ready to be picked, I am confident you are most likely to not taste it until the next crop,” Shol tess said. Sholtess is a member of the Coun cil for Executive Development at Texas A&M and has been employed at Hughes Tool for 35 years. For 20 of those years, he has worked in in ternational trade. “The Chinese are the world’s best traders and negotiators,” he said. “They really do their homework.” The Chinese are honest in their business dealings and realize that they are behind in economic devel opment, Sholtess said. He also said the Chinese will have to develop roads and modern trans portation systems to parallel eco nomic production if they hope to meet their growth expectations. If the Chinese can establish an equivalent standard of living, Shol tess said, the market in China will be four times as large as the market in the United States. Just in the last five years, changes in dress habits towards more color ful and stylisli clothing reflect a fresh outlook for the people of China, he said. Sholtess said a company wanting to deal with China should he profes sional, persistent and most impor tantly, patient. AT&T official to lecture in Chemistry Building An AT&T Bell Laboratory of ficial will discuss “Optical Communica tions” today at 4 p.m. in 231 Chemis- ry Building as part of the Robert A. Welch Foundation Lecture series. Dr. Kenneth A. Jackson, head of the Optical Material Research De partment at AT&T Bell Laborato- ies, will present the lecture. fields of crystal growth and phase transformations and has received the Matthewson Gold Medal of the American Institute of Mechanical Engineers, said Dr. Michael Rosy- nek, associate head of the chemistry department. i it's Good News 1 The Robert A. Welch Foundation supports research in chemistry and physics. It annually sponsors univer sity lectures concerning scientific re search. Jackson’s principal research inter ests are in the structure and prop erties of materials, both crystalline and amorphous, Rosynek said. EniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiF Jackson has done work in the Jackson also has been president of both the American Association for Crystal Growth and the Materials Research Society. 15% DISCOUNT with current A&M I.D. (repairs not included) For all your jewelry needs. Charge accounts available. DOUGLAS JEWELRt Culpepper Plaza College Station 693-0677 or 212 N. Main Bryan 822-3119 A ir MSC GREAT ISSUES General Meeting Monday Feb. 18 7 pm 407 Rudder Hewlett-Packard... For Tough Assignmei “Remember,” he said, “the Chinese are the shrewdest traders in the world.” Hewlett-Packard calculators...for Science, Engineering, Business, orFinaW They save time and simplify complex problems. How? With built-inf# tions, programming capability, and time-saving features like dedicated to ^ Buy yours today! • I IP-11C Slim-line Advanced Scientific Programmable $70.50 • HP-12C Slim-line Advanced Financial Programmable $108.00 • HP-15C Slim-line Advanced Scientific Programmable with Matrices $108.00 • UP-16C Slim-line Programmable for Computer Science $108.00 ji • HP--UCV Advanced Programmable Alphanumeric $202.50 • HP-41CX Advanced Programmable Alphanumeric with Extended Functions $276.25 What HEWLETT mL/iM PACKARD a I a e AUTHORIZED HEWLETT-PACKARD DEALER a a a SOS CHURCH STREET COLLEGE STATION,