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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1983)
F^cz^i cj <=> ^rs' <—/ / «^y yell leaders seniors Trey Beazley agricultural economics Waco My past leadership experi ence consists of president of Delta Y, president of Youth Council, Sphinx Polaris Leadership and Student Y Cabinet Aide. I also was very involved with Fellowship of Christian Athletes. The reason 1 want the posi tion of Senior Yell Leader is that I feel I will be able to bring about a sense of equal representation among our student body. It has been a tradition since 1922 to have a combination of non-regs and cadets to equally represent the student body. And I feel that I can lead the students in pro ving that “united we all stand.” If elected, my goals are to do the best job of uniting our whole student body from non- Bob G. Bond agricultural economics Skellytown I have served as a Fish Drill Team member and adviser and as a Ross Volunteer com pany member. I am comman ding officer designate of First Group. I always have respected and looked up to the yell lead ers as leaders of spirit and tra dition holders for Texas A&M. I feel that they should be of high standards in morals and in character. People should be motivated and fired up by the individuals. I feel that I am this type of indi vidual and can keep the char acter and motivation to fire up the University as a whole. A yell leader should keep himself highly motivated, de dicated and enthusiastic to Jeff Crofton industrial distribution Tyler My experiences as a junior yell leader this past year have prepared me to represent Texas A&M University as a senior yell leader. I am a member of the Corps of Cadets and Company B-2. I was a sub-chairman for Fish Camp ’82. Presently, I am a chairman for the Fish Camp , ’83.1 am also a member of the Ross Volunteer Company. I seek the position of senior yell leader because I want to work with people and repre sent Texas A&M in the best way possible. After serving as a yell leader, I have had the opportunity to see the tremendous schedule deman ded, and I again am prepared to give all the time necessary to do the job well. If elected, I intend to up hold the pride and traditions of this University. One of my major goals is to make more regs, to Corps, to off-campus students. I also plan on doing the best job I can to bring stu dents out en masse to back our athletes. carry these characteristics on to the student body of the University. An individual should keep himself respect able and be regarded highly by his peers. ty and the spirit and unity that surround it. The Aggie yell leader should be a continuous example of Aggie spirit, in spiring all Aggies to have pride in the spirit and tradi tions that make Texas A&M the unique institution that it should be. Greg Griffin finance Fort Worth I am in the Ross Volunteer Company and supply sergeant on First Wing Staff. I was a counselor for Fish Camp '81 and ’82.1 am guidon bear er of Squadron 8. I am pre sently on the Aggie Muster Committee, am a Eucharistic Minister for St. Mary’s Church and am on the MSC Great Issues Committee. I’ve been a peer adviser and was a freshman yell leader for Elephant Bowl. I feel that I could represent Texas A&M in a positive fashion. I could promote an enthusiastic attitude to the student body. I will try my best to inform new Aggies about the Twelfth Man. I believe I have the leadership experi ence to qualify as senior yell leader. And I feel that I would be very dedicated to the job and work to keep Aggie spirit Todd Kronshage accounting Spring I am the junior yell leader in charge of finances. I am also an active member in the Corps of Cadets, Company F- 2 and a member of the Ross Volunteer Company. Since the main goal of our school is the preservation of traditions, I feel that through the position of yell leader, I can intensify this spirit. As a returning yell leader, I have seen the importance of campus-wide unity and think there should be a lot of emph asis in that direction, but my main goal would be to prom ote Aggie spirit and traditions Loyd Neal finance Corpus Christi I have experience as Fish Camp counselor (1981), sub chairman (1982), chairman (1983), SCONA committee member, planning chairman for SCONA 28, Muster Com mittee, MSC Great Issues and dorm council. I believe that I can be an effective and dynamic repre sentative and leader of Aggie spirit. I have made a special effort to become actively in volved in the events and tradi tions that have put A&M in a class by itself. Because of my knowledge of these traditions, my fierce love of Aggieland and my dedicated participa tion as an active member of the Twelfth Man, I feel that I am qualified to hold the posi tion of senior yell leader. If elected, I would continue my quest to see Aggie spirit as it truly should be: a harmony and sense of brotherhood that isn’t confined to any particu lar segment of the student body, nor denied to any per- alive and well. I will try to promote a posi tive and an enthusiastic atti tude toward Aggie spirit. 1 would try my best to represent A&M and the student body in a reliable and dedicated way. Lastly, I always would try to be available for any activity or function that concerns the student body and Twelfth Man. and also create a positive rep resentation at out-of-town functions and events. son because they may choose to diversify their interests. As yell leader, I would like to take an active role in en couraging greater participa tion at all athletic events, espe cially basketball, baseball and women’s athletics. These sports have yet to reach their potential in terms of sustained crowd support. My major goal, though, would be to pledge a 100 percent commitment to the principles and ideals that this University holds so dear. juniors James C. Becker Jr. management Lake Jackson As a member of the U.S. Marine Corps, I have had the opportunity to get some of the best hands-on leadership ex perience available. My four years in the Marine Corps have provided me with many opportunities to develop my leadership skills. I am not pursuing this posi tion for status or glory, but because I have something to offer. Since I came to A&M, I have been in love with it. The pride and traditions here in- fuse a certain spark into the Tom King accounting/tinance Houston Working with MSC Politic al Forum, I’ve covered the spectrum from working on public relations with the Mid dle East debate to chairing the Jim Collins program. As a Young Life leader this sum mer, I learned to work better with groups and the import ance of listening. As a resident of Hart Hall, I’ve had the opportunity to work on such activities as bon fire and the Big Event, and have represented the dorm on the Judicial Board for the past three semesters. I’m also in volved with MSC Great Issues, TAMU Abled/Disabled Com mittee and the Endowed Lec ture Series. I, like many other students who care about and work to wards the betterment of A&M, want to be represented. The Corps is certainly an asset to this school, yet to deny the value that more than 30,000 civilians have to offer would be a terrible loss. I feel I have the ability and enthusiasm to Kelly Joseph accounting Round Rock I was a freshman aide, have been on the class council com mittees, the Corps public rela tions committee and served as the scholastic corporal. I also was a Muscular Dystrophy summer camp attendant. I’ve been around Aggies and Texas A&M all my life. I love the spirit and the people. I hope I can keep Aggies uni fied with a position that en ables me to represent the whole University. I’m a moti vated person, but my desire for the position comes from a concern and feeling for the people of this school. This University’s great tra dition is the outstanding peo ple it produces. My goal as yell leader would be to use tradi tions to keep Aggies unified. Aggie spirit is the bond each