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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1982)
state Clements receives record number of contributions at United Press International AUSTIN — Money is no ob ject for millionaire Republican Governor Bill Clements, who 10 Fulltime 15 Parttime Delivery men needed. Must have car. Paid commission daily. Flexible hours. $3.50 a hour plus 6% commission. Apply in Person Chanello’s Pizza 301 Patricia CHRISTMAS MONEY! MSC CAMERA COMMITTEE FALL PHOTO CONTEST All prints must be at least the size of a trimmed 8X10, mounted on a board of at least 11X13 inches. Nothing larger than a 16X20 will be accepted. Entries open Nov. 1, 1982 and close Nov. 5, 1982 at 5 p.m. in the MSC Lobby. Cost is $2.00 per print. For more info call: Bill Nakanishi MSC Camera Committee 260-1958 845-1515 EXEnCITE/nENT! BODY DYNAMICS is proud to announce the opening of an exciting new exercise studio in College Station. Beginning November 1 in the Post Oak Village Shopping Center, BODY DYNAMICS classes will be offered which provide aerobic and body-shaping exercise which is not only effective but fun. Taught by professionally trained instructors, the classes include stretching, aerobic conditioning and floor exercises, all set to lively music which keeps you moving throughout the period. Three levels of instruction--beginner, intermediate and advanced--guarantee that everyone can find a level which is accesible yet challenging. Classes will be taught throughout the day, seven days a week. A member can work out as often as desired, at whichever times are convenient. (Special ten-class limited memberships are also available.) Memberships may be suspended for a week or more so that a member who leaves town or is unable to exercise for a while does not lose aby time on her membership. $IO OFEtme month of dosses $20 OFFmree months of dosses Good through November 1, 1982 To introduce you to our fun way of staying in shape, we are offering $10 off on our one month unlimited memberships and $20 off for three months, between October 25 and November 1. For more information, call 696-7180 or come by the studio at 900 East Harvey Road. * professionally trained instructors * have fun while staying in shape * exercise as often as you like * no contracts, no hard sell BODY DYNAMICS Exercise studio matammmmm raised almost $12 million in his re-election effort while easily spending twice as much as Democrat Mark White. Campaign finance reports filed Tuesday revealed that Cle ments, a wealthy Dallas oil drill ing executive, raised a record- setting $ 11.8 million f or his cam paign and spem Si l.-l million. White’s report showed con tributions of $6.4 million for the entire campaign and expendi tures of S5.2 million. “Bill Clements isn’t going to be able to hide behind $12 mil lion." responded White. “The people of Texas realize that while Clements gets the prime rate, they’re having to pay 24 percent on their credit accounts.” For the accounting period of Sept. 24 through Oct. 23, Cle ments raised 52.5 million, in cluding a SI.9 million loan guaranteed by himself, and spent $3.2 million. During the same month-long period, White raised SI.4 mil lion, including loans totalling $696,830, arid sjK*nt SI.8 mil lion. Jim Francis, Clements’ cam paign manager, said 52,177 per sons have given money to Cle ments’ campaign for an average contribution of $191. "The number of contribu tions in this campaign is unpre cedented in Texas politics.” Francis said. "No candidate in any race has ever received ibis degree of broad-based support f rom the people of Texas.” Other statewide candidates filing statements for the same 30-day |>enod were: Allen Clark, Republican treasurer candidate, raised 5242,570 and spent $237,869. Fort Worth millionaire Eddv ^United Press Inte DALLAS — D eck isn’t a typic perback and tl atypical solution iiijW National Chiles accounted f< (ague strike, third ofClark'sdonam? ' Beck is a behavit i.ish contribution i le directs the Nat and a $30,000loan. Inter in Dento Ann Richards, Dff(ught20yearson tl treasurer candidate. :vel. Me has workei $286,828 and spent tnlto several prol Bob Bullock, Dent# c iimbent comptroller $81,874 and spent JEj Mike Richards, comptroller candidate.! SI 29,967 (includingKlj loans) and spem George Strake, Rt| lieutenant governor raised $1.2 million n: jk 1 $950,000 in loans) anl| S1.4 million. Totaltodi million in comribui S2.92 million in ex| Li. Gov. Bill Hobb, bent Democratic, million and spent $2! lege football teai is profession r forces of chai es they create is plan for soh is simple iches. eck proposes ven coaches b rine ways to cl cial issue and idations to hot! ’Candy Man’ poisoner to die on Halloween United Press International HOUSTON — The lawyer who originally defended "Can dy Man” killer Ronald Clark O’Bryan on charges he poisoned his son with Halloween candy maintains O’Bryan is innocent of the killing and could prove it through a lie detector test. O’Bryan faces execution Hal loween night — eight years af ter his son’s death. The inmate’s re quest for a stay of execution is pending with the 5th U.S. Cir cuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. “He didn’t do it,” said attor ney Richard E. Harrison of Dal las. “I suggested before the trial he he given a lie detector test, but they wouldn’t.” Harrison said police in the Houston suburb of Pasadena re fused to give O’Bryan a lie detec tor test in 1974 after he was arrested and charged with sub stituting cyanide crystals for powdery candy in the “Giant Pixie Stix” given to Timothy Marc O’Bryan, 8. The boy died of cyanide poisoning an hour after eating the substance in his father’s pre sence. Four other children found with the poisoned candy did not eat it. O’Bryan, 38, has maintained his innocence. Taunted by fel low death row inmates as the “Candy Man”, O’Bryan is sche duled to die by injection at 12:01 Sunday. Prosecutors claimed O’Bryan killed his son to collect on a $20,()()() insurance policy. Harrison said public pressure on the Pasadena police to find a culprit caused them to choose O’Bryan and fit the evidence to him. “The real killer was never found," he said. "He (O’Bryan) was at the center of national attention. They (the police) made bin 1 make statements dur ing the investigation that he was not sure of. They confused him. And people around him were convinced he was guilty,” Pasadena Police Department (:,ipt. Sidney Smith,wb gated the case eight)' disagreed with Harrison that a lie detector ttsi prove O'Bryan’s innoett Smith said a lie deu does not work on sudij "because be doesn't guilt feelings.” O'Bryan’s wife at ikj Daynene, testified husband. Harrison said just repeatinginfoimati her by the police. “She hated his son said. H: United Press Inte HOUSTON — m| warp and tu fock 40 years. |t's the beat of t |s heard in the |;the dark-suitec dates aroum to the music c Pommy Dors< dman. |daybe it’s the m rawing the crowd lAce floor, but r g Band music ha "newest fad, re country as the iv. This is the ei !d,anew version ; he music of I,” said Buddy [mis own frig ba than 40 years. Smith was critidl C)'Bryan's attorney'speti lore the 5th Circuit^•xfie'Bi'g Banc (> Bryan at thetimeoft m(K dramatic and needed money and was dance music form: support his family the analyze it, he could. the strongest wh Absurd. What a |onditions are bac S..\mg'kill one kidtoe« t a I e( t . m him and better proviA Hbuston, the dai oi hers wuth the insurant crowded through from his death? Absun Inn as Brock’s b; said. 1 BZfl GRAND OPENING SALE 20-40% OFF Our Fine Selection of Jewelry which includes ADD-A-BEADS & CHAINS 14K Gold Beads the audience with tidies hut goodii ttodern day swii fs start snappin pping and toe‘ :n songs such In the Mood,” “ ine,” “String mny Side of t ard. SALE PRICES 3 mm - 53C 4 mm - 83C 5 mm *$1.46 6 mm - $2.36 7 mm - $2.96 8 mm - $3.7) Add-A-BeadChi SALE PRICES Semi-Precious Beads •Pearls*Garnet»Lapis »Malachite*Many More LAYAWAYS M-F 9-5:30 Sat. 9-5 16”-$27,1i 18” -$29$ 20”-$33,7! 24”-$39,71 All Sizes Available CHARGES 'fine JEWtaRy; 415 University 84f 5816 Formerly Cowarts Jewelry All major credit cards accepted ta HA 39 Ruby Red Grapefruit from the Rio Grand Valley Shipped in your Name Send us your Gift List — We'll do the Rest shin: lon< *8 1 doz carton (12) l h bu carton (20-26) 12 95 delivered 17 95 delivered Si $J^00 fumigation charge on each package to California or i No shipments to Arizona or outside Continental United States, Order Early! Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery 512I797H Rt. 1 Box 178 La Feria, Tx. 78559 wmurntmmmmm S: !♦*«■, s