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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1985)
LAST CHANCE Enroll now for spring dance classes at the Gallery of Dance Arts! Classes open in: Jazz — 6 y* - - olds-adult Tap — children, teens & adults Ballet — adults Rhythmic aerobics For more information, call 693-0352 107 Dowling Road, College Station, TX (next to Wicks Lumber) Music by QUEENJ DINO DE LAURENTIIS Presents FLASH GORDON SAM J. JONES ★ MELODY ANDERSON ★ ORNELLA MUT\ MAX VON SYDOW ★ TOPOL ★ TIMOTHY DALTON from MSC Cepheid Variable THURS.JAN.17 7:30 & 10:00 pm RUDDER THEATRE $1.50 Nursing Professionals Are you an ambitious and energetic nursing professional seeking a unique growth oppor tunity and new challenges? You need to talk to Greenleaf — we need you! New and expanded service units have created opportunities to impact mental health care delivery in the Brazos Valley Region. At Greenleaf we're particular about the peo ple we hire. We understand the importance of a good working environment where your voice and experience can make a difference. For more information and a personal inter view call Dr. Larry Roe, Director of Clinical Services or Mary Kay Getzfrid, BSN, Associ ate Director of Clinical Services at: (409) 822-7326 ireenieat CENTER FOR PSYCHIATRY / Wednesday, January 16, 1985/The Battalion/Page 15 Dishonesty (continued from page 1) “The University policy is fairly le nient," Lutes said. “When a profes sor reports a case of scholastic dis honesty to the department head, the department head can Only reduce the punishment that was recom mended bv the professor. Depart ment heads don’t have the authority to increase the penalty." Stan Lowy, assistant dean of the College of Engineering, doesn’t think concern for the student stops professors from reporting cases of scholastic dishonesty. "Professors are only hesitant to re port cheating if they are unsure that cheating has actually been commit ted," Lowy said. “The only problem I see with the University's cheating policy is that it lacks consistency." The procedure followed in cheat ing cases tends to vary from college to college. When there is a cheating case in the College of Engineering, the in structor will first speak to the stu dent, and depending on the out come, the dean’s office may or may not ever hear the case, Lowy said. “If the student admits to cheating the case can stop right there and the jrofessor will assess a punishment,” te said. “If the student feels the punishment is too severe he can come to our office with a complaint. "If, after he’s spoken to us, the student feels wronged we will turn the case over to the Department of Student Affairs.” The College of Business handles the initial steps of resolving a schol astic dishonesty case in a similar fashion, but later follows a different procedure. “The problem is first dealt with between the student and professor,” said Dr. Samuel Gillespie, assistant dean of the College of Business. “If thev work it out, we (the dean’s of fice) may never find out about the case and the department head may - not be involved." Some professors contact the dean’s office because they aren’t sure how to handle cheating cases, Gillespie said. “If the professor hasn’t outlined a cheating policy on the syllabus, it’s the policy in our college to assign the student an F in the course and place them on conduct probation,” Gilles pie said. “When a student is placed on con duct probation, the college sends a letter to the student explaining the punishment,” he said, “and a copy is forwarded to Bill Kibler (in the stu dent affairs department). "If a student cheats in another col lege. the only way anyone would know that student is a repeat of fender is through the records at stu dent affairs." Gillespie said that when students who have been placed on conduct probation for cheating graduate they can petition the College of Busi ness and the student affairs office to remove the probation letter from their files. Students enrolled in the graduate program at Texas A&M are gov erned by the same regulations as un dergraduate students, as are stu dents at the Texas A&M College of Medicine. Students enrolled in the College of Veterinary Medicine are required to follow stricter guidelines. “The vet school is under Texas A&M University regulations, but we also have a professional student handbook that spells out stricter reg ulations and penalties,” said Dr. E.D. Gage, associate dean of academic programs for the College of Veteri nary Medicine. You’ll probably find that most professional schools will have stricter policies (than universities), he said. Cheating is not a big problem at the veterinary college, Gage said. “We seldom have more than one or two cases a year.” Lutes said that some students feel that teachers are to blame for a large amount of cheating that goes on. Last year, Lutes conducted a cheating survey in a junior level class. A majority of the 49 students she surveyed said that when a tea cher left the room or didn’t monitor students during tests they were just encouraging cheating. “Sixty percent of the students ad mitted they’ve cheated in college,” Lutes said, “but virtually none of them had been caught.” More than 70 percent of the stu dents who admitted they’ve cheated said that when they cheat it is spon taneous. Most attriouted their cheat ing to the fact that classrooms are crowded, making it easy to let your eves wander. The students who said they had premeditated cheating listed several methods they used, including writ ing on their body, keeping a note book open at their feet, carrying cheat notes and writing notes on a calculator. Kennedy trial continues 405 West 28th Street Bryan, Texas 77803 (409) 822-7326 An Equal Opportunity Employer Now Is The Time To Learn To Fly TAKE A $20 DISCOVERY FLIGHT... AND DO IT NOW! That’s how little it costs to find out all about learning to fly with our special Discovery Right. The Cessna Pilot Center system represents the best way in the world to learn to fly. It provides the perfect combination of ground instruction and actual flying time. Your $20 Discovery Flight will put you in the pilot’s seat, flying an airplane under the guidance of a professional Cessna Pilot Center flight instructor. Your $20 Discovery Flight might take you farther than you think! So, find out for yourself! Come out and see us today! BRAZOS AIRCRAFT, INC. EASTERWOOD AIRPORT 846-7749 United Press International WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — According to sworn statements, Caroline Kennedy never entered the room where her cousin, David, was staying be fore he was found dead of a drug overdose. The daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy said there was a policeman standing in front of the posh Brazilian Court Hotel when she and a friend drove up April 25, 1984, the day Kennedy’s body was found. “We went up to him and he said, ‘That’s all right girls, he is dead,”’ the statement said. She said she asked the hotel manager if she could use the phone to call her family. “What did you do when the police told you he was dead?” asked Palm Beach County State Attorney David Bludworth. “You just said, ‘We want to use the telephone’?” “I mean, I said, I think we said ‘Oh my God’ or hugged each other or something,” she replied. David Kennedy, the 28-year-old son of the late Sen. Robert Kennedy, had a history of drug abuse. Authorities said he died from an overdose of cocaine and two prescription drugs. Two hotel bellhops are awaiting trial on charges of supplying cocaine to Kennedy. Bludworth was ordered to release the 39-page report by Circuit Judge John Born. He took the testimony from Caroline Kennedy in May during an interview with her in Washington, D.C. There were rumors that she and a friend took evidence from the room before her cousin’s body was found. She denied the reports. HEALTH NEWS Recurring Headaches? By Dr. Stewart Stephenson Suffering from throbbing pam stiffness m the neck nausea dizziness, eye end ear problems (spots in front of eyes occasional ringing m earsi nervousness msomma or chrome tiredness The above problems could lead to more serious complications o» even a nervous breakdown if not corrected promptly These symptoms indicate a great possibility that there are spinal fixations with nerve generation Dr Stephenson seeks the exact location of these spina' fixations and corrects them through scientific healing The treatments correct the cause, not cover up the effer The Stephenson Chiropractic Office asks “Why be sick when you can be well aaain.’* To find out II your problem is one that can be helped by Chiropractic, pick up the tele- appointment with t ‘ 555 n ephenson, phone 779-1555 now Stewart D. Stephenson, D.C., P.C. 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If selected for admittance into the Masters of BranaManagement program, you’ll spend time in the classroom and spend time as a salaried intern with a major national company. Qualifying applicants may also be eligible for a $6,000 scholarship in the form of a tax free stipend. Discover the difference one degree can make. Use the coupon below to contact us for details today. Or call Professor Fred D. Reynolds at (404) 542-2123. The University of Georgia b Athens, GA 30602 Please send me information on the Masters of Brand Management Program. Name Address School Graduation Date Pi Beta Phi National Fraternity for Women Coming to TAMU Women students unaffiliated with Greek Sororities are invited to sign up: meet and talk with Pi Beta Phi representatives in the lobby of Aggieland Hotel. Thursday, January 17,12-9 p.m. Friday, January 18,12-6 p.m. Saturday, January 19,12-6 p.m. for more information call 823-0356 822-5718 ►