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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1984)
MSC CAFETERIA Page 6/The Battalion/Tuesday, January 17, 1984 R.I. Where You Get More For Your Money OPEN 6:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Daily ‘QUALITY FIRST” LET'S SEE. R.Z,UAMrt. RUSSELL IAAJT AJOPE. ' Robert is Am? A/AY! \ ( RuoolfivaaI? Met! by Paul Dirmeyer Polygraph results refused United Press International OBG SALE (Oldies But Goodies Sale) Shower Curtains POSTERS & CARDS 50%oft Entire Stock Cable company wants higher subscriber rate United Press International Large Selection of our Best OBG's (Oldies But Goodies) 50% off the Curiosity ^ Shop DALLAS — The head of a company that holds the cable television franchise for Dallas asked Monday for a subscriber rate increase and permission to cut the number of local access channels it must provide. Drew Lewis, who resigned as President Reagan’s administra tor of the Federal Aviation Administration to become chair man of Warner Amex Cable Communications Inc., said with out changes in the contract the company will have no opportun ity to recoup its investment dur ing the 15-year life of the fran chise. Warner Amex did not specify the size of rate increase it wants or how many public access chan nels it would trim. Lewis went to Milwaukee last week and told city leaders there that Warner Amex wants to build a 54-channel one-way sys tem instead of the 108-channel two-way system it originally agreed to build. Industry leaders have said the actions by Warner Amex — , jointly owned by Warner Com- , munications and American Ex- , press — reflect a national trend of problems in metropolitan cable systems. At a news conference with Lewis, Dallas Mayor Starke Taylor said he would appoint three members of the City Council to a task force to meet with Warner Amex officials and consider their requests. Bill Morgan, a member of the Dallas Cable Board which over sees the system for the city gov ernment, said, “I could think of no worse time to ask to cut ser vices and increase rates than right now. That’s awful poor timing. “He (Lewis) said there will he no lessening of services. But if they cut the number of channels it is, of course, de facto lessening of services.” Lewis said Warner Amex to date has invested $150 million in the Dallas cable system and has 62,000 subscribers. He said con struction is more than a year ahead of schedule with 2,800 miles built. However, Lewis asked that a different formula for extension of service be allowed in remain ing unserved areas with low re sidential densities. Again, he was not specific. “Further, we propose that the city confirm our view that con struction of remaining apart ment units be based on agree ments with the owners to assume installation costs or provide for bulk-billing to all residents,” Lewis said. ‘YOUR MUST SEE SHOP’ Low tornado toll recorded DALLAS — Prosecuton Monday refused to accept tk results of two independentpd graph tests which defense attoi neys claimed Lenell Geter"]* sed with flying colors," pavim the way for a new armed robb trial for the black engineer. “We attempted to meet wit (Dallas County) District Attoi ney Henry Wade, and hert fused to see us,” said defens attorney Edwin Sigel. wanted to present the resultsti two polygraph tests he (Gttt: has already taken successful) “We were hoping theywoul: consider this instead of the pol graph offered or that tkti would agree to a polygraphli someone who is objective orb partial.” Geter, 26, was convicted 1 robbing a Kentucky Frit! Chicken stand in BalchSprinp a town near Dallas, in 1982ais sentenced to life in prison. Hi conviction, clouded withallcp lions of racism and sloppy poki work, was overturned in Dr cember. Wade said when Getent released on an appeal bondla month he would dro charges if Geter passed a liei lector test. He said if Getenli not take the test by Mondiii deadline, a new trial woul ceed this spring. Sigel said one of the twodr fense tests was administered) Nat Laurendi, a well-knownp lygraph examiner in New Yd City. The second was tered by Frank Falk, retirn chief polygraph examinerfu te of S the state of South Carolina. CULPEPPER PLAZA • COLLEGE STATION Z HOURS 10 A.M.-6 P.M.-THURS.-10-8 P.M. A FUN PLACE to STOP. WASHINGTON — Thirty-1 three Americans died in torna-l does last year, well below the av erage annual tornado death toll of 103 over the past 30 years, the LATE BASKETBALL ENTRIES WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED THROUGH FRIDAY, JANUARY 20th, 5 p.m. IN THE IM-REC SPORTS OFFICE, 159 EAST KYLE RECREATIONAL SPORTS OUTDOOR SOCCER ENTRIES ARE DUE TODAY, TUESDAY, JANU ARY 17th AT 7p.m. IN THE IM-REC SPORTS OFFICE, 159 EAST KYLE. National Oceanic and Atmos pheric Administration reported Monday. “The low tornado death rate in 1983 can be attributed in part to the lack of major, killer torna does during the year,” said Fred Otsby, director of the National Severe Storms Forecast Center in Kansas City, Mo. Texas led the nation in 1983 with seven tornado deaths. Louisiana had five, Florida four and New York and Alabama had three deaths each. Two tornado fatalities were recorded last year in Delaware, Illinois and Ohio, while Kansas, Michigan, Mis souri, Montana and Oklahoma each had one twister death. “Geter passed both of tk with flying colors,” Sigel said Norman Kinne, of the Dal! County District Attorneji office, said the refusal of the t»i sides to agree on the lie deteeffi test Monday signaled anendt polygraph negotiations. Otsby said 14 of the nation’s tornado deaths occurred in mobile homes, and four people died in cars. “So it’s trial time,” Kinnesan! “As far as we’re concerned,\k polygraph negotiations an closed.” AIIVI HIGH WORK WITH THE BEST Be an engineering officer in the Air Force The Air Force is forging a new frontier in advanced technology. If you have an electrical or aeronautical engineering degree, you may qualify to work with the best and receive all the outstanding advantages and opportunities the Air Force offers. Contact: SSgt. PAUL BROADUS 409/696-2612 College Station, Tx Post Oak Mall £> A great way of life Kinne said the next slept the case is a pretrial hearing tk end of this month, with trial# come April 7. Sigel said he was dissalisfid with the county test that woul have been administered Parker, a Dallas police office who also runs a polygraphbus ness. “We would like an impartil qualified examiner. Mr. Parke is neither impartial in ourjudjf ment or to our knowledge is k qualified,” Sigel said, appears he is not well-knownii the field, if known at all.” Sigel said he planned approach Wade again withik independent polygraph i but he did not expect any sue cess. Lawyers for Geter M hedged Monday on whether!# young black engineer fro# South Carolina would agi polygraph test. Geter returnee to Dallas after visiting mother’s home in Denmark S.C., during the weekend 1984 Spring Workshops 7T1.SC Oiafct Centen The MSC Craft Center wants to stimulate your creativity and develop your craft skills. We offer you facilities for making stained glass, creating pottery, jewelry casting, woodworking and many other interests. We bring you weekly workshops so that you may be introduced to new crafts or help that you may expand your present skills. Listed below is our 1984 Spring Workshop roster. Wednesday: Woodshop Orientation February 1-February 22 1:00-4:00 25.00/30.00 Monday: Tuesday: Pottery—Wheel Throwing January 30-March 5 5:00-7:00 20.00/24.00 Matting and Framing February 1-February 22 7:00-9:00 15.00/18.00 Stained Glass February 6-March 5 7:00-9:00 19.00/23.00 Cal 1igraphy February 1-March 7 6:30-8:30 20.00/24.00 Cal 1igraphy March 19-Aprll 23 6:30-8:30 20.00/24.00 Coffee Tables March 7-April 4 6:00-9:00 18.00/21.00 Intermediate Stained Glass March 19-April 16 6:30-9:00 19.00/23.00 Silk Flowers February 8-March 7 6:30-8:30 15.00/18.00 Drawing March 19- April 16 6:00-8:00 15.00/18.00 Pottery—Hand Building March 21-April 11 7:00-9:00 12.00/15.00 Pottery—Wheel Throwing March 19-April 23 5:00-7:00 20.00/24.00 Matting and Framing April 4-April 25 7:00-9:00 15.00/18.00 Quilting January 31-March 6 6:00-8:00 18.00/21.00 Thursday: Pottery—Wheel Throwing February 2-March 8 7:00-9:00 20.00/24.00 Airbrush January 31-February 28 6:00-8:00 15.00/18.00 Acrylics February 2-March 8 6:00-8:00 15.00/18.00 Basket Weaving February 14-February 28 6:30-8:30 9.00/11.00 Decoy Carving February 2-March 1 7:00-9:00 15.00/18.00 Heart-shaped Bandsaw Boxes February 7-February 8 6:00-9:00 12.00/15.00 Watercolor February 9-March 8 6:00-8:00 15.00/18.00 Intermediate Pottery March 20-April 17 7:00-9:30 19.00/23.00 Pen and Ink March 22-April 12 6:00-8:00 12.00/15.00 Jewelry Casting March 27-April 17 7:00-9:30 15.00/18.00 Stained Glass March 29-April 26 7:00-9:00 19.00/23.00 Basket Weaving April 17-May 1 6:30-8:10 9.00/11.00 Flower Arrangement April 5-April 26 6:00-8:00 12.00/15.00 For further information call or come by the basement of the MSC— 845-1631. 1981 PULITZER PRIZE N.Y. DRAMA CRITICS' CIRCLE AWARD BWPlSkcO CHI CRIMES OF THE HEART Presented by MSC Town Hall/Broadway Texas A&M University Rudder Auditorium February 2 8:00p.m. Tickets $13.00, $12.50, $11.50 MSC Box Office Visa&Mastercard Call 845-1234 V t< Ar Dohe oil w front ter w labor; roleu surer ning "1 there said I ate p ginee ment in the ject ai Rc used ginet could camp lilies. nine the w | “It said 1 head Gonu a well He e) be us< previi field i Vc a well ing e volve* menu missic wells; lion ti “1 menu volve "It’s a we)) b Vo the w; pump size." sive i would said, drill r He well < $2,001 an oiJ $500,i funde its cor nine i began M roleu workii well, t perim the w mete wheth dentli used t or wat future Rc urete perir forrm Trans mean: rious presst aredi “TI well,” petrol assists smalle