Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1980)
sports THE BATTALION Page 11 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1980 inSpring football drills begin; Wilson looking to fill holes otfe elitW9|i | '' By MIKE BURRICHTER Af l ty0 m Sports Editor Mean's Wijh the memory of their 13-7 vic- ls !r ry over Texas still lingering on the ,| i , hool campus, the Texas A&M foot- Auto U rflH to °^ to t ^ c Tuesday to s P rin 8 training. o , 0 ' Head coach Tom Wilson, who ; J . e "PF iishcd his first full year as coach last I i l !" iuin ^'ar with a 6-5 record, will watch 39 iMiiv ' 1 aSen) ' turnin ^ l e ttermen fight it out for , 1 ' trting positions on the 1980 squad. !ik ( "nn[ lleet; A m<)n g the lettermen returning, 11 ie: offensive and eight defensive 1011 ls n:i; flyers were starters last season. The U< svin i: ;s did lose some commendable ta- 1 , 'l ,s on though. Among the 22 letter- !! \P ants 15 ■ten lost to graduation were 10 star- 1( > thatifthJl J a P a nestt' : “Among our top priorities; we leir ta ^ m|stfind a tackle and end on defense s ting trade replace James Zachery and Jacob . 0 t ' ie m atte^een,'’ Wilson said. “Also, we must 'es, il warrantetl the void at tight end on offense. e have some other gaps to fill in the ensiie line but we re confindent that some of the young, quality peo ple on our squad will step forth and make impressive showings.” Wilson can also look forward to some freshmen filling some of those gaps. The Aggies appeared to have won the Southwest Conference re cruiting war this year, signing 11 of the top 30 high school players in Texas. “We’re not blessed with great depth for spring training and our in coming freshmen next fall must supply that needed depth,” Wilson said. There is adequate depth at a few positions though. Some of the more competitive battles for starting assignments will be in the offensive backfield. Mike Mosley, a three-year letterman who has started at quarter back for the past two years, will be challenged by David Beal, also a three-year letterman, and sopho mores Gary Kubiak and Mark McQueen. Sophomores Johnny Hector and Ernest Jackson will try to fill the void left by Curtis Dickey at tailback. Returning starter David Hill will be pressed for the starting fullback position by Ronnie James, Roger Wiley and Elvis Walker. Spring training will last four weeks with the team working out five times a week at Kyle Field. On April 19, the Ags will conclude spring drills with the Maroon and White Game. The Ags will play five home games in 1980 at Kyle Field. In addition to Penn State, there will be four home SWC games against Texas Tech, Baylor, Rice and TCU. iatoL , 'iveAg women swimmers Plant , ompetmgin national meet t(i Press Intenuti(, S CION-11 igreed, for the: cople s Repahi 'go aircraft, ai le the two cm perative me© Soviet thrust lit s between sea Is, includingSb as Vance, ail ier Zhang Wei: against the bath ctions fromth io Moscowh 'hina meeting itv} ■ndous concertK Another, on igton talks begin States and Chij J ired war of doing raching a settle T Iks opened, the regan the pi J.S. manufad of military equi general, be a| stration for saletij irst time, thelist pes of cargo airt id one version 3, modified soil! drop paratroops,»l equipment appif said the final stf mgressional apjw if the Chinese f d to buy the I S er list of militan j e approved for C nm unications e ing radar and tn(| Five swimmers from the nine- smber Texas A&M women’s swim an will represent Texas A&M at | Association for Intercollegiate hletics for Women National IAW) Championships in Las gas, Nev., this week, fn her fourth straight year to reach litmals, Shirley Hill, a senior from i piego, Ca., will swim in the 200- 00- and 50-yard freestyle events, xfiialifying times were 1:53:13 in f 200-yard freestyle, 52.49 in the X)-yard freestyle and 24.45 in the 50-yard freestyle. Representing the Aggies in the 50- and 100-yard breatstoke will be Tra cy Johnston, a sophomore from San Francisco. Her qualifying times were 31.00 and 1:07.41, respec tively. Texas A&M also qualified its 200- and 400-yard freestyle relay teams which include Hill, Johnston, Jenny Hsu and Janet Marden. In addition, the 800-yard freestyle relay team also qualified and it consists of Hill, Johnston, Hsu and Joanie Hudel. WEDNESDAY Rock & Roll Night No Cover 2 for 1 till 10 p.m. Bring a rock and get a free drink No Boulders please ONLY AT THE STUDIO 1401 FM 2818 Come on out to the Doux Chene Complex! PRESENTS: MARCH 24 & 25 8 p.m. TICKETS: 6 00 NON STUDENT 5°° WITH A&M I.D. Also Appearing — FINE LINE Tickets on sale at TJ’s & Music Express J THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS B R E AK FAST COUP O N BUY ONE 0MLETTE AT REGULAR PRICE — GET ONE 0MLETTE 6 a m. - 2 p.m. OF EQUAL VALUE FREE! (w/coupon) Good March 18-21 AFTERNOON DESSERT CREPES BLUEBERRY APPLE CHERRY PEACH STRAWBERRY DINNER DISCOUNTS WEDNESDAY — MIDNIGHT MADNESS ^ 49 All the Pancakes You Can Eat THURSDAY — SPAGHETTI All You Can Eat FRIDAY FISH FRY S 1 off w/coupon World Wide ►tereo ‘MORE SOUND — LESS MONEY” MOVE THE DECIMAL TWICE Now you can get a receiver (40 watts per channel or less) or any tape deck or any turntable with purchase at regular price of ETR, CERWIN, VEGA, OMEGA speakers. 2 p.m. - 7 p.m. Here’s how: i -| 69 rr^.xr,y. . , ^ -rir -rk-r' - --■-'dJpTfc-U-, 'll « ••••••• A'.*#, isir" - ,1-, 9 n e _o_ SSfisiH J* -Z :.j Q 0 Q QVjQ Reg. $325.00 NOW with purchase of speakers: ONLY $ 3.25 7 p.m. - 3 a.m. SR 2000 5 m MSC FREE-U SHORT COURSES REGISTRATION March 20 10:00-4:00 p.m. 2nd Floor Rudder Tower Reg. $140.00 NOW with purchase of speakers ONLY $ 1.40 TP-1010 TDK SA-C90 TAPES $ 3.39 (limit of three) ALL CARTRIDGES y 2 PRICE Bartending (2 sections) Country & Western Dance (2 sections) Dancercize History of Witchcraft Survival Cooking Beginning Billiards (2 sections) Organizational and Group Communication Jitterbug Defensive Driving Disco Dance Kicker Disco Visit our store for unadvertised . specials changed daily. If you don’t need speakers, but only need a turntable or a deck or other items, v <b this may be the time to SATISFY YOUR NEEDS WITH LESS MONEY! SALE ends Sat., March 22 Quantities Limited! WOODSTONE CENTER •913 HARVEY RD. (HWY. 30) • COLLEGE STATION • 693-4423 FINANCING AVAILABLE