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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1978)
'rnk^ ' ;n&'\'wlse' , , whP'. Page 8 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1978 Hr jflMEAlC CILAJfjf Rep. Wright ^ * backs Gramm, his proposals Congressional candidate Phil Gramm received heavy-duty politi cal help from U.S. Rep. Jim Wright Thursday. Wright, House Majority Leader and the senior member of Texas’s Democratic delegation in the House, announced his support for Gramm in a packed press confer ence reception in Bryan which was attended by some 200 persons. Gramm is running for the 6th District Congressional seat being vacated by retiring congressman Olin E. Teague. Gramm said he supports a con stitutional amendment barring the U.S. government from deficit spending during peacetime. He said enforcing a balanced budget would help solve problems of inflation and the declining dollar. In remarks after the press confer ence Wright said he opposes Presi dent Carter’s veto of the public works bill because the bill contained several Texas water projects. Almost any water project is a good invest ment for the future, he said. Wright said Carter was unaware of Texas’s needs when he vetoed the legisla tion. “Carter is from Georgia where it rains all the time, while we re from Texas where it doesn’t,” he said. ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVALOF THE ALL-NEW MAROON & WHITE Roadrunner what’s up? Friday DEADLINE: Student organizations may still renew their recognitk in the Student Finance Center. All organizations must renewtlJ recognition each year. Organizations may renew past the Sept j deadline. The Student Finance Center is located in Room 2i; MSC, and is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. VOLLEYBALL: The women’s team will play in the Southwej Missouri Tournament in Springfield, Mo., today and Saturday I PINK PANTHER FESTIVAL: Aggie Cinema will show “The PjJ Panther," the first pink panther film in which Inspector Cloujj of the Paris Police encounters the Pink Panther. This movie, st ring Peter Sellers, David Niven and Robert Wagner will be stioi at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. “A Shot In the Dark, ”stan| Peter Sellers and Elke Sommer, in which Inspector Clouse, attempts to capture an accused murderer, will be shown at | p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. Saturday FOOTBALL: The Texas Aggies will play Baylor University in Kvl Field at 1:30 p.m. PINK PANTHER FESTIVAL; “The Return of the Pink Pantile,, starring Peter Sellers and Christopher Plummer, in which Insp tor Clouseau once again stumbles from one zany incident another, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. "' Pink Panther Strikes Again” will be shown at 10 p.m. in Rui Auditorium. A&M WHEELMEN: Will have a 40-mile "Tour de Snook” ni Those who are interested should meet at 8 a.m. at Rudder Foa,. tain. Sunday PINK PANTHER FESTIVAL: “Pink Pantheer & Friends AlkStr Comedy Show, ” a collection of comedy shorts starring the N Panther, Inspector Clouseau, Roadrunner, Bugs Bunny, theMa Brothers and the Three Stooges, will be shown at 2 p.m. ii der Theater. A&M CYCLING TEAM: Student body bike races for all studentsai faculty will be held, with seperate classes for different abilities trophies awarded will be held at 3 p.m. at the Drill Field. ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY: Will have a picnkt Hensel Park at 2 p.m. ASME: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers will have, picnic at noon at Bee Creek Park in College Station. There will!* food, music, fun, games and beer. Admission is $1. Monday MAID OF COTTON: Applications for Maid of Cotton maybepicki up in the Student Activities Office, Room 221, MSC, between a.m. and 5 p.m. To be eligible, a candidate must never have bee married, be between the ages of 19 and 23 inclusive, be from cotton-producing state or moved to one prior to age 7, and be least 5 foot, 5 inches tall. Applications must be postmarked# later than midnight Nov. 12 and be accompanied by three glossy photographs. LANDLORD-TENANT LAW SEMINAR: Gaines West, the St> dent Legal Advisor will present a seminar which will help off-campus students to learn how to prevent landlord-tenant prut lems. The seminar will be held from 5-6p.m. in front of theRii der Tower Fountain. In case of bad weather, the seminar in Room 701, Rudder Tower. SIGMA SOTA EPSILON: Will have a business meeting at 7:30p in Room 140A, MSC. will k Guo Battalioi Ballet C Wednesc inside vi< Ve na he Colleg g to buik Iding aero: erinary M it the June )«' 1,e Regents, 5 design pla estimati t is §16 buildin are feet, lities plain dieine. It will be si colleges in a total of per class lents.” YVh ^hite said class in th< MAROON & WHITE NYLON SUEDE IN SIZES 3-13. $ 95 Why Pay More? October Monday Night Specie We’ll Be Open Every Monday in October 5 p.m.-9| 20% OOFF ALL PORTRAIT EXCELLENT FOR CHRISTMAS GIVIN y hVEC newt FROft University Studio 115 College Main Northgate 846-801j Northgate The Shoe For Serious Aggies & Serious Runners. Now Available At These Fine Stores: WYATT'S SPORTING 846-6715 NORTHGATE 505 University Dr. a ‘The. Lecker Koom . “SPORTSHOES UNLIMITED” 822 Villa Marla (across from Manor East Mall) Open M-S 9-30-6 779-9484 m la. Tri-State A&M Sporting Goods 3600 Old College Rd. 846-3280