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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1980)
oriel THE BATTALION Page 13 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1980 to 30 pei ^Ine-child family campaign ives China ‘brat’ problem Kuwait, Libya announce oil production cutbacks Countries to cut back production. Other OPEC nations that have taken similar steps include the United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Algeria and Nigeria. Saudi Arabia, the world s top oil exporter, says it intends to continue production at the current level of 9Vi millon barrels a day at least for the time being. Saudi Arabia supplies more than 18 percent and Libya 10 percent of U.S. oil demands. me on Gening to J United Press International | PEKING — China’s campaign to „ . ,,encourage married couples to have e, inorouti 6 iL ,.,5 . )ther 10 no more t “ an one child could give should 1 fi e People' 8 Republic a generation of •ills and feled brats, teachers fear. pine one is best policy is part ot a current government campaign to scribed as ^purb growth of a population that has to being lipped the 1 billion mark. i A study made by Shanghai kinder- lureofpastlplen teachers complains that too ‘lack oflm nwiiy only children are being spoiled it working W over-indulgent parents, oor comml The study is based on a six-month i isolation Jpbservation of 100 four and six-year- desires.’’ olds. Seventy were from single-child femilies. I It also voices criticisms of only Blildren similar to those heard often | ¥/Z) ” 1 ot her countries. [ V vP The children are fussy in what r they eat and wear. They do not re spect their elders or property, tion tightiL The children constantly lose their ive buye tem P ers or S et heated up for no e!r* ^ i! They are comparatively selfish, ! )t ,, do not understand concern for ndividuall hers 1 ’ have * ittle courage, and can- l t not take good care or themselves, A ZMe report said, down pa w n ^ , r ]* Parental pampering was pin- risk in a * pointed as the basic cause. The study : insurersjblames single-child parents for in encouiiadopting a “special attitude” and to makfi“placing the child at the center of things.” The report also said parents neg lect their only child’s “moral educa tion ’ and correction of his faults. Until recently, China did little to control its population. The Chinese Communist Party newspaper. Peo ples Daily, said in December 1979 that China’s population had reached 1 billion. ; Government sources also dis closed that population growth last year exceeded the hoped-for limit of "Do THEY v/aNT MAO OH. LESS? ALTERATIONS IN THE GRAND TRADITION OF OLD TEXAS WHERE MOTHER TAUGHT DAUGHTER THE FINE ART OF SEWING SO HELEN MARIE TAUGHT EDITH MARIE THE SECRETS OF SEWING AND ALTERATIONS "DON'T GIVE UP - WELL MAKE IT FIT!" AT WELCH'S CLEANERS WE NOT ONLY SERVE AS AN EXCELLENT DRY CLEANERS BUT WE SPE CIALIZE IN ALTERING HAFC TO FIT EVENING DRESSES. TAPERED SHIRTS, JEAN HEMS, WATCH POCKETS, ETC (WE’RE JUST A FEW BLOCKS NORTH OF FED MART.) United Press International BEIRUT, Lebanon — Kuwait cut its daily oil production by 25 percent Tuesday and Libya indicated it will follow suit in moves aimed at con serving reserves but almost certain to help spur another round of oil price increases. The Kuwaiti Oil Ministry announced effective immediately the Persian Gulf nation was reducing production from 2 million to IV2 mil lion barrels a day. Kuwait sells its oil at an official $27.50 a barrel, although little of it goes to the United States. Kuwait also announced that under its new “take it or leave it” policy it had signed new contracts with its three major company customers, British Petroleum, Gulf and Royal Dutch Shell — cutting deliveries to them by 75 percent. In Bengasi, Libya, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi threatened again to trim his nation’s oil production but said friendly countries would not be affected, the Beirut newspaper As Safir reported. Qaddafi did not give details of his intended cutback, but Western oil sources said Libya planned to trim oil prduction by 17 percent — from about 2.1 million to 1.75 million bar rels a day. The moves reflected a growing trend among members of the Orga nization of Petroleum Exporting WELCH’S CLEANERS 3819 E. 29th (TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER) 1 percent. The enormous number of people to be cared for has caused difficulties in food production, employment, education, housing and mechaniza tion. Chen Muha, China’s woman vice premier and official spokesperson on family planning, said in August that China’s growing population has made it difficult to modernize the country and raise living standards. Chen estimated more than 30 per cent of China’s national income since the 1949 communist revolution has been spent on raising and educating children. With the addition of the “one is best” policy to existing measures, stricter government control of fami ly planning has come at last. Family planning now is written into the constitution. “China is going to encourage one birth for married couples and reso lutely check three births,” Chen said. Previously, the government said two births per couple was accept able. Many cities and local governments have now established family plan ning projects in line with the new policy. But the government does not be lieve propaganda alone is enough. Rewards and punishments are being established. Since November, Peking has re warded single-child couples and penalized those with more. ■ily beingfl - particuliT 1 industry 1 ! : md bleat* idnapped millionaire killed this y*-®.-' United Press International ( ^ C0 2’ PAPEETE — Police said Tuesday in 130,1 t}j e y found the body of kidnapped 'em infRllionaire Olivier Breaud, 26, and that three French residents of Tahiti udes Atfpjve confessed they clubbed him to e contradlath before demanding a $2.5 mil- resenti-Jjon ransom. expiresii*xbe body of Breaud, a French- [otorO m an, was found in a bush at 3,500 " l Punaauia, west of Papeete, after the re in Mi three suspects were arrested and been r-confessed Monday, police said. 1 origin^ Breaud’s body and head were muti- ye afterdated by beatings with clubs and an iron bar, police added, employ f embers, ^ the gen® was Bum A 1 1 ustrys Avalanche 0 chalMf “ »• kills three nd bralw United Press International yeenthej KATMANDU, Nepal — An ava- rly in ]atl an che on the 24,858-foot high Anna- sident ,W rna HI killed three climbers of the poo work® rst Australian national expedition to ■st betweff e P a l> the Tourism Ministry said ■s of cot Tu f s day. Three died instantly in an avalan- iddoftryP 6 ’” expedition leader Warwick erioratir:^' c b ea l Deacock, 54, said in a terse thus foL ra< ^'° messa ge to the ministry. The message said the 15-member e ” [, e .team abandoned the expedition after “If K the tragedy last Sunday. It gave few s of thisfr ta 'k ^e avalanche on the moun- Budd vJ n in central Nepal, m theClii The dead were identified in the message as Stafford James Morse, rent basl a ^ arm band from Inverquell, cached f^ ew South Wales; Nicholas David ratified R eeves ’ 27, a lawyer from Camber- ivell, and Richard John Schmidt, 35, substant 'fbaining officer who lived in Wel- ind otlit% ton > N ew Zealand. message said the other team The suspects, Yves Legoff, 36, his wife, Claude, 34, and a friend, Daniel Chelle, had admitted under questionning they beat Breaud to death after luring him to an uninha bited villa in the Punnauia hills, police said. After killing Breaud, a business man whose father is one of the weal thiest men in French Polynesia, the suspects telephoned the victim’s woman companion to demand a $2.5 million ransom, investigators said. Police closed in on the three after witnesses reported having seen them at Punnauia on March 26, the, day of the kidnapping. Investigators said the suspects told police they wanted to collect the ransom because they were facing heavy debts after the financial col lapse of their small textile workshop in Tahiti. Texas SyiATE o F=»TICA1^ Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired 216 N. MAIN BRYAN 822-6105 Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. SMILE! Chevette Hatchback Coupe 3725.34 Chevette Citation 2-dr Coupe 4033.80 Dodge Omni 4-dr Hatchback 4377.02 Dodge Aspen 2-dr Coupe 4150.25 Ford Mustang 2-dr Sedan 4125.88 Ford Fairmont 2-dr Sedan 3756.09 Ford Granada 2-dr Sedan 4123.75 Mercury Capri Hatchback 4348.07 Plymouth Volaire 2-dr Sport Coupe ... 4139.75 Pontiac Sunbird Coupe 3795.81 American Concrd 2-dr Sedan 4074.50 Cadillac Coupe Deville 9551.76 Camaro Sport Coupe 4772.82 Monte Carlo Sport Coupe 5106.16 Cordoba, Chrsyier 5481.89 Lincoln Continental Mark IV 2-dr.... 11,735.00 Mercury Cougar XR-7 5480.00 Mercury Marquis 2-dr Sedan 5277.00 Olds Cutlass Sedan 4584.09 Olds Delta 88 Coupe 5141.68 Olds Ninety-Eight Coupe 7125.47 Pontiac Trans-Am 6233.55 Ford, Chevy, Dodge & CMC Pickups v — ci -- >k. from $4000.00 up Financing Available with Approved Credit * * * * -k * * * * * * * * * * * * * ★ * * * -k * -k -k * -k ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ YOU’VE COME TO THE RIGHT AD! Dealer Invoice Price — 1980 Models Pacer 2-dr Hatchback 4668.63 Eagle 4-WD 2-dr Sedan 6149.13 Buick Regal 2-dr Coupe 5234.59 Buick Electra 2-dr Coupe 7125.38 Pontiac Grand Prix Coupe 5152.64 Mercury Zephyr 2-dr Sedan 3884.00 Mercury Marquis 2-dr Sedan 5227.00 • Also All Other American Made Cars. • Plus make-ready, freight and commission. HOUSE OF TIRES HOUSE OF CARS .■Jiq-fmfrM Coul,er „ in Br v an 779-2458 Al Gutierrez, Owner “3RD. ANNUAL LEDBEHER MARATHON’’ April 26, 1980-36 Total Trophies 10 Age Groups. Entry Forms: Write Marathon Dir., Ledbetter Marathon, Box 253, Ledbetter, Texas (78946) or Phone 278-3559. (Includes details). The Student Agricultural Coun cil at Texas A&M will be pre senting Agriculture Convocation on Monday, April 7 in Rudder Auditorium at 8:00 P.M. The guest speaker will be U.S. Con gressman, Kika de la Garza. Everyone is invited to attend. We Buy All Books! | WE NEED TWICE 1 ^ r , AS MANY USED f ^ IpS BOOKS BECAUSE | OF OUR SECOND LOCATION 1 IN CULPEPPER PLAZA! | Bring your out-of-date books, I with your new books & we’ll make you an offer on all your books (including paperbooks). living foiiP m bers, including a woman dim- S stinflatio ,iter > were safe ' »ff. The s| b was t b e brst climbing accident (o ( ] ie 'Itthe spring mountaineering season edatClif at has just begun, mandatfl ms, theibv us far wii 1 UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES Now 2 Locations NORTHGATE and CULPEPPER PLAZA I! n DO DAY • Student Educational Loans • Loans To Qualified Graduating Seniors IST-A-TlOlSrAJIL. b^istk: COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS > -9431711 University Drive Deposits Insured By FDIC 713-846-8751 INTRODUCING JEER LAREDO THE MOST DRESSED-UP PICK-UP EVER BUILT! Prices start at P.O.E. $8,474.* Jeep Laredo Pickup Jeep Laredo! It’s the newest way to dress up the hard working/hard playing Jeep Pickup. 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