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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1983)
Page 8/The Battalion/Thursday, April 28, 1983 Battalion Classifieds FOR RENT HELP WANTED FOR SALE a t m CAMPUS NEW MINI WAREHOUSES Sizes available 5 x 5 to 10x30. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 Managed by Joe Courtney. Inc. 75tln Aid wanted for nursery school, month of May, 846-5571. ' 140th, “Eastern Onion Singing Telegrams” Mes sengers needed part-time, 693-7799. 138110 Accountant, bookkeeper, insurance clerk for doctor’s office. Typing required. Col lege or experience necessary. Excellent sal ary 6c benefits. Apply at 1775 Briarcrest Dr. 141th, CRUISE SHIP JOB! $14-$28,000 Carri- bean, Hawaii, World. Chill for Guide, Di rectory, Newsletter. 1-(916) 722-1111 Ext. TAM. 126121 Walk, Cycle, or Shuttle. It’s only 8 Blocks. NEWPORT CONDOMINIUMS: A New Class in Student living; 3 minutes from Campus; Compact, Efficient space; Securi ty; Washer/Dryer in each unit; From $399.00; 402 Nagle, 846-8960. 82th, 2 bedroom house fenced yard Wellborn area, 693-2339, 696-0762. 123130 SUBWAY A local speciality sandwich shop is seeking energetic people to fill re sponsible positions. Flexible hours, competitive wages. Full- /part-time. Apply in person at Parkway Square on SW Parkway, CS. 136tfn 3902 COLLEGE MAIN country place iments apartments 8460515 UNIVERSITY ACRES COUNTRY LIVING AT REASONABLE PRICES 1 and 2 bedrooms on Cain Road off Wellborn Road. Call Jane at 696-4203 (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 76tfn LOCALLY OWNED PROPERTIES “IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE’ 9 COURTYARD X APARTMENTS “COLLEGE STATIONS STANDARD OF QUALITY” 600 UNIVERSITY OAKS C.S. STALLINGS DR. AT HWY. 30 & UNIVERSITY OAKS 693-2772 846-1413 CASA BLANCA “CONVENIENT QUALITY CLOSE TO THE CAMPUS” 4110 COLLEGE MAIN -BRYAN- SHUTTLE BUS — SECURITY PROGRAM — CABLE TV — LAUNDRY MEETING ROOM — POOLS — RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Part-time Handyman. Lots of odd jobs. 20 hours week- some Saturdays. Call Teri at Jacob-Beal Realty, 823-5469. 140110 Summer and part-time jobs. Many opportunities in your area. Hun dred $$$ weekly! For details and application, send a stamped self- addressed envelope to: A.S. 123 Dryden Road, Box 101, Ithaca, New York, 14850. 14nt c DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month.. 846-2911 846-0396 24ttn DELIVERY PEOPLE NEEDED Must have own car, at least 19 yr of age, $3.75 hr. plus 6% commis sion. Apply in person at PIZZA EXPRESS between 2-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 319 Patricia or 2314 Texas Ave. S. 330tm Mobile home space Wellborn area, 693- 2339, 696-0762. 123t30 NEW TOWNPLEXES U-Lock-It storage 10x20 $22, and up, 693- 2339, 696-0592. 1231.30 Easy Telephone work from our of fice. Male or Female no experi ence necessary. Evening & Satur days Available. Call 775-7576 Be tween 1:00 & 9:00 Daily. 135110 W00DWAY VILLAGE ONE MONTH FREE RENT 2 Bedroom, 1 Vz bath, W/D connections, major kitchen 2 bedroom, 1 hath duplex clean quiet good location, reasonable, 822-0074. 144t5 Aurora Court, 3 bedroom duplex for rent. Call 693-7858. 144t5 appliances, carpet, drapes, convenient to TAMU. 2 bedroom apts. 2Vi blocks from campus, efficiency type special summer rates, $225 cheaper than a dorm, 846-8575. 144t5 Help Wanted delivery people and pizza makers needed. Delivery people average $4-6/hour. Inside help starts at $3.75. Apply in per son. CHANELLO’S PIZZA. 14015 JOE COURTNEY, INC. 696-4203 SUMMER FUN! Sublease 2-bedroom apartment TAOS. Steps to pool, laundry. Sacrifice for $295/mo., 696-6292. 143t5 Office at 512 West Loop OTHER DUPLEXES AND FOURPLEXES AVAILABLE. CALL FOR INFORMATION. Tree shaded duplex C.S., 2 bedroom, 1 bath, covered back porch, fenced yard, $350/mo., 775-5191. 133121 124tfn Now Hiring Summer Help All positions available Apply in person TECS-Culpepper Plaza. 137tfn HAVE LUNCH ON US... FREE! HELP WANTED A&M Apartment Placement is once again giving away free lunch to everyone who leases thru us. APARTMENTS * DUPLEXES * ALL TYPES OF HOUSING Call for appointment or come by A&M APARTMENT PLACEMENT SERVICE 693-3777 2404B Texas Avenue, C.S. “Parkway Shopping Center” fEESE NON-SMOKING CHRISTIAN MALES The Golden Rule has summer openings in our lovely large 2b-2b apts. Completely fur nished with all utilities includ ing laundry and soap, locked storage room and many ex tras. Bus near door. Only $150/mo. 693-8131. 14313 VILLA WEST APARTMENTS 3500 Pinfeather FOR RENT Efficiency $200.00 1 bedroom $230.00 & UP. 2 bedroom $260.00 & UP. 'Wz miles from campus. Adult property. Shuttle bus. No pets please. 127119 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH 4-PLEX Includes full size washer and dry er plus all appliances. Great deal for 3 students at only $130 each on 12 month lease; $140 each on 9 month lease, 775-5757. rnrnWm A BARGAIN FOft 5 STUDENTS — practically new 3 bedroom, 2 bath 4-plex. Washer/dryer plus all kitchen appliances included. Close to university. As low as $145 per student. 696-7714/693- 0982. CASA DEL SOL One and two bedroom apartment available for immediate occupan cy. Call 696-3455 or come by 401 Stasney in College Station. 28tfn Superb 2 BR unit of 4-plex P available for summer. Par tially furnished. Priced right to responsible party. 846- 0416. CLOVERDALE DUPLEXES Now leasing for summer and fall. W/D connections, patio, Kenmore appliances. On shuttle, near Kro ger’s in C.S. SUMMER RATE $250. Texas General Property, 846-3726,775-0168. 14315 MINI WAREHOUSES 101 Jersey West (corner of Jersey & Wellborn across from Olsen field) THE STORAGE CENTER 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn DOMESTIC SERVICES 693-1954 Part-Time Team Cleaning Flexible Hours $3.85/Hour plus Mileage. Must have phone and transportation. FULL OR PART TIME ‘Day Shift ‘Night shift (til 10 p.m.) ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 190tfn Accounting Students to represent America’s most successful CPA review course (76% pass rate) Compensation includes a free course. Call collect (713) 789- 2208. 127116 FOR SALE ’81 Yamaha 250 street bike, good condition, $950 Curt, 693-8145. 14415 Now accepting applica tions for full and part- time positions. Apply in person 8-10 a m. and 3-10 p.m. 141t5 1978 VVV Scirocco, $3300, 696-6178. 144t7 Fisher Cassette Recorder $185.00. Sanyo Car Cassette $115.00, Sekai 10-speed, $125.00, 846-1881. 14312 ’79 Toyota Station Wagon, 5-speed, AM/FM stereo, $2000. MUST SELL. Call 764-9178. 14.3t3 1978 Honda XL 175, $600. 696-0567. 143to PACIFIC COAST HWY. RESTAURANT is now accepting applications for Sum mer and Fall part-time employment in the following areas: (2) Bus/dish (2) experienced cooks and (2) experi enced wait persons. Apply at 3231 East 29th, Bryan between 1:30 p.m.- ^3<^^rrOVonda£Fndaj/^^^^^M3t5^ Peavey Bass guitar, Yamaha Lass amplifier, Yamaha 12-string guitar. Negotiable, 696- 3046. 14015 by Prof. ’77 Dodge Brougham loaded. ’74 ^Toyota Celica rebuilt engine, 693-1659. 1979 Honda CB400TI, vertical twin, 4,000 miles, $800. Call 260-7860. 14115 Start your summer job now. Earn good wages, pay travel & paid vacation. Clean ing days & nights for Home Care Services. Phone, car, references required. 846- 7759. 142110 ’73 Toyota Corolla, new transmission, good condition, $1200. Call Robert, 845-2370 days, 846-9396 evenings. 14H5 Kawasaki 250cc, trail/street runs good, price negotiable, John, 846-4967. 137110 . ARBOR SQUARE r One and two bedroom furnished! apartments available for im-! mediate occupancy. Call 693-1 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn . FALL LEASES Deluxe 2 bdrm 1 Vz bath 4-plexes. Extras include W/D, fireplaces, fenced yards, cathedral ceilings, wet bar, bookshelves. August rent free! $430-$440, 693-8685. 138ttn 4-plex apts. College Station. ^ bedroom, $325.00, w/d connec tions. Water paid. No pets. 1 /2 OFF OF FIRST MONTH’S RENT ON 9 OR 12 MONTH’S LEASES. 779- 1613, 8-5 M-F, 779-3162 (eve nings and weekends) 95tfn SUMMER LEASES Close to campus. 2 bdrm 1 1 / 2 bath with washer and dryer. Large walk-in closets, spacious floor plan. Large sundeck in rear. $350, 693-8685. 138tfn Economy Apts. 2bedroom furnished, un furnished, $250.(X). No pets. Stove/ref rigerator included, $175.00 deposit, 775- 9006 or 846-8055. 14H5 3 bedroom house, summer cheap, 693- 9301. 13818 3 bedroom 2 bath double garage shuttle bus 5 minutes to campus, $500.00/mo. 775- 2247. 14318 EARN EXTRA INCOME Through Part-time Employment Lunch Shift: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Night Shift Benefits Offered. Free Food. Flexible hours. Paid Vacations. Free Uniforms Apply in Person Between 2:30-4:30 Monday-Friday DER WEINERSCHNITZEL 501 S. Texas, Bryan 141tfn TumruRE WAREHOUSE 4 Drwr Chests 44.95 5 Drwr Chests 54.95 Dresser/Mirror 94.95 5 Pc. Dining Set 69.95 Sola Sleeper 235.00 Sofa & Chair Sets169.95 Recliners 89.95 3 Pc. Coffee/end Table 69.95 Twin Mat Sets 79.95 Full Mat Sets 88.00 Bed Frames 15.00 TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 ViMa Marta *22-5929 Wrongful deal law is revised Motorcycle for sale. 1983 Ma roon Yamaha RX 60 less than 800 miles, excellent condition only $500.00. Ask for Susan at 260-1398. 14411 AGGIE SPURS WITH CHAINS Brand new $35.00 per pair plus $2.00 handling charge. Lebman’s Tel: 512-226-4072. VISA, AM EXP, or M.C. (Ask also about boots) 14115 SPECIAL NOTICE FORESTRY GRADUATES Gain international forestry experi ence by joining Peace Corps. For information contact Gregory Greg ory 845-7570 or 309 Agriculture Building. 142t3 ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS IF YOU HAVE ORDERED A 1983 AGGIELAND AND WILL NOT BE ATTEND ING A&M NEXT FALL AND WISH TO HAVE IT MAILED TO YOU, PLEASE STOP BY THE STUDENT PUBLICA TIONS OFFICE, ROOM 216 REED MCDONALD BUILDING AND PAY A $3.50 MAILING FEE ALONG WITH YOUR FORWARDING ADDRESS SO YOUR AGGIELAND CAN BE MAILED TO YOU NEXT FALL WHEN THEY ARRIVE. Woman companion driver to North Caroli na 4/29 or 5/4, 693-1215. 144t2 WANTED CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. Ttje Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 1,,n NEW NATIONAL TV SERIES SEARCH ING FOR NEW FACES (15 & up) for segments to be filmed in Texas. Write for info: FIVE STAR PRODUCTIONS, 11514 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, CA 91604. 14115 Sublease wanted, furnished apartment,- second summer session. Visiting professor, 14lt5 845-4504. PERSONALS HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY Mark Love, Virginia United Press International AUSTIN — The Texas Sup reme Court, revising its inter pretation of the state’s wrongf ul death law, ruled Tuesday that juries may award damages for mental anguish in the death of a child. In a 6-3 ruling, the high court said the current law that allows damages only for the economic loss of a child is “based on an antiquated concept of the child as an economic asset." “If the rule is literally fol lowed, the average child would have a negative worth," wrote Justice Franklin Spears. “The real loss sustained by a parent is not the loss of any financial be nefit to be gained from the child, but is the loss of love, advice, comfort, companionship and society.” The high court’s ruling rein stated §102,500 in ( had been awarded by a County jury to the mob boy, 14, killed in a I dent in 1979 in Key A] The trial court ^ thrown out the award, that Eugene and Angeli chez of Rockport su “pecuniary loss” in their son, Johnny. The jury also $61 ,637 for pain ands bv the youth, medical am af expenses and damages|J boy’s motorcycle. Thoi were allowed tostandbvl er court judge. Lawyers for the Charles J. Schindler, responsibility of chaB| method of recovery wrongful death act beloaj the Texas Legislature Child left 4 hours in car disappears United Preu International SAN AN I ON IO — Police are 73 Yamaha (>50. excellent condition $600 Consider trade tor ear. 846-6017. 14313 investigating a missing person report given by a woman, who claimed she was formerly a man who underwent a sex change operation, and said her sleeping son was abducted in a car stolen from a shopping mall parking lot. , Detective Pete Lopez said the « i SERVICES TAPING. Term papers, resumes, etc. Next-day service, 693-7761. I43t« Typing and Word-Pmc-cssing. Business As sistance Services, 696-9550. 143(9 By owner, 2 bdr. 1 l A bath, townbome in excellent condition, $45,900. nice location. 846-4768, 846-7575. 14<>tS Typing on word processing equipment Ex- perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services. 693-1070. 86153 Papers due? We can help. Word processing allows review, revisions. East Mark Execu tive Suites. 693-5895. 125t21 Typing, experienced, fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. SHtfu TYPING. Fast, accurate. IBM Selectric, 696-0914. 138t8 woman, who gaveheroa 1 )ebbic Smith, of Los, 1 reported her son. Dami 7. w as sleeping in heron! was stolen Tuesdav fra North Star Mall. Lopez said the wora the report to street pffl Paul Rangel, but she Ip made am further conao authorities since latelua Rangel said the i c laimed she was formersi who underwent a sexl operation. It was not i the child was ado| fathered by the womnK the operation, Lopezsail| According to police n Smith picked up a I and went inside theraalai 9:30 a.m. Tuesday,im stay only a few minutesai ing the keys in the icj However, she staved id about 1:30 p.m. When:' turned, the car and tkl were gone. Texas, Karen’s Typing service, 775-6126. 67(84 Marilyn’s Typing; Student, business. 693- 7515. 117135 Put’s Typing Service, 693-8361. Expert student typing. Fust, accurate, fair ly priced. 693-6483 <»r 693-8537. 141t5 WORD-PRt (CESSING Reasonable rates. Thesis, reports, dissertations. Executive Services, 696-3785. 129tll "Problem Pregnancy? Free pregnancy test ing and referrals. (713) 524-0548.’ 188tfn TYPING. 823-7723. OFFICIAL NOTICE Lopez said he senu to Los Angeles for moni mation on the woman, i address she gave Rangel| to lie false. She described! as being 4 feet tall, will hair and blue eyes. “We don’t know ami Lopez said. “We know if it’s true and wee anything.” Lopez said the case open, however, and w investigated as a missing although the homicide i briefly took the case asa pmg. “Our hands are tied. It ATTENTION LIBERAL ARTS MAJORS: The following Cooperative Edu cation Positions are still available: Legal CO-OP in Dallas Juvenile Probation in Bryan Adult Probation in Bryan Juvenile Probation in Houston (Volunteer) Management Trainee with Sakowitz in Houston Management Trainee with Foley's in Houston Management Trainee with Dillard’s in College Station Marketing positions with IBM in Texas The following CO-OP positions are open for this fall: Legal CO-OP in Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio Senator Bentsen Internship in Washington D.C. Dallas County District Attorney IBM (Journalism) in Houston Brazos Facts (Sports Writer) in Clute, Texas All positions available this sum mer are also open for this fall. Other positions are becoming available, read Official Notices in the Battalion for later announce ments. For information on any of the above CO-OP positions, come by 420 Harrington Tower or call 845-7814 OSHA delays warrant United Press IntemitKW DALLAS - A federal ROOMMATE WANTED FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED Summer only, 2 bedroom 1 bath, furnished duplex, own room, $125/mo. + V2 utilities. 696-0074. 14117 FOREST, My heart aches for your casti- bation. Always The Emotional Masochist. agency was warned two# ago that constructional: was unsafe but made no* gation until four worto injured in a three-storyh a platform. Even since the * according to a Dallas#* er, the Occupational Saif Health Administrate / has not invoked ei# 1 ! powers allowing it to f obtain a search warrant! 1 ' 1 tigate other potential^ ous platforms in thft' tower addition, being to of L.oew’s Anatole Hold Charles M. Freeman 1 director for the'Dallas 1 said Tuesday, that hedito to speed the investiga- cause he did not thinly an “imminent danger accident like Sundavs occur. Before and since the# 1 ! OSHA inspectors have allowed to enter the # tion site to investigate. James T. Goff, pres® Orion Construction,! contractor for the pito nied any safety viola#, said all complaints P OSHA were fromffl# ators involved in a nizing effort. Pat Mclntire,at live helping in the of attempt, said Orion 1 gaged in illegal firings rassment in trying to union out. Freeman, the OSHA" said oneofhisinspectoy, visit the constructionsii f ‘ to investigate safety coij but Orion refused to ;ound ame. ] J 1 * cess. Freeman said his offa attempt to obtain at as soon as possible to site. ; IHltlfl h,