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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1979)
- ^ * .. 9 * ^ ^ ’ .. . *'V THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY. AUGUST IS. 1 Page 5 Classified Ads Cont’d the nation JH; Reactor mishap questions avoided f RY GOURMET BY GOURMET Now Taking Applications For The Fall Apply 3-5 p.m. 696-0793 183 WANTED School Bus Drivers For Bryan School District fill you need part time work this Lhool year? Apply now for im- > sj-iediate training. $3.50 per hour nexperienced drivers plus nditional bonus at end of c hooi year. BC-BS insurance Nailable at group rates. Car "kifei icols available. 3 % Hours per « jay guaranteed if available both M. & P M. Most bus routes United Press International NEW ORLEANS — A top execu tive for one of the nation’s giant offshore oil equipment firms Tues day sidestepped questions from shareholders regarding the accident at Three-Mile Island nuclear reac tor. James E. Cunningham, vice chairman and chief executive officer of J. Ray McDermott 6c Co. Inc., told a stormy annual meeting that he preferred to make as few com ments on the accident as possible. McDermott is the parent com pany of Babcock & Wilcox that built the steam-generating unit for the crippled reactor. T don’t want to go into the merits of the Three-Mile Island incident,’ Cunningham said after the one-hour meeting in a plush, downtown hotel. To do that again would be counter-productive, Cunningham said. During a question and answer period, Lewis Gilbert, a stockholder representing 710 shares, urged company officials to tread carefully in the nuclear field. “You’ve got to be very, very care ful,” Gilbert shouted. “We can’t let these things go to chance.” Cunningham, citing advice from McD ermott attorneys, refused comments on several anti-trust suits filed against McDermott for a com plex bid rigging scheme on offshore construction in the Gulf of Mexico. Cunningham also reported the company’s first-quarter revenues were down from approximately $719 million to about $710 million. He said most of the decrease is attribut able to declining marine construc tion services. Charles L. Graves, former chair man of the board and chief execu tive officer of McDermott until he resigned in February, was elected to the board of directors. Graves was one of six senior executives of McDermott and Houston-based Brown 6c Root Inc. indicted for conspiracy to rig bids on oftshore platform and pipeline con struction in the Gulf of Mexico. He pleaded no contest to the charges and was fined $103,000 by a federal judge. sira at owner lewtra rfPG Jokcass SC.22C: lliamsa joeSOGGOOGOOOOOOOOOOO; Rosewood Junction is now hiring personnel and waitresses. APPLY AT ROSEWOOD JUNCTION 1601 S. Texas Ave. In Culpepper Plaza owooooaooc i Os, pace 1«l{ '■^^fctudents to work part time now and nil time during fall registration »riod. Guarantees $3/hr. to start Kith possibilities to earn entire idiool expenses for fall. For ap- Kintment call 696-8032. irettn mone. Si 9S! 39.! 49.!! 79.5 15.5 149$ 79.! 59.5 149.! 35.01 CALL NOW! 779-3220_ J RECEPTIONIST NEEDED Call Opal For Appointment THAT PLACE 696-6933 PEPE’S MEXICAN FOOD taking applications for day and ■ wiing shifts. $3.00 Per Hour Apply In Person, 107 Domlnik College Station 180tfn xoccococooooooooooooc DRIVE-IN GROCERY etu i Checker-Manager V 5 “art time hours available or someQ wnings and weekends. Also day-0 neshift Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. § wilable for Aggie wife. Telephone 846-4141 18313 toccooccooooooosooooo imt <&=> 'art& full time help needed Ipply in person, Pizza Inn, ^lege Station. 18313 Two Graduate Assistantships Available At The MSC Craft Shop j's position requires woodworking ex- Kf'ence to manage wood shop. One teflon requires pottery and graphics ■penence. Application deadline Aug. 24. Apply at the Craft Shop 845-1631 1842 DEPENDABLE STUDENTS fcn, women, or couples for present & future 545005 Houston Post Routes aty morning hours. Excellent in- ^ for part time job. 696-8032 or 822-4351 ' SERVICES Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting halsell motor COMPANY INC. ^ Sales and Service Since 1922 Wll Texas Ave. . 823-8111 HD tin ROOMMATE WANTED n roommates. $ 125/mo. furnished ome . hills paid. 1602 Pinfeather 31. *jk for Mark... 183t2 FEMALE roommate Non-Smoker : share 3 Bdr. mobile home lo- 4 miles from campus. Rent W 0 * 1/3 utilities. 512-552-6919. message, will return call, isots ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda sales . service here satisfaction is Qndard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. ^ 779-3516 Add A Touch Of Charm To Your Kitchen With (jvwn 'tng CJpuch. PORCELAIN ENAMEL COOKWARE Savings 40^0 Of Over ^VrXO On Our Special Stamp Plan *»r Set an Cerlantf Pane i Only 99* PER COOKWARE STAMP ♦»tm «a«:m u m k rt MCMA** Dal Manta TOMATO CATSUP . 6oU Model AIL PURPOSE FLOUR I Bone-In RIB STEAKS 89 =)lb. ■ Wm+mxwxtt. ■ - ■licoiE ^ \ SLICED BACON £7^ Docbr's T«l Km FRANKS... . .. OMhmt DAtk Ho) Re^. or Hof SAUSAGE *-*• m*. ft-4, PM » AC FRYERS (hour M«ftr JmmU it BW «r j jl INIENKS . .*• Owor M«f«r TM «r Bmt ^ ^ |S9 ssm4 w» a*ft 1/4 PORK LOIN 18 BOLOGNA. Daekar s Qualfty SUCED BACON 29 •. .... 49’CURE 81 HAM 1/2'sil* 9 CUBE STEAKS T “*2”WRANGLffiS '^‘1** UTILE SIZZLERS 99* GROUND BEEF r r i mn extra 6«mt 49 oz. box .... ■■■ ■■■■ ^ ^ aa* a** M M M M M m J Wi&f HOMO Limit 2 PlaaM Old Milwaukee Assorted Twin Popsicles lainbow Oven Master Split Top BREAD III Putt Rftfcfc BRAN .. 20 Ut tJJ/A IES . 40* Off Fab HETERGBiT.. Tadea P1HE P0WK. N* wiHk TEA BASS .. 1 W 1 i.. 7 4 . vi” 8 «. .. M.. 100 d. 1 . pH . 29 |59 MIX OR MATCH MbiHb Cmm Stfb G«U« Cent Cat Gnm COLA . _ e _ s , j 'can! 5 1 09 j 3 loaves S If j 3 nJ°L. '1 *••*» to K LODOH.. u* tmimm 9 «. m. ‘e co CREST... U«t M Muatu PVi^i 1 SRAPffRUIT JUICE 44 SUPPERS ..Z X Moftaa's Sajar £ Sjiet WHUTS cn,** Sttea... »«. |49 63 ,V 9 VAUMBU C0UP0W — ( 100 extra S&fi GREEN STAMPS Vf ft emi rel of RIM PROCESSING Dewbpui) ted Prr+i JW* a fee Mist iwiwyef erftr •fret #-18-79 M / l i i i i I r i US *1 T. NECTARINES". l 49 CORN w ^ . 7 «« 99* CARROTS". 2^59* PEACHES 49* ONIONS. T f“. I*? k 19* Thompson Seedless GRAPES \ RUSSET POTATOES io&^PIHP L. v> " WW UMB a..t..«...4»’ ll> * f } 79 I THE PR»DUE5T STORE M TOWN • 2700 Tent 1 • 3516 Tent to. • 200 t 24 ft St • 9 Reftto Jmmm C0UM€ STATION BRYAN, TEXAS Double fisH Creen Stamps every Tuesday writ)^2.^Oor more purchase