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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1982)
E5ES m tQUlPMEU ' A5 N AJ50L- ^U£ HDflAI 'ion, me injured, vyers also ■ests were H did not ok est warrants, th cocaine it n Ray Moore, >hn Oscar b; iklin Crump, :ph Pace,; nn Page V s Donald Boli Luck werejai The other under $5 mill etc. Battalion/Page 13 December 8, 1982 SCHULMAN What’s Up Wednesday MSG VARIE TY SHOW:Applications to perform in the 1983 MSC Variety Show are available now at the secretar ies’ island in 216 MSC. Deadline for applications is Feb. 4. STUDENT Y’ — FISH CAMP ’83:Applications for Chairman, Sub-Chairman and Recreation Coordinator are available now at the Student ‘Y’ secretary’s desk at 216 MSC. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. on Friday. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS:Pictures will be taken in 137 MSC now through Friday. Also, Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate, Veterinary, and Medical students may have their pictures taken between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Yearbook Associ ates at 1700 Puryear Dr. For more information, call 693- 6756 or 845-2611. The final deadline for pictures is Dec. 17. No make-ups will be allowed after this date. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS NET WORK: An effort to resurrect this organization is being made. Students should be interested in promoting stu dent awareness of individual rights and should contact John Cook at 696-3241 if interested. TEXAS A&M SPORTS CAR CLUBThe last meetingof the fall semester will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 321 Physics Building. PARENT’S DAY COMMITTEE:Aggie “Parents of the Year” applications are available now through Dec. 17 in 216 MSC. T he deadline for applications is Jan. 25. CHI ALPHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP:The regu lar meeting that was postponed will be held at 7 p.m. tonight at the All Faiths Chapel. David Lowry will speak. BLACK AWARENESS COMMITTEE:Ann Creen- wald and Jim Wallace will be present in a rap session at 7 p.m. in 404 Rudder. gan; and Ge jflTHE CANADIAN CLUB:A slide show of the British ing, 50, ofSi- | Columbia Coast and election of new Prime Minister will be shown at 7 p.m. in 402 Rudder. Anyone is welcome to attend. CHI ALPHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIPtDavid Lowry will speak in a meeting at 7 p.m. at the All Faiths Chapel. ANIMAL SCIENCE FIELD STUDY TRIP MEETING:A meeting will be held Thursday at 9 p.m. in 400-A AnSc Building. Plans for Animal Prod. Field study trip (Jan. 9 - 15) will be discussed. in the Chat case said Bolt booster attacj that carried ll| lombia to a SCUBA CLUB:The last meeting of the semester will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 410 Rudder. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHURCH:The Annual Candlelight Christmas Carol Service will be held at 10 p.m. at the University Lutheran Chapel, 315 N. College Main in College Station. Thursday AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS NET- WORK:An effort to resurrect this organization is being made. Students should be interested in promoting stu dent awareness of individual rights and should contact John Cook at 696-3241 if interested. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST:A Christmas party will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 701 Rudder. BLACK AWARENESS:A Minority Faculty Reception will be held at 6:30 p.m. in 145 MSC. ANIMAL SCIENCE FIELD STUDY TRIP MEETING.A meeting will be held at 9 p.m. in 400-A AnSc Building. Plans for Animal Prod. Field study trip (Jan. 9-15) will be discussed. F.O.H. CLUB (FLORICULTURE ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE):.\ Christmas Party will be held at 8 p.m. at the Unitarian Fellowship Hall. PARENTS’ DAY COMMITTEE: Aggie “Parents of the Year” applications will he available Nov. 18 through Dec. 17 in 216 MSC. Deadline for applications is Jan. 25, 1983. AGRICULTURE ECONOMICS CLUB:A End of the Year Party will be held at 7:30 p.m. at Mama’s Pizza. MSC CEPHEID VARIABLE:Santa Claus Conquers the Martians will be shown at 7:30 p.m. and 9:45 p.m. in 601 Rudder. Admission is $1. CIRCLE K:The group will meet in front of Rudder at 6:30 p.m. to go to the Grapevine for our final meeting. Also, the group will go Christmas caroling Sunday at 3 p.m. THE WAY CAMPUS OUTREACH: A special presenta tion on “The Birth of Jesus Christ” will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in 404 Rudder. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL:The group will meet at the University Lutheran Chapel, 315 N. College Main in College Station at6:30p.m. to go visit and sing at the Sherwood Nursing Home. in airstrip ik| nn. The booii to let the pill e-offs despitef Now you know United Press International NEW YORK — An insurance industry trade association has published answers to the 10 most frequently asked questions about home and auto insurance. The Insurance Information Institute compiled its list from calls received on its toll-free na tional telephone hotline. Key questions involve the reasons for increased pre miums, advice on cutting such costs and the wisdom of putting teenaged children on families’ auto insurance policies. The answers, respectively: Medical and hospital costs, auto collision replacement parts and labor costs are continuing to soar; ask your insurance agent if you’re eligible for discounts many companies offer for such things as good driving records and young people passing approved driver education courses; and yes, because most insurers require you to list on your policy all licensed drivers in your household. Single copies of the “ 10 Ques tions Consumers Most Fre quently Ask About Auto and Home Insurance” and “Taking Inventory” leaflets are free. Send your request with a self- addressed, stamped envelope to: Publication Service Center CTI, Insurance Information In stitute, 110 William St., New York, N.Y. 10038. RLITT THEATRES THEATRES $1 off adult ticket 1st Matinee Mon-family night Sch 6 Tue-family night M.E.Ill } SCHULMAN 6 Jj 2000 E. 9th 775-2468 + * * * * FIRST BLOOD J ♦ THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK 7:20 9:50 7:15 9:40 HEIDI’S SONG 7:10 9:25 TIME BANDITS 7:20 9:50 Tues-Ali.$2. Fh-Student $2 I CINEMA I & II SKAGGS CENTER 846-6714 George A. Romero “CREEPSHOW 7:15 9:*5 (R) Live his nightmares! THE SENDER 7:30 9:30 (R) CINEMA III f POST OAK MALL 764-0616 Share the Magic! ‘E.T.,The Extra-Terrestrial" 7:159:30 (PG) PeterS. Beagle's fantasy "THE LAST UNICORN" 7:25 9:10 (G) Gary Coleman ENOS ‘JIMMY THE KID" TUES. 7:10 9:15 (PG) 12 7®7 } MY FAVORITE YEAR J * 7:10 9:25 J * * * J t HOMEWORK J J 7:159:40 1 MANOR EAST III» 1 Manor E. Mall * * THE MISSIONARY * 7:25 9:45 Z AN OFFICER & A X GENTLEMAN £ 7:15 9:50 * CAMPUS Young Doctors 4- In Love * 7:159:30 j BEATLES A Hard Days Night 7:20 9:40 823-8300 * * ■* * * .* * * .iF * .* * ♦ JjU MSC ApGIE QINEM/\ P R E S E NT acted on a d drugsmugji nfiscated l.lj line worth erstate exitna in., on July 1 s sent in a vant|- ribution. I’ll have a double this time’ United Press International r YOU iHOUSTON — It was a dream / come true for margarita lovers ■ 1,500 gallons of the tequila- served up by a ce- f y VV mem mixer at 50 cents a shot. 1 “What’s the point of making a International bi g margarita like everyone else? [969, everyif We wanted the biggest margar- e for ApolloiJita,” said Michelle Gosper, pub- , se cona niissiiic relations director for the Moon. SecoujHyatt Regency Hotel which in- t roared offtyited more than 20,000 people ,y a bolt of# help celebrate the hotel’s 10th anniversary. 12s(|f The drink-in called for 300 Hons of tequila, 100 gallons led and limejuice , t gambling*#!) of Triple Sec 2 „ jt has reW t0 be mixed with 1,100 gallons of ngdetectionsfpweet an< d s° ur mix. jv E. Philippi The ingredients were poured rsitv of Arizonjinto a new cement mixer truck stem couldojand churned for 14 hours until n ms. NowWhe first drink was served Friday j way to actiui' afternoon. » ts where M The drinking continued elv to strife through late Saturday with more than 20,000 glasses being ^s^ld at 50-cents each, Gosper Relax, Have Fun, Enjoy Enter a new wonderful world of excitement. The atmosphere is different — the perfect setting for your favorite cocktails! And what food! The menu offers a variety that all the family will enjoy. Popular prices, too. Discover Julie’s Place soon it’s the kind of restaurant that makes you want to come back again and again. 607 Texas Ave. College Station Phone: 696-1427 Open every day — Lunch, Dinner, Cocktails Top Drawer from Basics to Designers Levis - Sedgefield - Lee - Bill Blass - Calvin Klein - Ocean Pacific - lackey Stanley - Blacker - Esprit - Jordache - and more. WEDNESDAY 7:30 THEATRE i n (( ClflSSIFlID ADS sure to net remtlQ) CONGRATS AGGIES! It s time for graduation and graduation gifts...but before you begin thinking of what you - the 1982 graduate of Texas A & M -- would like for graduation... Say Thanks! Tell the people that stood by you during your academic career at Texas A & M -- thanks! -- give them a 1982 Aggie Ringcrest® plaque A walnut finished deep cut moulding frames the original Aggie Ringcrest®. An inscription plate is included making a very personal "thank you." We will have a full stock of single and double Aggie Ringcrest® plaques immediately after graduation to engrave the inscription of your choice. And while you're saying "thanks"... Single plaque: $ 29.95 Double plaque: $ 49.95 Don’t forget to... Preserve the Accomplishment ... with a photographic reproduction of your Texas A&M diploma on bronze. This treasured momento will be mounted on a maroon velvet background and touched off with a walnut colored frame. We will photograph your dip loma WHILE YOU WAIT so you can take the original home with you. Your bronze diploma will be in your hands no later than Christmas! AVAILABLE IN THREE SIZES. Bronze Diplomas: $ 56.00 - $ 100.00 OMC will be open especially for 1982 Aggie Graduates and their families on December 11, from 9 AM - 5 PM. OMC is located on FM 2818 (the West Bypass), north of The Texas Hall of Fame. TZ/E-DLKJUam' First Annual Charity Bash Wednesday night at 7:00 2 for 1 Bar Drinks ALL NIGHT LONG $2.00 at the door—Proceeds go to KTAW’S MYSTERY SANTA FUND ’82 IN WOODSTONE SHOPPING CENTER >>Vt>>'GV*'*YVV>4’-V