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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1980)
THE BATTALION Page 7 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1980 University Lutheran Chapel 315 N. College Main Hubert Beck, Pastor 846-6687 "‘oSugr,""' 8 Communion Service 10:00 P.M. NMAvV WORSHIP SERVICES AT 9:15 A.M. AND 10:45 A.M. Worship Study at 6 p.m. state Candidate forum tickets offered Jury finishes with Clayton United Press International AUSTIN — The Texas League of Women Voters has free tickets avail able for the third in a series of tele vised forums for presidential candi dates in Houston April 22-23, the group s president announced Tuesday. Diana Clark of Dallas, president of the organization, said Republican contenders have been invited to appear April 23 and Democratic can didates April 22 at the Albert Tho mas Convention and Exhibit Center. “The Democratic forum might not occur as planned,” Clark said, however. President Carter turned down several previous League invitations to forums saying he needed to re main in Washington to deal with any developments in Iran. Requests for tickets must be mailed to the League of Women Vo ters of Houston, 1947 West Gray, Suite 202, Houston, Texas 77019, with a stamped, self-addressed en velope, Clark said. Only two tickets per request will be available, she said. United Press International HOUSTON — Texas House Speaker Bill Clayton Tuesday finished a day and a half of grand jury testimony about taking an alleged $5,000 bribe and said he answered every question and hoped he con vinced the panel of his innocence. “We answered every question. We did not hesitate in giving our answers. We never even contem- PRICES AT SAFEWAY! SAFEWAY iv" COMPARE THE TRIM' Boneless Chuck Roast U.S.D.A. Choice Beef Chuck n us1dai Boneless compare THE TRIM! Round Steak USDA CHOICE USDA Choice Beef Round Safeway Smoked Sausage Regular or Hot Safeway, Smoked Braunschweiger By-the-piece BULK BEEF VALUES Boneless Loin Strips Beef Loin, ^ Whole Only! yuSDA7 JKBm ( choice i m Ml Suggestion m .. 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Pkgs. 2i-W~1S9 Bathroom Cleaner 2?, ”£;89* Catsup 2“ "£ 37* Liquid Detergent”,‘’, 69' Mustard “r Dishwashing SKT*, Sweet Relish 52. ”S,75' Detergent Phosphate I *» "EBB* Ripe Olives LT.TS ‘£,59' White Magic Bleach ;"„ . "S,59' Sandwich Spread S" ”?:,95' Instant Pkg. 99' Beef Stew 52. 1, £. $ 1.09 Spaghetti 52.,«. 85’ Hot Cocoa Mix S2 Vienna Sausage 352*1 Macaroni 52,ISBS* Instant Tea Sr, ’“■.U.sgl Chunk Tuna SSSS “269' Egg Noodles 52. “*63* Instant Coffee Sr‘ :”£:S3.59| Plain Chili 52. ‘279' Long Grain Rice 'C’ V^59* Orange Drink Mix 55:,". ... "£*1.09 Pork & Beans 21 4 , ‘2 , $ 1 Pinto Beans 52. '249' Tomato Juice 52. “259'! PHOTO & GIFT DEPARTMENT! These items are available in the following Safeway Stores only: Pearland, Katy, Port Lavaca, Bay City, Mew Braunfels, Deer Park, Tomball, Victoria, both Port Arthur Stores, in Bryan at 1805 Briar* aest, in Austin at 9411 N. Lamar, 4920 Manchaca, 2025 Ben White, in Pasadena at 4100 Fairmont Pkwy., in Houston at Bellaire at Gassner, Bellaire at Hillcroft, No. 5 Uvalde, Lauetta at Stuebner Airline, 13642 W. Montgomery Rd., 9510 N. Houston-Rosslyn at Gulf Bank and Kingwood at Loop 494. Midland Black & White Television 12" Screen, #15-027 S Each Picnic Table and Benches 6 Foot Table and 2 Side Benches 25 <» Regular Retail Price on our complete selection of CANNON SHEETS PILLOWCASES ONE-STOP DOES IT ALL AT YOUR SAFEWA Y! Colgate Toothpaste With Fluoride 20* off Ban Roll-on Deodorant Regular or Unscented 20-Inch Box Fan fr. - 7 '-Iff Superior Brand S fliila V ! Good News Disposable Razors n Director's Chair Bowling Green, Assorted Colors! Each Lawn Chair Sun Terrace Colgate Instant Shave Cream Assorted Scents Chaise Lounge Chair Sun Terrace Last Week to complete your set of EKCO tyi Gourmet' f Kitchen Tools! Tappan #56-1226 Microwave Sesame Street Library is* 28 Minute Timer and a Defrost Cycle Each Volume r* #11 V . . Each Complete Set ilk, £*28.85 Big Bird Display Rack '. c „ *4.95 Prices Effective Thursday thru Wednesday, March 20th-26th, 1980 in BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION Siliiiii!] ami a little |)it more plated taking the Fifth Amend ment, Clayton told reporters in a short statement. “We hope we were able to tell our story in such a way that they can see our innocence,” he said. “The grand jury was very fair. We were given every opportunity. We were ques tioned extensively.” Clayton avoided reporters’ ques tions about the grand jury inquiry into the “cash contribution” he admits receiving from a Houston un ion official fronting for the FBI Brilab inquiry. Clayton said he had planned to return the money. Minton said he did not expect Clayton to be recalled for further grand jury testimony. He had no opinion on possible indictments. He earlier said prosecutors had no cri minal case against Clayton. U.S. Attorney J.A. “Tony” Canales told reporters he thought he was finished questioning Clayton be fore the grand jury, but avoided further comment about the course of the investigation. Clayton s lawyers said they sur rendered to federal prosecutors Tuesday the same $5,000 cash Clayton admits he accepted, intend ing to return it, from Houston union official L.G. Moore Nov. 8. Flag, cannon called racist United Press International ARLINGTON — Members of an all-white fraternity at the University ofTexas at Arlington say they will not remove their Confederate flag, de spite contentions of a black fraternity that the banner represents racism and oppression. “I guess we’ll always catch flak be cause of our flag, but we won’t take it down. It’s our fraternity flag, and it represents our Southern heritage,” said Reid Dickson, vice president of Kappa Alpha fraternity. The rebel flag and Kappa Alpha’s cannon, which sits atop the fraternity house and points at two black frater nity houses across the street, were included in a list of grievances pre sented by black students to UT-A officials. Black students also have asked for state and federal investigations into alleged discriminatory hiring and re cruitment practices at the univer sity. Parents sent to night class United Press International AUSTIN — Four parents of truants will have to go to night school to learn how to control their youngs ters, an Austin justice of the peace ruled Monday. Justice of the Peace Mark Mar tinez III also ordered two parents to pay fines ranging from $50 to $100. Martinez said he will review the cases later and impose higher fines if the youngsters’ school attendance records do not improve. The night classes, held in the jus tice’s courtroom, will be aimed at teaching parents how to deal with teen-agers. Three mothers and a father were ordered to attend the night sessions. BILL S AND JAY S AUTO TUNE UP all cars $Q "TtZ plus * vJ PARTS Oil change FILTER 11 ! OIL $4.0 Tune up & oil change PLUS OIL & PARTS $12 7 By appointment only 846-9086 3611 South College Ave. Tupfnamba Eddie Dominguez '66 Joe Arciniega 74 If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned ... We call It "Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570