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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1982)
Battalion/Page 7 October 28, 1982 Deaths spark 8 indictments Mums for Halloween? Staff photo by Irene Mees United Press International BROWNSVILLE — A feder al grand jury returned indict ments Tuesday against eight suspects in a smuggling opera tion that left five Salvadorans dead and 12 hospitalized. The 13-count indictment charges each of the defendents with conspiracy to transport aliens and transporting aliens in the United States, fedet'al court officials in Brownsville said. The indictments follow the Oct. 4 discovery of four of the victims in an 18-wheel tractor- trailer just south of Edinburgh, said E J. Vickery, assistant chief patrol agent for the McAllen sector. A fifth victim was discovered partially submerged in a drain age ditch Oct. 7, Vickery said. Named in the indictments are Larry David McCoy, Edward Gene Hunter, Maria Santos Hunter, Robertjames Manners, Oscar Reynaldo ChavezMolina, Roberto Alvarez Guardado, Rogelio Molina-Jimenez, Jose Luis Quinteros-Lopez, an offi cial in Brownsville’s federal courthouse said. Vickery said Hunter and Manners turned themselves into McAllen officials Oct. 7 and McCoy turned himself in Oct. 12. A court official said each de fendant was charged with all 13 counts. Should you continue to earn current interest only on new deposits? Or you can call Larry Miller CLU, Ph.D. & Swede Hanson 693-6030 BRAZOS AVIATION NOW FEATURING: dismembered, leral Aviation! >okesmanCeor n Worth said :> left Options; to Dallas'Love people aboard, light plan. • Navajo was g instructions i in I theSkvmasti I f rom new rt when the' ;e said. The portation Safetv Worth said m’ ilmson is leadu I When young, many girls dress as pretty as a flower when they are Cinderella for I.Halloween, but not many dress as flow- jj ers. Left to right, Janice Jaeger, a junior ■ Bio Med major from Conroe, Beth Love, a sophomore Bio Engineering major from Ruston Louisiana, and Helen Han sen, a sophomore Civil Engineering ma jor from New Orleans, are the exceptions to the rule. This Halloween, these flow ers entered the RHA Halloween costume contest in front of Sbisa Hall. FLIGHT INSTRUCTION CHARTER SERVICE RENTAL & SALES 696-8767 $$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$ $$$$$ $$$$ HAPPY HOUR fellow Democrat Clayton vdys White’s ads wrong ■ United Press International Al STIN — Texas Speaker of mo the caux i! helHouse Bill Clayton said fel- ml Democrat Mark White is ishading Texas voters with ilfcrnatorial campaign ads ronusing to remove fuel ad- ustment costs f rom utility hills. ■Clayton said Tuesday that ■ishing the clause would Me higher electric bills, which Hercuts White’s main issue in is [campaign against Republi- nlGov. Bill Clements. a kit so pebple» la > ton called for changes in •C', plpaign advertising laws that esdav Baviofs VV0lll( ! prevent ethically wrong i i; ,mi iFT'ises and singled out ' ") S miui' rl tes ac * s a b°ut utility bills as m Lmple of misleading tac- latsoever in to. aiinottncenp E " TIkm e s some issues that i i w>iP U ve seen on television in the miia 1 ' ,im , ^ Istlfew days that just turn my Dayton -id. ".fs Ids said. no ■ announcement ise to Baylor l i and theentirej v to Baylors | n scientific Hik onlv one 1 labocatory t (,( j f '| al solution M viih water, tafel , IO detect the P rfi< | .. arsenic. lead*J aspirin, nioitil" 11 or nasal spra)' est requires use* amount of a r I, the suidof students.said I ,)w and ne'VsPf , and Dallas ing their proo lutely appalling that they ■to confuse the voters the way Itev do. “One that you’re familiar with, I’m sure, is the automatic fuel adjustment clause that’s been in some political advertis ing. They want to do away with it and make your electric bills low er. How confusing is that to the person that really doesn’t understand it?” Clayton also agreed with Cle ments’ campaign assessment of White as an incompetent attor ney general. Clement’s record as governor was far better than White’s as attorney general, Clayton said in an address to about 100 people attending a Texas Oil Marketers Association seminar. “I like people to make their own minds up about the candi dates,” he said. He urged voters to examine the records of politi cians instead of being swayed by unscrupulous campaign ads. Clayton, who did not seek re- election after serving seven years as House speaker, stopped short of endorsing Clements for re-election, but lauded the gov ernor’s record in tax relief and employment. CloCCacjE ^Station 'i fins, jjtafian restaurant 696-7311 Thursday: Wine Sampling Sample a glass of your favorite wine from our wine list either with dinner or while relaxing in our comfortable new lounge. (You don't have to buy the whole bottle.) Lunch 11-2 Dinner 5-10 404 Shopping Center East University First Presbyterian Church 1100 Carter Creek Parkway, Bryan 823-8073 Dr. Robert Leslie, Pastor Barbara Ridlen, DCE SUNDAY: Worship at 8:30AM & 11:00AM Church School at 9:30 AM College Class at 9:30 AM (Bus from TAMU Krueger Dunn • 9:10 Northgate - 9:1 Youth Meeting at 5:00 Nursery: All Events COULTER DRIVE L MARIA ROAD M ji 'SAM S! SI! siir it III II {[ I Activities Hot Line - 822-7063 $un<l ay, October &1 IWcVc dres&iiii* lor iltc occa&itiuit Costume Contest Come by anytime from 11:00 a.m. during Brunch until we close Sunday night. The winner receives a $50.00 Gift Certificate! $weet Treats Sftccialty S/Hteistlty IPrittk*! Almond Joy, Mounds, Drcamside (All wonderful lec Cream drinks) #1.75 Tootsie Roll Sl Melon Rail $1.25 Jelly Kean, Watea-melon, Itubble (vum, ( andv ('ovn $1.00 The In teriirhmi 505 University Drive. College Station tyv o* 4ZV w w <zv fan fa>* fa* fa* fa* ■fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* FRIDAY AT R. RUSH & CO All day Friday we will offering a... be 20% 20% Discount off a selected Men’s Fall category. Discount off a selected women’s Fall category. Come in Friday to find out exactly 5 what the sale categories are. fa* ** fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* *<* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* t>* fa* Beer served while you shop! fa* fa* fa* fa* fa* LAY A WAY fa* fa* fa* fa* VISA/MC/AMX CULPEPPER PLAZA $$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$ Get Your Xerox Copies at Northgate Above Farmer’s Market We feature attractive, inexpensive KROY® lettering in several styles of print, perfect for posters, hand bills, report covers, etc. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University 846-3755 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-IO p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. DONALD FAGEN The Night Fly 7.99 5.99 THE WHO It’s Hard 7.99 5.99 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN Nebraska 7.99 5.99 Officer and a Gentleman 7.99 5.99 FLEETWOOD MAC Mirage 7.99 5.99 BILLY JOEL The Nylon Curtain 7.99 5.99 THE MOTELS Four For One 7.99 5.99 HALL & OATS H z O 7.99 5.99 JOHN COUGAR American Fool 7.99 5.99 LINDA RONSTADT Get Closer 7.99 5.99 SPACE Michener MASTER OF THE GAME Sheldon FEW MINUTES MORE WITH ANDY ROONEY Rooney FALL OF FREDDIE THE LEAF Buscaglia VALLEY OF HORSES Ariel WHEN BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE Kushner DIFFERENT SEASONS King JANE FONDA’S WORKOUT BOOK Fonda LIFE EXTENSIONS Pearson CROSSINGS Steel 17.95 13.45 15.95 11.95 12.95 9.70 7.95 5.95 15.95 11.95 10.95 8.20 16.95 12.70 18.95 14.20 22.50 14.95 15.95 11.95 INDECENT OBSESSIONS McCullough 3.95 2.95 SHADOW RIDERS L’Amour 2.95 2 20 CUJO King 3.95 2.95 RED DRAGON Harris 3.95 2 95 HOTEL NEW HAMPSHIRE Irving 3.95 2 95 FONDA: MY LIFE Teichmann 3.95 2 95 SPRING MOON Lord 3.95 2 95 THIS CALDER RANGE Dailey 3.95 2 95 RABBIT SI RICH Updike 3.95 2 95 BREAD UPON THE WATERS Shaw 3.95 2 9b DONKEY KONG BERZERK DEFENDER FROGGER* PAC MAN PITFALL’ STAR MASTER OUR REG SUG LIST PRICE 34.95 28.95 31.95 26.95 37.95 32.95 31.95 26.95 37.95 27.95 32.95 24.95 32.95 24.95 CHOPPER COMMAND 32.95 24.95 YAR’S REVENGE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK* "Upon availability 31.95 23.95 31.95 26 95 «;$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$