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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1980)
Page 10 THE BATTALION MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1960 Tobacconists blend ‘prescriptions’ United Press Internationa] NEW YORK — Fred Gilbert and Rich Weisberg fill prescriptions in their jobs. They’re not druggists or opticians. The two veteran pipe smokers are “tobacco pharmacists.” They’ll help you find your own personal prescription for that some- times-elusive “perfect” smoke — even if that means a chocolate-mint flavored pufiF. ipe s ticular people,” said Gilbert, owner of Gilbert’s Pipeline Ltd., a specialty 1 E>CAS <r~ ""v -v. Estate O FHTICAI^ Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired 216 N. MAIN BRYAN 822-6105 Mon.-Fri. Sat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 8 a.m.-l p.m. Chemex.. a superior coffee system. 3609 Place E. 29lh Bryan 846-4360 miTEAS BLENDS OF Gffl-GIVINGl bunch-a-b’loons A GREAT WAY TO SAY: • HAPPY BIRTHDAY • THANKS • GET WELL SOON • HAPPY ANNIVERSARY • GOOD LUCK • CHEER UP • THINKING OF YOU • CONGRATULATIONS • CAN I HAVE A DATE • I LOVE YOU. CALL WEEKDAYS 1-5, 696-4179 PARTY RATES ALSO smoke shop on New York’s East 42nd Street. “We help them find the tobacco blend that best fits their individual tastes. We’re just like French chefs — we work with ingredients to come up with something good. One of our customers once called us ‘prescrip tion tobaconnists’ and the name stuck. ” Weisberg, the shop’s “blender” who talks about smoking like a gour met talks about caviar, says that by blending diflerent types and cuts of tobacco the quality of a “smoke” can be varied greatly. “We can make the tobacco stron ger or weaker, quick or slow- burning, wet or dry, less biting, etc., so it meets a customer’s exact taste,” Weisberg said. “Of course, that’s not to mention the flavor and aroma changes. ” In addition to the more conven tional flavors, the shop features a host of exotic flavored tobaccos. For customers who want to smoke what they like to drink, the shop offers tobacco flavored with bour bon, whisky, rum and a variety of liqueurs. Smokers with sweet tooths can puff on chocolate and vanilla flavored tobaccos. There’s coffee, peach and apple blends, too. And the shop has special tobaccos with pleasant fragrances so you won’t alienate the wife or the folks at the office. Like regular pharmacies, the smoke shop keeps on file a register of its 600-regular customers and their “prescription” records. “We have customers from all over,” said Gilbert. “We have guys in Tokyo, Alaska, Mexico and even Thailand who ask us to send them their favorite blend.” Weisberg said most of the custom ers are content with one of the shop’s 40 special blends. But the more particular customers ask them to marry the blends espe cially for them, creating their own personal prescriptions. “They tell us what they want and it takes us maybe three shots to get it down right,” said Weisberg. “We ask them to try one blend and if they say, for instance, ‘too strong’ we know what to add to make it just right. We do it all by experience.” But some people are just picky by nature and it takes them awhile be fore they settle on a blend, Gilbert said. “We have some guys who like to experiment,” he laughed. “It’s just like people who like to put mustard on a tuna fish sandwich just to try it. It takes them awhile to find a tobac co. And some smoke different blends A&M Football Childcare SENIORS!!! $k' or Aggieland ’81 Through Friday A-E Oct. 20-24 F-L Oct. 27-31 Nov. 3-7 rnmmnro »itv o-rrmni ’ French’s Care-a-lot 900 University Oaks College Station (Behind Woodstone) 693-1987 Reservations please hJLAA, >.ajuuuuuuuuui Money tossed to wind United Press International URBANA, Ill. — Police say a tran sient who has done “some things that weren’t entirely normal” apparently ripped up hundreds of $10, $20, and $50 bills and tossed them into the wind. Police say Eddie Vaughn, 30, apparently tore up the money at an Daniel Caron 'Cashmere Sweaters] at your" maifcetpiacel >14 azffy * * J "YourNew^Yi "Your NewJYork Connection" 4340 Canar CrMk Parkway 0(1 2«th Streal ' 846-8769 Mon.-8at., 10 to6 r>T rp.r I fry ........ , vVi-K.-'v. V K**J'sS* ** **> %» ' 4«p A V ..a.**. <— YEARBOOK ASSOCIATES STUDIO at Suite 140, Culpep per Office Park off Puryear Street. Regular hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone 693-6756. M-R S-Z Watch the DENVER BRONCOS VS. WASHINGTON REDSKINS EASELS PIZZA SPAGHETTI LASAGNA YOU INTO Pitchers of BEER 99C on our giant 60" TV SCREEN tonight from 8 to 10:45 only Pitchers of SOFT DRINK I* (Offer good during only 4L ■# V the game only) 807 Texas Ave. 696-3380 'There's no pizza like a Pasta's pizza! We guarantee it!' SO ARE WE! “IN BY 9 — OUT BY 5” WITH A CHOICE! 3 1 / 2 X5 MATTE FINISH or “THE BIG SHOT” 4X6 GLOSSY PRINTS Try Both Today! 1 ---«c< 3UPON 3V2X5 4X6 i Cl 35-12 99 S Cl 35-24 3" 497 ; S Cl 35-36 5" 7 97 J Offer Expires Oct. 27 oenco PHOTOFINISHING LABORATORY • 696-0371 • College Station 119 Walton THIS WEEKEND, YOU’RE AS GOOD AS HOME ON GREYHOUND. With convenient, economical Friday departures and Sunday returns. Weekends this school year can be the best travel time ever with going-home bargains from Greyhound. And, as always, whenever you go Greyhound, you get the comfort, convenience, and reliability we’re famous for. Just check the schedules below for the Greyhound routes going your way. Most schedules stop at convenient suburban locations. Call your local Greyhound representative for information,and you’re as good as home. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Friday Sunday Lv College Station 4:00 PM Lv Houston Greyhound Term. 5:30 PM Ar Houston Greyhound Term. 6:10 PM Ar College Station 7:45 PM Schedules operate every weekend with the exception of holidays, exam week, and semester break. Prices and schedules subject to change. Some service requires reservations. GO GREYHOUND And leave the driving to us. in the summer or just want to switch for a change of pace.” To aid the experimenters, the shop has free sample jars so smokers can taste a new blend before they buy. The shop introduces several new blends each year and mails out a list of its offerings. One of its newest recipes is a combination chocolate- mint flavored smoke. “We’re just like Baskin Robbins,” Gilbert laughs. And what is the price of all this prescription-filling? “We don’t charge to make the blends, we charge just for the price of tobacco,” Weisberg said. The stores specialty blends are ab out 25 percent higher than regular commercial tobacco, but less expen sive than high quality imports. And how about a comparison be tween regular commercial tobacco and the shop’s special smoke concoc tions? “Ours is natural, no chemicals, no additives — real high quality tobacco from the top of the plant,” Weisberg said. Wrinkling his lips like a French chef asked to compare rabbit with chestnuts to hot dogs, he added, “Some of that commercial stuff is gar bage, floor sweepings." isolated trailer park where he once lived. Police Lt. Charles Gordon said, “As long as the money was his, as far as we can determine, other than lit tering, there have been no laws broken.” Residents of the Lincoln Trailer Home Wednesday discovered hun dreds of dollars ripped into 1-inch pieces blowing along the ground. Police recovered $300 of shredded money but said three times that amount may have been caught by residents. rt Sweet profits roi from Tootsies I ( United Press International NEW YORK — Smile when you say 'Tootsie Roll ” —raos! do — but don’t laugh. Tootsie Roll Industries, the company that makes the little the brown and white wrapper familiar to generations ofAmei NYSE-listed firm with sales of $69.6 million in 1979. Managei pushing hard to make it even bigger. Tootsie Roll management is unusual. Melvin Jordan, cl the board, and Ellen R. Jordan, president, are the husband] who have made the company, whose name is a national uul their personal and their business goal. “While we are at all times conscious of our responsibilitiesiui| company, we re small enough to run in the style ofafamilycoi said Ellen Jordan. “We know all of our employees, their families and their pi The Jordans commute between their Boston home, Tootst] headquarters in Chicago and their vacation home in NewHani| "We do tend to take our business home with us. We soi differ about company policy,” she said. "But we use our strengths — we each handle those areas in which we havee her husband said. This is not to say the Jordans are drudges. An attractive, pei couple, they bicycle, sail and occasionally golf. Both slendet, claim they “eat candy all day.” “We’re high on candy, we nibble at it all day — both oun competitors’, to see what they ’re doing — and our weight hasnii more than a few pounds in years," she said. But per capita consumption of candy is down, and in an reach their 1978 goal of doubling sales by 1982 the Jordans# at volume. They’re introducing new products, pitching their ing to adults as well as children and expanding markets Although the 1979 sales of $70 million were up from $61.33 in 1978, profit margins have been cut by the soaring pri«^| primary ingredient in their products — sugar. 1975 and 1976 sales skidded when sugar prices exploded, candymakers to raise prices and reduce sizes. Jordan pointed with pride to the fact that despite soaring Tootsie Rolls can still be bought for a penny, the same price Leo Hirschfield, the immigrant founder of the company who rolled the first familiar roll 84 years ago and named it for his The first Tootsie Rolls were the first penny candy toim wrapper and all of the ten million rolls produced daily arestiii jimijy) vidually wrapped — no small factor in making it one of ^(owa^cr gui popular Halloween “trick or treat” handouts. K ec | c h e ri B tucking Do initiat Not ual ha more coeds starts sorsm that tl A n comes Highe annua Associ A m next n on W Congr “Se: dents great, the re The Educa policy The would tion A Unite Guard dogs det sheep predators Hashed pot miselves i night be. search )r.i David h tormone c Up acts losely conn Margules iew that be lant and is United Press International BOISE, Idaho — Researchers say guard dogs may help sheepmen cut their 12 percent annual losses to pre dators. From New Mexico to Oregon and Idaho, the experiences told by wool growers, who participate in experi ments with the Idaho Sheep Experi ment Station, are testimony to the success of guard dogs trained to keep predators away from unwary sheep. BILL’S AND JAY’S AUTO TUNE UP all cars ^ *9.75 Oil change FILTERS OIL $4.00 Tune up & oil change ' PLUS OIL & PAHTS 7g By appointment only 846-9086 3611 South College Ave, The dogs — Great PymM c ^ cu J nsl Hungarian Komondori^I 1 ‘ 00 | <s ! thousands of years have in 0n can brir guarded livestock in Eum|P8 ° ut > Asia. Researchers with theljpP 0W * ty of Idaho and U.S. Agrioiltfly en ^ s awi partment say they hope toa^^f 1 ’ sa dogs to the rangeland oftkwy 't * s Arlo and MozeUe Robb, off|| ec * * n 1 N.M., say they lost 15,000 coyotes, bears and bobcats: ff a PP ears year. The following year, usii|$P res w ^' they lost only a few. flL Bob Geaney, of Myrtkp' ie y ‘ et> Ore., has lost up to 50 pen , P e ' flock to predators. Butwithtl^j he says he hasn’t seen acoj , oli|| - ^ an jb property for months. Mpainful, W.R. Sanders, of Firth, says he was awakened virtual j®' night by sheep bells ringinsfo. 11 ^ u ^ es s als fled packs of domestic dof 8 e r s 11 his canine employee keeps from destroying his flock, WANTED • OLD MINE CUT DIAMONDS • OLD EUROPEAN CUT DIAMONDS • CHIPPED OR BROKEN DIAMONDS • ANY GEMSTONES OVER ONE CARAT • ESTATE JEWELRY COLLECTIONS Immediate Cash Paid!! Call today or ship your stones via registered-insured mail for an im mediate offer. diamond brokers international, inc. Box 903 College Siation 713-693-1647 The five dogs working Robbs’ flock stand guard night, continually circling^ ing sheep and harking, wi dators to stay away, Mrs. Fes he It’s difficult for a sheep® has lost lambs to packs of A' ^ XTr ^ dogs to trust his herd ^ canine, Sanders said. He i|. e h prised when the Komondoi'' , s P mrne ; led the property twice dail)^. len ring every neighbor’s dog ^ sto P ping near the property line dam T simple de 1 Since 1972 when theHsual age poisons was banned on fedef* If they a for predator control, resed'jriore lamb have experimented with mi' deal to pro lethal ways to curtail losses Thomso The need is illustrated fo dentist wit that 25,000 lambs — or 5.8 p e nce of mi — died to predation in Idi' teeth year. He was Porting t more pra i°t, he th< ! mained i iwerfol a MAKE TIME Pay Off Help Supply Critically needed Plasm While You Earn Extra CASH Plasma Products, In 313 College Main in College Station Relax or Study in Our Comfortable Beds While You Donate — Great Atmosphere^ $ 10V$|I Per Donation Y St Ai HOURS Mon.-Fri. 8-4 5SS-AC on j Call for more Information 846-4611 Corp IV.