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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1983)
oJ "O ‘ fS g O . s ^.- ^:-^£ ;- 1 , CQ campus that is not seen in oth^r colleges. Mv motive is simple, yet it is sincere and I am sure it is one every Aggie can understand. Some candidates in the up coming election will promise to uphold pride and tradition here at A&M while at the same time promising to represent A&M in the best manner pos sible. Other candidates will run as “non-regs,” claiming- that they deserve the position because the non-reg popula tion has a right to a yell leader of its own. These differing platforms are going to cause friction, and an Aggie “civil war” is entirely possible. If elected, my goal would be to solve this problem. I feel that a veil leader should be selected not as a non-reg or as represent the true and some times under-represented feel ings civilians have toward this school. With the emergence of the Twelfth Man kickoff team, the yell leaders will be in strumental in ensuring a smooth transition. At a time like this, it will be more impor tant than ever for Of Army to pull together. My goal is to help guarantee one thing: that 1983 will be the best sea son ever! Aggie feels for his fellow Aggies. To lose that feeling is to lose what makes Texas A&M great. Informing and supporting all students of acti vities along with an example of tolerance and a positive attitude will keep Aggie spirit what it is. a cadet, but as an Aggie. Only in this way can he represent everyone. Above all, I’d like to share my love for this school with everyone. Russell McCaskill marketing Arlington I am active in Town Hall, RHA Casino, Reveliers, Class of’85 and intramural sports. I ant an intramural referee, ACU-I representative and in tramural coach and captain. With my dad and brother being Aggies, I have grown up in a home where Aggie tradi tions are very important. Since I experienced my first A&M football game at an ear ly age, I always have had a long-range goal of being a yell leader. Now that this goal is near ing, my perspective has changed. I not only want to be a yell leader for the excite ment, but want to represent A&M and the fine things for which it stands. I feel that I have a dynamic personality that is characteristic of a yell leader. I want to give back to A&M a small portion of what it has given to me. As a yell leader, I will be able to share with many people this great Frank Reister agricultural economics El Paso My leadership ability has been given the chance to de velop through my involve ment in church and other Christian organizations. I had the opportunity to lead Bible studies, work as a summer missionary and coordinate missions. Other leadership experience comes from being a cadet at the United States Military Academy, West Point. And I have learned to be a follower, which is prob ably the most important pre requisite to being a leader. To be a good leader, I be lieve you need to be willing to serve your followers. I am proud to be an Aggie and I would like the opportunity to serve the Twelfth Man through the position ofjunior yell leader. My goals as yell leader Terry Hlavinka agriculture economics East Bernard Since becoming a student here almost two years ago, I have involved myself in sever al aspects of college life. I was elected freshman president for Puryear Hall. After join ing the Corps of Cadets my first semester, I have broadened the skills that I feel are necessary to obtain my goal as yell leader. Also, my involvement in the MSC Hos pitality Committee has given me the opportunity to com municate and work with stu dents from all phases of life at Texas A&M. I desire the position of junior yell leader because I sincerely want to work with all Aggies. Obtaining the posi- enthusiasm that I and other Aggies have for our Univer sity. My goals are to strengthen unity among all Aggies, up hold the great enthusiasm that the Twelfth Man creates, create a program that will teach freshmen who are un able to attend Fish Camp ab out Aggie traditions and yells, and to represent A&M in a way of which all Aggies can be proud. would be to serve Texas A&M and the Twelfth Man. I would seek to represent the Aggie Spirit and virtues that are associated with A&M. I also would seek to help inspire the Aggie spirit and pride. tion of yell leader, a lifelong dream of mine, would enable me to share this enthusiasm for Texas A&M with those that I could not reach other wise. If elected, I would be re sponsible for the actions of the yell leaders as well as the en tire student body. I commend our present yell leaders for an outstanding job. One of their goals was to remove some of the grode from yell practices while leaving the humor and tradition intact. I will support the continuation of this goal. Another of my objectives is to unite the student body as nev er before. To effectively do this, the communication lines must be left open between civilians and cadets. My greatest desire is to work with Darrell Pickard psychology San Antonio My involvement in student activities over the last two years has enabled me to gain valuable leadership experi ence. As a freshman, I served as a Student Government freshman aide and was an ac tive member of MSC Hospit ality and the Traditions Coun cil. I coordinated the Parents’ Weekend traditions program and received the Buck Weirus Spirit Award. As a sopho more, I represented the Corps on Traditions Council and coordinated the Parents' Weekend traditions program. Because of this experience, I feel qualified to run for this position. Spirit, unity and brother hood are only a few words that help mold an Aggie. These and other characteristics are what have made Aggies proud. And they will make fu ture Aggies proud. These Aggies make up the Twelfth Man. The yell leader is responsible for keeping and building these characteristics. Gregory W. Simank mechanical engineer Houston In high school I was in stu dent government, JETS, Na tional Honor Society, Bear- keeper (mascot) and worked in the principal’s office. In col lege I am a sophomore mem ber of Squadron 4. I’m also active in the Traditions Coun cil and a member of the Amer ican Society of Mechanical En gineers. I’m active in the Bap tist Student Union; I am one of three who are conducting children’s Bible study every Tuesday. I want to become more ac tive in college and I like to be with people. If elected, I will try to bring more people to the sporting games here at Texas A&M. Another goal is to make all the Aggies that go to the games all Aggies, and given the opportunity to be junior yell leader, I will devote myself to representing the entire stu dent body the best I possibly can. As a yell leader, I would put every ounce of effort into pre serving and protecting these ideals while representing the student body w'ith honor and pride. If elected, my main goal would be to increase the unity of the Twelfth Man. The more unified the student body, the more the “spirit” wall grow. It is only through unity that there is strength. Photo not available whoop and “hump it” with the yell leaders.