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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1979)
;^re%y«aex«ctt«iacxxxacxxsx»ssxxxxx3exxxxxxxxsxxxxxxxxxxx%xxx^ The Battalion Classifieds xxxssssssxsxxx&%xxxxxxxxxxsexxx%sxxx%xxxxxx&xxxxxxxxxxxxxxsexxxxxxxsxxxxxxxxxx&xxxx%xx%xxx^ »"«• V « • * » HELP WANTED A ^ ^ SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL r ^ ^ NOTICE ^ A A A ^ qur i I I I SENIOR RING ORDERING PROCEDURE FOR STUDENTS COMPLETING 92 HOURS AT THE END OF THE SPRING 79 SEMESTER To be eligible to order the Texas A&M Senior Ring, an undergraduate student must have at least ninety-two (92) semester hours, with 30 hours at A&M and be in good standing with the university. To jorder at mid-semester using mid-semester grades to fulfill the above requirements, please note the following instructions: 1. Mid-semester orders will be taken only from March 20th until April 27, 1979. 2. Leave your name, major and I.D. number with the ring clerk, Heaton Building, prior to March 20th if possible, or at least one week in advance of ordering. This may not be done by phone. 3. Bring mid-semester grade reports along when ready to order to verify passing hours for the spring semester only. 4. Anyone having failed to leave their name in advance and fail to bring their mid-semester grade . report along when ready to order will be asked to return later to allow time for records to be checked. 5. All rings must be paid for in full when the order is placed. Senior ring loans are available through Student Financial Aid in the YMCA building. 6. Students who do not place their order during this period may order after final grades are posted. There will be only a 1-2 week difference in delivery time for those students ordering after final grades are posted during May. (Whenever 92 hours have been completed and are on record, there is never a dead-line, except a monthly mailing date on which we send orders to the factory.) 7. The ring clerk is on duty from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday. However in order for other duties to be carried out, no orders will be taken between 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. or between 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. 18. All rings ordered, regardless of whether on March 20th or April 27th, will be delivered on the same 2$ I day which will be approximately July 18, 1979. 99148 FOR RENT FOR RENT A A dfc A A FOR RENT ■ A a a a w w ^ A A A A A HELP WANTED .A A * 8 I 9 COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ^ o 1 ^ qp qp SERVICES V Cooperative Education ^ §> Remaining Positions For y Summer: § ^ 1 for Biology ^ ? 1 for Physics ^ ^ 1 for Chemistry ? § Contact Bob Schinder at | § 845-7361 or come by 317 V § BSB. 132t5 V Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. 8 823-8111 One monthly check One deposit — Your monthly rent at the Viking Apartments pays all bills. We absorb all those electricity bills at no extra cost to you. Apply now for Summer and Fall leases. .ABUTMENTS We maintain office hours Sun. afternoon & all day Sat. 1601 Holleman College Station, Tx. 77840 713/ 693-6716 LOST Lost. Beige and white cat at Doux Chene. Re ward. 693-4990. 135t3 Master A Skill To Last A Lifetime Learn how to do research using library resources by taking courses offered through the Phi losophy Department & taught by the A&M Library staff. Humanities 101 and Humanities 311 both offer two hours credit. For more information ask at the Library Reference Desk. 125113 ROOMMATE WANTED Female summer roommate needed. Doux Chene complex, $134.50, 2 bedroom. Call 693-3834. 133t4 IX >C DOC DOC ROOMMATE WANTED ^ Male student has house with open * room for summer &/or fall. Close to [j campus on shuttle bus route, and all / / conveniences. II Call D.J. 693-3029 129t11 * K XK XH * com L, ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES PICK UP GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS IN ROOM 216 A&B MSC BEGINNING APRIL 12, 1979 MON - FRI 8-4 EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENTS WILL GO ON SALE APRIL 17, 1979 ROOM 217, MSC MON - FRI 8-4 PERSONALS ^ ^ ^ ^ To the quaded student in the fishpond Thurs day night. Please return my cut-offs. 846- 5481. 130t9 ( PREGNANCY TESTING—f Counselling on all alternative^ 8nd birth control methods Women’s Referral Center 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOYCE! from 3 Wild and Crazy Guys ww ** w * FOR SALE A A A A A A qp'^p qp Enjoy living in your own 1-bdrm. mobile home. Save your rent. Scenic location. 693- 3384. 131t5 1975 Cougar with sunroof, price. 779-5109, talk 135t2 " WANTED ’ Tutoring mathematics. All levels. 696- 0953. 132110 Typing. Experienced, fast. accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 37 tin Typing. Symbols. Notary Public. 823- 7723. 12tfn Typing. 823-4579. 103t50 f ^ ^ ^ Super Summer Bates for College Station’s finest apartments. SCANDIA ALL BILLS PAID INCLUDING ELECTRICITY 1 Bedroom: 165./mo. (on some models) 2 Bedrooms: 210./mo. (on some models) SEVIIalA YOU PAY METERED ELECTRICITY 1 Bedroom: 145./mo. (on some models) 2 Bedrooms: 190./mo. (on some models) §€/A\IN@ll/A\ Sevilla 401 Anderson • 693-6505 Marantz receiver 2230, walnut case. 1098. 693- 132t5 Microwave oven, like new $150. Black/white television, $50. Call Sheila 845-4641. 134t4 Z-28 Camaro, '74, 50,000 miles, price. 696-0634. reg. gas, talk 134110 ’ Class rings, wedding rings, worn out ► gold jewelry, coins, etc. ► The Diamond Room ), Town & Country Shopping Center . 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 Kenwood Pioneer system $430. 100 watts, 12 in 4-way speakers, belt drive TT. 845-6087 Chris. 134t5 Air-cond $90, sofa $95, chair $90, dinette with 4 chairs $60. 846-2523. 134t4 60 Watt Marantz amp, Garrard turntable, Shure-V15, electrovoice 15” speakers, $30. Schwinn, records. 693-6638. I34t5 Grad robe and cap; 2849. 5 -6”, 5’-8” $7.00. 823- 13412 Tall, dark, and-ahem, “my boots areT| | on order”-C.T. desires meaningful * relationship with tall, blonde, and f | built coed (will consider other excep- a » tionally qualified applicants). Submit f f resume with snapshot to: P.O. Box i L 8625, College Station, TX f 77844. ___ _____ ____ i34t4 A w w ^ -ur- JOB OPPORTUNITIES Motorcycle for sale. Honda 500-Four. 1971, excellent condition, custom features. Phone anytime, 693-2397. 133t5 Rug and couch. Make oiler 846-4627. 135t5 1977 Kawasaki K2400. Excellent condition, 5,000 miles, $800. Call Jim 696-0339. 135t5 Senior boots-size 7189. 11, good price. Summer Work Available Can make $249 per week CALL 779-4110 135t2 SENIOR BOOTS! Size 12. Worn one year, excellent condition. With spurs, straps, bags. Better hurry! Call Randy Scott at 845-7189 414 Mclnnis Dormitory BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EASY EXTRA INCOME! $500/1000 Stuffing Envelopes- I Guaranteed. Send Self-addressed, I stamped envelope To; DEXTER \ ENTERPRISES, 3039 Shrine PI. LA., There’s a better way to get in on the summer fun! Join Vour Friends At ARBOR SQUARE APARTMENTS Club — apartment or private use Beautiful Pool-and-Sun area Spacious, emaculate apartments Adjacent to park/tennis facilities SUMMER RENTS REDUCED 25% ARBOR SQUARE 1 700 Southwest Parkway 693-3701 13016 J CALL 693-0174 Ask For Greg ,33t3 ^ AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 1400 S. College 823-8051 bedroom furnished, all utilities paid, $285 month. Call Monica Calvin, office; 845-1436, home; 693-8730. 131t5 Sublease for summer. Toas Apartment #34, two bedroom, pool, close to campus. 693- 7444. I29t6 HAVE LUNCH ON US ... FREE! NEW EFFICIENCIES $140 month. One bedroom from $175 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 181tfn ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE SUBLEASE Nice duplex for summer. Two story, J three bedrooms, two baths, fur- P nished or unfurnished. 0 CALL 693-9594 ^ f ••••••••••••••••••••••a ; LIKE A GOOD DEAL? |' • You don’t hear much about us bej- J cause we are most always full. We • are now taking summer, fall and 9 J month leases. Come by — we would • love to show you what we have to J offer! • Casa Blanca 846-1413 • 4110 College Main Z 2 bdr. turn, or unfurn. Where satisfaction is standard equipment ' 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 DUPLEX FOR RENT College Station, two bedroom one bath, all built-ins, washer and dryer connections, fenced-in yard. Weekdays 693-2903 Scholar’s Inn 696-7414 846-3050 1 or 2 bdr. furn. Dominik Duplexes 2 or 3 bedroom 2 bath 12 mth. lease only A&M Apartment Placement is once again giving away free lunch to everyone who leases thru us. Apartments • Duplexes • All Types Of Housing Call for appointment or come by A&M APT. PLACEMENT SERVICE 693-3777 ^tfl' 2339 S. Texas, C.S. mA “Next to the Dairy Queen” 1 Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 i ^ May I roon 846-6188 fl 13 3t^ w ^ ^ ^ PETS i A A Management People Needed We are now accepting appli cations for management trainees. No previous restaurant experi ence is required. Earn up to $950 per month while we train you to maintain our high standards. After training you’ll operate your own restaurant in our rapidly ex panding chain. If you’re Boss Bird quality, please call for an appointment. Ed McGowen / 822-2819 / Bryan SAFETY DIRECTOR San Antonio based mining company needs an additional sal director for their Abilene - Brownwood - Weatherford operations' ideal candidate would have a college degree or related experienu safety or teaching. Must be fluent in Spanish and English self-starter! Extensive travel required. Please submit your resi and salary history to: PERSONNEL MANAGER P.O. BOX 421 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78292 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/F WANTED Housewives or husbands who desire supplemental in come by working part time in food catering. Mostjobsare in the early evening for 3-4 hours. No experience necessary Call JoAnn Canon 779-2851 for appointment. 3C BARBECUE #3 CULPEPPER PLAZA We need people with energy and personality. Limited positions open Full or Part Time Apply between 9:30-11 and 2-4 FULL OR PART TIME *Day shift *Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) ♦Weekends ♦Flexible hours to fit your schedulf ' Rapid advancement Minimum starting salary $2.90 per hour for inexperienced person Cashier experience helpful. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Whataburger Bryan 1101 Texas College StaW 105 Domini HAMBURGERS BY GOUIRMET ' Full and part time shifts day and night, flexible hours. We are a new and exciting restaurant in College Station, and are looking for people that like to work and have fun. You must have a neat appearance, de pendable, and conscientious. Please come by and talk with us. Hamburgers By Gourmet, 919 Harvey Rd. (Woodstone Center). EOE 102tfn Second Class Technician & Stereo & TV Repairman THE CB SHOP 904 S. Texas Ave., Bryan 779-1036 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, Etc. All Fields. $500-$1,200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sightseeing. Free info-Write: IJC, Box 52-TC, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625.i30t8 The Houston Chronicle is tak> applications for summer and routes. $300-450 per monthp* transportation allowance a’ selling bonuses. Applicaa must have afternoons free a 1 dependable transportation. Call Julian McMurray 693-2323 or 846-0763 * l! Chanello’s of Texas has man agement positions open for fu ture locations in the San Antonio and Austin areas. Excellent op portunities for advancement and/or franchising for those who are willing to work towards a challenging career. Contact: Jeff Skyuara, 301 Patricia after 4:00 ^ 1 QOttn 1 Need part-time and f people to work during finalsf summer. Drivers earn 1? commission. Come byafterp anyday. Townhome For Summer Rent: ^ 12 thru August 31. Two bed-P room, one bath, fully furnished. 0 AKC German Shepherds. Have excellent bloodlines, will be large, $150. 693-3078 after 5. 133tl0 HELP WANTED Part time help wanted. Grapevine Personal ity. 696-3411. 91tfh GROVE SUMMER FILM SERIES Positions Available Applications and info, avail able at SPO secretary’s desk, Room 216 MSC. Deadline: April 17, 1979, 5:00 p.m. t33t4 Schlotzsky’s is accepting apP 1 ^ cations for full time position. Hours 10-4 Mon.-Sat. Apply Schlotzsky’s 100 S. Tex. Ave., C.S.,d Chanello's Pizza has pos tions open for part-time df livery and kitchen help.