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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1982)
Battalion/Page 7 November 29, 1982 er 29,11 national v Pple(cct, <ls level “ I l'e coij feinlorcft; S. If t(if) the conn; '■'diftlievi OU like 10; ducation i the tompi; i, even'}; ibjects. LKl JNT mo, os VELRY ICHASt! SET it rwi er Plaza Station )677 S AT [P S :d '$ / What’s Up Monday AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS NET- WORK: An etfoi t is In-ing rnazle to resurrect this organi zation. Students who are interested in promoting student awareness in human rights should contact |ohn Cook at 6WS241. KEArilLY HALL - PROGRAMS COMMIT TEE: Ail V Day Mail Call — Christmas Cards for Servicemen. You can send a card and 20 rents for postage to servicemen on Dec. 1 and Dec. 3 at the Commons main desk and the SPO in the MSC, OFF CAMPUS AGGIES;AggieJand photograph will be titken at 7:S0 p.m. in the MSC main lounge. Apartment council presidents, committee chairmen, committee members and officers please dress appropriately. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OE HOME BUIL DERS: Plans and reservations will be made lor the trip to the National Convention in Houston in a meeting at 7:30 p.m. at IOh-C Langford Architecture Center. STUDENT ‘Y’ — FISH CAMP '83:Applications hrr Charrman. Sub-Chairman and Recreation Coordinator are available now at the Student 'Y' secretary's desk at 216 MSC. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. on Dec. 10. TAMU ] A/./ BAND:Rehersal is held from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. m the Commons lounge every Monday night. MSC TKAVEESTUDY ABROAD OFFICE;Overseas Day. providing information concerning Texas ANM study and travel abroad to T exas A&M students, will ire held from 10 to 2 p.m., Dec. J, in 205 and 206 MSC. TEACHER EXCELLENCE AWARDS NOMINA TIONS: Attention: Any student who has taken or is pre sently enrolled in any LiberaLAm class! Nominations for teaching excellence awards will lie accepted now through December 6. Nomination forms c an Ire obtained at the Academic and A&A Buildings— I si floor. Let vour voice he heard! STUDEN T PUBLICATIONS: funiors, Seniors, Grad, and Vet, and Med students may have your pictures taken between the bouts of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.. Monday- through Friday, at the Yearbook Associates at 1700 Puryear Dr. For more iniormation. call 603-6756 or 845- 261L Fhe final deadline for pictures is Dec. 17. No make-ups will he allowed after this date. Anti-Klan protest follows rally United Press International WASHINGTON — Anti-Ku Klux Klan demonstrators rained rocks and bottles on police and overturned a police car near the White House Satur day following a brief Klan rally. Police used tear gas to disperse the crowd. The violence, reminiscent of anti-Vietnam War protests of the 1960s, broke out following the evacuation of some 50 Klan members from Lafayette Square, across the street from the White House. Two police officers were taken to a hospital. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan cancelled plans for a march from the Capitol to the square and did not don white robes for the 15-minute rally held to pro test federal immigration policy. Police escorted Klan members from the Capitol to the square and out of the city. It was the racist organiza tion’s first rally in Washington in 57 years. About 1 p.m. EST, violence broke out several blocks from the square, where about 500 anti-Klan demonstrators gathered. Bottles, rocks, concrete and pieces of police barricades were thrown at police officers as the demonstrators, some wearing Arab headgear, chanted, “Death to the Klan. Death to the Klan.” A man in a wheelchair headed one line of demonstrators. Police wearing gas masks fired cannisters of tear gas. The crowd responded by throwing more objects,- but dispersed. Later, some 500 demonstra tors regrouped at the square, where rocks, sticks and bottles were thrown at nearby buildings and an unmarked police car was overturned. President and Mrs. Reagan x TS-O Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired BRYAN 216 N. Main 799-2786 Mon.-Fri.8-5 Sat. 8-1 COLLEGE STATION 8008 Post Oak Mall.. 764-0010 Mon.-Sat. 10-9 p.m. Texas State * Optical oe Since 1935. Since 1878 Just present your A&.M Student l.D. at our Post Oak Mall salon. You’ll receive $3 off the regular price of a consultation, shampoo, haircut and hlqwdry styling. Offer expires December 31, 1982. Not good with any other offer. Command Performance* For the look you’re looking for. POST OAK MALL/NEAR SEARS 764-0404 'T I I I I y| COMPLETE PACKAGE INCLUDES: ★ 5 Nights Deluxe Condo Lodging ★ 5 Days Lift Tickets ★ Mountain Picnic ★ Ski Races with Prizes ★ Ski Jamboree Party ★ Optional Air and Motorcoach Transportation OTHER 82/83 DESTINATIONS: Aspen ★ Winter Park ★ Breckenridge Steamboat ★ Crested Butte ★ Vail For Iniormation Call Dirk-693-6637 Zane-775-6384 or (800) 325-0439 riMk- were not at the White House, but at their California ranch. Police reported at least one arrest, of an anti-Klan demon strator for crossing a police line. The Rev. J. WaltonSenterfitt, a leader of the Labor-Black Mobilization against the Klan, charged the police with trying to intimidate his group from mak ing a “militant, orderly” protest. The anti-Klan demonstrators represented a variety of groups, including the pro-Palestininian November 29th Coalition. Sev eral demonstrators carried Palestinian flags. The national chaplain of the KKK, Thom Robb of Arkansas, led the rally because Don Black, the grand wizard of the Klan, said a U.S. magistrate told him he would be arrested if he leaves New Orleans. Said Robb, ‘T he purpose of this march is to demonstrate to the American people that there are yet those who want to stand up for the defense of our nation, our homeland, our families and faith, to defend those things from all odds, from all people who would seek to destroy the foundation on which America was founded upon.” Aggies* Get the look you’re looking for at $3.00 off. Command Performance knows you want a special look that’s really you. That’s why we want to do something special for students. TIME TO SELL YOUR CONDO? About to graduate or move? Stu dents & Faculty interested in sell ing condominiums or townhomes should contact Davis Northcutt ’82 at Green & Browne Realty, 846- 5701 for free evaluation & sugges tions. We’re specialists at getting the best price for your property! HEY AGGIES Now is the time to lease your new apartment, townhome, or con dominium for spring semester. We have many available in all price ranges. Call Davis Northcutt '82 (a Green & Browne Realty. Free service. 846-5701. TIRED OF PAYING RENT? Students and parents interested in learning the advantages of owning a condo from a tax, equity-build up and investment standpoint should call Davis Northcutt ’82 at Green & Browne Realty. 846- 5701. We represent several of the exciting new condominiums in town, we also have condo’s to lease. (XKVl IlyAT Y\! Pizza Delivery Now Spiasjp Tlut NORTHGATE Introducing Speedy 30 Minute Delivery FAST and FREE from your Northgate Pizza Hut® restaurant TRY US! Call 260-9060 Sunday-Thursday 5:30 pm -12 midnight Friday and Saturday 5:30 pm -1 am Limited Delivery Area Northgate and A&M Campus If you want to be a doctor, weTI pay for it. If you're willing to invest in us your skills and knowledge as an Air Force medical officer, we'll invest in you and pay your way through medical school. It's the Air Force Health Profession Scholarship Program and under it you could enjoy the following benefits: * full tuition to medical school paid. * all books, supplies, equipment and lab fees paid. * guaranteed monthly income. Your obligation to us is temporary, and whether you decide to become a career Air Force physician or to move on, the Air Force offers a great beginning for you in medicine. AK FORCE CALL CAPT. JIMMIE BROWN AT (713) 954-6762. Long Distance, call collect.