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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1979)
Page 6 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1979 Freshman Ag Society End of School Dance Friday, April 27, 8-12 p.m Kleberg Center Store your uniforms for the summer FREE University Cleaners 112 College Main 9 OUT OF 10 PUPPIES PREFER THE BATTALION $1 For Members $2 For Nonmembers (nonmembers must be accompanied by a member) All members come and bring your friends. The DAWG NOW DELIVERS 846-4444 Sun-Thurs 4-1 Fri-Sat 4-2 “New Style of Sandwiches” NOW THRU APRIL 27 — GET ONE FREE QUART SIZE COKE OR DR. PEPPER WITH $5 PURCHASE " 7.“ 50c delivery charge Delivery $5 minimum FREE DELIVERY FRI.-SAT.-SUNDAY 6 till closing PIZZA INN $-| 00 off any medium or large pizza with this coupon Valid thru 4-29-79 PIZZA INN $■1 50 off any giant pizza with this coupon Valid thru 4-29-79 846-8749 Minimum Order $ 3 00 AMERICA’S FAVORITE PIZZA No other coupons valid with this delivery. ATTENTION Graduating Seniors and Grad Students The Peace Corps has over 1500 openings starting this summer in 65 developing countries around the world. To see how you can use your degree in Inti’ Dev.; Contact: Walt 103-B Ag. Bldg. 845-2116 Ext. 35 House approves bill aiding crime victims United Press International AUSTIN — The House Thursday approved a bill providing compensa tion to crime victims despite objec tions the measure is unconstitu tional and creates a state-subsidized insurance program. The bill, which already has cleared the Senate, would set up a special fund from which the Indus trial Accident Board would dispense payments to victims of violent crime. Revenue for the fund would be generated by adding $15 to the fines of convicted felons and $10 for persons convicted of Class A or B misdemeanors. Rep. Stan Schlueter, D-Salado, said opponents’ arguments that the state would eventually have to sub sidize the fund were faulty. “The victim’s needs in one form or another are paid by the state as it is. Why not make the criminals pay for it?” Schlueter said. Rep. Bob Maloney, R-Dallas, ar gued the bill would create an un needed philosophy in state govern ment. “This begins the philosophy of state-subsidized insurance, insur ance this Legislature will eventually have to fund. This is a welfare bill, he said. Maloney also said the constitution forbids the state to grant money to individuals, unless directed to do so under a constitutional amendment. Rep. Gerald Geistweidt, R-Mason, said the bill would create an “open breeding ground for fraud.” A handful of liberal senators used stalling tactics to delay for more than an hour approval of a revision of state strip mining regulations, but conceded the target of their stall was a series of other bills awaiting Se nate consideration. “We got an agreement to delay a number of bills until Monday,” said Sen. Lloyd Doggett, D-Austin, one of those involved in the delaying tactics. “This just gives us a little more time to work on the bills and round up our votes against them.” The Senate approved and sent to the House two bills by Sei | Price, R-Pampa, authorizingtli of state funds to construct) plant for production of aW use as a motor fuel in a mixta gasoline. Price’s bills would authora Texas Energy Advisory Com contract for construction ollll called “gasohol” plant, the fuel it produces. Funding for the project ms approved as part of the geneii propriation bill for the years, however, before itcank plemented. The Senate also sent to the governor a Betty Andujar, R-Fort V thorizing Tarrant County void decide if they want to coffii the offices of county treason county auditor. The House also gave proval to a bill exempting solii wind-powered energy device! ad valorem taxation andanotk thorizing cities to take control kept cemeteries. SALE SPECIAL $224 < ® KEIMWaOO SL-220 Semi-automatic turntable with strobe.. Collection of solar energy hinders its use, expert scf United Press International NEW YORK — The energy in sunlight falling on the U.S. each day is about twice the nation’s annual consumption of energy from con ventional sources, according to one energy expert. LSK-200 “The difficulty with solar power is that it is diffused over the world’s surface,” explained Herman! kamp, president of General fi Utilities Corporation. Although sun eventually "ill ply important amounts hot water and space 1 doubtful that it will provides! I cant amounts of our total eW ’f ( needs, since cost may well* deciding factor, he said FLOOR MODEL & DEMO SPECIALS , INVEST IN maXBlL H technics SU-7300 ^ "SILVER AJVI3 GOLD I lnte 9 rated Am P with 42 watts/Channel at .08 THD. ONLY 2 Left ^ "l ^0 ON-THE-SPOT FINANCING (For those who qualify) GET THIS HANDSOME 12-CASSETTE STORAGE BOX FREE TECHNICS ST-8600 Their Best Tuner. Save $110 KENWOOD 1030 3-Head Cassette Deck. Rated as one of the Best. (1 Demo). TECHNICS SBX-10 2-Way Bass Reflex Speakers (floor models only) $ 219 $ 369 *169 $ 169 8-inch 2-Way Speakers (Demos only) $ 1 5e*H $ 29e*H SHARP RT-1165 A Super Cassette Deck with auto search (2 floor models) SP-3000 S P-4000 Bass Reflex 3-Speaker System. (3 floor models) KOSS VFR Head phone (1 demo only) UD-XL II 90’s JVC RECEIVER 50 watts per channel (stereo) with built-in equalizer (1 floor demo — a real steal) $ 55 $ 229 +6 THESE ARE BUT A FEW OF THE FANTASTIC BARGAINS ON TOP STEREO COMPONENTS NOW AT THE CENTER — WE ARE COMMITTED TO FIGHTING INFLATION BY KEEPING OUR PRICES LOW AND STILL DELIVERING QUALITY MERCHAN DISE & PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. FR€€ BMP CLiniC SATURDAY APRIL 28 hi-fi equip, only mfg. specs required BANKAMERICARD, VISA, MASTER CHARGE,! CHECK OR CASH ACCEPTED 3820 TEXAS AVE. 846-1735 ' (Next to Randy Sims BarBQue) 4-x life M ha vSppinq Concert TONIGHT at 8:00 Heavy Music & Happy Music Don’t Miss It!!! Music Extraordinaire April 27 Rudder Theatre