Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1983)
2d. tuesday rfopUOLU £861 Z Ji*qojoo ‘Aepuj -rf UOttmiKCr 3ftM T *£>£&'& IIS w 0 KPRC Q KBTX Okcen Q KTBC Qkuht CDkhou CBktrk CDkamu GDktxh QDkvue © KTW ©KHTV WTBS WGN CBN TMC Midwest e e O CD O CD CD CD O CD — CD © © O © Community Q o O O Q CD CD CD Q Q CD Q o o 0 fi 00 News News News News MacNeil News News MacNeil Love News News One Day At Carol Barney Alias Raoul" Lehrer Lehrer Boat A Time Burnett Miller Smith And " U30 Family Three's M.A.S.H The Enter- " " M.A.S.H People's Soap Good The Jones ” Feud Company Jeffersons tainment Court News Jeffersons r*oo The The World The Business The World River Of Hawaii World The PM Movie: Movie: 1 Movie: 7 A-Team Mississippi Series Mississippi Report Mississippi Series Innocence Five-0 Series A-Team Magazine "Amateur "Kaleido- Spy “The 1 30 ” Game 1 New Game 1 Game 1 Laugh-In Night At scope” World ” Visions The Dixie According r* 00 Remington CBS Movie: CBS Movie: Nova CBS Movie: Living Movie: Remington Movie: Bar And 700 To Garp” Q Steele "Night "Night "Signs Of “Night Maya “The Great Steele "My Man Grill" Club Oso Partners” •• Partners" The Apes” Partners" Train Robbery" - Godfrey ’ " r^oo 1 Love Vietnam: Bryan's 1 Love News News " Q Men ” A Television Best Men i/ 30 History ” Magazine ” Ozzie & Movie: Harriet ‘‘Paternity’ io: News News News News Over News Business ” News Benny All In The Fantasy Another " Easy News Report News Hill Family Island Life Tonight Barney Tonight All In The Latenight Magnum, Latenight Bob Tonight Rockford The Love Dobie Miller Family America P.l. ABC News America Newhart Barney Files Gatlins Boat Gillis n: Magnum, P.L Magnum, - " Nightline " Mary Tyler MiHer ■■ ” Movie: Sums And Movie: P.l. ” Moore ABC News ‘journey To Allen 'The David David Business McCloud lews ;NN News Nightline David NN News The Center Movie: ack Dodfather, Letterman ” Letterman ” Report ” Movie: " Letterman Df Time" ’Yours, Benny ? art 11" i2 3 : McCloud >• McCloud ‘1 Walk Wild, ” ’’ Movie: Mine And Married ” The Line" Wild Spy ■’ "Wedding ’’ )urs" oan NBC News NBC News " West VBC News n White” " ove That Overnight Overnight Dvernight Movie ob Radio (continued from page 3) plans to use this system exten sively in the future, as it also can be used to help DJs supplement their broadcasts with the use of sound effects. The station's album collec tion, which numbers over 2000, has been assembled during the past decade with the help of ma jor record companies and pri vate individuals. "Record companies used to send us promotional copies of albums," Gross says, "but as the record business went down, the companies had to cut back on what they were giving away." Cable stations were at the bot tom of the list, he says, and col leges were below that. Fortun ately, Gross says, KANM was able to work out deals with local record stores, exchanging advertising time for records. Gross, who already has re young couple move to England where a series of madcap adven tures threatens their marriage. AFTERNOON 3:00 (B ★ ★'/4 “Captain Nemo And The Underwater City’’ (1970) Rob ert Ryan, Chuck Connors. Six shipwreck survivors are taken to an underwater city run by a recluse from civilization. EVENING 8:00 0 O GD “Night Partners’’ (Premiere) Yvette Mimieux, Diana Canova. A divorcee and a female neighbor volunteer for duty on a newly created victim assistance unit to assist those targeted by criminals. 60 ★ A “The Great Train Rob bery” (1979) Sean Connery, Don ald Sutherland. Two expert turn- of-the-century con artists attempt to pull off the seemingly impossi ble robbery of a locked safe aboard a fast-moving locomotive. © ★★’/* “My Man Godfrey” (1957) June Allyson, David Niven. ceived his degree in chemical engineering and currently is earning a degree in electrical en gineering, credits the emerg ence of music programming (such as MTV) with helping re vive the recording industry. Now KANM has albums ranging from groups such as Def Leppard to the B-52s, and from Dolly Parton to Cream. There are 42 regular DJs, as well as sev eral alternates. DJs have four- hour shifts, and they still set their own format. "We have begun collecting dues from the members," Gross says, "because the bills have got to be paid. We also are doing some advertising, but not much — only two or three (commer cial) spots an hour." "Now we can start to plan for the long term," Gross says, "and that's something that has taken us ten years to do." Happy Birthday KANM. A bum who is given a job as a but ler in a society woman’s house turns out to be a member of Aus trian royalty. 11:45(B ★★★ “I Walk The Line” (1970) Gregory Peck, Tuesday Weld. A Southern sheriff becomes the victim of an alluring young woman who is the daughter of a local moonshiner. 12:00© ★★★ “Wedding In White” (1973) Donald Pleasence, Carol Kane. A father attempts to save the family honor by finding a hus band for his daughter who is preg nant by her brother’s wartime buddy. 1:00© ★★Vz “The Shepherd Of The Hills” (1941) John Wayne, Betty Field. Ozark Mountain peo ple attempt to save their land from outside invaders. 2:00© ★★ “Come Out Fighting” (1945) Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall. At the same time the Kids are giving boxing lessons to the son of the police commissioner, they also find time to get involved with a gambling ring. 2:20 (B ** "Killers Of Kiliman jaro” (1960) Robert Taylor, Antho ny Newley. An engineer must over come local tribesmen, Arab slave Now there are two ArbyVin Aggieland!