Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1983)
Nevermore/Aggie Rag/ Cinco (Please read the story at the bottom of the page. It’s very good. Really. No kidding. We mean it.) Twi- iiO!: University of Texas football about the infamous Twelfth Man kicking man I trembles in fear when he hears team. Either that or his helmet is stuck. ran ils well, Jockie says o big (ebeca Zimmerinann, autta Diane Yount, Jan ain’t nier, John Wagner, Diana Sultenfuss, Denise Richter, Scott McCullar, .olette Hutchings, Daine Engstrom, iran Bishop, Gary jandMiss Pageant ulv- eal- bire ;ver e of tte ling tggie Rag Staff farody International Itagle News Service arersity Happy New* tad My Dog, Spot Football Coach Jockie mgh not available for per- nt, said that he doesn’t think an oil well in Kyle Field will present any problem for his team. “My players know what side their bread is buttered on,” Shorts said, in a release released by Ralph Hanes, associate athletic director in charge of the keeping the press away from Jock ie. ‘‘ They know those Cutlasses and yondos don’t grow on tryfes.” Shorts said he plans to use the der rick as an observation tower. “And at night, we can post armed guards in the tower to make sure none of my boys break curfew,” he said. The well also will benefit the Twelfth Man Kicking and Drilling Team, he said. Shorts said he is training a special Twelfth Man Kicking and Drilling Team commando squad to force opponents into the derrick. “Heh, heh, heh,” Shorts said. In addition to the Twelfth Man Kicking and Drilling Team, the Aggie Band also will be learning new forma tions, including one in the shape of a gusher. And several yell leaders have prop osed changing the traditional Aggie yell from “Gig ’em” to “Gush ’em.” But some Corps members and Uni versity administrators are worried that Reveille may mistake the derrick for a fire hydrant. “That could dilute the value of our oil,” Regents Chairman B.S. “Ultra” Brite said. cycles, oil, apathy bated in SG meeting ‘Broom’ gets swept out door by John Wagner Aggie Rag Staff Texas A&M Athletic Director Jockie Shorts announced Monday that Associate Athletic Director for Janitorial Services Lanny “Broom” Washington would not be rehired for the 1983-84 basketball season. Rumors about Washington’s job began circulating at the beginning of this season, but after a closed-door meeting with Washington, Shorts and Associate Athletic Director in Charge of Horrendous Schedules Charles Searsbest, the 34-year r old Washing ton told The Aggie Rag his job was safe. “Shorts gave me a vote of confi dence,” Washington said in an exclu sive interview. Several days after that meeting, however, Washington was quoted as saying: “I’m not supposed to say any thing about my job.” “That sounds like something right there,” he was told. “Oh,” Washington said. But on Monday, after meeting with Associate Athletic Director in Charge of Making Mega-Bucks Mike “Fruit” Ofdaloom, Shorts called Washington into his office and fired him. In a statement released to the press through Ralph Hanes, associate athletic director in charge of the keeping the press away from Jockie, Shorts said: “Mr. Washington just didn’t fit into our plans to become a first-class athletic institution. We are proud to say that we once fired him, and we wish him the best of luck in trying to find another job before his kids starve.” Attempts to contact Shorts in his office, at his home, in his car, at Kyle Field and in Regents Chairman B.S. “Ultra” Brite’s private aircraft were unsuccessful. However, his secretary told the Rag that Shorts did have a 15-minute time slot open in 1985, and that he would be available for com- | ment at that time. The Rag has learned that I Washington’s job was in danger the minute Shorts came to Texas A&M. An unnamed source close to the Athletic Department — who will lose his job when this article is published — said: “Shorts said all along he was going to bring in his own men tc sweep G. Rollie W’hite after basketball games. It was just a matter of time| until Washington was axed.” Been snorting at night? Feeling piggy? Does this picture appeal to your sexual libido? You maybe the victim of ' SWINE FLU! If you feel any of these inclinations, rush over to the Animal Pavilion and help us keep our pigs happy. It’s safe, and you don’t have to worry about your parents being notified. /iitiiwUa? Binging and Purging? While we don’t treat this dietary disorder, we do help you out with fill-a-trough buffet service, large private bathroom suites, and food that comes up as easily as it goes down. You will be delightedl with the wide selection of sugar-free, fat-free, caffeine-free, taste-free foods in the Goopy Salad or Underground Airport Terminal, Sgreasa Dining Center Basement. 6 PC A/ {fGA. toa oftest. 2'k/l£!) v 7y? 'ktJfQ GARCS? tvmg lung and- w ith pi/za .ovee / and ei ilia r ihe own liner \&M ; im- fects >r its ot by cops iil\ a sc uss Elaine Engstrom Ajgit Rag Staff amine, the rising cost of a mion and the escalating Brace were'the topics ol Knight s Student Senate tbusiness, the Senate took robillsand sent a third to tor additional research, i Bike Rules for the Good it.'deals with bicycle reg- ompus. A second bill, “Oil Residence Halls." stems (koverv of oil, on the Bonecampus dormitorv. A Voter Apathy in Student ■Elections,” was sent hack tttforadditional reports of ton. [ImaTradicion, sponsor ol ■ said she thinks regulat- pon campus is necessary ■of the University popula- [liolf. h can’t let there he a f ree patmosphere with every- pgwhat he wants to, can kionasked. “I think it’s im- Ikpeople keep in step with ■ so everyone can lx- just It sou: Irtgulation is the first step toward achieving that goal. If no one is allowed to ride freely, then no one can get out of line and start espousing radical, lilx*ral beliefs, right? Don’t you agree? Of course you do.” The hike bill, which was passed unanimously, will set up two-way bike lanes throughout campus and make bicycle registration mandatory for bike riders. Students not registering their bikes with the University Police are subject to immediate expulsion. The bill also sets up campus-wide slot) lights with BIKE and DON’T BIKE signals for bicyclists in addition to the usual signal lights. BettE Baltimore, vice president for academic affairs, said the bill was de- signed to promote harmony at Texas A&M. “We just want everyone to flow together in a unified movement throughout campus,” Baltimore said. “It’s Aggie Spirit that bonds us together and everyone should get in volved whether they want to or not.” The oil hill was voted down by a slight majority as senators debated fu riously over whether Glashow Hall would be allowed to lease the mineral rights to its courtyard to a private oil company. Glashow president Frank A. Neut rino said he doesn't understand what all the fuss is about. “We just thought it would be a good way to earn money for dorm mixers,” he said. “I really don’t see what the prob lem is. If we donVt mind the noise and mess, w hy should anyone else care? If you don’t have an oil well, get one.” Senator Biff Cransdell said that allowing Glashow Hall to establish its own oil exploration would be unfair to other dorms. “I think equal distribution of wealth is an important issue in this situation,” he said. “Dorms that don’t happen to be sitting on huge reserves of oil won’t be able to compete. As a senate representing the entire stu dent body, we must be fair to all stu dents equally.” Although Student Body President Tap Noserap said he personally be lieves some students are more equal than others, he said he publicly agrees with Cransdell. “We of the Student Senate just can’t discriminate like Glashow wants us to do,” Noserap said. “It’s a ques tion of integrity.” The apathy bill was sent back to committee after no one really cared enough to vote on it. SUMMER STUDY IN EL SALVADOR Open to all TAMU students (especially Corps members) See slides of the carnage and battlegrounds and hear more about the courses in out organizaiiona} meeting is the attend classes in sunnv San Salvador. : y| »nl be many tours, cultural experiences and M»! ““ps. ildez, pioQuezaltepeque, Zacatecoluca, Ahuachapan jfrtinptonounceablc places in the country are ill be : en- "illenroll in two i lasses (choose from Guerilla ? intoSi‘151,Foreign Aid Scrounging 326, Election ILY» ition (° r Winning Through Intimidation) Your El Salvadoran Education and Culture.) if the t!tj ons w jn | K . answered and details provided date. 1 fiecimg. TUESDAY, APRIL 1 2 a.m. MSC 830 D. s S - 8 8 8 N 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 '8 s: 8 '8 V8 8 8 8 8 N N s N S ' r n <! t z s z 8 ? <; Z =G< Featuring mixed gender night! YES, if you want it, we have it — any night of the week. FRIDAY Meatmarket Night ^r- For a good dme bring your own slab. Meat swaps every half hour. No pets allowed Not to be confused with any night club in Bryan/College Station.