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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1981)
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1981 Page 5 deters ithnnj I after,' i Frii 'ingsli ring! y ini i diffit ntPifs e don uglu besli I56, prod we, a wsiti leoff/ redk e ups e raii whit! :instl said; depot: 'SSib!;' ig £ the!: atooi 'lit )t » )t i I ■ — nr'T TTT 1 O TX A V I. IJ JhiSJLJA.I BOWIE COUNTY HOMETOWN CLUB: Meets t 7:30 p.m. in 402 Rudder. HUMAN FACTORS SOCIETY: Holds the annual Human Fu Banquet at 7 p.m. in 206 MSC. Dr. Ed I^aughery will be guest speaker. ECONOMICS SOCIETY: Meets to elect officers at 7 p.m. in 413 Harrington. ASSOCIATION OF BIOENGINEERS: Meets to elect officers at 7:30 p.m. in 109 Military Science. CATHOUC STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: The Rosary will be said at 10 p.m. in St. Mary's Church. CANADIAN CLUB: Meets to elect officers and finalize the consti tution at 8 p.m. in the right Commons Lounge. CLASS OF '84 T-SHIRT LOGO CONTEST: Today is the last day to submit entries to the class cubicle in 216 MSC. HOWDY WEEK: A Traditions Program will be held at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. Cliff Ransdell, the Aggie Yell Leaders, Reville, and a film on traditions will be featured. ETA SIGMA GAMMA: Meets to elect officers at 8:30 p.m. in 141 MSC. WATER SKI CLUB: Will meet to discuss the trip to South Central Region Intercollegiate Regional Championships at 7 p.m. in 308 Rudder. 78th ANNUAL AGGIE MUSTER: Will be preceded by a Fellow ship Barbecue at 5 p.m. in the park adjacent to G. Rollie White Coliseum. Tickets are $4 and may be purchased in MSC Box Office. The formal ceremony begins at 6:30 p.m. in the col iseum. AGGIE BLOOD DRIVE: Is being held through Thursday on the second floor of the MSC. WEDNESDAY TAMU STUDENT DIETETIC ASSOCIATION: Holds a Sand wich Supper and election of officers at 6:30 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge of 126 Kleberg. Bring a sandwich ingredient. NURSING SOCIETY: Meets to elect officers at 7:30 p.m. in 301 Physics. “THE GRAPES OF WRATH": John Steinbeck’s tale of impover ished migratory workers and their struggle to get to California to find work will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Rudder Theater. CATHOUC STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: Newman Club meets at 7:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s Student Center. MARRIED STUDENTS’ UNIVERSITY APARTMENT COUN CIL: Dr. John Koldus, Vice-President of Student Services, will answerquestionsatthis meeting beginning at7:30p.m. in 119-D Zachry. TEXAS CITY HOMETOWN CLUB: Meets to elect officers at 7 p.m. in 510 Rudder. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY: Aggie Supper will begin at 6:15 p.m. at the A&M Presbyterian Church. THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNESTThe TAMU Thea ter Arts Prograrnpremie res its 1 p.m. in Rudder Theater. The Oscar Wilde classic is described as a “serious comedy for trivial people. ’’ Tickets are $2.50 for stu dents and $3.50 for others and may be purchased at the MSC Box Office or at the door. . i ' J THURSDAY MATHEMATICS CONTEST: Contest will be held from 7-9 p. m. Freshmen v Milner. Sophomores will compete in 201 M * examination will cover material up to the sophomore examination will include ques Math 221 and 222 level. Cash prizes will l Math Department for more information. EMERGENCY CABE TEAM: Meets at 7:30 p.m. ii THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST Will he pi t by the TAMU Theater Arts Department at 8 p.m. in ) Theater. HOWDY DANCE: In conjunction with "Howdy Week,’’ thi will be held at the Thirsty Turtle from 7-12 p.m. We; Howdy shirt. “JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS”: The legend of Jason udder SPECIAL NOTICE Optional Board Plan Summer Students may dine on the board plan during the First session of summer school at Texas A&M University. Each board student may dine three meals each day except Sunday evening if the seven day plan is selected, and three meals each day, Monday through Friday, if the five day plan is preferred. Each meal is served in the Commons. Fees for each session are payable to the Controller of Accounts, Fiscal Office, Coke building. Board fees for each plan are as follows: Plans First Session Seven Day - $171.43 Jun 2 through Jul 2 Five Day - $145.29 and Plus Tax Jul 6 through Jul 8 Day students, including graduate students may purchase either of the board plans. Historian plans project to profile Aggie generals By ELAINE ENGSTROM Battalion Reporter Sitting behind a paper-cluttered desk that is also home for a jar of Mount St. Helen’s ash, an ERA petition, and an “I Like Ike” button, is a blond, ruddy-complexioned young man. The walls in his sunny Archives office are un adorned by the diplomas found on the office walls of other professors. These walls support only two framed documents proclaiming him to be a shell back, and a member of the Order of the Golden Dragon. Dr. Terry Anderson, 34, is an assistant professor of history at Texas A&M University. He is also oral historian of the University. The documents are remnants from his Navy days in Vietnam. They symbolize his crossing the interna tional dateline and the equator. “Worldly diplomas are much more important than degrees,” he said. “I give those to my mother.” A poor student in high school, Anderson’s counse lor told him he should become a bricklayer. Instead, he joined the U.S. Navy in 1964 and later went to college on the G.I. Bill. He received three degrees — from the University of Minnesota, the University of Missouri, and Indiana University. At Indiana, Anderson first worked as an oral histo rian. Among the topics he covered were the limes tone industry and the women’s movement in In diana. Currently, Anderson is working on an oral history project called “Aggies to Generals.” He plans to interview 40 retired generals living in Texas who are graduates of Texas A&M. “We will be able to write what type of person came to A&M in the 1930s and 40s and became leaders and what their personality characteristics are,” Anderson said. “Eventually these reports will be put in the library so anyone can go and find out what Gen. Smith had to say.” Anderson also has a book to be released soon entitled “The United States, Great Britain and the Cold War.” “If you don’t publish here you perish,” Anderson said. “That’s the way it is at the top 50 universities in the country. Camera committee sponsors workshop The MSC Camera Committee is sponsoring a workshop and lec ture featuring Frank Cricchio, a photographic portraiture spe cialist. The workshop will be held to day at 2:30 p.m. in 228 Memorial Student Center. Cricchio will de monstrate how to use lighting and other special effects when making photographic portraits. At the 7:30 p.m. lecture, Cric chio will discuss portraiture tech niques. The lecture will also be held in 228 MSC. Admission is free and partici pants are encouraged to bring their cameras for the workshop. Cricchio has received numer ous photography awards, includ ing the Associated Press award for color in 1966. Apartments • Duplexes • All Types Of Housing Call for appointment or come by A&M APT. fkm* PLACEMENT SERVICE IP? 693-3777 2339 S. Texas, C.S. “Next to the Dairy Queen” REDSTONE APARTMENTS 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Central A/H W/D Connections Drapes Refrigerator Range/Dishwasher Cable T.V. Bus Route $280-$300 - Summer $325-$350 - Fall 12 Month Discount 4-Plex Brentwood at Texas College Station Unfurnished Spearman, Sears and Murphy, Inc. 1701 Southwest Parkway, Suite 100 696-8853 The Best Pizza In Town! Honest WE DELIVER 846-3412 Mr. Gatti's Pizzamat AFTER 5 P.M. — MIN. $5.00 ORDER The Corps of Cadets gets its news from the Batt. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION “ISA” Elections Zachry Rm. 102 8 p.m. April 22, 1981 WE’VE NEVER BEEN LICKED “A film inspired by the fighting sons of Texas A&M” with Richard Quine Anne Gwynne Robert William Frawley April 25 Grove 7:30 P.M. $1.25 Tickets available in Box Office or at door EASttSS Coupon" ———— One Pitcher of Coke PIZZA SPAGHETTI LASAGNA With Any $ 4 50 Purchase Offer expires May 15, 1981 Not valid with any other coupon Coupon*"™"" - One Item Any 10 9 1 *3 Pizza oo EASELS PIZZA SPAGHETTI LASAGNA Offer expires May 15, 1981 Not valid with any other coupon Not valid with any otner coupon ■ ,_ ! Coupon Pitcher of S_?2 Beer IWSMS EASELS PIZZA SPAGHETTI LASAGNA 807 Texas Ave. “There’s no pizza like Pasta’s Pizza! We guarantee it!” HOURS: SUN. • THURS. 11 A.M.-12 P.M. FRI. - SAT. 11 A.M.-1 A.M. Only $1 50 PIZZA SPAGHETTI LASAGNA $000 Offer expires May 15, 1981 Not valid with any other coupon -——Coupon — 2 1. off Giant Pizza $175 I off Large Pizza $<j50 EASELS PIZZA SPAGHETT LASAGNA off Medium Pizza Offer expires May 15, 1981 Not valid with any other coupon