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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1983)
Tuesday, November 15,1983/The Battalion/Page 5 s i 7"% \ HT* TI?«£Tn» A. V LU THERAN STUDENT CENTER:Meet atj t. at the center, 315 N, College Main, to go to the: d Nursing Home to sing and visit. |B^i¥ SAFETY AGENCYtThere h a defeml^ i ; course from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. today and Wednesday at “ida Inn, To register, sign up at 5 p,m, at the Ramada or; ffl$ or S46-1904. 10 p.m, in 302 Rudder Tower. ^GEtThe challenge is between Aggie chili and HP 1/ of Texas chili. Come to Rudder Fountain from 11 to 2 p.m. on Wednesday to place your vote! IpAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION:Meet at 7 him the All Faiths Chapel -TEAM: Meet at 7 p.m. in 10^ Mtlka ? Texas A&M Fall Invite will he shown a : semester will be discussed. ■ • i 4 >E VALLEY HOMETOWN CLUB sThere is a sral meeting at 7rS0 p.rn. in 504 Rudder Tower, i photo I Sterling C. Evans Library, ; & SIRLOIN;Btii Durham from TexasXech Universi- :>^eaK at 7 p.m. in 115 Kleberg. ISPITALITY:Meet at 7 p.m. on first floor Zachry. The gland yearbook picture will be taken, |gtl : 1 ITION CLUB:Meet at 6 p.m. in 127 Kleberg. >DIST STUDENT MOVEMENT:Meet at 12:30 p.m. lunch Bible study at the Texas A&M Wesley Foundation •Hi Fltza Hut). Bring a lunch or $1 for a sandwich. ‘ENGINEERSCOUNCIL: I here is business nteet- at 7 a.m. Wednesday in 342 Zachry. ENGINEERING GROUPtMeet at 7 p.m. in 119B fy for a listening room acoustics program. The ssses anyone interested in improving the sound system. ‘ files for roommate referrals housing listings are available. Start looking now for off ipus roommates or housing. ITER ARTS:Tickets are now on sale at the Rudder Box ke for "Summer and Smoke" to be presented Thursday -tgh Saturday. Ask about the discount tickets at the box INCUISHED ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS: Nomina- i are being accepted for awards based on teaching and eat relations. The deadline is Nov, 22. Come by the Student n said *' A'.iunka^ preveti | dainagfii l? throi DOOR RECREATION COMMITTEEtSign up ough Thursday for the Last Maples Backpacking Trip on V J4SfP F ° r m ° re infc>miiat ' on 8° b y ^ ORC cubtcie or call Handcuffs bias potential jurors i .... - - -I; Mistrial declared in Allman trial United Press International JEFFERSON — The sight of a 25-year-old accused child killer in handcuffs irreparably pre judiced a court full of potential jurors Monday and forced a judge to declare a mistrial. Sherry Allman, of Marshall, was to be tried on charges of murder and injury to a child in the Nov. 9, 1982, beating death of her 3-month-old daughter, Sherry Lynn. She also is charged in Kansas City, Mo., in the 1976 smothering death of her 4- month-old son. But defense attorneys im mediately moved for a mistrial after Allman was brought hand cuffed into a court full of poten tial jurors. State District Judge Ben Grant agreed an impartial jury could not be selected from the group and ordered the mist rial. “You just don’t bring them before the panel in jail clothes or handcuffs,” thejudge said after his decision. “There are an abundance of cases on it.” Attorneys have been ordered by Grant not to discuss the trial, and Harrison County District Attorney Sam Baxter said only that he was disappointed in the outcome. Allman’s attorney had no comment. Grant set jury selection for the second trial Dec. 12. The trial was moved to Jefferson from nearby Marshall because of concern news reports about the case would make it impossi ble to seat an impartialjury. Pro secutors and defense lawyers agreed in September for the case to be transferred to the smaller city just 16 miles north. Allman’s attorneys hired a Shreveport psychiatrist and . ,. giving of plans for an insanity defense. Allman, who has remained jailed in lieu of $100,000 bond since her November 1982 arrest, was found mentally incompe tent to stand trial earlier this year. But doctors at Rusk State Hospital told a jury in July that treatment at the facility had en abled the woman to understand the charges against her and aid in her defense. Sherry Lynn’s death initially was attributed to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, but an auto psy disclosed she suffered a frac tured skull, broken neck, three broken ribs and an arm injury. Those findings prompted officials in Texas and Missouri to investigate the deaths of three other Allman children, and led to the charges against Allman in the death of her son, Marvin Neal. A third child, Joseph, died in 1978 at the age of 1 month, but that death was attributred to SIDS. A fourth child died after a premature birth. Both deaths occurred in Missouri. Crewmen still missing from abandoned ship United Press International CORPUS CHR1STI — A day long search in the Gulf of Mex ico Sunday failed to turn up any signs of five crewmen who au thorities believe abandoned a sinking crewboat last week, a Coast Guard official said. The search, which was sche duled to begin at 6:30 a.m., was delayed for three and a half hours because of heavy fog, said Lt. John Voch, Coast Guard spokesman. Five crewmen aboard the 155-foot Laverne Hebert, own ed by Gulf International, were believed to have abandoned the boat in a life raft after before it sank in heavy seas last Thursday. Divers Friday found a fifth crewman, Hays Bonvillian Jr. of Houma, La., in an air pocket in a forward stateroom on the main deck. He was released from a Victoria hospital Sunday. “We still haven’t located them. We had five planes out searching today (Sunday), plus an 82-foot Coast Guard cutter out looking for them,” Voch said. Bonvillian told rescuers that he was awakened by other crews members abandoning ship, and that he believed he was the only one left on board. Voch said the search would re sume at 7:30 a.m. Monday. Meanwhile, a spokesman for Gulf International said they had not determined what caused the boat to sink in about 60 feet of water about 10 miles off Mata- n the Ref illionin® and h ;hit2 Ri'* 1 Einstein topic of gcs. k £ iv « nt ed ao 1 ! Dr. Gerald Holton will speak iag es tonight on “Why Einstein chose }asi n > 7 the United States” as a guest of he University Lecture Series. Holton is a professor of Phy sics and professor of the History of Science at Harvard. In 1982 he coedited a book entitled “Albert Einstein: Historical and [Cultural Perspectives.’ He has received numerous honors and awards and is a I member of many editorial | boards of scholarly publications and professional organizations. Since 1982 he has been vice pres ident of the Comite Albert Ein- ^ATTENTION AGGIES! med a place to rent for your sorority or private parties? Sons of Hermman Lodge is the place. For additional information call: Don Roberts * 822-4238 or 845-0336 ALWAYS WANTED YOUR OWN COMPUTER BUT THOUGHT YOU COULDN’T AFFORD IT??? WELL... TEXAS INSTRUMENTS PROFESSIONAL COMPUTER PUTS THE ANSWER ON YOUR DESK TODAY AT A PERSONAL PRICE Systems, Service, & Supplies to fit any need or any budget. PUTHORTZED oepiep Texas Instruments compuT€P svsTems Custom Operating Systems, Inc 505 University's. Suite 801 College Station, TX 77840 (Behind Interurban Eating House) (409) 846-4444 I •SSsS gorda Island. The boat was disatched from Port O’Conner in case evacua tions were necessary from the offshore drilling rig owned by AMOCO, which reported the rig was shifting in rough seas. The rig lost communications with the boat shortly before it sank. and the U.S. lecture series stein for the Union Interna- Holton is scheduled to speak tionale d’Histoire et de Philo- at 7 p.m. in 201 Memorial Stu- sophie des Science. dent Center. Get Your Xerox Copies at Northgate Above Farmer’s Market Also, offset printing, typing, binding, and many other services. ‘New low rates: 1000 high quality, printed copies of one stan dard sized original for $23.50. ‘Exclusive “Bonfire Buddy” stationary & a wide choice of per sonalized stationary. ‘Personalized Playing cards at special low prices (perfect for Christmas gifts). ON THE DOUBLE 331 University 846-3755 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-IO p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. When it runs out you won’t have to. The exciting Pilot Ball Point. It’s got everything going for it. Smoother writing. Specially designed finger ribbing for continual writing comfort. Stainless steel point.Tungsten carbide ball. Per fectly balanced. A choice of medium or fine points. And best of’ll never throw it out. Just slip in a 39c refill and you’re ready to write again. So next time your old scratchy see-thru pen runs oat, ran out and get a 69c Pilot Ball Point pen... plus a few refills. ■ v r-f :: PILOT Texas A&M Bookstore Memorial Student Center 845-8681 MEDIA: Behind I the Headlines ri’r February 15-18