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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1980)
National THE BATTALION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1980 Page? May show Saturn’s origin ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Voyager sends new photos lie actual s& pay morei ■ulturcgmip sverylitij ■rson said I ?roperysl« levalueoflli naindergoq :ransportatn Staff photo by Jeff Kerbcr Brrrrr! isidentofl Jtheconsai implain. Ilent buys d. “Aslonjt jmershavet Lisa Kaufmann, a freshman from Portland, Texas, is adequ ately bundled up for the cold weather. Temperatures were in the 40s Monday and are expected to warm up slowly towards the end of the week. fieagan invited to China w ions use Memorial $li tival is mfe United Press International BOSTON — China s senior leader as congratulated Republican ionald Reagan on his election to the White House and invited the presi- lent-elect to visit China, the Christ- a Science Monitor said Monday. In his first public comment since the Nov. 4 election, Vice Chairman Deng Xiaoping said in a Peking in terview: "It is our hope that during ibe presidency of Mr. Reagan the Sino-U.S. relation will develop nore, not just mark time or retrog- :ess, because this is required by strategy,” the Monitor re- Craft Shop: SC. Entnls ■4 at the Hi ie craft sk( lager of lk s in the oi Tore they# sale toil)! callable. Chinese leaders during the elec tion campaign had expressed their concern about statements made by Reagan, which they felt indicated he favored upgrading relations with Taiwan. United Press International PASADENA — Scientists say parting shots of Saturn and its satel lites from the Voyager 1 spacecraft, combined with radio tests of its rings, may show the mustard- colored planet evolved like a small, separate solar system. At midnight Sunday, Voyager was 3.7 million miles from Saturn and 944.7 million miles from Earth, traveling at 35,000 mph. The craft clicked off stop-action photos every four minutes, beaming them Earth-ward at the speed of light. The pictures, which take about an hour and 25 minutes to arrive, will be incorporated into a film of Saturn and its rings, Jet Propulsion Labora tory scientists said. New photos from the space probe have revealed that some of Saturn’s rings are serene and some are chao tic, and subject not only to the grav ity of the planet, but the influence of its moons. Scientists said spaces or gaps in the complex ring system may be caused by the irregular orbits of Saturn’s moons, called resonances. Such gravitational influence may ex plain the eccentric rings and strange “braided” appearance of the ring particles. JPL spokesman Alan Wood said scientists were waiting for the results of a radio experiment to determine more closely the size and composi tions of the ring particles. Once the rings’ history is deter mined through photographs and tests, scientists believe they will know more about the evolution of Saturn and its moons, and may find it similar to a small solar system in it self. A billion miles from the sun, Saturn couldn’t be colder according to our temperature scales. Voyager scientists said the whirling cloud tops range from Absolute Zero to only a little warmer. The Voyager cameras have also detected some cloud features in the yellow planet which show it is diffe rent in many ways from its neighbor, Jupiter. The cloud-top winds of Saturn are almost twice as fast as those of the larger planet and apparently move mostly in one direction. Dr. Garry Hunt of the Voyager science team at JPL said the spacep- robe’s instruments also measured wind jets near the equatorial region at 935 mph. On Earth, heavy winds that caused a rash of destructive brush fires in Southern California early Sunday also periodically threatened the Goldstone receiving antenna, one of three that gathers data from the spacecraft. Goldstone’s huge dish is in danger when winds reach 45 mph, Wood said, and it can withstand gusts up to 60 mph. That was about the wind Pre-Med/Dent Society * * * * * * ^KTues. Nov. 18 Harrington 200 ^ Representatives from: ^ U. T. Medical Branch at Galveston 'Summer Familiarization 7:30 * * + * * * * * * ^ W. i. IV1V.14IV.UI I^IUIIV.!! ^4 ^ at Galveston ^ 4c"Summer Familiarization Program fonf force early Sunday and the antenna -^Disadvantaged and Minority Premedicaljf was “stowed,” or put in a straight-up £ Open to all members J + * ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ position to offer less wind resistance. The receiving chores were turned over to another in the network of antennae, in Australia. The third dish is in Madrid, Spain. Quite a number of people who ire involved in the decision-making jrocess on the part of Mr. Reagan an be considered our old friends,” ltiled fron| [) en g a( jded. “For instance, Mr. i (vice president-elect and for- nerambassador to Peking) is one.” ALPHA ZETA SMOKED TURKEY SALE Price: $ 1.50/lb. CALL TODAY FOR THANKSGIVING DELIVERY SHAKE RUSSELL and the DANA COOPER BAND Two Shows! NOV. 19 at 8 p.m. & 10 p.m. Tickets: , 4 00 for 1 show $ 7 #0 for both shows 696-3115 845-1131 ; ^ v RESTAURANT AND IS , CLUB J si* . 696-0388 ★★★★★★★ 1-040I Jl IE ” ghters"' AutoTunel ion s... Only 56 main HALLWAY. r CAMERA COMI I TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PRE-SALE PRICES! R SAT K DAYS ARE NOV. 16-25 FROM 10-2 DAILY ^ pre-sale Price *£.5© *8.©© picture Si^ e 8x1© llxl^ l©x£© *15.©© Post-sale Price *3.5© *1©.©© *2©.©© T S * * * * * *