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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1985)
Monday, February 18, 1985/The Battalion/Page 5 — rs mmm - ... .,, .V..... . . •aW-EKR*; Warped by Scott McCullar ; Caperton fighting cuts ‘A&M needs full funding’ By JERRY OSLIN Stuff Writer ■State Senator Kent Caperton, D- Bryan, said Friday a 5 percent cut in "fexas A&M’s budget is too much and that he will work to bring the University’s budget up to lull Fund- ing. ■Speaking at a breakfast given by the Bryan-College Station Chamber off Commerce, Caperton said he ac cepts a proposal by Lt. Governor Bill Hobby as an alternative to the "dra conian” 25 percent cuts proposed by the Legislative Budget Board. ■ But Caperton said the Hobby pro posal still needs improvement. This plan calls for a 5 percent cut in Texas A&M’s budget. ■“I think we have to work now to improve the Hobby proposal to get us oack to full funding, he said.” ■Caperton said the state could keep higher education at full funding without raising taxes. ■Texas needs to take $36 million from the park fund and put it into higher education, he said. ■“We found $30 million in the gen eral fund that was still going to high ways and we are going to direct it to higher education,” he said. Caperton said he also supports raising tuition as long as state finan cial aid is increased. “ft is our responsibility that we couple any tuition increase with a promise to the young people of Texas that if you are in financial need you will have a fulcrum avail able to you to insure that an oppor tunity for higher education will not be denied because of a lack of finan cial opportunity,” he said. Caperton said he especially sup ports a tuition increase for non-resi dent students. “Right now people can come in from out of state and go to school cheaper here than it would be in their own state and that’s not fair to the taxpayers of Texas,” he said. Caperton also crticized Gov. Mark White for ignoring his advice on the appointment of new members to the Texas A&M Board of Regents. “It’s the governor’s decision and not the senator’s decision,” he said. “But I was appalled that the gover nor chose to ignore the advice and then make his decision without con sultation with the senator who rep resents Texas A&M.” Caperton also said he was angry because White chose to ignore the appointment process outlined by the Texas State Constitution. “The State Constitution says that the Senate shall be the subject of ad vice and consent and that doesn’t mean being told as an afterthought,” he said. Caperton said he has tried to avoid “confrontational politics” but that he will not back down when Brazos County is involved. “I will never be petty or overly personal about the way that I dis charge my responsibilities,” he said. “But I won’t roll over and play dead for this governor or any other gover nor when I think that the issue of Brazos County and the 5th Senato rial District is at stake.” Variety show accepting applications By HOLLY A. KELT Reporter Put on those old vagabond shoes, don your top hat and tails and shine Up your act for the MSC Variety Show. Students interested in auditioning for the the annual show must sign up for an audition time before Feb. 22. Auditions will be held Feb. 25- 27, beginning at 6 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. Twelve acts will be se lected for the show. “It will be a good release for them (the show participants),” said Suzy Day, student chairman for the vari ety show. “We’ve put a lot of hard work into it and it will be really fun.” In previous shows, acts such as singers, dancers, twirlers and come dians have shown their stuff. The committee doesn’t know how many students will audition for the show, Day said, because most usually wait until the last minute to enter. The master of ceremonies will be comedian Jim Buchholz. Buchholz, who won first place in the 1983 vari ety show, was chosen after he gave an encore performance at last year’s program. Buchholz’s partner, Dave Frame, will fly in from Indiana Uni versity for a special performance. Kim Walters, the 1984 Miss Texas A&M, will perform the opening number. Judges for the competition in clude Mel Chase, former head writer for the Steve Allen Show and a for mer writer for The Tonight Show and for Bob Hope. First, second, and third place win ners will be chosen. Trophies and cash prizes of $75, $50 and $30 w ill be awarded, respectively. The MSC Variety Show will be April 12 in Rudder Auditorium. Tickets will be available March 18 and will cost is $3.50 for students and $4 for adults. ESI REi/iEwiinmmm toikm SMm DAT Prepare for April 20 exam! Call 696*3196 for information 707 Texas Ave. 301-C In Dallas: 11617 N. Central Expwy. APOLLO HAIR RESTORATION/ REPLACEMENT CLINIC OF HOUSTON TOTAL HAIR RESTORATION™ ★Minoxidil Physician Supervised ★Hair Progression: Step-by-step ★Derma Vacuum™ The Ultimate Replacement ★Select your own program with health professionals dedicated to meeting your needs. Call 409-846-4080 1842 Greenfield Plaza Before Step 1 (2 months) ff^ fill Step 2 (5 months) Step 3 (8 months) Hours By Appointment Bryan, Texas 77802 Korean military wives lured into Houston prostitution ring Associated Press H HOUS TON — Seasoned prosti tutes regularly visit nightclubs and other businesses near Texas military | bases to “brainwash” young Korean military wives into leaving their hus bands for “well-paying jobs,” said Detective Neal Leonard, a Houston police vice officer. The “recruiters,” usually seasoned prostitutes, make trips to such mili tary locations as Killeen, near Fort Hood, and look for young women who recently arrived from Korea with their U.S. military husbands. Leonard told the Houston Post. It is not until the women reach Houston in search of the lucrative jobs they have been promised that they learn the jobs involve prostitu tion, Leonard said. Some leave immediately, but oth ers such as those who speak little or no English and have no marketable skills, agree to work, he said. Leonard said he knows of only one military husband who succeeded in extracting his Korean bride from a Houston prostitution house. igl All Intramural Teams Receive a 20% Discount $00 Villa Maria Rd. (Across from Manor East Mali) v 779-9484 Processing by Fox Photo Co. Turn in film by 1 ind pick it up the next day. c Photo/ c Tech 811 South Texas College Station, 409 696-0034 M|fRK........ Sale-a-brate Your Accomplishment 50% off All Loose Diamonds Until March 21 Layaway Plans Available Mon. -Fri. 9:00-5:30 Sat 9-5 Visa, MasterCard, American Express 415 University (Parking In Rear) 846-5816