Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1981)
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1981 Battalion HELP WANTED Waitress wanted. Apply in person. ZACHARIAS PUB & GAMEROOM. issta Part-time accountant. Experience required. $7.00/hour, 846-7580. WANTED: YOUNG MAN TO WORK ON RANCH AT KUR- TEN, TEXAS (approximately 14 miles from Bryan). Must be familiar with livestock, farming equipment, tractors, etc. Is agreeable for applicant to work half days during week and full days on Saturdays and Sun days. References required. Sal ary open. WEEKDAYS - 6-9:00 PM — CALL Ricky Hail — 1 +713 589-2608. 13815 Schlotzsky’s is now tak- ing applications for weekend shifts. Also full time day position & eve ning shift available. AP PLY IN PERSON ONLY, 100 S. Texas Ave. be tween 2-5pm. loattn DOMESTIC SERVICES PART TIME FULL TIME Clean homes with students. 693-1954. Starting Salary $3.50/hour 4- mileage. ^ 0 tn b z ^ s —mm S N OH o a Now hiring Delivery Personnel Must have own car and insurance. $3.60/hour plus commission and tips. ' AddIv Domino’s Pizza 4407 Texas Ave. after 4:30 p.m. 1504 Holleman after 4:30 p.m. ^4129 Classifieds HELP WANTED imiiMiiiiimiiMiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiim | CENTRAL TEXAS HARDWARE § ^Immediate opening for part timers I jEjjsummer employment. Counter^ ijjgsales & some manual labor. Apply In Person | NO PHONE CALLS, I PLEASE I 202 S. Bryan St. 137tfn | imiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiuiin PIZZA PLANET A few positions open. Starting pay $3.55 an hour. Must be here during summer and be able to work days. Apply between 2pm-5pm Monday- Thursday at 203 Villa Maria, Bryan, 779-3912. 13615 DIXIE CHICKEN needs office help daily, 9am- 12 noon, some bookkeeping and typing helpful. Apply office 846-2332. 132tfn 3-C BAR-B-Q in BRYAN Positions open. We are now hi|- ing. Apply in person 1810 S. Main Bryan. ii4tfn Part-time sales position, elec tronics background. Apply RADIO SHACK Culpepper Plaza. 134tfn DANVERS R ESTAURANT looking for full-time and part- time help. Day & night shift. Apply in person. 201 Dominik. PROJECT DIRECTOR Sheltered workshop/Rehabilita tion Program for mentally re tarded. Masters Degree in Rehabilitation- /BA Degree in the Behavorial Sci ences and 3 years experience. Supervisory experience preferred, resume required. BRAZOS VALLEY MHMR CENTER P. O. Box 4588 Bryan, Texas 77801 Man and wife team wanted as housekeeper and ranch help for Executive couple. Bryan/Kurten, Texas. Woman to cook, clean and care for household man must be experienced with farm equipment and cattle. Both re quired to work on weekends and are allowed two days off during week. Both must be bond- able ... some experienced pre- ferred . . . excellent refer ences ... and must speak and understand english. Furnished separate housing provided, with utilities paid. Salary open. Pre ferably, no children. Middle- age/Retired couples definitely apply. 8:30 AM-5:00 PM — Weekdays — Call: Suzanne Dorman -—1 +713 222-2511. 13815 FULL OR PART TIME *Day Shift *Night shift (til 10pm.) ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.50/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1^01 Texas 105 Dominik ■- 6tfn McDonald’s wants you! Your extra energy will earn you extra cash by working at your local McDonald’s® restaurant. We want responsible people to join us. Don’t worry if you have only a few hours. In most cases our work schedules are made to fit your time allowances. Apply at any one of the 2 McDonald’s® locations listed below. And to show our ap preciation, turn in a completed employment application with the coupon below and have a FREE Egg McMuffin® sand wich while we’re serving breakfast or a FREE big Mac® sandwich any other time. We are an equal opportunity employer. M/F/H Free. Big Mac® sandwich or Egg McMuffin® sandwich with employment application. Turn in a completed application with this coupon while we’re serving breakfast and get a free Egg McMuffin® sandwich. Or bring it in anytime after breakfast hours and receive a free Big Mac® sandwich. Not to be used in conjunction with any other coupon. Limit one coupon per customer. This coupon good only at the McDonald’s* locations listed below: 825 Villa Maria Rd. Nobodfrcandoit like MctfonaJds car 801 University Dr. College Station HELP WANTED 3-C BAR-B-Q in Culpepper Plaza Now has openings for DAY COOKS & NIGHT COOKS. Other positions also open. Ap ply 10-11am or 2-4pm week days. 1727 Texas Ave. College Station , 1271,0 FISH RICHARD’S HALF CENTURY HOUSE is looking for daytime personnel Full-time and part-time. Apply in person at 801 Wellborn Road. • mnri DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 696-8032 satin THE HOUSTON POST is now filling summer & fall semes ter paper routes. DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN & COUPLES. Ear ly morning hours. 1 1 / 2 -4 hours per day. $250-$800 per month. Auto- matice machine rolling. 846-2911 or 696-8032. i33tfn HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently taking applications fpr either fall or summer (or both) morning newspaper routes. Salary ranges from $1.90 to $2.30/mo. per paper + liberal transportation allowance. Call Julian McMurray. 693-2323 or 846-0763. 129tfn SWENSEN’S Interviewing now for WAITRESSES, WAITERS, FOUNTAINEERS, CASHIERS, COOKS, AND DISH WASHERS. Pick up an application at Culpepper Plaza College Station 886fn Part-time help wanted. Grapevine personality 696-! 3411. E.O.E. , $P& G »**• Excellent Opportunity Full & Part-time help needed for: 1) COOKS 2) BUS BOYS 3) DISHWASHERS 4) PREP. PERSONS Apply in person at 404 University Dr. University Center between Bank of A&M & Fedmart 8:00am til 5:00pm. ' 13915 SERVICES Math tutoring. Calculus or higher, 696- 0742 mornings or nights. 139tl0 POETS: We are selecting work for 1981 Anthology. Submit to: Contemporary Poet ry Press PO Box 88 Lansing, NY 14882. - 137t5 TYPING 823-4579. 129t20 Typing. 775-5343. Typing — All kinds. Sami 846-9019. 133tl5 Professional typing 779-2683. 106t42 Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 1 3755. 178tfn ! Typing, symbols. Notary Public. 823- 7723. 112t35 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258, Bryan. 73tfn Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 54tfh Typing-professional quality, 822-0713. TYPING, EDITING & CALLIGRAPHY 693-3846. 130tl7 Typing, Experienced, all kinds — scientific i expertise. 846-2814. 128t20 Paul’s moving service, 846-9746. Call Cathy or Cherilyn for all your typing needs. 696-9550. 131tfh TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 209 University East 846-5794 i65tfn FOR SALE Students needed: carpentry experience preferred but not necessary. 779-9480. 138t5 1980 Mobile in woods 10 minutes, 2bed- room, U/abath, washer & dryer, $275/mo., 823-5155. 138t5 Peavey Amp. 200w, 693-1902. Couch $150, stereo $40, glass end tables $25, dinette set $250, waterbed king set $400, all firm 693-3607. 135t5 1966 Mustang, restored in 979, everything new. Call 696-2460 after 5. 135t5 1966 Oldsmobile "98”, excellent condition, call 696-1398. 136t7 12x65, 1968, Sbedroom, IVibath, partially furnished mobile home. 693-3707 or 696- 2561. 136t5 1974 blue Vega for sale in good condition. $300, call 775-4061. 136110 For sale two Jensen Trixial 6" X 9" car speakers. $70.00, call Gary 846-1871. 138t5 Brand new, nylon Aggie kite. Cheap! Call 696-0364. 13813 MOBILE HOME 12x60 in Oak Forest lost 113, 2bedroom, 1bath, skirted, covered patio, A/C, central heat, $8500; phone 693-1841 week- nights. 136t4> Hagstrom Bass guitar, rare, excellent con dition. Must sell $300 696-2645. 139t5 1971 Yamaha HT-1 90cc enduro, good shape, best offer. Jody 775-4824 after 5:30. 139t5 1969 Dodge Dart, good interior body. Needs engine work, AM/FM/Cassette. 846-7224. 139t5 WANTED WANTED: 326 or 350 Pontiac motor with auto, 696-1510. , 13765 House wanted: 2 or 3 bedrooms, have cash, College Station only. 693-4630. 136f5 Furniture: Couch, chairs, dinette set, call nights 845-1830. 138t5 Male roommate wanted for summer, and/or fall to share two bedroom townhome near bus, own room. $175 + V2 bills Dave 693-5050. 138t5 CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 ittn FOR RENT FOR RENT: 2 bedroom in new 4plex, cen tral air and heat. Available immediately. About $300/month, 696-2803. 136t7 4,2,1 Sblocks TAMU, central heat and A/C $525 + deposit 693-4630. 136t5 Fall apartments available mid-August. 2bedroom, Ibath, studio W/D connection. Villa West Addition. Pre-lease now- lower Deposit. After 5:00pm-775-5641. 139tl0 U-LOCK-IT STORAGE 10-10 - $20 10-20 - $22 & Up 693-2339 SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS If you have ordered a 1981 Aggieland, please stop by the Student Pub lications office, room 216 Reed McDonald and pay a $3.50 mailing fee along with your forwarding address so your Aggie land can be mailed to you next fall when they arrive 132121 FOR SALE: Double bed mattress, box springs, sturdy metal frame, interchange able roller/stationary feet. $45.00 Trish, 696-7662. 138t5 1973 Kawasaki 250 two stroke triple. Very good condition. $550. 846-2153. 137t6 Rock 8-track tapes, $1.00. Call for a list. I deliver, 693-1902. I37t3 Gibson Les Paul Standard with case, 693- 1902. 13713 1970 Honda SL 350, dependable transpor tation $450 846-9569. 137t5 Mobile Home, small 2 bedroom, 1 bath, gas, central heat, air conditioned, furnish ed, fenced yard, near shuttle bus, 693-4904 after 6. 137t5 4mm tmtr ADS LADIES WEDDING RING set. Never worn, 14K gold and diamonds. 35% below retail 846-0386. 135t8 Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 FOR RENT LOST $50 Reward for lost puppy, miniature col lie. Lost in Holleman-Dexter area. Please call 693-0330. 136t7 JOB OPPORTUNITIES SUMMER WORK FOR AGS! Interviews on campus WED. through FRI. in room 100 in old Agronomy Bldg, next to Helden- fels, Tues., 8:15 p.m.; Wed., 8:00 p.m.; Thurs., 7:00 p.m.; Fri., 2:00 p.m. 139t4 The Mathematics Department will be taking applications for gradu ate assistants and student work ers from Monday, April 13 to Mon day, April 27, 1981 for the Fall semester 1981. Interested per sons should contact Marjorie Reagor in Room 102, Milner Hall. 133t10 ROOMMATE WANTED Roommates for fall to share apt., 1 mile from campus. Only serious students who are honest and generally congenial need reply. Robert Bums, Box 1339, Victoria, TX 77901. 13715 SPECIAL NOTICE LEARN A SKILL TO LAST A LIFETIME: Take a course on li brary and research techniques. HUMANITIES 101: Aimed at freshman and sophomores. Basic library skills, research suitable for college level term papers. 2 hours credit. HUMANITIES 311: Designed for students going on to graduate school or into a research profes sion. Advanced research skills, computer-produced bibliog raphies, extramural resources. 2 hours credit. ChpfsieP'Corp ^lars ■ Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR ■ COMPANY ■ Dodge Sales and Service £Ave. ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! MAY’81 GRADUATES ON TAMU Graduation announcement orders may be picked-up Beginning Monday, April 13, 1981 through April 30, 1981. MSC BROWSING LIBRARY, ROOM 223, MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER. 8AM-10PM, Monday-Friday; 11 AM-10PM Saturday & Sunday. Extra Announcements will go on sale, Monday, April 20, 1981 MSC Student Finance Center, room 217, Memorial Student Center. 8AM-4PM, First Come, First Serve. 133114 Formal investigatioi of blast begins todai Sub-lease, June 1 - Aug. 31, 3 bedroom house, new central air, large fenced yard, patio, gas grill, adjacent to Williamson park. $450 per month plus deposit and utilities. 775-4824. 13915 United Press International GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colo. — Mourning families have begun burying the bodies of 15 men killed in an explosion at the bottom of one of the nation’s deepest coal mines. Autopsies were completed Sunday and the bodies released to the families. Meanwhile, the gov ernment’s formal investigation into the cause of the blast, which rocked the Dutch Creek No. 1 mine at Redstone, began today. An Easter memorial service in a high-school gym drew more than 1,500 of the victims’ friends and - relatives. Most of the floor seating was taken up by 250 family mem bers, who wept softly or listened somberly to the prayers and eulo- gies. “Easter will always remind you of this tragedy,” the Rev. Gail Jones, pastor of the local Baptist Church, told the mourners. “We realize that there are few lives in a town of this size that have not been touched by this tragedy.” John Cooke, spokesman for the mortuary, said it would be “some time” before the results of the autopsies would be made public. “There is still quite a bit of laboratory work to be done,” Cooke said. “They test every pos sible organ — heart, lungs, liver — everything. It takes some time. Fifteen men, 15 dissected bodies.” Sub-lease Sevilla Apts., large one bed, fur nished, May 18 to Aug. 28, $215/mo. 693- 5177. 139t5 John Barton, spokesman for the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration, said the men apparently were killed instantly by the explosion. He added, AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group , 3400 S. College 823-8051 however, that the official deter ; nation of the cause of death w; not be made public until aftei, inquest. The bodies were found Frii 7,200 feet down the slopings!; that follows the coal-bearing It. liams Fork Formation. “I’m hoping the union wiilj ranks with the company inj attempts to get through adiffir, time,” said Mid-Continent P[6 dent John Reeves. “If we doit utmost, we will pull through,li if we don’t do our very bestj could be in trouble.” The April issue of the to pany’s in-house publication s the last 15 months had been! worst financially since 1956. “If the ratio between pi tion costs does not improve, answer looms as a large possihii: — that is to shut the mines dor, the company said. Dutch Creek No. 1 isoneofhj Mid-Continent minescarvedlj into the west slopes of the up;; Crystal River Valley. Themis produce high-quality coal whidi processed into coke foruseinsll blast furnaces. A company brochure saidi mines produce coal from dept that were “nearly inaccessible! requiring mines “among Is' deepest coal operations in thell ited States, with cover thatora sionally exceeds 2,500 feet.” | Bargaining talks between m company and the local indepe: dent union were set to bei Wednesday, the day of theeipk sion. The existing contract expkl May 13, hut no date hasbeend. for resumption of bargaining. I Before the blast, Mil Continent had been urginguniil leaders to endorse an unpopu production schedule calhng t working a seven-day-a-weekp:: duction schedule. SUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITIES. Call 846-1082. 135t5 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 save energy avenj idea DIETING? Even though we do not prescribe diets, we make it possible for many to enjoy a nutritious meal while they follow their doctors orders. You will be delighted with the wide selection of low calorie, sugar free and fat free foods in the Souper Salad Area, Sbisa Dining Center Basement. OPEN Monday through Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM QUALITY FIRST AGGIE BLOOD DRIVE ! Contes!! J 1 st Prize — 3 kegs } 2nd Prize — 2 kegs $ 3rd Prize — 1 keg £ Any dorm, organization or J if group of people are eligi-i $ ble. if * Sign at the Keg table} J during Blood Drive! } %-¥“¥-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥“¥-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥fJ BOWIE C 7:30 p. HUMAN l Banqur guest s EC0N0N Harrini ASSOCIA 7:30 p. CATH0L at 10 p CANADL tution CLASS O to sub) howdy Rudde Revilk ETA SIC MSC. WATER Regior Rudde 78th AW ship B Colise Office iseum AGGIE 1 secom TAMU S wich S Loung NURSIN Physit “THE G ished find v CATHOi at 7:3< MARRI1 CIL: answt Zachr TEXAS - p.m. UNITE I p.m. THE IPi terAi p.m. a “sei dents Offici MATH Con Mih exai sopl Mat Mai EMEI the by The HOW wil Ho “JASC qu< Vai sioi ♦ Sumi ♦ of su ♦ dine ♦ plan ? the fi ♦ Fees ♦ Offio ♦ ♦ j & Rii ft;