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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1980)
THE BATTALION Page ! MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1980 ? Ranch Hand’ history to tell of Agent Orange spraying >as toldafeL „ Mexico’sij GLENN KRAMPOTA ; world's J . , J Battalion Reoorter ‘ IjA lead ship called a forward air l,,,,. I controller marked the target with rc^td L* en t ^ ie f ormation °f three un- 1 " et ®ined ships, sometimes more, I , coasting at tree-top level dropped a . '| Ml ! fire mist of spray over the selected , 1 a, ] a W«ction of the lush Vietnamese land- ’ 1 11111 crt(i -pape, Ground fire that sounded like , B baseball bat on a tin building” ll ! : when it hit the plane’s fuselage Js ( ' e ‘ eil( l®Wupted while fighter support for the ' | ] ,u ards °fsB r ayers roared overhead, ate otT e sas«lj e uC-123s droped herbicides that pthin days would strip the green canopy and undergrowth of its ;e, leaving it bare to expose ms la xican firm, Petti 979 spill, I lawyers said I ring the MeJ ct Judgi contend Sei ites in its ft it filed suit 3(1 RAM GGIE8: rge Webb nance Gtoiif 8231 ? Space RENT notoriety today comes not from the success of its program or the punish ment it bore, but instead the chemic al it dropped. Agent Orange, as one of the herbi cides used is known now, has been charged by some veteran’s groups of causing cancer and birth defects among children, according to an arti cle in the August 9, 1980 issue of Science News. The article said studies have not been conclusive one way or the other that Agent Orange’s toxic ingre dient, dioxin, leads to these things. Cecil himself doubts that Agent Orange caused health problems. But he and other Ranch Hands are due to take part in a government Paul Cecil ?AGE CK-I1 0 - $25 2339 iemy troop movement or war in- lations. |n other cases the herbicides would isroy papayas or turn rice black, [using the enemy to carry food in on dr backs instead of more ammuni- n. his highly effective defoliation chnique went on for 12 years and k 1,200 men who were involved |ith such missions were known as \TE l anc h Hands. Now, a Texas A&M University in- TICAl s fr uctor an d doctoral student in his- Iry, himself a pilot in the operation, lions Filled ! writing the Ranch Hands’ history Repaired ^ ^‘ s ^ octora ^ thesis. study next summer that hopefully will determine once and for all the effect of the herbicide. By charting air flow patterns, the government knows exactly how much exposure to the chemical the crews received and when they were exposed to it, Cecil said. “The air crews received a minimum of 1,000 times as much as anyone on the ground,” Cecil said. When Cecil finishes his thesis, he will have covered the important medical questions, he said, but he is chiefly interested in writing a milit ary history, not a medical one. 1 ’8 It will be “an interwoven story of Paul Cecil, 46, said, “The Ranch official things and people things ... ands were the most fired-on the missions and the orders, and nch unit in Vietnam. In fact, the what happened to the people in- 'StU.S. airplane shot down in Viet- volved,” Cecil explained, m was a Ranch Hand craft.” Cecil has already talked to 60 or 70 owever, the Ranch Hands chief different Ranch Hands, some of WE BUY BOOKS EVERY DAY! And remember we give 20% more in trade for used books. LOUPOrS BOOKSTORE Northgate - Across from the Post Office A'i Seniors UlAKEUfi 15-19 .OCulpep’ eet ly-Fridaf WANTED! INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL OFFICIALS Flexible Hours Evenings & Sundays Training Provided No Experience Necessary Interested? Then Contact DAVE KERR or LYNETTE GINN In The Intramural Office, 159 East Kyle Before December 1,1980 them key personnel. He is bulk mailing questionnaires for letter re sponse, he said. One aspect of research that is nearly complete, he said, is his utilization of official documents. Interestingly enough, Cecil said he cannot get ac cess to some documents he wrote while in the Air Force, because they are classified as top secret. There is a Ranch Hand Association, he said. At a recent reunion he got a lot of fine interviews. “There are a million war stories, some wild ... funny... sad. I lost 12 good friends in one instance whan a plane crashed into a mountain. Other people have the same stories.” Cecil has hig hopes of finishing up within the year. He said the Univer sity Archives has shown a willingess to take his finished document for scholarly research. 01 BURGER S FREE U FRENCH H FRIES!! With order of Burger and drink. Southside Center 330 lersey 696-0915 10,000hamburgers a reminder of home United Press International FOUNTAIN HILLS, Ariz. — What a day to be in the ketchup, lettuce or tomato business. The “world’s largest take-out order” was served up in Fountain Hills residents Saturday — 10,000 White Castle hamburgers flown to the Phoenix-area community from the Ohio-based hamburger chain. “The order represents over 555 pounds of hamburger and breaks the Guinness Book of World Records entry for the world’s largest take-out order,” saidTammi Gates of the Fountain Hill Chamber of Commerce. The burger-fest was ordered up to celebrate the community’s 10th anniversary this weekend by city officials conscious of the suburb’s large segment of transplanted Midwesterners. “With 5,000 hamburgers already pre-sold, we’re sure to sell out, ” said Gates. The shipment was met at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Friday night by a band of “armed guards” sporting cowboy garb and fake rifles, who stood watch on the shipment overnight. The burgers were then distributed for sale Sunday in five Fountain Hills restaurants. An extension phone is so inexpensive, you con afford as many as you need. For$1.10 o month, you con put on oxtension phono whorovor its colIsd for. Whothor you re colling from the upstairs bedroom or the downstairs bothroom. Just drop by the GTE Phone Mort ond pick out o phone or two. ihen toke them home and put them wherever you like. With this low price, weve put extension phones within eosy reoch. PHane maRT •iristrurciBnt leose charge only.