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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1985)
Delta Tau Delta PO At the Delt House-Behind Hall of I SLu— CALL 779-97 2 4 /82 2-7257 SPRUSTO'SS GOLD RUSH N PARTY THURSDAY JAN. .16 9 ••0 0 CONDOMINIUMS The Most Popular Condos in Town! Models Open Daily 904 University Oaks #56 Mon. thru Sat. Developed by College Station 10 a.m. til 6 p.m. Stanford Associates, Inc. 764-8682 / 764-0504 Sunday 1 p.m. til 6 p.m. GOTTA DANCE? SOCIETY General Meeting Tues., Jan 22, 7:30 268 E. Kyle Bring your I.D. EVERYONE INVITED Page 14/The Battalion/Wednesday, January 16, 1985 SHOE F MR-SH0£l/WKEJZ...~ I TUINKY0UNEEP TO CUT WAY tew 0H YOUR PRINKING. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I'M PRINKlU' TtVMVOt.WC?.. by Jeff MacNelly Superbowl coin to be tossed by Reagan United Press International SHOE ITS MY AHL-PURROSE BAOIEIOR CCCKBCOK fiOR the 6/ames... J by Jeff MacNelly " microwave UNTIL. HOT"? SAN FRANCISCO — Preside^ Reagan will participate in the prt-1 game coin toss for Super BowlXIX Sunday, the National Football League and the White House ait nonnt ed jointly on Tuesday. The ceremony also will featurt the participation of Hugh McB henny, former star running ba(|| the Sam Fnmcisco 49ers. A special hookup between Stas ford Stadium in Palo Alto, Calif, and the White House will be show live by ABC to a world-wide aui ence of more than 100-million je* ers. President Reagan, who Mill ha* been sworn in for his second tens earlier that same day, will toss act® memorative coin in Washing while McElhenny and the respect® captains oi the Miami Dolphinsant 49ers will Ik* at mid-field beforetht game. The ceremony is expected tolas about two and a half minutes. Couple wage battle against IRS Associated Press HOUSTON — A couple who claims the federal income tax is an effort to “defraud” workers failed to get a hearing by the U.S. Supreme Court, but still plans to carry on their battle against the tax system. Melvin and Maria Davis claimed in their suit that the Internal Reve nue Service collections are an effort to “defraud” the American people because income taxes originally were enacted only on corporations. (continued from page 1) fleers and the C.O. s and the first sergeants,” he said. Each outfit in the Corps has a commander who is directly responsi ble for the actions of his outfit mem bers and a first sergeant who serves as the commander’s right-hand man. The couple, who live in the Hous ton suburb of Humble, did their own legal research in the suit, and then carried it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The high court rejected without comment the appeal from a lower court ruling that had gone against the Davises. Davis is a Houston policeman and his wife works for KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. The couple’s suit started in April, Simpson, who was on Corps staff his junior and senior years, said the staffs did not live together, as they do now, and had little influence. “Members of the Corps staff, in cluding the Corps commander, lived with whatever outfit each started with,” he said. The Corps com mander, the battalion and regi mental commanders had little to say about the administration of the 1983 when the Davises filed a tax re turn and listed no income. They at tached to the return their YV-2 forms reporting their income. Davis said he believes the wages are not income because income, le gally defined, means profits. To prove that he makes a profit at his job, the IRS would have to prove that he makes more than he is worth, said Davis. The IRS fined the Davises S500 for filing a “frivolous return” and Corps and nothing to say about poli cies, he said. Many cadets today complain about many of their privileges being “taken away,” Simpson said. “In that period of time they didn’t have any (privileges),” he said. “The commandant told the Corps what they should do and that’s wnat they did.” the couple sued the tax agency[#1 the refund of $33,444 paid in in-1 come taxes from 1979 to 1982,plii!l S5(),()00 in damages. The Supreme Court let the oil I Circuit ruling stand. Davis said he has another caxl pending before the U.S. laxCounB and is preparing to file another sutB soon. Police beat The following incidents were reported to the University Poke Department through Tuesday. MISDEMEANOR THEFT: • An orange I got 10-speed bi cycle was stolen from outside Dorm 6. 1NDECENT EXPOSURE: • 'Three women reported see ing a naked man walking in Hen- set Park. Corps CALL-AMERICA Start the New Year with 30 minutes of Free long distance! Call-America will let you try 30 minutes of the best long distance in town free! 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Mon. & Wed 4:30*. 5:30‘. 7:00 p.m. Tues. &Thurs 9:30‘a.m., 6:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 am. ’Babysitting Available Continuous Classes-Register in Class JAZZERCISE STUDIO Wellborn at Grove, College Station 1 blk from Texas A&M 822-2349 696-1886 1 ATTENTION! ALL ENGINEERS SUMMER ENGINEER POSITIONS What does a summer engineer do in MANUFACTURING MANAGEMENT? FIND OUT! COME TO Procter & Gamble’s Open House Thursday, January 17, 7:00 p.m. Rudder Tower Room 701 February 20 & 21 Interviews Signup: January 21 - February 1 at the Placement Center