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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1982)
* national Battalion/Page 8 November 29,1982 Reagan group to visit Warped by Scott McCullar South America United Press International goodwill mission intended to WASHINGTON — President promote U.S. ties, administra- Reagan will visit Brazil, Col- tion officials say. ombia, Costa Rica, and Hon- Reagan will meet with leaders duras this week on a five-day of the four Latin American na tions, and hold separate meet ings with Pi esident Jose Efrain Rios Montt of Guatemala in Honduras and President Alvaro Magana of El Salvador in Costa Rica. He is scheduled to return from a California vacation to day, then leave for Brazil Tuesday. Reagan decided in October to accompany Secretary of State George Schultz on the trip. ...HERE m SEE A RATHER UNUSUAL SPECIES OF STORK, AND PART OF ITS UNIQUE COURTSHIP BEHAVIOR. THE MALES OF THIS SPECIES SOMEHOW OBTAIN OR WEAVE FOR THEMSELVES A LARGE RING MADE OF STICKS OR VINES. THIS THET THEN SWING AROUND THEIR BODIES TO ATTRACT A FEMALE. THAT'S INCREDIBLE. I’VE NEVER SEEN A BIRD DO THAT BEFORE. WHAT KIND IS THAT? J... I THINK IT'S A- A HOOPING CRANE. L MONDAY & THURSDAY NIGHT DR. ARTHUR G. HANSEN Professional Male Dancer Night! From LaBares in San An tonio and Houston. Chancellor, TAMCI System Male Dancer Night! “The United States and International Competition” 4 For 1 Highballs! 7-8 p.m. Doors open to the men at 10 p.m. $ 2 Cover from 7-8 p.m. s 3 8-10 p.m. Tuesday, November 30 203 Zachry Society of Manufacturing ' Engineers 7:30 p.m. Part of Hawaii made major disaster area b xJ Nobodv DALLAS NIGHT CLUB IN THE DEUX CHENE COMPLEX BEHIND K-MART. COLLEGE STATION 693-2818 SME AGGIELAND PHOTO Tuesday, Hovember 30 MSC MAIN LOUNGE United Press International HONOLULU — The path of Hurricane Iwa through Hawaii was declared major disaster area by President Reagan Saturday, clearing the way for federal agencies to help residents of Kauai, Niihau and Oahu repair thousands of home and busi- Make Your List! Christmas Craft Festival Quality handcrafted items at prices you can afford Pottery Stained Glass Jewelry Weaving Woodworking Photography ...and more ! DECEMBER 1&2, 9:00-5:00 RUDDER FOUNTAIN MALL an W1SC Ota# Centen presentation The presidential action — at the request of Hawaii Gov. George Ariyoshi — came as the first detailed list of damages was released for Oahu Island, in cluding Honolulu. The pre liminary combined total for Kauai and Oahu losses stood at $148 million, including crop damage figures from-Oahu. Little information has been available on privately-owned Niihau, but the Red Cross esti mates included 20 homes des troyed and 160 damaged on that island, indicating almost all 226 residents were severely affected. Much of Kauai and half of Oahu still was without power Saturday. The Navy submarine Indianapolis stood by off Ka uai’s Nawiliwili Harbor in case it was needed to provide emer gency power to get other sources going. Three Navy gen erators flown to Honolulu were being taken to Kauai by barge. On Oahu, the Hawaii Army National Guard and the 25th In fantry Division were out Satur day setting up generators and water tanks in various locations. It was expected to be two to three weeks before regular pow er could lie restored to some areas. Telephone service to RUNNING TO WIN KEEPING YOUP EDGE - LIVING THE VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN LIFE Find out how in an exciting three evening seminar with national campus lecturer Paul Abbott from the Universitg of Illinois. 7 : 30pm Tues., Nov. 30, 701 Rudder Wed., Dec. 1, 601 Rudder Thur., Dec. 2, 301 Rudder oams Kauai remained minima The Red Cross issued anoika asy. When J; ake over tl aggies inst ml coni )t of Tex tatted to t Butalte im becam eality at th .onghorns ilk ttirkev “When y .umber tw urgent appeal Saturday f#. | e i>ach,” Sh iggies had i Austin. “But wh eason like I c :ms with artie. Wh volunteers and money foriul ing supplies, but said foodaii, clothing were not needed. Spokeswoman Jeanne Pail said of some 6,000 people ski, tered on Kauai the night of ffljrder hurricane, all but 20 hadbetji, absorbed by the community Friday night. I he White House Presshei quarters in Santa Barbaras! the President’s disaster r$| fund could be used for vidual and family grants,un« ployment assistance, temporal housing assistance for eligil disaster victims, and there] or replacement of damaget destroyed public facilities" Despite t he extensive pro] ty damage, only one life was to Hurricane Iwa. There w 7(H) injuries according to ik' Red C toss, but none of d«j major. The fatality was Nai] Seaman Jose Contuk, whi ship was struck by a monstni wave just outside the Pearl Hail her entrance Tuesday as Hui cane Iwa bore down on the lands. Indirectly related to thestd were the deaths of a Scholiel Barracks soldier working on cleanup crew Friday, and women who died in a collision; an intersection left without traffic signal by the extend power outage on Oahu. The National Weather Set- vice is still collecting dataontlnj first hurricane to directly W Hawaii in 23 years. Spokesmai Clarence Lee said the " preliminary storm read® come from points on Kail where th^re were sustaii winds of 90 rnph and gusts! 1 10 mph. -t' CINEMA I & II George A. Romero “CREEPSH0W” 7:15 8:45 (R) Roddy McBowali ‘CLASS OF 1984” 7:451 Share the Magic ‘E.T.Jhe Extra-Terrestrial" 7:159:3 1:30 (PQ) "Peter S. Beagle’s fantasy “THE LAST UNICORN” 7:25 9:10(0) Gary Coleman “JIMMY THE KID" 7:10 8:15 (PQ) SCHULMANI THEATRES $1 off adult ticket 1st Matinee Mon-family nighiSchS Tue-family night M.E.I J SCHULMAN 6l The fielt teamworl Knowles, Christi, THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK 7:20 9:50 FIRST BLOOD 7:159:40 HEIDI’S SONG 7:10 9:25 » MOPE.9th * * * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4t 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4 775-241* TIME BANDITS 7:159:40 It MY FAVORITE YEAR 7:109:25 ! SUPERMAN I 7:20 9:50 1 MANOR EAST Hi; * Manor E. Mall 4" 823-1300* THE MISSIONARY I ;4 7:259:45 G £ AN OFFICER 4 A i Z GENTLEMAN * Z 7:159:50 Ji J BAMBI J Z 7:209:40 , S ; campus ; 4 fees! HOTe Whore ^fi House In Texas f jf 7:159:40 ★ ★A