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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1982)
-national Battalion/Page 12 December 8,1® High interest accounts more War P ed accessible with regulation by Scott McCullar THE E.MOTION " PART ? OF 8 United Press International WASHINGTON — After Jan. 5, almost anyone with $2,500 will be able to get the high interest rates of money market funds and be assured of federal insurance of up to $100,000 on regular checking and savings accounts. Federal regulators Monday swept aside almost every restric tion to give savers and investors money market rates on their federally insured checking and savings accounts. Some of the new rules take effect next Tuesday and the rest Jan. 5. The committee of federal regulators decided Monday to go beyond what was authorized for Tuesday and allowed Finan cial institutions to offer unre stricted withdrawals and trans fers on the accounts. It will be the First time banks and savings institutions have been permitted to compete dire ctly with Wall Street’s popular money funds, which have used high rates and convenience to build their assets to $231.5 bil lion this month, an all-time high. Now the banking and thrift industries are waiting to see how the mountain of $300 billion in their low-interest passbook accounts, earning as little as 5.25 percent interest, moves in reac tion to the attractive new in sured rates. The low interest that banks and savings and loans have been paying on their passbooks have allowed the industries to rein vest savers’ money and add to the institutions’ earnings. If the banks and thrifts attract most of the deposits in the new accounts only from their own less-costly accounts, the total effect could be lower earnings. But the federally institutions hope to get much of the money that was drawn to the uninsured money market funds. WHERE IS SHE? HAL is sheT^ is SHB AH, V0U MUST BE CAROLINE'S Bomim^LKm SHE'S FINE, ABSO LUTELY HEALTHY (puff, puff} well, she's not WHAT? IS HURT OR iN PAIN, SHE HURT? IS SHE IN PAIN? HOW DOES SHE BUT AS TO HOW SHE FEELS, THERE YOU'VE HIT THE /VAIL ON THE HEAD WELL, YOU -SEE, SOUSE ME? CAROLINE WAS IN A FREAK CHEMISTRY LAB ACCIDENT THAT REACTED WITH HER PSYCHOLOGY TEXT 7 ..AND ? ..SOMEHOW, WE m exflain IT, CAM NOW POSSESSES m ALL OUR EQUIPMWT REGISTERS A5 HI ABSOL UTELY UNIQUE EMOTION. kTS In drug trafficking case NOTICE Our retirement planning cre dentials are impeccable. Shouldn’t you let us work for you? Call Larry or Swede 693-6030 FBI charged with scheme United Press International ROME, Ga. — Seven men arrested when cocaine worth $300 million was seized in a gun battle at the LaFayette city air- ort were lured into the scheme Wanted!... used books Who needs them? Texas A&M Bookstore. Top prices for used textbooks. Now that you’ve finished the fall semester, why delay? Bring in your used books and get cash on the line today. by an FBI informant, defense lawyers have charged. In a motion alleging govern ment misconduct, the lawyers sought dismissal of cocaine traf- ficking charges against the men Monday, the First day of the fed eral trial. U.S. District Judge Harold Murphy said he will rule on de fense motions after a jury is picked. Lawyers questioned prospective jurors from a panel of 120 but none were selected. The motion charged that the informant. Charles Scott, work ed as an investigator for Richard Moore, a Marietta attorney who represented one of four men convicted last month in Chatta nooga, Tenn., in the nation’s second largest seizure of cocaine. Defense lawyers said in the motion that Scott obtained in formation to help arrange the LaFayette cocaine run by talking to defendants in the Chatta nooga trial and by reading con fidential records in that case. FBI agent A1 Millard said ab out 25 law enforcement officers armed with rifles and shotguns caught the men unloading 640 pounds of cocaine from a twin- engine plane into four cars on Oct. 25.” Three suspects roared down the runway in one of the cars, spraying about 15 bullets at the officers, who Fired back and blew out the car’s tires, Millard said. The men then fled into swamps where they were track ed down by bloodhounds within 45 minutes, he said. Four other suspects surrendered peaceful ly. No one was injured. Defense lawyers also tended the arrests were because the FBI did notol* search and arrest warrants. Charged with cocaine licking are John Ray Moore, of Houston; John Oscar Lis 52, Lewis Franklin Crump, and Larry Ralph Pace, 21, Georgia; William Page Via 48, and Charles Donald Boli 43. of Michigan; and Gt ijTHE CA Claude Easterling, 50, ofS« Carolina. Crump and Luck were without bond. The other pects are in jail under $5mil bond each. Prosecutors in the Glial nooga cocaine case said Bol bought the fuel booster attar to tne plane that carried drug from Colombia to mote, mountain airstrip net Rockwood, Tenn. The W was designed to let the make quick take-offs despilt heavy load. Authorities acted on a from a convicted drug smug when they confiscated pounds of cocaine worth 51 million at an interstateexitnti Cleveland, Tenn., on July The cocaine was sent in a van®i • Florida for distribution, f h j C MSC VA 1983 M ies’ islat STUDEh Chairm are avai MSC. 1 STUDEIV 137 MS Gradua their pi p.m., IV ates at 1 6756 or 17. No AMNES1 WORI made. ! dent av John C TEXAS V 5 the fall Buildin PARENT Year” a 216 MS CHI ALP lar mee tonight BLACK wald an p.m. in Columl be show attend. CHI AL Lowry r Chapel. ANIMAL MEET in 4()()-. study u "V T I United Pi N OW YOU i H0US ™ / pne true fc know _. _ .UUS .CONQUERS. ^MARTIANS THURSDAY, DCCCMBCK 9 * 7:30 & 945 GOl RUDDER. + RATED G ♦ $1.00 ft 1,500 gall led liquid merit mixer ; „ ■‘‘What’sth United Press International Pg Iliargai itc On Nov. 14, 1969, everytHWe wanted t was on schedule for Anuil< 'ta said Mic slated to be the secona miss lie relations to land on the Moon. SeconjHyatt Regen after the rocket roared off ^ v |ed more t pad, it was hit by a bolt of li^o help celebi ning. Bniversary. Fortunately, Apollo 12s“ ; § The drin vived and landed successful gallons ol t< But NASA is not gambling«®chof Trip! the space shuttle. Ithasrefe f d be mixed v complex lightning detections) sweet and so tern developed by E. PhilipKf® The ingre er of the University of Arizoi'lnto a new c At First the system couldoifful churned track electric storms. Nowlin the first drin er has devised a way to aftuilwternoon. predict the areas where lim The dt ning is most likely to strike, through lat more than 2 gld at 50-c Tower Dining Room NOW OPEN Id. Have you taken your secretary to lunch this semester? Single Doubt STAibd u&nnua/ AGGIE CHRISTMAS MASS 7:30 pm, December 8 St. Mary's Church JPaple SPileet PPfi onbowd Pit Co (iCCi oPic o c ifiCio n Sunday through Friday 11 a.m. — 1:30 p.m. Rudder Tower 11th Floor Open to Public "Quality First” i&u... -•LLLtiLn: lijU.