Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1981)
I r ]ge 8 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1981 Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED )w filling Houston Post routes for spring inester early morning hours. $200 to 00 per month men, women or couples, ,6-2911, 846-0396. 71t4 PART-TIME HELP WANTED. Grapevine personality. 696- 3411. E.O.E. 183tfn KAMU T.V. Has an opening for two reporter pho tographers, must be willing to handle both responsible, must be able to work 15 hours a week and adhere to asset schedule. Journalism or Liberal Arts majors preferred fill out application at KAMU T.V. studio need help im mediately include class schedule, 845- 5611. 62tln jj Graham Central Station Bryan-College Station is newest, most exciting night club and entertainment center will open at the be ginning of next semester. Pre-holiday employment interviews are now being held for the following posi tions: BAR MANAGERS, BARTENDERS, WAITRESSES, DOORMEN, DJ’S, CASHIERS, JANITOR- MAINTENANCE. Interviews are from 10 a.m. ito 4 p.m. at Graham Cen tral Station, 1600-B S. Col lege in Bryan. Neat appear- |ance and positive attitude .essential. 7213 JOB VACANCY WATER DISTRIBUTORS CLERK immediate opening for part-time employees to work In the bulk water distribution center office. 24 hour opera tion- 4 hour shifts and 8 hour shifts for qualified appli cants. Salary $5.00 per hour. Apply; CHy of Bryan employment office Bryan Utilities building 300 S. Washington. Bryan, Texas 77001 An Equal Employment Affirmative action employer M-F. 7114 Is now hiring COOKS, DISHWASHERS, PREP and BUSBOYS, WAIT PERSONS, BARTENDER. Day shift only. Apply in person before 10 a.m. or between 2-4 p.m. 404 E. University Dr. 32tfn DOMESTIC SERVICES SCHLOTZSKY’S Now accepting applications for Part-time weekend and evening shift. Apply in per son only. 100 South Texas Ave. Hiring for Semester break and/or Spring Semester Team cleaning homes & offices Starting Salary $3.85 Travel allowance 693-1954. FULL OR PART TIME 'Day siiift < ‘Night shift (til 10pm.) 'Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 190119. I I, HELP WANTED 3C BARBECUE #3 CULPEPPER PLAZA Full-time COOKS on DAY SHIFT, experienced preferred but not re quired. Other positions are availa ble. Apply between 10-1 land 2-4. NOW HIRING DELIVERY PEOPLE NEEDED FLEXIBLE HOURS $3.75/hr. plus 6% commission plus tips. Apply between 3:30 and 7 M-F at 319 Patricia 846-7785 Earn $290 a month just by working two nights (5 pm-2 am) a week, (more hours available) at Der Wien- erschnitzel. Apply in Person 501 S. Texas Ave. Bryan between 9:30am-11am weekdays. HELP WANTED Bar people & waitresses needed im mediately at YESTERDAY'S 4421 S. Texas Ave. 846-2625. Apply 12 noon - 4. 69t6 Bartender, Cashier, Dishwashers, Cooks. Apply in person 404 E. University Dr. CENARE Italian Cuisine. 71t4 COOK Super for homemakers and student wives. Work when A&M is in session. Summer and holidays off, experienced preferred but will train, wage based on ability and experi ence. 696-1072. 69t6 Zacharias Greenhouse accepting applica tions for WAITRESS, 1201 Hwy. 30, 693- 9781. 83»fn T.V.-Stereo repair shop needs part-time helper, day time only. 822-4862. 70t5 Male delivery help needed beginning spring semester afternoons. Call for appt. 775-2222. 6916 GUY AND GIRLS team clean homes fit offices. Days, nights & weekends. Flexible part or foll-time hours, weekly pay above minimum, paid travel and paid vacation. Must have car flc phone, .Home Care - 846-7759 22tfn Part-time position available at Farmer’s Market Bakery fit Deli. Restaurant experi ence desired. Hours 5p.m.-10p.m. 3 days a week no Sundays. Start $3.65/hour, 2700 Texas Avenue, Bryan, 779-6428. 41tfn Apartment maintenance personnel wanted. Apply Barcelona Apartments 700 Dominik, College Station. Full-time only. Call 693- 0261 or come by. 7413 Tha HOUSTON CHRONICLE m cufrantly taking appk cations lor newspaper route earners. We nave one Immediate opening and wtH also have several open- Semester Routes take 2 Wfc) 3 hours per day. with salary from 400 to BOO par month All routes rscetvs a gas allowance also we need eoBOters tor the spring asmester If mtsrestsd please call Julian McMurrey 693-2323 SOttr KAMU T.V. Is looking for a meteorology major to train as weather forecaster. Opening immediately. Minimum wage, 4 to 7 p.m. Monday - Friday. Radio and T.V. weather cast. Fill out application at KAMU T.V.-F.M Business hours Mon- day-Friday 845-5611. 62tfn Electric Cowboy Now hiring WAITRESS AND HOSTESS. Full and part-time. Apply in person, DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 696-8032 ■ 24tfn Male dancers needed for inter view, call 693-2818 or 696-0004. 46tfn CRUISES EXOTIC RESORTS. SAILING EXPE DITIONS! Needed: Sports Instructors, Office Personnel, Counselors. Europe, Carribean, Worldwide! Summer. Career. Send $6.95 + $1 handling for APPLICATION, OPENINGS, GUIDE to CRUISEWORLD. 127, Box 60129, Sacramento, CA. 95860. 64(5 FOR SALE Graduating must sell bikes, car. couch, desk, etc., call 846-9147. 74H MUST SELL HONDA ’81 CM400c make an offer 696-9687. 73t2 Large dorm sized refrigerator in excellent shape for $100, Matt, 260-7298. 73t2 GUNS 30-.06 and two black powder guns priced to sell 696-9687. 7312 Two sofas, $50, $75, 846-6219 after 5:00 p.m. 7015 All Mary Kay Cosmetics 20% off 779- 6979. 70t5 1978 Yamaha 400cc street-bike, excellent condition. MUST SELL $800 11,000 miles, after 9 p.m. 846-7162. 70t5 HELP WANTED FOR LEASE WANTED: Male roommate to sublease apt. for spring semester. Scandia. Call 693- 0876 Buddy or Steve. 68t7 For sublease 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment Redstone 4-plexes $350/month 696-9752. 70»5 MALE ROOMMATE wanted, available December 17, newer duplex 2 miles cam pus, own bedroom, $195/month + V4 util ities (negotiable). 775-3766. 72t3 SERVICES Needed roommate to sublease furnished apt. 693-5179. 73t2 Male non-smoker-drinker large apt., bus route. Washer-dryer, utilities paid. $150, 693-8131. 7312 HAVE YOUR NEXT PARTY'S Music catered by Backstage Sound. We can han dle any music, any party. Call Vince 846- 5803 or David 696-3283. 7U5 Male roommate needed to share two bed room house located directly across from campus police station, $112/month, 693- 8532 or 713-(782-2775). 69t6 Need female to help drive to Los Angeles leaving on January 3. Call 822-4805. 6916 Tutor Wanted! Spring semester '82 sub jects: Acct. 229 and/or Pre-Cal. 130. For info, call 260-3172. 7114 FOR RENT WORD PROCESSING—Dissertations, papers, reports, resumes, etc. Fast, Accu rate, reasonable. 846-6200. 54121 TYPING 823-4579. 55126 Southwest Village 1101 Southwest Park way, unfurnished and furnished, one and two bedroom apartments available. Call 693-0804 or come by. 7413 Typing experienced fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. ISStfn Overeaters Anonymous, 779-2736. 4A173 Southwest Village furnished 2 bedroom apts. for spring semester. 1101 Southwest Parkway C.S., 693-0804. 74tl Gay/Lesbian Hotline 846-8022. 64111 Sublease: One bedroom unfurnished apart ment Sausalito, poolside location. Call 696- 2806 or Sausalito office. 7411 Call Cathy or Betsy for all your typing or word processing needs. 696-9550. 131tfn Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755. ITSlfh Sublease 1 bedroom apartment $270/month, bus route, unfurnished, 845- 3561 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 73t2 One bedroom & 2 bedroom furnished & unfurnished, 693-0261. 65H0 Preleasing for spring semester, new 2 bed room HA bath 4-plex, walking distance to university, washer/dryer in each apart ment, $45Q/month, 693-8685. 71tfn Duplex, preleasing for spring, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, all built-ins, no pets, ceiling fan $400.00/mo , nice, day 845-2333 ext. 39, nights/weekends 696-8951. 6916 EXECUTIVE TYPING SERVICE. specializing in dissertations, technical reports. 10% dis count to A&M students, 822- 5646. 6718 New 4-plexes $400/mo. + electricity wash/dry connections $200 deposit no pets, 693-0102 noon-10 p.m., 706 Navarro Southwood Valley. 63112 1975 Grand Torino Sport AM/FM 8-track white on blue, great condition 775-0755 or after 7 596-1942. ' 68t7 Sofa and loveseat, beige/tan/brown geo metric design, $750.00, call 846-3862, ask for Steve, Jr. 68t7 For sale 1975 Suzuki GT 250 excellent condition, $500 negotiable Chris 696- 2585. 70t5 Christmas puppies part cocker ready now or for Christmas $25 including first shots. Pleasure is guaranteed references required 696-8032 846-1253. 7U4 CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS: Do you need Christmas gifts for a stereo buff? I have good prices and excellent service on all brands of stereos equipment. Al bum care products, tape care kits, audiophile albums, etc. I have lots of good Christmas gifts. Also spe cial on Bose speakers. Call Jimmy Spalten at 696-3945 after 5 p.m. 6516 THE COWBOY is now accepting applications for waitresses & hostesses. Contact Elmo Neal, Jr. before 5:00 775-0817 after 5:00 775-0494. THE COWBOY 2820 Finfeather Rd. Beautiful AKC Doberman pup pies, excellent bloodline and just in time for Christmas. $175 and up, call Darla at 845- 4098 after 5 779-9084. Never-used 14k white gold en gagement ring with Vs carat center stone and small side-diamonds with papers, retail value $594.00, will sell for $295.00, call James at 693-3869. 7312 ROOMMATE WANTED Need two female roommates for two bed room apartment. On shuttle bus route, 696-0611. 7411 Roommate needed for spring in furnished apartment. Own bedroom and bath. Need to furnish bedroom. Brownstone Apart ments. Call David 693-5733. 74tl SeryicaFor AJI ^Corp c a SUBLEASE One bedroom apartment on shut tle bus route. Rent $250. Am graduating and must move. Com plex has pool and sun-deck. Good location-close to The Cowboy and Hall of Fame. Call Lisa 779-9457. Ohrvsler Corp Body yvork — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. L Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922^ 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 ittnl I I I Barcelona Apartments one and two bedrooms furnish ed only. Available for spring leases. Call 693- 0261 or come by 700 Dominik, College Station. typing: All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 4013 Texas Ave. S. 846-5794 lestfn Typing on word processing equipment' Fx-‘ perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. KH35 LOST PARKWAY APARTMENTS 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms, 2 swim ming pools, shuttle bus, laun dry facilities, security guard. 1600 Southwest Parkway, 693-6540. LOST CATS One gray, black stripes, green ey es, one orange,' brown stripes, brown eyes. Both wearing flea col lars, declawed on front paws. Vi cinity of Finfeather Road. Call Irene at 696-8099 Reward! 7312 LOST AGGIE '82 Senior ring; week of November 30. Call Steve 260-6688. Re ward. 7213 PERSONALS Sincere graduating senior wants to meet an attractive woman who lives In San Antonio between the ages of 21 and 23. She must enjoy dancing, (he theatre, fine foods and walks on the river. Above all she must not be afraid to express herself David Dominguez 693-5445 or write 200 Alcalde Moreno. S.A., Texas 78232. 72t3 TIRED OF LIVING MILES FROM CAMPUS? Nice, one bedroom unfurnished apartment for lease. Within walk ing distance. 50 ft. from shuttle bus stop. James White 845-1624 $285/month. 7312 FOR RENT Furnished one bedroom $305.00, furnish ed two bedroom $410.00. Casa Del Sol Apts., 401 Stasney, College Station. Come by or call 696-3455. 66t9 Almost new 2 bedroom apartment $285.00, 779-3550, 696-2038. 66t9 WHY SEARCH? Our service is FREE Apts. — Duplexs — Houses We can also help you sublease your apartment A&M APT. PLACEMENT 2339 S. Texas, College Station "Next to the Dairy Queen" 693-3777 yW ‘ OFFICIAL NOTICE Yamaha 750xs shaft-drive. Must sell 845- 5369, 696-7185. 71t4 ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES OF TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY! Due to the early date of May Graduation, and Balfour going on computer. . . . The MSC Student Finance Center is accepting orders for Graduation Announcements be fore the Christmas break! MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO-ORDER YOUR GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS ROOM 217. MSC 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM MONDAY — FRIDAY S THIS WILL BE A VERY SHORT ORDER PERIOD! LAST DAY TO 1 ORDER WILL BE FEBRUARY 1st, 82. m 7114 National What’s up at Texas A&M Wednesday i FOOD SCIENCE CLl B: Club will be sellingKul'i the MSC 14-16 (,v of 14-18 in 338 Kleberg ami BRAZOS \ ALI EV DIABETIC ASSOCIATION Meetfe will be one week later than usual fur the December meetk There will be a Christmas party (or all diabetics in this area!! Pooh s Park. College Station, Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. Atthistimetlie new officers for 1962 will be introduced. f c , fRANl ' Si timisni of r duri tllS ' A*/ Uas A& I Ol 1 ilii'ff s in asm 11 Cable television makes Yuletide shopping a snap with help of telephone United Press International NEW YORK — The ghost of Bing Crosby continues to assure us that "Christmastime in the city” is all silver bells and roasting chestnuts, but anyone who has tackled the imagery with a shop ping trip knows it’s also wet feet, runny noses, rude clerks and se verely elbowed rib cages. At least that’s the way it was until Carl Meinelt, Joe Mansi and Gary Melchiorre came along. Now chestnuts can be roasting by an open television set and all that harrowing Christmas shopping can be done with no more energy JOB OPPORTUNITIES d l ;ai a c lo b For employment information at Texas A&M University dial H45 4444 24 hours a day Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative \ctkm. Texas A&M University WANTED Need housekeeper 114 to 2 hours, 4 days a week. $160 per month. Call 846-3862 ask for Steve, Jr. ’ 5817 CASH FOH OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond room Town A Country Shopping C«nt»r 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 itfn SPECIAL NOTICE DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY Directory Fees are refundable in foil during the semester in which payment is made, rrhercafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Directories must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished... 30146 ACC IE LAND REFUND POLICY "Yearbook fees are refundable in fall during the semester In which payment is made Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. "Students who will not be on campus when the yearbooks are published, usually in Sep tember, must pay a mailing and handling fee Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they b< mailed without the necessary fees having been paid.” 30(46 ATTENTION ^GRADUATING $ SENIORS you have ordered a 01982 Aggieland, please 0stop by the Student ublications office, 0room 216 Reed ^McDonald and pay a P$3.50 mailing fee along Jwith your forwarding ^address so your Ag- Cgieland can be mailed jto you next fall when jthey arrive. 70t5^ most people need. OFFICIAL NOTICE Attention Liberal Arts Students- Graduate and Undergraduate There are stilt some CO-OP positions availa ble for Spring. Some of those are: Legal CO-OP- any major Sakowitz- Personnel, Marketing Foley's- Personnel, Marketing Kroger- Management Trainee Assistant Probation Officer- Part-time in Caldwell Social Security-Claims Representative If you are interested in these or any other CO OP positions call Jamie Freeman or Henry Pope at 845-7814 or come by 420 Harrington. 73t5 ATTENTION LIBERAL ARTS STUDENTS: Looking for a job related to your career goals? Need some experience? Want to make some useful contacts? Need to make some money? Check into the CO-OP program. Jobs for all majors are still available for spring and many are open for summer. Get a jump on your competitors by acting NOW. Come by 420 Harrington or call Jamie Freeman or Henry Pope at 845-7814. 70t5 j Ison said- 0 in the s he’s g re’s a r Its highli; semester jept. 4-5: 1 the won .n the se ce finish than it takes to dial a telepkt as at Arl Meinelt, Mansi and Mem jclon: V\ re, operating as American Natal al Cable Communications lati have married cable televisioal the Consumers Distributor tatri jt it takes feh Tom modes ot son, may c e stand* jd the I 9 fve neve | team in ‘ atti Last y pied 24-2 | now mos well this lept. 5: Th logne, and this year —atleastli folks in the New Yorkandia Francisco-Oakland Bay areas-j ats the the “Video Shopper” is a reals s 29-28 i “We wondered if we were pij (ing bac ting nt too early, but we deck!tt| Johnny we wanted in on the groundEw lards. W before some big company deca elated b to jump in, we’d havetotakj rtant to chance,” said Meinelt. Tt’i [ i’ IT1 y brand new market.” I was abl Just about every market in hi pH-16 h; cable television gold rusbisam^ one, but the three NewYorh trepreneurs are the first tostai firm claim to the long-cherii concept of shopping at hoirr tube, catalogue and 800 WjJ line number. Eventually, Meinelt hopesi( fledgling company will be Christmas stockings via two interactive cable on a chat complete with full-scale dent strataons and a consumeradvoo to guide the way. But that* have to wait until such concepts! s Warner Amex’s QUBE andCs )e Communications’ INDEX wiointed wi terns are common nationwide, Under this year’s AM setup, about 1 million subscrile to cable systems on east andw coasts watch regular cable pit raining for Video Shopper “ini' ercials. ” ition to h «pt. 5-7: es the wo Beaumor at, when ■nandez These television spots coe is the dor tute more than the familiar pi: from network peddlers of to paste and paper towels. Eacb fomercial” presents a factual] down on a product in theCoi coach D; optimist n’s team, -e I’ve be have, be ers Distributor catalogue. Pea ility to e< who like the product have on!) ms in the dial an 800 number toorderbyi ,e pL 8: j >ck and sweep m number assigned to the infom cial. The merchandise then is de 2-1 in t vered or picked up at the nearf “ck, who Consumers Distributor skf r s before room outlet. Meinelt said eventually hopes to refer his customers t( full-time access channel coni ing nothing but product den strations by experts whowillp out the advantages anddiSKM tages of models in various pr ranges. All of this should terrify tkt tail merchant by setting visioii' empty department store aisldl P' ' res h Yuletide (lancing in his head^ Phvhi Meinelt said no such attituddf surfaced “The retailer is the backbowv, I the community,” he said. “M? s j? cs ‘ <Hl chains are looking for any wayf |f re T nce sible to add on sales. EveryPj this yea don’t kno team is. one of th nation, as that ; m real >ept. 11-] las A&M Sam Hoi in 14 inn i Aggies t< M games »ept. 14. looking at Cable TV anti 11^ ^ p they’ll participate. Today llify producing and promoting IW own mass catalogues, fte) already fishing the waters. After a nationwide sales beginning in January ANCCI signed up Cons® 1 ' 1 Distributor, with 108 outlels 1 ^ . s I its first participating retails ^ ,na k Forget silver bells and side** Santas. Their best sales ta*; iept. where the consumer is concert are those wet feet, runny iK* 6 rude clerks and elbowed ribcap The alternative — slippers^ eggnog in front of a television should be all the persuasi' s i n e j^ AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE ' ‘Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 lot ah time hia. Junii Klay eve >ept. 14-] ns seasc J | in g / t) s , hin g th , 18 n places I’exa: nt Pitcl a nd S ^ lead m a I4.2 Oklah e *pan toent, qualifi p ositii toust Stiper for pa