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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1982)
Battalion ClassifiedS Q\c, HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR RENT Waiters, Waitresses, hostess - Cashier, Kitchen help & Busing. Immediate open ings & also Spring Semester openings. Ap ply in person from 2-5 M-F, Hill’s Restau rant, E. 29th @ Carter Creek Parkway. 62t5 THE ZEPHYR CLUB'S now hiring WAIT- RESSES. Apply between 4-5, Mon.-Sat., Woodstone Commerce Center or call 693- 1989. 6015 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Day and night shifts. Apply in per son, 815 Texas, College Station. 59t8 RENT SLASHED Spacious two bedroom '\V2 bath four-plex with washer and dryer, close to campus. Large kitchen, walk-in closets, large deck in rear. 693-8685. aottn POSITION AVAILABLE FOR BSME Graduate in the field of low tem perature refrigeration. Equipment sales, system design and installa tion. Salary range $22,000- $25,000 per year w/benefits. Contact A. C. Leske or Charles Rudloff; ALAMO REFRIGERA TION, 312 Melrose, P.O. Box 12370, San Antonio, TX (512) 828-5515. IMMEDIATE Enjoyable part-time telephone work. Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m.- 2:30 or 3:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Up to $6 per hour average. Call 764-9072. 57(6 THE ELECTRIC COWBOY is now hiring WAITRESSES & HOSTESSES. Apply at 313 S. College, 846-2277. BARCELONA One and two bedroom apartments available for immediate occupan cy. Call 693-0261 or come by 700 Dominik in College Station. 29tfn AVON Short of holiday cash? Earn extra money in time for Christmas- selling. Avon can help you have a merrier Christmas. For more infor mation call 696-0T51. 46(11 For Rent (Daily Rates) IBM Selec- tric Typewriters Telephone An swering Machines Calculators Of fice Furniture, 693-1525. 1 bedroom condo, wooden deck off living room, balcony off bedroom, available anytime. Call Jeri, 779-2622 or Robert 693-4946. The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is cur rently taking applications for newspap er route carriers for summer & fall semesters. Routes take 2Vz to 3 hours per day, with salary from 400 to 800 per month. All routes receive a gas allowance also we need soliciters for .the summer & fall semester. If interest ed please call Julian McMurrey 693- 2323. 50ttn( FULL OR PART TIME 'Day Shift 'Night shift (til 10 p.m.) 'Weekends 'Flexible hours to fit your schedule 'Rapid advancement 'Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 190tfn CASA DEL SOL One and two bedroom apartment available for immediate occupan cy. Call 696-3455 or come by 401 Stasney in College Station. 28tfn Students needed to share spacious four bedroom house. Half block campus. $200/mo., 696-5231. 59t6 Sublease for spring immaculate 1 bedroom studio apartment. Furnished. $425/mo. 693-4516. .57tio HOUSTON POST are accepting applica tions for fall semester. Apply early. 846- 0396,846-2911. ' mot In FOR RENT FOR LEASE DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn MINI WAREHOUSES 101 Jersey West (corner of Jersey & Wellborn across from Olsen field) THE STORAGE CENTER 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn Enthusiastic, child oriented person to stay with 3 year old and do light housekeeping in my home. Wednesday and Thursday, 9- 2. $3.50/hour. Must have references. Call Mrs. Piper, 779-3262. 58t5 Now hiring DELIVERY PERSONNEL. Must have own car. $3.50 + commission. 107 South College in the Skaggs Center. 47tfn SUBWAY A local speciality sandwich shop is seeking energetic people to fill respon sible positions. Flexible hours, com petitive wages, apply in person be tween 10-11 a.m., 3-6 p.m., Southwest Parkway (Parkway Square), College Station. 56(fn FOR RENT Brick Duplex, 2 bdrm. 2 hath, Kitchen appliances and drapes furnished, W/D con nections. Close to Campus and Shopping Centers. $375/month. 696-7714 or 693- 0982. 43tfn SOUTHWEST VILLAGE One and two bedrooms available for immediate occupancy. Call 693-0804 or come by the office at 1101 Southwest Parkway. . 29tfn One bedroom apartment in Treehouse Apts. Sublease for spring. $275/mo. Keep my $175 deposit, 693-3292. Because I have to leave the coun try immediately, need to sublease a 1 bedroom 1 bath apartment with furniture for a reasonable price. Maria, 764-8846. 6013 NEW MINI WAREHOUSES 5x5 — $25 mo. 5x7 — $30 mo. 5x10 — $32 mo. 5x12 — $35 mo. 10x10— $45 mo. 10x15— $55 mo. 10x20— $62 mo. 10x25— $68 mo. 10x30— $80 mo. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 isttn Deluxe 4-Plex leasing for Spring Semester. 2 bdrm. 1V2 bath, Washer/Dryer, Fireplace, Cathed ral Ceiling, Fenced yards. 693- 8685. 52tfn CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 2 Bedroom apartment in Bryan, available November 28, $270.00 month. 1(79-6335. filtfi 1982 Toyota Supra. Every option. New in February. Spotless. In Huntsville, 713- 291-6345. 60t5 COURTYARD APARTMENTS Are you looking for an apartment? We have nice large clean freshly painted apartments. On the shuttle bus route and close to campus. Semester leases available. Call 693-2772 or come by 600 University Oaks. Open 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday. V1 1600 s w - Parkway MvWwIJ College Station, Texas 77840 APARTMENTS 693-6540 4 Good Reasons to Call Parkway 4. We will even pay your security deposit. 3 Bedroom Apts. Available now for spring. “Warm bodies wanted-Hot tubs furnish- ed.” Best prices oh ski trips. Ca ill Dirk, 693-6637 or Randy, 775-6384. 48t22 CPA Exam Review; Totaltape books and Cassettes. All sections 693-0779. 61(3 SERVICES TYPING, 823-7723. 31(26 University Bookstore now offers 24 hour film service for as little as $2.99 for ■ 12 exp. c-41 print film. 42tfn Typing experienced, last, accurate, all kinds, 822-0544, 846-9707. ' 184tfn Call Sue for all your typing or word processing needs. 696-9550. 131tfn TYPING. All Kinds. 846-0132. 51(24 Flying F Typing service, reports, statistical typing, $2.00/pg., 846-2506. 60(15 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING. Reason- able rates. Call SLS Transcription Services, 260-9137. 17t58 Typing, word processing. By the hour or page. EastMark Executives Suites. 693- 5875. 47H7 Gay/Lesbian Line 846-8022. 49126 TYPING 775-7017. 49t21 For the Cadillac in typing, Word Process ing is it. Check our prices AND our quali- ty. 775-3523. 55tll TYPING, 823-4579. 25139 Battalion/Page 6 November 29,11 “ST Computers Brank New Apt. Lincoln Square 1 Bdr. Furnished Available Spring 1983 Call 764- 8491 After 4:00 P.M. 62t5 Apartment to sublease Cripple Creek. One bedroom. Bus stop. Nice! 693-6356, 846- 5879. 60(3 Sublease 1 bedroom house $325 deposit, pets negotiable on shuttle, 775-1712 late. 60l7 Desperately need to sublease 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. Terms available, 693- 2926. • 60t7 (continued from page 1) class where they learn LOGO, a computer language designed for children. Randy Caperdon, who teaches math to advanced stu dents at Bowie Elementary School, said he is enthusiastic ab out having a computer in his classroom. “I think they’re great,” he said. “The computer can teach the student everything he needs to know about a particular math skill, and then I can supplement what he has learned with addi tional exercises.” The Apple computer saves a lot of teaching time and lowers the student-teacher ratio, Caperdon said. “One benefit of having the computers is that at the end of the year I can go back and look at all of the students’ work to check their progress,” he said. SERVICES “Problem Pregnancy? Free pregnancy test ing and referrals. (713) 524-0548. ISStfn Typingll Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- ■ 3755. ITStfn Offices, Off-Campus. EastMark Executive Suites includes full-time receptionist and conference room. Share clerical services with other professionals. Call Nancy Bar ron, 693-5895 . 47tl7 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. ( Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 UinJ DEPENDENT HEALTH COVER AGE EATING YOUR LUNCH? SAVF APPROXIMATELY $100- ;150 MONTH. CALL JESSE VIV- ERO, 822-5310; 822-2774. 5119 Typing on word processing equipment. Ex perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 14t38 Earn. 1 bdrm. Apt. $320/month Avail 12/20,845-1665. 6U5 WANTED ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693- 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 LOST Diamond ring at Bob Brother’s party Nov. 11th. Rough nugget design and has solitaire two karat diamond. If found please call 775- 2188 and ask for Tony or Bob. REWARD OFFERED. 6012 DUPLEXES AND HOUSES 2 & 3 bedroom in Bryan/CS. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, carpet, drapes, fenced yard. JOE COURTNEY, INC. 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn ROOMMATE WANTED NEEDED: Two Male Roommates For Spring Semester 2 bdrm 2 bath $li3.75/nio. Sausalito Jim or John 696- 6246. ' B2t2 PETS FREE Puppy six month old half lab half Irish setter. All shots and healthy solid black. URGENT! 696-9144. eiti OFFICIAL NOTICE DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY Directory Fees are refundable in full during the semester in which payment is made Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders Directories must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. i 8167 ‘ AGGIE LAND REFUND POUCT “Yearbook fees are refundable in full during the semester In which payment is made Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. "Students who will not be on campus when; the yearbooks are published, usually in Sep tember, must pay a mailing and handling fee. Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they br mailed without the necessary fees having been paid.” 8167, SPECIAL NOTICE I I BRAZOS I VALLEY I GOLF I DRIVING | RANGE I [ Hrs: Mon-Sat 3-9 p.m.. f Sunday 1 p.m.-8 p.m. 696-1220 f East Bypass and Hwy. 30. i Service Road Going South - V« f miles. I 8120 BUSINESS MAJORS Save $$$ on Textbooks for next semester. Join the TEXTBOOK EXCHANGE SERVICE for only $1.00. Come by the tables in the MSC Lobby or in the A&A Building Nov. 29-Dec. 1 to sign up. Sponsored by TAMU/Society for ENTREPRENEURSHIPS & New Ventures. In the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, most Bryan students use microcomputers for math drills and problem solving, and gifted students begin learning the computer language BASIC. Morris Celber, a seventh- grade math teacher at Jones Elementary School, said compu ters help motivate students to learn. The students in his accel erated class can’t wait to use the computers, he said. Two of Gelber’s students, Greg Gilleland and Jamie Lar- ken, said they have more fun doing math problems with the microcomputers. “You can work at your own speed, and you don’t have to wait for anyone,” Larken said. Both Gilleland and Larken plan to take a summer course offered by the Bryan school dis trict so they can advance to high er math levels. At Stephen F. Austin Junior High, all students have the opportunity to use microcom puters in math, science and En glish courses. : High-school students are us ing the Apple computers for re search papers, for science pro jects and to run their own prog rams. “Having their own disk casset te has become a new fad with students at the high school,” Lambert said. Bryan High School offers courses in computerized math and data processing. The Alter native Gareer Explorations Program is in the computer sys tem so that college-bound stu dents can check current univer sity admissions information. The College Station compu ter program, headed by Dr. Mike Owens, is similar to the one in Bryan schools. The College Station schools have 50 micro computers, which are kept in labs instead of in each clas sroom. Basic computer instruction begins in the third grade. “The students only work with the Apple (computers) for 20 to 30 minutes a day,” Owens said. “This leaves them wanting to do more; they’re more enthusiastic about their school work.” In the fourth and fifth grades, students have equal ac cess to the computers. The com puters are used in history, scien ce, language arts and math courses. T feel the Apples were de signed to support instruction,” Owens said. “We don’t teach programming to the elementary students. They’re not mature enough yet.” The high school offers a com puter math class for students who want to learn FORTRAN, BASIC and PASCAL computer languages. College Station teachers, like Bryan teachers, are provided with many disk programs to sup plement their lessons. Teachers also have access to Apple Pilot, a program that enables them to develop their own disks. College Station also offers summer classes for all students, teachers and local residents who want to learn programming. Kay Dobbs, computer aide for special education students in College Station, said computers have been helpful in special edu cation classes. “The teachers are very enthu siastic about the Apple (con: ters), and the kids love it them,” she said. “The cor: ters use positive reinforce® with the students. If tliei something right, the comp, says ‘Good Job.’ And if diet! it asks ‘Would you liken again?”’ The special education: dents work with thecompi 30 minutes a day, every toJ week, on many subjects. DOUGLAS JEWELEt 15% STUDENT DISCOUNT WITH CURREHT A&M ID (REPAIRS HOT IPiCLUDED) Keepsake Registered Diamond Rings PULSAR SEIKO, BULOVA # CROm WATCHES AGGIE JEWELRY USE YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT TO PURCHASE DIAMOND FOR YOUR CLASS RING (ANE LET US SETHI YOU) 212 M. Main Downtown Bryan 822-3119 MC VISA AND Culpepper Plaza College Station 693-0677 DIMNERS CLUB AM EXPRESS LAYAWAYS INVITED SHRIMP ARAMA MONDAY ANDTUESDAt NIGHT $5.95 FRIED SHRIMP OUR REGULAR $7.95 Platter with all the trimmings AGGIE OWNED AND OPERATED CLASS ’60 SSCTTOOD and STSflK East 29th Street at Carter Creek LIVES The Broadway Musical IN THE HEART OF CHILDREN AND ADULTS EVERYWHERE! LIVE ON CAMPUS AT TEXAS A&M! SHARE THE MAGIC WITH YOUR FAMILY TQDjvi Presented by MSC Town Hall — Broadway December 6, 7, 8 at 8 p.m. Matinee Performance Dec. 8 at 3 p.m. RUDDER AUDITORIUM Tickets available at MSC Box Office 845-1234 $14.50, $16.50, $18.50