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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1981)
National 'find suit, b, falselv ^ymenti yrameip ■osecuton dtotluee i after De- Warped THE BATTALION Page 7 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1981 By Scott McCullar Atlantic City’ top winner dt film critics presentation United Press International HOLLYWOOD — “Atlantic tity” edged out Warren Beatty s Reds’ for top honors in this year’s wards presentations by the Los ^ngeles Film Critics Association. “Atlantic City” was named Best 'icture of 1981 and picked up a jest actor award for Burt Lancas ter, who played an aging gangster, phn Guare received an award for lest screenplay. Reds” won three awards — for Beatty as best director, Maureen Stapleton as best supporting ac tress and for best cinematography. Other awards went to Meryl Streep as best actress in “The French Lieutenant’s Woman,” to Sir John Gielgud as best support ing actor for his portrayal of a but ler in “Arthur,” to Randy Newman for the score of “Ragtime” and to the Brazilian movie “Pixote” as the year’s best foreign film. “Reds” finished second in the voting for best movie and its per formances by Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson were runners-up in voting for best actress and sup porting actor. Henry Fonda was runner-up for best actor for his work in “On Golden Pond.” Melinda Dillon finished second in the best sup porting actress category for “Abs ence of Malice, ” while the British movie “Chariots of Fire” was second in voting for best foreign film. The award winners, chosen Saturday, will be honored Jan. 13 in ceremonies at the Beverly Wil- shire Hotel . FOR CHRISTMS, for you M FAVORITE CHRIST WAS CAROL... Sing, CHILDREN, 5/A/G, SI NG, CHILDREN, SI/VG, CHRIST IS BORN, SALVATION TO BRING. <2^ SING, CHILDREN, SING, SING, CHILDREN, SING, ALL OUR GIFTS TO HI/A WE SHAtL BRING X DORN THIS DAY IN DEEP p OF NIGHT, THE STARS SHONE CLEAR ^ AND BRIGHT, Angels sang and glorified, CHRIST is BORN TO BRING UGH -H-H-T., ii nrp a/ stun Sing, children, sing, SING, CHILDREN, SING, All our praise to HI/A WE SHALL ST IS BORN A HUMAN BEING. © Roni Akbogast 1191 REMEMBER - THE REASON FOR THE SEASON... Cpl \ Defense bill ready for action United Press International WASHINGTON — After months of debate and wrangling, a $200 billion defense spending bill — the foundation for President Reagan’s military rebuilding prog ram — is being readied for final congressional action. If approved as expected, the 1982 appropriations bill would be the largest money measure ever passed by Congress. The com- )'82 BONANZA M l. • ; • • * ■ t • • * ' ' • ' YOURS A VERY SAFE AND HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON! )8 Ml I.! sa • WE A CCEPT USD A FOOD COUPONS! •OUR EXPRESS CHECK- STAND IS OPEN FROM 8:00 AM TIL MIDNIGHT FOR 9 ITEMS OR LESS! •PRICES IN THIS AD ARE EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DA VS A T SAFEWA Y! COPYRIGHT l«M>. SAFI WAY SYORIS. INC. *82 BONANZA ODDS CHART PRIZE VALUE NUMBER OF PRIZES ODDS WITH 1 TICKET ODDS WITH 13 TICKETS ODDS WITH 26 TICKETS $5000 Cold Coini 4 1:3,292.500 1:253,269 1 126.634 $2500 Energy Stock 10 1:1,317,000 1:101,307 1:50,654 $.1000 Grocery Certificates 25 1:526,800 1 40,523 1:20.262 $1000 90 1:146,333 11 1,256 1:5,628 $100 469 1:28,081 1:2,160 1:1,080 $10 2,295 1:5,739 1:441 1:221 $5 Instant 8,518 1:1,546 1:119 1:59 $2 Instant • 88,545 1:149 1:11.4 1:5.7 TOTAL 99,956 1:101 1:10.1 1:5.1 French Bread $ 1.49 1.69 Assorted Cake Donuts . . . Dozen Pumpkin Pies Each A«.II«M. Vi SoUvrey St.r** wllk B.k. CHOOSE CHEESE! Norwegian Jarlsberg Cheese (ut Right $ I From the Wheel! . . 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VOID AFTER OfC. 26, 1981 \ / in j .... t'X &%cC: r ‘ , SAVE S1.00 LADY VICTORIA * Bud Vase .( VOID AFTER DEC. 26. 1981 Banking Machines Now at Selected Safeway Stores Complete Six Separate Banking Transactions! PRICES ON THIS AD EFFECTIVE EIGHT DAYS DECEMBER 17 THRU 24, 1981 IN BRYAN/C.S. promise bill was worked out Mon day night by a House-Senate con ference committee. With Congress'working to ad journ for the Christmas recess by the end of the week, the defense' bill was expected to receive fast’ action. The House voted last month to ' provide $197.4 billion, but the' Senate opted for a higher amount* — $208.7 billion — when it passed the appropriations bill Dec. 4. President Reagan had asked for • $200.9 billion. The conference bill provides * more than $4 billion for the MX missile and a new bomber — an advanced version of the B-l — to replace the aging fleet of B-52s, plus money tp work on the radar- > evading Stealth bomber. i .* The Senate bill was larger than ^ the House version in part because the Senate added $4.8 , billion for 1 military pay, and $1.6 billion to cover inflation and cost overruns, j but the Senate yielded on those j* items in conference. Senate Assistant Republican ! Leader Ted Stevens said the Sen ate still believes there will he ,/ added costs for the new weapons. programs, “but the House has ..i taken the position they want to see p it” before increasing funding. The huge spending bill — ab- . out $30 billion more than pro vided last year — represents a ma jor step in Reagan’s plan to build up the U.S. defense capability, in cluding new bombers, missiles and ships. Reagan wants, to build 100 new B-l-type bombers to replace the B-52s over the next five years, and to deploy the new MX missiles in existing silos that now hold Titan and Minuteman missiles. • In addition to funds for the B1 and MX, the bill also appropriates moppy, fopi Erl8; F16, and F-IS « warplanes, one new aircraft car- y rierjudkiolear attack submarines,; {y cruisers and guided missile fri gates, Army helicopters and over /• ’ 1,300 combat vehicles, including v ' $1.4 billion for 720 M-l tanks. The conference agreed with the 11 Senate’s decision to provide $34.8 ! million in research and develop- ; ment funds for the Navy’s ELF (extremely low frequency) com- munications project which was cut l# by the House. $ ELF, to be located in the upper Midwest, is intended for com- •'> muncations with deeply sub- merged nuclear submarines. Santa myth an OK lie, doctor says United Press International LOS ANGELES — A psycho-’ legist says parents should not feel guilty about telling their children, Santa Claus exists, a lie which she says helps transmit cultural values. i Dr. Sally McCollum of, Occidental Qollege said Monday some parents feel guilty about lying to their kids and fostering the Santa Claus myth and result ing commercialism. But children will believe in Santa anyway, she said, until they are : old enough to understand reality. “They don’t pay attention to the clues that we use to distinguish reality from unreality,” McCol lum said. “You couldn’t tell them there’s no Santa until they’re old enough to pick up the tip-offs (and) when they have the intellectual capacity to separate the reality from the myth.” McCollum said that although finding out the truth about Santa sometimes causes a crisis, it’s a healthy milestone when children learn to separate fiction from reality. She said the myth of Santa pro vides pleasure for parents and children, apd serves to transmit cultural values. It’s impossible to explain an abstract concept such the Christmas spirit, she said, and Santa becomes a concrete symbol for the love the season should promote.