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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1980)
~iJse of unscramblers worries S, I 5 pay-television corporations Bleaching dries skin United Press International NEW YORK — Someone who uses over-the-counter bleaching creams may be trading freckles or age spots for new skin problems, says Dr. Fredric Haberman, a dermato logist. Haberman says the use of such preparations exposes the skin to se vere sun damage and untimely dry ness. To prevent such damage, he re commends the use of sunscreens when you’re going skiing or to the beach. d in inodenffi a. United Press International was not rige: NEW YORK — The pay television ;cused Muga: : business has run into a piracy he front-run problem. responsible!/ So far, it’s small potatoes — even that has mansjad [stuff. black candidiil Nobody is stealing programs and said Mugabt seeking to resell them the way popu- ed from thet ar phonograph records and tapes are ®ted and marketed by the mil- ions. Nor does the theft of the large- _^y satellite-transmitted pay televi- I % ion shows come anywhere near the v blue-box” piracy of long-distance Hsmission time that cost the tele- • ihone companies real money some years ago. But the theft of pay-TV off the air by means of homemade unscramb ling devices is big enough to worry companies like Home Box Office, Startime and Viacom, which market the programs, and the local televi sion stations, through which they reach the public. The industry has quietly taken its troubles to the manufacturers of scrambling devices for a solution, according to Frank Misso, chairman of Electronics, Missiles & Com munications, Inc., of White Haven, Pa. Misso said stations in areas as far apart as Texas and New England re cently have installed new “piracy protection” equipment. He said the companies’ concern helped boost sales of his firm’s newer scrambling transmitters twofold to threefold over the past year. He said other makers of the devices also are receiving big orders. Misso said estimates vary as to the value of the programs stolen, but he believes $3 million a year would not be an unreasonable estimate. Some in the industry, he said, be lieve at elast 25,000 homemade un- ieS Charges filed to •riticism, officer ie world’' mis to exami® said. aid these tn^— >ver forged!;;^ e National GilH hrist ChurcbG idscape,” uni of Titian’s moil x*s and purclus Metropolitan ii ;d to be a forger i art magazine I ■r believes tbe! ork of a 16tbo : Venetian pri to the wooden! in’s prints. ort United Press Internationa] ABILENE — A female officer at )yess Air Force Base will undergo n investigative hearing to deter- tine whether she ultimately may ice a court-martial for failing to but- m her topcoat on three occasions ist month. But Capt. Rina Kelley called to- ay’s hearing a subterfuge to cover p;an attempt by her superiors to rive her out of the Air Force. The 34-year-old officer, who ined the Air Force in 1971, said she ive names in her past criticism of a lobility program and now is suffer- ig the consequences. In recent onths, she claimed, she has been rgeted for harassment because of ■embarrassment she caused her 'yess Air Force Base superiors. Now, she said, “They are main- ining this discipline guise to kill my career. The Air Force is expected to begin the hearing today to determine whether she should face either a spe cial or general court-martial or none at all. Complaints signed by three different witnesses allege she failed to keep her topcoat buttoned on Jan. 24, 25 and 28, in violation of Air Force regulations. Kelley, who has never admitted her coat was unbuttoned, said Tues day such violations by male officers commonly are ignored at Dyess and other bases. An “Article 32” investigative hear ing, as it is known in the military, is roughly equivalent to a civilian grand jury proceeding, said Maj. Arthur Swerdlove, one of two military attor neys representing Kelley. Swerdlove, who said Kelley would not face any court-martial before avenge says March at the earliest, said the com plaint could be thrown out. The deci sion on whether to proceed lies with the investigating officer, who is sta tioned elsewhere and must come to Abilene for the hearing, Swerdlove said. Kelley, who speaks French, Span ish and Italian and began her Air Force career as an interpreter, has talked candidly about previous dis putes with superiors at Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota. On two occasions she was ordered to undergo psychiatric examinations, both of which, she said, ended with her prompt release. Kelley said she received a letter of reprimand, later dropped, at Dyess last October for missing two combat drills, one after she had been in an automobile accident and the other after she fractured her toe. scrambling devices have been turned out by amateur electronics enthusiasts. Since the subscription fees for pay-TV programs run from a flat $10 a month to $4 or more per program, the piracy could amount to real money if the practice became widespread. “As a group,” Misso said, “the so- called pirates appear to be electro nics buffs to whom the challenge to beat the system’ appeals as much as the prospect of not paying to watch premium programs.” Nevertheless, telecasters fear a trend toward more widespread pira cy could be developing and for that reason, Misso said, they are quietly pressing the Federal Communica tions Commission to consider ways of stamping it out. The pay-TV industry people say their only real defense lies in better scrambling transmitters because, even though there are laws on the books against piracy, it’s a legal gray area. Misso said, “The airways are free and the mere act of picking a televi sion signal off the air is not illegal. The courts decided against the broadcasters and program producers who sued makers of video recorders in an attempt to keep people from taking programs off the air for their own use. It’s quite different from stealing long-distance telephone time or even from tapping illegally into a cable television system which charges for its transmission facilities rather than for its programs. The problem for the pay-TV peo ple and the broadcasters is compli cated, Misso said, by the fact that electronics magazines sometimes publish articles detailing devices to break the scrambling code of a pay TV system. Some electronics manu facturers even make the unscramb ling devices available in kit form. Misso said it’s a sort of guerrilla warfare but the pay-TV industry so far is keeping the upper hand with new and better scrambling transmit ters. g* OH! • High Quality 5^**^ •Qulcfc Service g •NoMluimuins • Large Orders •LegalShe4^ EXPERIENCE PERFECTION. * OVERNIGHT RATES — M DURING THE DAY Reductions & Dissertations Cotiation &Binding&PadtBng WE HAVE A XEROX 9400--THE BEST COPYING MACHINE M THE VOND! Kinko’s Graphics, Inc. 201 College Main St. 17131846-9508 >ews celebrate late Christmas rians of startisi 1 CS Said it Was lie . ■ United Press International oer fire camefc SAN DIEGO — It’s “Christmas at iting erupted,it” for more than 5,000 sailors and rkis’ governiKyers who spent the yuletide holi ng different Lcays at floating battle .stations in the ■ Baabda pre iditm Ocean. suburbs of feSsrewmen from the returning air- points and co raft carrier USS Kitty Hawk and ? reconciliation iree escort vessels were met by Ries and friends Monday at dock- Be — a welcome complete with a m I Iristmas tree and Santa Claus. r’/H/j The balloons, banners and chil- L ren some had never seen didn’t, ■fever, erase the memories of the reat traditionoflR nse ^ a y s near the Persian Gulf, niity "SadatsailW re Russian ships and aircraft •e that, in orderr?P eared in strength. •h of hope in one • M i[| ie y we re with us all the time,’ ch and everyt® id p e tty Officer 2nd Class John ick in the str.' ee j ( .. “Their destroyers came with- re determinedabout two miles of us. They fol- wed us around. is of the peace Is it ec .se said the Navy could have of ainbassadorsffi; SCUe d the hostages from Iran if onth after Israel||^ lack from two-ife** 1 given the opportunity. “Our government lacks leader ship,” Reese said. An aviation crewman, Jack Althaus, expressed similar,- .septf- ments. “We were frustrated they didn’t let us go into Iran and get the hos tages out,” he said. “Our hands were tied. We felt helpless.” Weather conditions force newspaper to delete ads United Press International PHOENIX, Ariz. — For the first time since World War II The Arizona Republic published without adver tising Tuesday. Arizona’s largest morning news paper appeared as a single 20-page section encompassing national and local news, sports, human interest and entertainment pages. The newspaper said the step was taken “because of a critical shortage of newsprint caused in part by recent weather conditions.” Traffic in the Phoenix area has been severely hampered by the clo sure of all but two bridges across the normally dry Salt River bed — now running bank-to-bank because of wa ter releases from brimming reser voirs upstream. The last time The Republic pub lished without advertising was March 29, 1944, when newsprint was rationed during the war. The newspaper said advertising would return Wednesday. FEBRUARY TACO SPECIAL ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ TACOS 490 each regularly 650 NO LIMIT! 3312 S. College - Bryan 107 Dominik - College Station SEE Henry Dunn At Guys 'n Gals Suite208, 4103 Texas Ave., South 846-5018 DIETING? 'ven though we do not prescribe diets, we make\ \it possible for many to enjoy a nutritious meal\ \while they follow their doctor s orders. You will\ \be delighted with the wide selection of low\ \calorie, sugar free and fat free foods in the\ \Souper Salad Area, Sbisa Dining Center Base-\ \ment. OPEN ■> —- -w '/■ .--k Monday through Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM QUALITY FIRST \L Li al \ >-4 ciat tokii oftl hai rou< rant ideli e n« znci f:: net 1 Tl-i rt. its Kill ichablf Appearing Live This Week BEER GARDEN Press Internalionl dll, India-A!| the untouchabH Indian caste rs set their housi t them as theyfel m news report! spokesman said I Is” — Indian tert :s or hoodlums' mtouchables’viM ic Bihar State ft 300 miles east (dl ess Trust oflM TUESDAY WEDNESDAY- THURSDAY "LINDSAY HAISLEY" $1.50 4410 College Main 846-9438 rs then set thek’ |; rted shooting,# hables, theoffief- rating. EVERYDAY at CHANELLO’S ft * % WEDNESDAY 4 FOR 1 HAPPY HOUR ONLY AT THE STUDIO 1401 FM 2818 Come on out to the Doux Chene Complex! Barcelona Your place in the sun, Spacious Apartments with New Carpeting Security guard, well lighted parking areas, close to cam pus and shopping areas, on the shuttle bus route. 700 Dominik, College Station 693-0261 Texas Ave. BARCELONA Whataburger A&M Golf Course fjf HEaVIK CILAJlJf You are someone special Treat yourself to our special cut 209 E. University 846-4771