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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1982)
Battalion/Page SB April 8, 1982 features New bee may increase U.S. fruit production United Press International American orchardists and home fruit growers may soon have a new helper to increase their fruit yields — the horn faced bee from Japan. Unlike the destructive Japanese beetle that hit Amer ican shores in 1912 and has been chewing its way south and west ever since, the Japanese horn faced bee is a good bug. It can pollinate 105 flowers to the honey bee’s four in the same time span, thus increasing fruit yields. It has a mild, mosquito like sting, it concentrates on fruit tree blossoms and it re quires little year-round manage ment. These desirable attributes of the Japanese bee were reported im a recent issue of a news maga zine published by Gardens For All, a non-profit organization that searches for and develops productive gardening methods. The Japanese horn-faced bee was first imported in 1978 and already is helping to increase fruit yields in U.S. orchards by efficiently pollinating peach, cherry, plum and apple flowers. They are not yet available for purchase in this country, says Gardens For All. Researchers, however, are working to in crease their colonies so that in a few years they will be generally available. Reporting on a side-by-side comparison of honey bees and the horn-faced bees conducted in an orchard near Hirosaki, Japan, Gardens for All said that in the same time period that honey bees pollinated four flow ers, the horn-faced bees pollin ated 105 flowers. The Japanese bees prefer fruit tree flowers and are not attracted to flowering weeds. They have a mild sting and are safer to handle than honey bees. Adult bees are alive only for a few weeks in the spring when fruit trees are blooming and re quire very little year-round management by farmers. The horn-faced bee produces no honey. They live in strawlike stems from a common reed cal led Phragmites, or in cardboard tubes. When they are used as pollinators, pesticide spraying must be suspended. After their reproductive cycle is completed in the spring, the brood over winters as larvae, protected in side the straws or reeds. Gardens For All reported that horn-faced bee colonies have been established in Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina and the District of Col umbia. photd by Laura Hatch Take my advice ... Rick from Airey, a senior industrial engineering major Houston, gives some friendly advice for e choices to Lee Neathery, a sophomore Paper company buys bag-maker I here. 1 cameintoi tment of three yac low I 'm thinking I in the .Army." IP klition to a lull pH sh chapel services,| cultural and eiM tl a Hebrew scM lents, Rand's cod hides civ ilians fro: ood suburbs of Ki Heights and 0f| nd from thenearkl mi and Temple, hr N oons heeveniH United Press International kitchen aiid del I WAYNE, N.j. - The Union bier job loronelttB^P Cor P- 1S expanding its tvs he gets ,i Ion! P a P er , processing operations r outside Wlt " t " e purchase of the I larley Corp., a Spartanburg, S.C.- liased bag maker, for more than than $20 million. I William B. House, vice presi dent and general manager of Union Camp’s paper bag divi sion, Tuesday said the Harley plants will be a geographic com plement to Union Camp facili ties. I Union Camp’s existing multi wall bag plants are at Savannah and Tifton, Ga., St. Louis, Mo., and New Hope, Pa. The com pany already has a corrugated container manufacturing plant . in Spartanburg. 1 o.l bemg ec#® £ ast December, the Wayne, N.J., firm and Harley reached an agreement in principle for this week’s purchase, which in cludes Harley’s headquarters e the philosoph] building near Spartanburg. Harley has two multi-wall bag plants — factories for making , K‘ ,n( i says, I heavy-duty paper bags — in ate protest;® Spartanburg, one for commer cial bags and the other for smal- ' chapel I navel ] er> consumer product bags, ople attending!! 1 allow them sfiait ad and share id with me. We faith and do you recotu ■tits of religion i olent demawW e to defend the 1 attack another says. “The whole the United Sfi defense, accounting major from Arlington. The two were outside Hart Hall discussing the class possibilities for pre-registration week which begins April 19. ITS COMING HOWDY WEEK April 12-16 Howdy Dance: Thursday, Apr. 15 Hall of Fame e received a lot oil rough Jewish hi vliich is toncerndj men and womenl e have a lay leadei s Steve Naddi I I. in case fin noil > be the offil Military is a goofl nt fora rabbito«l pven the atmQspi® ■ traditional inni| lains have to I There are certil ?s that should be niy by chaplains^ at ion. But a dll re other God.” wan I The firm also has commercial bag plants in Seymour, Ind., and Denton, Texas. The Harley Corp., with 500 workers, will operate as the Har ley Bag Division of Union Camp Corp. It will become part of the company’s Industrial Products Group, Union Camp’s Tom Hunter said. Robert Harley, former chair man of the board of Harley Corp., becomes general mana ger of the division, with head quarters in Spartanburg. The Spartanburg operation produces multi-wall packaging for a wide range of industrial and agricultural products, in cluding feed, fertilizer, chemic als and cement. Principle pack aging uses for the consumer bags include pet food, charcoal and flour and other food pro ducts. Throughout the Southeast, Union Camp owns or leases ab out 1.7 million acres of wood land. The company, in the top half of the Fortune 500 listing of the country’s largest corpora tions, had 1981 sales of $1.6 bil lion, Hunter said. Bealls EASTER FASHIONS! MENS SALE Sale through Sat. : or many h 1 f while the; | s. You wilj =: e selection ? nd fat m. \ ^srea, Sbi$2 JUAREZ TEIMfitA TEE1UILA TEntUILA TEdUllA BEALL PARK MENS SUITS 99.88 regular 150.00 to 170.00 Our own fine quality suits are now on sale for you. The styling is tailored to make you look good and feel good. The fabrics are ideal for our climate. In regulars and longs. Entire Stock Mens Sportcoats 80.00 to 120.00 regular 100.00 to 150.00 Rather be a little more casual, well be casual and look good in one these famous maker sport coats. In regulars and longs. Entire Stock Mens Dress Slacks 22.40 to 33.00 regular 28.00 to 42.00 Need a pair of slacks to go with your sport coat or just a new pair for Spring? Choose now from beltless or belt loop models in sizes 32 to 42. MANOR EAST MALL POST OAK MALL GOLD OR SILVER IMPORTED & BOTTLED BY TEQUILA JALISCO K A. ST. LOUIS. MO. 80 PROOF