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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1980)
THE E TUESDA\ iS Ha zy hai Flann Ferry Page 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1980 Police impersonators rob 2 vtoi By BECKY SWANSON City Staff Two men who posed as Bryan police officers and robbed persons at two separate residences in Bryan Sunday morning are still being sought by police. At about 6 a.m. Sunday, two men wearing suits and carrying pistols en tered the home of Laura Hooks at 1200 Ridgedale, Apt. 52, after show ing her 9-year-old son a badge. Once inside, the two men said they were police officers investigat ing a report of marijuana dealing at the residence. Hooks said her nephew, Avilado Garza, was staying overnight with her children while she was at work. The men asked Garza for identifica tion and he gave them his wallet. One of the men took the wallet into the bedroom, saying he was going to check Garza’s identification with a walkie-talkie he was carrying. The man gave the wallet back and Garza said he did not realize until after the men had left that his money was missing. Police said about $75 was taken. Hooks said she came home from Thespians to present play By ANGELIQUE COPELAND Campus Staff The Aggie Players will present their production of “Marlin the Mag nificent” Thursday and Friday at 8 p.m. and Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Rudder Center Forum. The story centers around a magi cian who breaks his magic wand, sending his sorcerous exploits awry. Chuck McDaniel, director of the all-student production, said the play has all the elements that make it a “fantasy for the whole family.” Besides the magician, (Tom Stim- son), there is the traditional beautiful princess, Jill Moore; the required evil queen, Mary-Alice Helman; and her henchmen, Jorge Del Angel and Terry Martin. Other members of the cast include Marlin’s helper, Leslie Stevens; pix ie, Dawn Tengg and the queen’s nephew, Mike Steege. The show is produced by Sid Cat lett with technical director Bruce Monroe. “We decided to do a show parents could bring their kids to,” McDaniel said. “The Theater Arts department hasn’t done that kind of show all year and we decided to fill that gap. ” McDaniel said that the'idea of a Saturday matinee was also designed to bring in the younger crowd. “There hasn’t been a Saturday matinee since I’ve been here,” said McDaniel, a graduate student in En glish. “Saturday night is usually when the parents want to go out by them selves, and with the show in the afternoon, they can bring the kids to see it and still have the evening for themselvs.” But the show isn’t just for chil dren, McDaniel said, it has apppeal for parents and college students on down. “It’s just a positive experi ence.” Admission is $1 for children, $1.50 for students and $2 for adults. "Msc aggie ciNEMAiwmrnmv/,, I *This Week's Movies* 1 The Third Man g unrated Wednesday 7:30 1 OC n llic story continues... United Artists PC Fri. & Sat. 7:30 & 9:45 MONTY PYTHON AND pg THE HOLY GRAIL Fri. & Sat. Midnight MITON, Sunday pc 7:30 work while the men were still at the house. “They told me that they were look ing for marijuana and I should stay in the room with the kids,” Hooks said. “They had on suits, but they had guns. One of them got out his badge and showed it to me. “They told me that they were pri vate detectives. They went through all the closets and looked under the mattresses,” she said. A similar incident occurred at 8:15 a.m. Sunday when two men appeared at the residence of Juventi- no Paco, 905A Florida St., and pre sented a badge, identifying them selves as police officers, Bryan police said. The men entered the residence and told Paco they were there to check for marijuana. Paco said he told the men he did not have any marijuana and one of them pulled out a .38-caliber revol ver and threatened to shoot if he did not turn around and put his hands on the couch, police said. Paco told police that the men took his money and some money from Antonio Mejro, who was also at the residence, then ran from the house. About $90 was taken. One of the suspects being sought is described as a 25-year-old black man, about 5 feet 9 inches tall, 160 pounds, with a short afro and light' complexion. The other is a 6-foot, 20- to 25- year-old black male, 210 pounds with a dark complexion and a medium-length afro. Bryan police lieutenant in charge of detectives, Bobby Riggs, said they have no suspects in the case. Riggs said their police officers have badges with “Bryan Police” on them and carry identification cards. 'VAIPIIIETT SIHCW Rudder Auditorium March 22, 1980 8p.m. Tickets MSC Box Office [MSCj Vi ^ is HUNDREDS OF NEW LOW SAFEWAY s OPEN 24 HOURS Prices Effective Thursday thru Wednesday March 20-26th, 1980 in bryan-college station ANNOUNCING SAFEWAVS 30-DAY PRICE FREEZE ON ALL SCOTCH BUY PRODUCTS! Here’s another Powerful Weapon from Safeway to help you in your fight against inflation! Safeway pledges that there will be NO IN CREASE in the retail prices of Scotch Buy Pro ducts during the 30-Day Price Freeze. “Scotch Buy,” Safeway’s own popular line of good quality economy-priced staples, including such items as flour, canned fruits & vegetables, detergents, coffee, tea, peanut butter, marga rine, paper products, lunch meats, frozen foods panty hose and many, many others. Scotch Buy items appear on every week’s shopping list! Safeway’s Scotch Buy 30-Day Price Freeze gives you a chance at SAVINGS THAT REALLY MEAN SOMETHING! Manor House Hen Turkeys COMPARE QUALITY! USDA Grade A Young and Tender Serving Suggestion 10 Lbs. & Up, Frozen . ... Lb. c Manor House Turkey or Chicken Franks iUH) FRESH frying chicken Manor House Fresh Whole Fryers (Regular Cut-Up Fryers .ib.61 4 ) . Lb. 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