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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1984)
Wednesday, February22 1984AThe Battalion/Page 5 <s ?As, head residents ''Have good benefits \ LESLIE MARTIN Reporter Biren Specht has an impor- fttlob. She listens with an at- Intiveear, attends mixers, con- the noise level of her jghDors, locks doors and Hliiles fire drills. And that’s ilybart of it. jSpi'dit is a resident adviser. Spc cht, and the other resi- jntadvisers here, have a num- :r S)f other duties which in- ude checking dorm residents Hd out, scheduling floor Mings and enforcing dorm ^(ations regarding cooking isitation privileges. She must also be on duty one hi a week and two weekend Jits each month. During that ■ Specht must be in her join and available to handle problems that may arise. In ■al, she and the other RAs - e responsible for whatever $ lesion in their, and all other sideiice halls. But along with the work iIms many benefits. Packer Fieri, an RA in Ho- 1 Hall, says,“When I am on K 1 have to enforce quiet and this gives me a me to study.” Working with people and gaining work expe rience are also advantages of his job, he says. Another bonus is the pay. RAs work between 10 and 25 hours a week and receive a sal ary of about $ 1,000 a semester. Any student who has lived in a dorm for at least one semester can apply, if the student has an overall grade-point ratio of at least 2.25, is a sophomore or higher, and has leadership qual ities. “We’re looking for students who are honest and open and have good communication skills,” says Nyla Ptomey, hous ing programs supervisor. Applications may be obtained at any of the area housing of fices at the beginning of each semester. Interviews are held before mid-semester. Head resident advisers also serve dorm residents but in a different capacity. Head resi dents oversee the RAs in the dorm and meet with them once a week. They are advisers to the dorm council and the Judicial Boards. A big part of their job is submitting paperwork such as dorm occupancy reports, plans for upcoming activities, and maintenance orders to the area office. The position was originally intended for graduate students but this year six undergrad uates are among the 28 head residents. Applicants must meet the same requirements as resi dent advisers and accept re sponsibility for all dorm activ ities. Denise Heitcamp, one of six undergraduate HRs, says one of her duties is dealing with sticky problems that no one else wants to tackle. “One night I had to single- handedly stop 20 men from having an underwear run through our halls,” she said. Joe Woulfe, head resident for Schuhmacher Hall, is a graduate student from Buffalo, New York. Like other HRs, his room rent is paid, his out-of- state tuition is waived, and he makes about $2,000 a semester. Flyers and applications for head resident positions are sent to schools all over the nation to encourage graduate students from other states to attend Texas A&M. 'obyDeuSi lesign se up xhibit Build- other sues company r selling beer to minor fesponsible for accident linked Press International HOUSTON — The mother Rh 18-year-old University of Bis freshman filed a $12.5 siteaulietffi 011 su k Tuesday against a invenience store company be- returniniB sold beer to a minor eauretoiofijl aler was responsible for a if oftheCJMervt which seriously in- ired her son. ass boxes’! ^ ue Hammerle, mother of L of buiFw Hammerle. said a South- )allas-wert'! n i Cor P- employee working is conform! a Houston 7-Eleven Store aldjjfoBbeer to Rex Woods, 18, on ’ backto*i 22, 1988, which caused -mnl s ta in |obecome intoxicated. -ins toappiB 00 ^ 5, arK ' his father Darrel |iirl ll/ foods, also were named as de- S iSidnais in the suit and were mi havet«fc d with negligence, luietl'iffli ar suits have been filed , • nifjiBisl bar owners who served fiat is Li , , i | • noreciaifB 5 lo customers who later ifje io^jjre involved in auto accidents. Hammerle’s lawyer Richard I s(v | e | Moff of Houston said his cli- ‘bujit in llB w h° was an outstanding ' ](j s dusBall and baseball player be- ‘ | ( 'rethe accident, “now is inca- Hhe • (m He can talk, but he’s like a Lr'presenil'i^y a S ain - He was a good ^onsulu" 1 ' at ’ but he 1S having to ojecis B 10 adc ' an d substract,” Mi- 4iislin,o«R said - irih inS. | ltb °ff sa ‘H Hammerle sus- 0 Ined brain damage which re- |d in irreparable damage, laid the teenager is incapa- "caring for himself. In the suit, filed in Harris ounty District court, Mithoff lamed the Southland Corp. for alcoholic beverages to Woods. Mithoff said Woods was intoxicated when he purchased beer a second time from the same store. In the suit, he claimed that Rex Woods, who was driving the car, was a reckless and in competent driver and that his father, Darrel Woods was re sponsible for the damages caused by his son. Southland Corp. officials could not be reached for com ment. Get Your Xerox Copies at Northgate Above Farmer’s Market Inexpensive, High-Quality Copies We Specialize In REPORTS and DISSERTATIONS Also: Self-service copying, offset printing, typing, re ductions and enlargements, binding, resume writ ing, editing, business cards, wedding invitations, sta tionery and many other services. One-stop service for reports and dissertations. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University 846-3755 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-IO p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. msc ^ Each Daily Special Only $2.39 Plus Tax. Cafeteria v “Oper Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisoury Steak with I Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice ol One Vegetable Rollor.Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea ns TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Dinner Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas w chili Mexican Rice Patio Style Pinto Beans Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Steak w cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing — Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FOR YOUR PROTtCT-ION OUR PERSONNEL HAVE HEALTH CARDS. FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL FRIED CATFISH FILET w TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style (Tossed Salad) Mashed Potato w gravy Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNERl Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter - Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable Andon Catalog Showrooms We sell what others sell. We just charge less. Rosemark solid brass carousel. Lacquer wood base. 8 1 /2x3x8 1 /2'' high. 4 lbs. G858-444755 Reg. $22.74 Solid brass duck trio. Elegant accents. Standing: 1 2" and 3" high. 2 lbs. G186-444133 Reg. $10.97 97 97 Snoopy and Woodstock Pals c . Plush, 8" high. Great for kids of all ages! 1 lb. T968-545 Reg. $6.97 c 1958, 1969 United Features Syndicate, Inc. SALE 48 Save $5.50 on Enduro for Atari 2600. Three dimensional behind the wheel sensation of high- powered cross country racing! 1 lb. R176-AX026 Reg. $25.47 Sorry, Jto rain checks. SALE 19 97 Casio 12-digit desk calculator. Print display, full decimal system, independent memory. AC operation, uses standard paper. 5 lbs. W754-FR1211 Reg. $69.90 swucri. u ids. MU.'b-HB1900 $4 mf rebate expires 12/31/84. $2 bonus rebate expires 5/5/84. Req. $17 94 Sale $12.94. y SALE 94 INCL. REBATE STOREWIDE CLEARANCE SALE Quantity Item 66 Wood Coat Racks-66” high, easy assembly 15 13” COLOR T.V. -100% solid state 15 Men’s Vests - nylon quilt, reversible S,M. 120 Wood Coaster Sets - w/6 coasters 40 Wood Said Bowls - set of 4,7” diameter 9 Baby Car Seats - safety seat for tots 21 Baby Car Seats - cosco/Peterson for infant/toddler 14 Cannister Sets - 4 pcs. - character or blue 48 Kodak Champ - Kodamatic Instant Camera 60 Barbie Western Outfit - For ages 4 to 10 12 Silver-Plate Flatware - 50 pc service for 8 37 Mens Digital Watches 6 function, gold or silver color 21 Back Packs - 22” nylon/36” alum, frame 19 Back Packs -15” nylon/31”/2alum. frame 26 Fishing Reels - spinning type for salt or fresh water 16 Fishing Reels - spinning type for fresh water 37 Photo Frames - 16”x20” size for wall 50 Utensil Sets - 8 piece set, stoneware holder 99 Cassette Cartridges - 90 min., 8 track 14 Intellivision II - Mattel/Free Burgertime Lot # Reg. Sale F458-890500 25.97 4.00 R177-TCK405 229.90 179.90 5902-1524 32.90 8.00 G290-221 6.90 1.00 G290-509 14.77 2.00 B122-326W 49.97 15.00 B086-78ACH 57.96 30.00 G364-4155/44 39.97 15.00 P730-1439215 19.90 9.90 T966-635 9.97 4.00 G858-43171 114.00 37.00 J658-3490 33.90 5.00 5941-B260 35.67 10.00 5941-B229 19.90 7.00 5987-1600C 23.96 9.00 5987-1300C 17.97 7.00 845-0074 10.97 6.00 G 290-1207 9.47 4.00 R184-5872 5.97 1.00 pkg.of 2 R184-5872 59.90 39.90 B REDEEM GOLD BONO (Not applicable m Kansas) For your convenience, shop our store or — Call toll free 1-800-247-0011 Iowa residents call 1-800-532-0001 Pnooe 24 hours a day. 7 days a waafc No HmMSto Return Potkry Any merchandise you purchase at Ardan may be returned within 30 days of the date of purchase. All we ask is that you present proof of purchase and. whenever possible, bong the item in its ooginal bo* or carton We reserve the nght to limit quantities Printing errors subject to correction Sale prices good through February 26, 1984 1673 Briarcrest 779-7024 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-9 A'ldan Catalog Showrooms We sell what others sell. We just charge less.