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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1982)
state Battalion/Page 7 May 6, 1982 nds pass halfway mark r Houston arts center feee/i Qa/uien 4410 College Main Bryan ited Press International 'USTON — More than of the estimated $65 million ed to pay for a new Hous- jforming arts center has ady been raised through ations. Jlouston has been respond- to pur fund-raising efforts mse the people here are Mig we have to have the said Irl Mowery, ex- jve director of the Houston ic Theater Foundation. “It’s ost like musical chairs at our ;|facilities now.” Although private funds are ig used, the theaters will be rated by the city. The center eing built on municipal land mtown along the Buffalo ou, near the existing Albert aijias Convention Center, lejones Hall for Performing s | (symphonic hall), Nina ice Alley Theatre (drama and Houston Music II. “It will be like a downtown ater district,” Mowery said. He said $57.5 million has donated to build the two >to by Pent forming arts theaters at the irth am Theater Center. Ab out half of the amount came from private individuals; the re maining gifts were from corpor ations, many of which have their headquarters in Houston. The project’s name was changed in October from the Lyric Theater to the Gus S. Wortham Theater Center after the Wortham Foundation don ated $15 million, which will be paid in installments spread out over a three-to five-year period. Construction is scheduled to begin in early 1985; completion of the structure is planned for fall 1985. Mowery said the center will consist of two theaters — one to seat 2,300 and another for 1,100 — plus a park in front of the building. The larger theater will be for the Houston Ballet, Hous ton Grand Opera and traveling tours. The smaller theater will be primarily for the Society for the Performing Arts; it will be used for recitals, dance groups and chamber music. The buildings will be seven stories high. The entrance hall will be a triangle-shaped build ing, which leads into the grand foyer and theaters on the adja cent block. The two buildings will be connected by a walkway over a street. When Jones Hall was com pleted in 1966, it temporarily fil led the needs of the Houston Grand Opera, the Houston Bal let, the Houston Symphony, the Society for the Performing Arts and touring shows. But by 1973 mmwmm'mmnm'MWM'MWi the arts had outgrown the facil ity, Mowery said. But season-ticket holders have 92 percent of all opera tick ets, and the ballet often is com pelled to perform in theaters outside Houston because no dates are available at Jones Hall. Thus, many Houstonians sel dom get the chance to see the two companies perform. HAPPY HOUR 350 DRAFT BEER EVERYDAY 1-7 P.M. Beer Garden Available For Parties Open Daily 10 a. m.-Midnight Weekdays, 10-1 Weekends ansas, filled logy mi e begim hat’s Up at Texas A&M es Thursday 5 and a si f U.S. Di >d Jr., aji loll CEPHEID VARIABLE; Walt Disney’s “The Absent- Kinded Professor” will be shown at 8:30 p.m/and 10:20 p.m. in 701 Rudder. ' 1IIfflvERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL: The group will leave OfprSherwood Nursing Home to sing and visit at 6:30 p.m. from chapel, 315 N. College Main. RNATIONAL AFFAIRS OFFICE: There will be a re- tion for graduating international sutdents from 5 p.m. to 7 .in 145 MSC. Wear your caps and gowns because a photo- •rs and aid apher will be present. I that the a DENTS FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (SFAE): Be in a nine ire to fill out a student survey in today’s Battalion, net judge’ dRQNMENTAL AWARENESS IN ACTION: The 1 ’ :w organization on nuclear awareness will have a meeting at media rej 3Q „ m j n (; a )i er y G f Langford Architecture Center. A thetapesi m will be shown. AS A&M ICE HOCKEY TEAM: There will be a meeting ‘ ^ discuss fund raising and summer activities at 8 p.m. on the -ne of five' ^ ^ oor t ^ ie fib rar y 1° the multi-media room. Wood's i! Fridav s San Ante * / ER VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: There tions bei* j|| be a final meeting and worship service at 7 p.m. in the nnientf anterbury House. IE ALLEMANDERS: There will be a graduation for the uare dance class from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. in 201 MSC. COPAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Group will meet Holy Eucharist and breakfast at 6:30 a.m. at the Canterbury ouse, 902 Jersey St. TED CAMPUS MINISTRY: Friday night Bible study will at 6:30 p.m. Check MSC video for room number. CAMPUS CENTER: There will be a meeting to assist in tiding roommates for the fall semester at 3 p.m. in 402 udder. IOR RING DANCE PICTURE PICK-UP: Pick-up will from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the main hallway of the MSC. Saturday IOR RING DANCE PICTURE PICK-UP: Pick-up will from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the main hallway of the MSC MU HANG GLIDING CLUB: There will be a powered ang gliding exhibition on the Polo Field. Sunday kSS OF ’82 PARK DEDICATION: There will be a cere- pony open to the general public in the wooded area south of 'te MSC/Rudder Guest Parking Lot between Throckmorton St. id Houston St. at l p.m. BTED CAMPUS MINISTRY: The Presbyterians will meet it A&M Presbyterain Church, 601 Church St. and the Diciples vill meet in 145 MSC. Both meet at 5:30 p.m. 3IVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL: The Fellowship Sup- Tr will be at 5:30 p.m. in the chapel, 315 N. College Main, here will be a presentation on the topic: “Communicating the *- J News” at 7 p.m. also in the chapel. ney a: Tense d in pm natives required t open to ■n jailed s f $1.6 mi •y indicim nred tor ruct jus es and d Butter IAL IING inner 9 jtter • DIETING? Even though we do not prescribe diets, we make it possible for many to enjoy a nutritious meal while they follow their doctor's orders. You will be delighted with the wide selection of low calorie, sugar free and fat free foods in the Souper Salad Area, Sbisa Dining Center Basement. OPEN Monday through Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM QUALITY FIRST At//C7/- FXPRESS & WEA Wrap it Up! STORE-WIDE ALBUM & CASSETTE ELTON JOHN Everything Is On Sale — Featuring These WEA Artists: HE BLASTERS Includes Marie Marie I’m Shakin’/Border Radio American Music Mfg. List Sticker SALE 8 98 6"/7 88 9 98 7"/8 49 $066 1198 10 49 $088 Mfg. List 13 98 14 98 15 98 Sticker 12 49 SALE s 10 10 13 49 13 99 DON'T MISS IT AGGIES! SALE ENDS SATURDAY! MUSIC E£EBE§§ 725-B UNIVERSITY DRIVE OPEN 10-10 “Behind Skaggs & McDonalds” 846-1741